Japanese curry includes potatos. But I do not like potetos that is included in curry source. Because such potetos are very hot! I have cat tongue. :-P hahaha
I like Oriental mars carry. Chutney delicious! But not hot and not spicy. >>12 Uganda is forever...
16 :
hate myself. I hate my life. I pretty much hate everything about who/what I am. I now wish to self harm, and this is where /b/ comes in. A few vital pieces of information; a) I cannot hurt myself from my fingers to my shoulders, or below the knee (They are exposed for work and people will notice). b) I am a fem anon, so no pen0r play. I don't have one. c) No serious mutilation (inc death). I dont mind scars, but nothing like cutting off my nipples or earlobes. Post where and how to hurt myself. Pics will be taken as proof.
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The pope has timed a speech about the role of Ireland in European history to coincide with the eve of the Lisbon Referendum. Pope Benedict has used his weekly audience to praise the central role of Irish missionaries in European history, a day before voters go to the polls to decide the future of the Lisbon Treaty. Speaking to tens of thousands of pilgrims in St Peter's Square, the Pope gave a sermon about the life of St Columbanus, an Irish monk born in 543 who travelled to Europe to spread Christianity. In his speech charting the saint's life, Pope Benedict said that Columbanus could be called a "European saint".
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The Pope explained that Columbanus, who was born in Leinster, entered monastic life in Bangor aged 20, before leaving "with 12 companions to begin missionary work on the European continent, where the migration of peoples from the north and the east had caused entire Christian regions to lapse back into paganism". He established three monasteries, including one built in Luxeuil which "became the centre for the expansion of monastic and missionary life of the Irish tradition on mainland Europe". Columbanus and his Irish monks were expelled in 610 and "condemned to definitive exile" after a row with King Theodric over the monarch's "adulterous relationships," the Pope explained. Unable to return to Ireland, they moved to Switzerland where they continued their work. 'Founding father of Europe' The saint was an early advocate of European unity, at least in religious terms.
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The church was split with schisms in northern Italy, prompting Columbanus to write "a letter to Pope Boniface IV to convince him to make certain decisive steps towards re-establishing unity". Pope Benedict described Columbanus as one of the founding "Fathers of Europe". "(Columbanus) spent all his energies to nourish the Christian roots of the nascent Europe. "With his spiritual strength, with his faith, with his love of God and neighbour, he became one of the Fathers of Europe, showing us today the way to those roots from which our continent may be reborn," he said. While the Pope did not urge a "yes" vote in Ireland, church sources said that the timing of his speech would not have been accidental. He has frequently spoken about the need for European unity and for a Europe as a "community" which he has said must acknowledge its Christian heritage.
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He also chose the name Benedict, as the last Pope Benedict was a vigorous advocate of European unity, striving to avoid the outbreak of World War. While the Irish Catholic hierarchy has not taken a stance for or against the Lisbon Treaty, or directed its congregation on how to vote, a statement by Irish bishops last month was widely seen as supportive of the treaty. It urged voters not to register a protest vote and condemned groups spreading "false information", a regular jibe by the "yes" campaign used against their opponents in the "no" camp. "Those who seek to influence the outcome of the referendum either by offering misleading or patently incorrect advice or by introducing extraneous factors into the debate, ought to be condemned," the bishops said in their statement.
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"Animated," he said. This prayer the holy saurian didst impart upon his loyal followers, the seventh hour of the fourth day of the eleventh month, during the festival of loli-worship. The prayer of RaptorJesus: Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, shopped be Thy face; Thy donations come, Thy posts be done in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. Give us this day our daily Bridget; and forgive us our trolling as we forgive those who troll against us, and lead us definitely into faggotry, but deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the moot, the Raptor, and the Holy Server, Amen.
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Yum Yum
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I believe the odds are 9-to-1 that Humanity will NEVER colonize off the Earth. The Capitalists have the race in a deathgrip, and the return-on-investment for space colonization moves is far too long for any Capitalist to accept, given the payback times exceed the Human lifespan. The big problem is that we're going to be far too busy killing each other for barrels of petroleum, to bother with space programs. That accounts for a full third of my stated 9/1 odds. The next third is roundly taken care of by GREED. And the last third? RELIGION. With OIL, GREED and RELIGION, there's no sane chance that Humanity will EVER expand beyond the Earth before constant warring destroys too much of Human civilization before the ultimate collapse down to a pervasive pastoral existence. In other words, the Humans of the 31st Century will live in log cabins and won't venture more than 20 miles from their birthplaces during their entire lives. The "Dream of Oil" has to die.
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2CH BBS Arashi Danger ===>> Net Terolist "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gender/1212506742/l50
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I am a Martyr I am a Believer and I Just Blleve The Fairy. "We are Martyr We are Believer and We just believe The Fairy" I am a Martyr I am a Believer and I Just Blleve The Fairy. "We are Martyr We are Believer and We just believe The Fairy"
>>37 is a miracle. Seeing clearly through his abdominal walls.
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>>29 Many foods are like this, leftovers taste better than the first day. Of course, if it is the other meaning, then no, curry is painful 2 days after.
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i love KATU-CURRY with hot-green-trea or o-misosiru
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boooo green tea
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I love curry and rice!!
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U N K O ! maiu
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I like my mom's Japanese curry and self-made Japanese curry mostly.
How to make daikon miso soup Just follow these simple instructions to eat daikon miso soup! To eat soup: 1. Into the Name field on the comment form, enter "fusianasan.2ch.net" (which is a secret domain). 2. Into the E-mail field, enter "white" for white miso, "red" for red miso or "other" for other types of miso (you can choose your favorite miso). 3. Into the text area, enter "daikon misosiru" which are the ID and password, then click the "Reply" button. 4. Three minutes later, your computer will be giving off steam from its inside. Then remove its cover, and you will see hot, steaming daikon miso soup inside. 5. When the server's traffic is heavy, you may fail to receive daikon miso soup. But don't give up: try repeatedly until you succeed. If successful, daikon miso soup will be prepared. 6. Newest computers often prevent steam from getting out, so, in such case, it may be helpful to remove the cover to watch inside. 7. To receive more delicious miso soup, use a professional internet connection, such as that of offices or universities, instead of home dial-up connections.
Broil the beef in red wine Saute the sliced onion until the onion is brown in butter Boil the vegetables with bouquet garni Put yogurt,chutney,chocolate and roux in a pot That's the Key to make a super delicious curry
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i wanna eat TOMATO CURRY(MATSUYA)! beef bowl shop
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daikon misosiru
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Curry is soul food of Japanese. Nothing but curryANDrice, I,m O.K.
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curry is indian food? english food? or japanese food?
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Akina's nice short story Everybody and nice to meet you! I'm Akina. I'm an one's own pace, and the blog of daily life and the idea to which the photograph readily is suitably exchanged and written. Please look at my with one's own way patiently if it's good. If it's possible to point it out readily, I'm welcome because it thinks that there are a lot of points that don't arrive either. Then, please come from following URL. http://star-akina.seesaa.net/ Thank you for lending valuable advertising space.
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ahmad likes COCO
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what a archaeologic thread is.
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Japanese curry is Japanese food, which defers to Indian one absolutely.
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a long ago there was a certain habitant on the occult board called 'curry mania'. He wrote a book concerning with its board without its residents permitted. So, many of them got mad against him and got him out there. No one knows about after his life.