2011年10月1期dejimaDo you have a job? TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 削除依頼

Do you have a job?

1 :09/10/25 〜 最終レス :11/10/30
Lets's study English to find a good job.

2 :
i think that we cant get a good job if
we study english. lol

3 :
If you're in Japan I don't see how studying english will help you with job applications.
unless you are talking about overseas work.

4 :
i want to have a job at lehman brothers or something. lol

5 :
learn how to beg the government for money then

6 :
mah, dark job is more or less necessary for every company.
the condition to be a maneger is making money in crisis.
they should make effort with build a connection to govenment.
its too dark and dirty.
its crazy. lol

7 :
ahyahya. beg

8 :
i am shabekuri english

9 :
nah, which is more important to get a new job,
english skills or toeic score?

10 :
it is a wasete of time.

11 :
ahyahya. beg

12 :
My current job is at a convenience store. Prior to that I was a lifeguard.
Prior to that I was beach resort door greeter. Prior to that I was a video rental clerk.
Prior to that I was a security guard. Prior to that I was an arcade attendant. Prior to that I was a kitchen worker.

13 :

14 :
job is not everything in life.
we dont have to dare to be victimized.
dont care about jobs. lol

15 :
having no job often means rich.

16 :
We are sometimes in a trade-off between time and money.

17 :
i want money but i don't wanna work

18 :
your job is not only for money.

19 :
say no way, say no way, yo no way
why dont you get a job?

20 :
do you quit your company if you get money enough
to survive until you die?

21 :
yes, ofcource!

22 :
It depends on how much one enjoys their work.
I would quit in a heartbeat if I could.

23 :
job is blind.

24 :
sounds great!
whats your job?

25 :
new yourk or los angeles may be full of jobless
and homeless ppl since the lehman shock davastated
american finance.
how do they survive with no money?

26 :
Jobless is paradise.

27 :
heh, you are rich.

28 :
the number of neet ppl is expected to be still increasing
even in tokyo.
more and more ppl are losing their job.
the employment problem is serious.

29 :
I got a good blow job for to study English lol

30 :
Homeless people scavenge, or panhandle for money and food. But most of them just spend
every dollar they get on booze.

31 :
Det. Hyogo Takami vs Daughter's army

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34 :

35 :
I am the oposite, I live in USA and I want to Lear Japanese to go work there !!!

36 :

37 :
Im professional gay

38 :
porn actor

39 :
when it comes to jobless ppl, we know that
a lot of ppl are still losing there job, especially
in america, after lehman shock in america.
where do they go after they lose their job?
south america or africa?

40 :
I have toeic score 94 points oh yeah

41 :
Of cuse , student

42 :
ofcourse, neet.

43 :
Yes, I do. I am a guard of my home.

44 :
no one is here.

45 :
everybody is going to job or school in this time
now 2ch user is only neet

46 :
jobless neet ppl should look for a
full time job asap.

47 :

48 :
no more kocodenq.

49 :
Oh , my god!

50 :
i love you.

51 :
you are neet.

52 :
No, I am a unco generator.

53 :
I am teen neet

54 :
tyuugokuji shine

55 :
ore no pasokon kowareta sinitai
mou onani- site neru ka

56 :
PC "kono kimowota kyoumo onani- siteruyo... utuda kowareyou"

57 :
fxxk salaryfag

58 :
I had a job...

59 :
you are jobless neet.

60 :

61 :
The world is so dometivating that I will probably end up with no work at all.
I hope it doesn't happen though.

62 :
I want jab.

63 :
seishain death

64 :
nani no dayo

65 :
Yes! Blow Job.

66 :
iwant unearned income

67 :
no job!

68 :
hey! cut it out!

69 :

70 :
musyoku(no job) death

71 :
lolololol japanese people.

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73 :11/10/30

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