【アフィ厨通報テンプレ(捨てアド通報版)】 【通報先】 ・Fileserve.com dmca@fileserve.com ・uploadstation dmca@uploadstation.com ・FileSonic dmca@filesonic.com ・Wupload.com dmca@wupload.com ____件名____ infringement of copyright ____本文____ Dear (ロダの名前) dmca Agent The URL below is a piracy of copyright. This account is a repeat offender uploding these and I request deletion of the ID. I am a general person who have found this piracy. This person is releasing subjects under someone's copyright to unspecified number of people. I have to report about you as co-conspirators if you don't take proper act. ____links&pass____ ***** ____________ ACCS https://www2.accsjp.or.jp/piracy/piracy.php 警視庁匿名通報フォーム http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/anket/other.htm
3 :
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