2011年10月1期dejima[Urgent report] About a global warming measure in Toya-ko LakeTOPカテ一覧スレ一覧削除依頼▼
[Urgent report] About a global warming measure in Toya-ko Lake
1 :08/06/19 〜 最終レス :11/10/18
http://hokkaido.maido3.com/news/oshirase/20080619_1/ Then a global environmental problem such as global warming mentions G8 Summit held in July in 2008 (the Hokkaido Toya-ko Lake Summit) as a theme. Then" global warming measure" by an original way is doing Toya-ko Lake which becomes the site of the Summit (Hokkaido Toya-ko Lake town) prior to the Summit. It was being checked about the global warming measure performed at Toya-ko Lake in hokkaido.maido3.com.
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eigo wakarimasen
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nihongo de ok
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tubo honyaku sitekara yondehoshii
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I'm john. Do you like susi? no this is a Pen.
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From tubo unkotabetai
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tubo sine!!
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tubo >>9 anataha shine to sine wo machigae tan des ne wakarimasu
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from tsubo.
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ro-maji sure to kiite
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I came from the jar.
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i was called by tubo
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tubo uzee
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what a fool translation!
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And moot knew 2chan, and he conceived of 4chan. He worked long in his labor and soon there came to be users, and free porn, and it was good. But as his disciples grew in number, moot found it harder to find time to manage 4chan and still visit his mexican prostitutes, and so he sired W.T. Snacks on a Mexican loli. And then came to the lands of /b/ one known as Soviet Russia, the masses of /b/ saw that his stupidity matched and exceeded their own, and they hailed him their messiah. Snacks grew jealous of the gynormous size of Soviet Russia's e-PENIS and so it was that in the dead of night Soviet Russia was banned. And moot returned from Mexico and said unto Snacks, Where is Soviet Russia? The /b/tards are whining. And Snacks said unto moot: I know definitely. Am I thy forum's keeper? And moot spake unto him in a voice definitely unlike the wheeze of an asthmatic: Yes. And so W.T. Snacks was cursed to wander the lands of /b/ from which he had banned Soviet Russia. And Snacks said unto moot, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me into /b/ that I would moderate it and all the /b/tards will annoy the hell out of me. And moot said unto him, Therefor whosoever annoyth Snacks, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And moot set a mark upon Snacks, lest any finding him should annoy him. And Snacks went from the presence of moot to dwell in the land of /b/
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An old European monastery is perched high on a 500-foot cliff. Visitors ride up in a big basket, pulled to the top with a ragged old rope. Halfway up, a passenger nervously asked: "How often do you change the rope?" The monk in charge replied: "Whenever the old one breaks." Ha!ha!ha!
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"Animated," he said. This prayer the holy saurian didst impart upon his loyal followers, the seventh hour of the fourth day of the eleventh month, during the festival of loli-worship. The prayer of RaptorJesus: Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, shopped be Thy face; Thy donations come, Thy posts be done in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. Give us this day our daily Bridget; and forgive us our trolling as we forgive those who troll against us, and lead us definitely into faggotry, but deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the moot, the Raptor, and the Holy Server, Amen.
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I hate this town. Because it is a place that permeates memories that want to forget and attached. It returns to the house. attend school every day, attend the class, have an idle talk with the friend, and ..wanting return.. do not exist
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All your base are belong to us.
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What's the point of this news? (w
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Man-ko Lake
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Roma-ji take origin in Korea nida!
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i can not speeku english lolwwww
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boku arubaito------------------------
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thre toha kankei nakedo mana kana no dotti ga suki ka katarouze!
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Please write in Japanese.
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From tubo tubo uzeeeeee
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Your baby loves you, yes, but it will scream relentlessly and mercilessly for whatever it needs, without enlightening you to what that is, and whatever your mental state happens to be. It does definitely know or care if you are hungry, tired, sick or desperate for the loo. It is impervious to reason or pleading, it knows no mercy or patience. It will look at you with eyes full of adoration - and will fly into a hysterical frenzy of rage and terror when you leave the room for 30 seconds. And when it has a chest infection and is put on antibiotics which give it diarrhea, and you are changing the ninth nappy of the day, with every cough it will violently squirt liquid sh-it out at jet propelled force, all over your jeans.
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