2CH BBS Come under Attaked!! From Net Terolist "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" He is Japanese "Keijiban Arashi" "Soukagakkai Boh &daims;xIbVusqPEM" Thread http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gender/1212506742/l50
14 :
2CH BBS Come under Attaked!! From Net Terolist "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" He is Japanese "Keijiban Arashi" "Soukagakkai Boh &daims;xIbVusqPEM" Thread http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gender/1212506742/l50
15 :
2CH BBS Come under Attaked!! From Net Terolist "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" He is Japanese "Keijiban Arashi" "Soukagakkai Boh &daims;xIbVusqPEM" Thread http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gender/1212506742/l50
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kusotsubo ahoka
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chijoe yoku wakanne
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HORA Yappari eigo da
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tubo saiaku!
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2-boka raki ma shit a konna node yo baretem onaxa.
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tooobooooo lol :-)
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oh yeh! I'm a chmpion.
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a i u e o ka ki ku ke ko / kya kyu kyo sa shi su se so / sha shu sho ta chi tsu te to / cha chu cho na ni nu ne no / nya nyu nyo ha hi fu he ho / hya hyu hyo ma mi mu me mo / mya myu myo ya yu yo ra ri ru re ro / rya ryu ryo wa wo n ga gi gu ge go / gya gyu gyo za ji zu ze zo / ja ju jo da ji zu de do ba bi bu be bo / bya byu byo pa pi pu pe po / pya pyu pyo
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So what?
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"WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court will have the final say on whether war preparation trumps whale protection. Acting at the Bush administration's urging, the court agreed Monday to review a federal appeals court ruling that limited the use of sonar in naval training exercises off Southern California's coast because of its potential to harm marine mammals. Sonar, which the Navy relies on to locate enemy submarines, can interfere with whales' ability to navigate and communicate. There is also evidence that the technology has caused whales to strand themselves on shore. The Navy argues that the decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco jeopardizes its ability to train sailors and Marines for service in wartime in exchange for a limited environmental benefit. " http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080623/ap_on_go_su_co/scotus_navy_sonar
2CH BBS Come under Attaked!! From Net Terolist "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" He is Japanese "Keijiban Arashi" "Soukagakkai Boh ♦xIbVusqPEM" Thread http://love6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gender/1212506742/l50
44 :
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2194359/A-quarter-of-adults-to-face-%27anti-paedophile%27-tests.html The launch of a new Government agency will see 11.3million people vetted for any criminal past before they are approved to have contact with children aged under 16. But the increase in child protection measures is so great it is "poisoning" relationships between the generations, according to respected sociologist Professor Frank Furedi. In a report for think tank Civitas, he said the use of criminal records bureau checks to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults has created an atmosphere of suspicion. As a result ordinary parents - many of whom are volunteers at sports and social clubs - now find themselves regarded "potential child abusers".
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