> JAZZ FESTIVAL REVIEW; Trying to Solve a Bass Puzzle > Published: June 24, 2005, Friday > Mr. Maineri read a statement that Mr. Brecker was undergoing > treatment for serious health problems. Mr. Brecker's management > said yesterday that he had received a diagnosis of myelodysplastic > syndrome, a blood disorder.)
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> JAZZ FESTIVAL REVIEW; Trying to Solve a Bass Puzzle > Published: June 24, 2005, Friday > Mr. Maineri read a statement that Mr. Brecker was undergoing > treatment for serious health problems. Mr. Brecker's management > said yesterday that he had received a diagnosis of myelodysplastic > syndrome, a blood disorder.) ジャズフェスレビュー まいねりさんが言ってたんやけどな、 ブレッカーがさ、下に行くねん 頭にトリートメントや、こらあかん 健康問題に発展やさかい ブレッカーのマネージャーやってんけどな、 つらいど きのうな メロディ?の診断が下ったんや なんやそれ 血液の病気なんや どないやねん カエレ! ゴルァ!
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> Mr. Maineri read a statement that Mr. Brecker was undergoing > treatment for serious health problems. Mr. Brecker's management > said yesterday that he had received a diagnosis of myelodysplastic > syndrome, a blood disorder.) マイネリ氏が次のような声明を発表した。 「ブレッカー氏は深刻な健康上の問題があり、治療を受けている。 ブレッカー氏のマネージメントによると、 彼は昨日、骨髄異形成症候群(血液の障害)という診断を受けた。」
フュージョン板のマイケルスレより転載。(ソース不明) January, 11, 2006 - Michael was the recipient of an experimental haplo (half-matching) blood stem cell transplant in Minneapolis. His daughter was his donor. While Mike is seriously ill, every day out of the hospital is encouraging. We are hopeful, but there is a long and difficult road ahead. There will be various future donor drive-type activities in which we could use your assistance and support. If you?re interested, just send an email to and in the subject line write "I want to help."