ビンテージデイのIntel訳 1. We heard that Manuel likes to entertain friends and enjoy merchandise in the wine cellar. ターゲットは余興としてワイン蔵に友人達を呼び、闇の商売を行うらしいわ。 2. A guided tour of the wine cellar might prove useful, especially when looking for potential traps. ワイン蔵へのガイド付きツアーは使えそうだわ。特に罠を仕掛けようと思えばね。 3. The entrance to the secret lab is hidden somewhere in the wine cellar. 秘密の製造所への入り口ははワイン蔵のどこかに隠されているわ。
16 :
Curtains Down 1. The content of toolboxes will not be searched when you are frisked 身体検査を受けてもツールボックスの中まではチェックされないわ。 2. There is a lift shaft from the backstage area to the stage. It's closely observed and only actors are permitted. 舞台裏からステージに上がる昇降機があるわ。 でもそこは厳重に警備されていて、役者のみが立ち入りを許されているの。 3. Lead actors go to their private rooms to rehearse during breaks 主演者達は休憩の間、各自リハーサルをしに自分の楽屋へ戻るわ。 4. The large chandelier is attatched with bolts to the floor of the attic 「大きな」シャンデリアが「ボルト」で屋根裏に固定されているわ。 5. Only actors are allowed on stage 舞台上には役者のみしか立つことができないわ。 6. Light technician have keycard to Light Control Room. 照明技師は照明室へのキーカードを持っているわ。
17 :
Flat Line (意訳を含むが気にしないで) 1. Admission Papers are required to check in. Future patients often wait in the park outside. 養成所に入るには入院の書類が必要だわ。 入院の為に来た人達がよく外の公園で(手続きを順番を)待っているようよ。 2. Troublesome patients are often confined to the medical wing. 問題を起こす患者はよく医療棟に監禁されるわ。 3. The brochure lists some interesting facilities such as a library, a gymnasium and a large spa area. 施設のパンフレットによるといろいろ興味深い設備があるわ。 図書館にジム、それと広い保養所。 4. Therapists occasionally get contacted for private sessions 患者とセラピストとで個人相談をすることもあるわ。 5. Some guests hide stashes of alcohol in quiet places, let's hope they don't get alcohol poisoning. 患者の中には人目に付かない場所に酒を隠し持ってるわ。 彼らが「アル中」にならなければいいけど。 (アル中の意味と、文字通り「毒」の中毒をかけている) 6. Weight lifting can be fatal ウェイトリフティングで死ぬ事も有るわね。 7. Some guests cheat the spa's diet by smuggling camping stoves into their room, sounds dangerous. 養生所の食事が物足らない患者の中には自室でずるして自炊している者もいるわ。 キャンプ用のコンロを隠し持ってるみたい。危険ね。 8. Deceased patients are taken straight from the medical wing to the morgue. 死亡した患者は医療棟から遺体安置所に直行移送させられるわ。
18 :
A New Life 1. Garbage trucks can dispose of waste もちろん、ゴミ収集車は「要らない物」を処分できるわ。 2. The surveillance team have an unhealthy appetite for donuts 見張り(盗聴)役の調査員たちは不健全にもドーナツに目が無いようよ。 3. Vinnie has complained about the nieghbour's son taking potshots into the garden with an airgun. ターゲットは隣のイタズラ息子が庭地に空気銃を打ち込んでくる事で 苦情を言いに行った事があるわ。 4. Vinnie lives close to a veterinary surgeon. Sometimes a vet needs to tranquilize wild animals. ターゲットの家の近くに獣医が住んでるわ。獣医が診察するには 時には動物達を大人しくさせる必要があるわね。 5. Rumor has it that Vinnie's wife flirts with the hired staff, but Vinnie trusts her completely. 噂ではターゲットの妻は雇用人に手を出してるようよ。 最も彼は妻を心底信用しきってるようだけど。 6. Some field agents are too nosy in teenage girls' rooms. 調査官の中には10代の娘の部屋に以上に興味があるみたい。 7. A Barebequeue is being prepared for the party, be careful with flammable liquids. パーティの為にバーベキューの準備をしているみたい。 くれぐれも引火性の薬品には気をつけてね。 8. Vinnie just bought an expensive and unusual necklace for his wife. ターゲットは最近妻のために高価で変わったネックレスを買ったらしいわ。
19 :
THE MURDER OF CROWS 1. Walkie talkises transmit everything - even background sound and music, which could reveal someone's location. "Walkie talkie"(トランシーバー)はどんな音でも伝えることが出来るのよ。 周りの雑音やBGMまでもね。それで通信相手が何処にいるかも分かるかも知れないわ。 2. Clubs usually have a back entrance for staff 大抵従業員用にクラブの裏手には勝手口が有るわ。 3. Bookstore walls are like paper - you can overhear what's going on next door. 本屋の壁は薄くて紙のようよ。隣の建物で何をしてるか筒抜けよ。 4. Clubs in this area are known for having a hat-dress codes and music themes このエリアのクラブは各自ミュージックの嗜好を持っていて、しかもドレスコードがあるの。 (通常はネクタイ着用のことを指すが、この場合では帽子といった「いかした」格好を指す) 5. Some private appartments have a useful view アパートの中には「使える」眺めの良い部屋が有るわ。 6. Pianos can kill - especially when dropped from the sky. ピアノだって人をせるわ−空から降ってきた場合には。 7. A guy dressed as a yellow bird checked into a hotel room a couple of hours ago 数時間前に黄色い鳥の格好をした男がホテルにチェックインしたらしいわ。
20 :
YOU BETTER WATCH OUT... 1. Don't expect any presents this year - Santa drinks too much. 今年はサンタからのプレゼントは諦める事ね−彼は飲みすぎのようよ。 2. The bartender knows how to help improve performance in the grotto. バーテンダーは奥の部屋での”あの行為”をより楽しむ術を知っているわ。 3. Waiters often shower in the staff changing room. ウェイターはよく更衣室でシャワーを浴びるわよ。 4. Even small, annoying Dogs eat sausages. 小うるさい犬でもソーセージは好き見たいね。 5. The glass bottomed jacuzzi looks down on the pier 70 feet below ジャグジーの「ガラス底」からは50メートル下の船着場が見下ろせるわ。 6. Among the high society, spiked drinks are all the rage. ハイソな人たちにはきつい酒が大人気みたい (spiked(きつい)とspiked(仕込まれた)がかかっている?) 7. Heavy light rigs are installed in the photo studio. スタジオにとても重い照明器具が備え付けられているわ。 8. Lorne recently hired a former US airforce helicopter pilot. ターゲット(Lorne)は最近元米空軍ヘリ操縦士を雇ったらしいわ。
DEATH ON THE MISSISSIPPI 1. The engine room is off limits to passengers - the furnace is a dangerous workplace. エンジンルームは乗客は立入禁止。蒸気炉は非常に危険な作業場だからよ。 2. Man overboard - the wild waters of the river will cause certain death. 船から落ちたら−川の容赦ない流れで間違いなく死ぬわ。 3. The captain's cake is being prepared in the galley in the rear of the 4th deck. 後部4番デッキの厨房で船長のケーキが準備されているわ。 4. Only the 1st Class Pursers are allowed in the Gators Private area. ファーストクラスのパーサーのみターゲット達のプライベートエリアの立入が許されているわ。 5. The lower class kitchen prepares food for both the tourists on board as well as the gators on the top deck. Extra flavour could be added. 2等の厨房で乗客と最上階に居るターゲット達への食事が調理されているわ。 彼らの為に風味をちょっと添えてあげたらいかが。 6. The boss has recieved some heavy duty hunting gear from a business alliance. The present is kept secure at the staff Headquarters. キャプテンは商売仲間からハンティング用の重火器を貰ったそうよ。 スタッフ本部に保管されているらしいわ。
TILL DEATH DO US PART(死が2人を分かつまで・・・) 1. Guns and shooting in outdoor areas don't make rednecks panic. (祝砲を打っている物が居る為)屋外で銃を持っているのを見られてもパニックにはならないわ。 2. The water is home to alligators. 水場は人食いワニ達の棲家よ。 3. The priest rings the wedding bell to anounce the ceremony. 神父は結婚式の開始を知らせるのにウェディングベルを鳴らすわ。 4. The Father's recently deceased brother is buried at the family graveyard. ターゲット(新婦の父)の弟が最近亡くなって、墓地に埋葬されているわ。 5. The Groom can't keep himself away from the whipped cream on the wedding cake. ターゲット(新郎)はウェディングケーキのホイップクリームが好物みたい。
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the house of cards 1. It would be wise to check in at the reception as one of the first things you do at the casino. カジノに入ったらまず受付でチェックインを済ますのが賢明ね。 2. Security is very tight in high profile casinos, so staff have keycards which only provide access to the floors they work on. 高級カジノでは警備が非常に厳重よ。従業員の持つマスターキーカードでさえ、その階のみでしか通用しないわ。 3. As requested, we have left an agency pickup in your hotel room, #701. お望みどおり、武器回収ボックスを貴方の部屋701に用意したわ。 4. The casino has strict fire-safety procedures. Easily accessible fire alarms are located on the top floors. カジノは厳しい防災体制を強いられているわ。上階の客室フロアではそこらじゅうに火災報知器を見つけられるわ。 5. It's important to find good vantage points. Room balconies may provide this. カジノでは見晴らしのきく場所を見つけるのが重要よ。客室のバルコニーがいいかしらね。 6. The VIP lounge has been reserved all day by the Sheikh - only waiters are allowed in this area. VIPラウンジは終日ターゲット(Sheikh)達に貸切られているわ。ウェイターのみ立ち入り可能よ。 7. There is no cell phone coverage inside the casino to prevent cheating. Anyone recieving a call has to step outside. カジノ内では詐欺行為(イカサマ)を防ぐ為、携帯電話の使用は禁止されているわ。受信があれば外に出ざるを得ないわね。 8. The items used in trade are carried around in an ordinary looking suitcase so they don't attract too much attention. DNAの取引に用いられるのはごく普通のスーツケースよ。持ち歩いても怪しまれる事は無いわ。
31 :
A DANCE WITH THE DEVIL 1. Trailers arrived earlier with decorations for the parties あなたを狙う者は既にパーティー会場に仮装して潜伏しているわ。 2. Information about who is trying to kill you might be found on a laptop on the top floor. 最上階にあるノートPCにアクセスすれば、あなたを狙っているのが誰なのか判 明するかも知れないわ。 3. Don't go for a swim in the shark tanks at the Hell Party. 地階のパーティ会場にある人食い鮫の水槽で泳ごうなんて考えないでね。 4. Be careful with pyrotechnics, they could kill someone. 仕掛け花火の扱いには気をつけてね。ひとたび間違えば死人が出るわ。 5. Bartenders are usually well informed. バーテンダーは大抵いろんな情報に通じてるはずよ。 6. Look out for the singer at the heavan party. 上階のパーティに居る歌手に用心してね。 7. The devil is never to be trusted. 悪魔は常に信用ならないわ。 8. There is a food elevator which might be used to transport more than just food. (厨房に)料理を運ぶ為のエレベーターが有るわ。料理以外のものも運べて便利かも。
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AMENDMENT XXV 1. The Guards here will open fire if weapons are detected by the metal detectors. 金属探知機の検査で武器が見つかれば守衛は即銃を撃ってくるわ。 2. Any confiscated weapons at the museum entrance will be stored away by security. 展示室入口で没収された武器は警備員によって離れた場所へ保管されてしまうわ。 3. The white house is surrounded by an iron gate, which varies in height. ホワイトハウスは鉄柵で囲まれていて、ところどころ高さが違うところが有るわ。 4. Guards will respond if the laser alarm system in the Museum is triggered. 展示室にあるレーザー感知システムのアラームを鳴らせば守衛達は駆けつけてくるわ。 5. The first lady has a dog which is regularly taken out for a walk in the backyard 大統領夫人は犬を飼っていて、定期的に裏庭に散歩に連れて行くわ。 6. The oval office has been the setting for many historical meetings. 大統領の執務室はこれまで数多くの「歴史的会合の舞台」となったわ。 (47と「奴」の歴史的を暗示)
Hello 47. Your next taget is in chille. His name is fernando Delgado. Used to be a colonel in pinochet's intelligence service, now he is running a cocaine factory uder cover of a vineyard. Satellite imaging suggests the lab is underground. Fernandos' son Manuel is in on the coke trade, so to make it took like a drug hit, youll need to take him out too. We'll get you in with a pensioners' club from santiago for the big celebrity unveilling of delgados new wine label, named for 80s B action star Rex station. Therell be at least one TV crew on hand, so keep an eye on them and their cameras. Delgado's got a seaplane, and that may be your best way out in a pinch. ハロー47.次のターゲットはチリに居るわ。 ターゲットの名はフェルナンド・デルガド。彼はピノチェト政権時代、諜報部大佐(アウグスト・ピノチェトでググれ)を努め、 現在はブドウ園に扮したコカインの工場を経営しているわ。偵察衛星からの画像によると、コカイン工場は地下に有るらしいわ。 フェルナンドの息子、マニュエルはコカインの商取引を担当。撲滅の為には彼も始末する必要が有るわ。 今回、デルガド工場から出荷する新ラベルのワイン(80年代のB級アクション映画スターRex Stationにちなんで名付けられたそうよ) の披露会が開かれるから、あなたはこれに参加するサンチアゴからの一行の一人として忍び込んでもらうわ。 TV取材班が来るらしいから、彼らには気をつけて。特にカメラに写されないようにね。 彼らは水上飛行機を保有しているから、これで脱出するのが最良の策よ。
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Hello 47.Weve got some business at the Paris' Opera. There are two targets: The famous tenor, and Richard Delahunt, the American Ambassador to the Vatican. Our client claims they're behind a prostitution ring trafficking in boys and girls from Eastern Europe. Tosca is still in rehearsal, so there's plenty of activity at the operahouse and you shoulnt be too conspicuous. Ambassador Delahunt watches most rehearsals from his box. He travels with an armed escourt, but there shouldnt be any other security to speak of. You can get some cover from the construction crews renovating the theatre for the new season. Weve also left you a pick-up in the cloak room. In the third act of Tosca, the tenor faces a firing squad. That scene may provide a useful opportunity. Its a straightforward assignment, 47, but the Agency's been having some problems in Paris. Use extreme caution. ハロー47.今度の仕事場はパリにあるオペラハウスよ。今回のターゲットは2人。 一人は有名なテノール歌手、もう一人は在バチカン大使のRichard Delahunt。 依頼者が言うには、彼らは東ヨーロッパからの少年少女を売買する組織に肩入れしているわ。 演劇「トスカ」はまだリハーサル中だから、オペラハウスでの工作活動の時間は十分に有るけど、目立たないようにね。 Delahunt大使はリハーサルを大抵特別席から眺めているわ。彼は武装した護衛とともに行動するけど、 護衛は一人だけで、特に他には居ないようよ。 劇場は次シーズンのために改修工事中だから、現場の作業員に扮することが可能よ。 それから、クローク(手荷物預かり所)にある物を用意しておいたから、回収してね。(引き換え券がインベントリーにある) トスカの第3幕、ターゲット(テノール)は銃執行者に撃たれるシーンがあるの。このシーンは非常に使えるかも知れないわ。 47、あなたには簡単な任務かもしれないど、ここパリで何人ものエージェント達(47と同業)が始末されているの。くれぐれも注意してね。
37 :
BG:Yeah? RH:Rick Henderson. First Edition. BG:He's expecting you.This way. AC:Rick Henderson!I've been looking forward to this. RH:As have I, Mr.Alexander. AC:Don't let's stand on ceremony.Call me Jack. Rick.Make yourself comfortable, Rick. I'll be right with you.I admire your work.Real journalism. RH:Thanks. I thought we'd start with your thoughts on the White House attack, than discuss your tenure as Director of the FBI post-retirement reflections, whatever and AC:Rick... RH:or if you want to to sound off on politics AC:Rick.My apologies. This "interview" about me is just a cover for a more sensitive story. I'm sorry to have lured you here under false pretenses, but I couldn't risk a leak. RH:I'm not sure I understand... AC:Don't worry.It's the scoop of the century! RH:If I had a dime for every time I've heard that- AC:Listen, please. It begins with a little incident at a vineyard in Chile that caught my eye some time ago. This was a family business Fernando Delgado and his son Manuel. Well-liked, hand-working men.Have a look at the folder..
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RH:The scoop of the century is a couple of wine guys getting whacked in Chili? AC:It wasn't the victims that caught my exe.It was their killer.Ibelieved it was...Mr.47. RH:The bald killer clone?Come on, Jack.He's an urban legend.Even the CIA and own FBI say he doesn't exist. AC:We say a lot of things, Rick. It's part of the job.Delgado was a very successful man. Successful man in that part of the world tend to be-well, call it "security conscious." Not many people could have done this thing solo. RH:So you went running after a myth? AC:Myth?No, no.It merely caught my attention, one of my CIA friends was also intrigued. The opera incident heightened our curiosity.Have look.
39 :
RH:You think that was 47, too? AC:We knew it was.We were so confident we set up an international task force to hunt him down and destroy him. RH:Even assuming this guy exsts, he's still just assassin, What's thebig deal? AC:The big deal?He's perfect clone.His DNA is a how-to manual for any cloning lab in the world. With Mr.47 in their clutches, there'd be nothing to stop a rogue atate from building an entire platoon of 47s! A whole army! RH:These public statements you've been making against cloning-is this what it's all about? AC:Of couse.But surely you can't oppose all the uses of cloning-the medical advances, the possible curing of Medicine won't do us much good if we're all the slaves of some clone-army dictatorship, will it? RH:Off the record, Jack-you're not serious? AC:You have no idea how serious.That's why we had to eliminate 47.Having him on the loose...was just too dangerous. RH:Why not go after whoever created him? AC:We did.But whenever we got too close, our agents got killed. RH:By 47? AC:See for yourself.
40 :
RH:Getting a clearer picture?You had an agent on the inside and 47 killed him? AC:We've got it on videotape. The incident put us back on 47's tail...Which eventually led to his destruction. RH:You actually caught him? AC:We didn't just catch your "urban legend." We killed him. RH:I assume you can prove this? AC:I intend to give you incontrovertible evidence. RH:But how...? AC:There was a bit player for the mob in a certain witness protection program. He was protected twenty-four-seven by some of the most dedicated professionals we had. 47 came for him anyway. RH:And you killed him? AC:Bring out the car.. RH:Wait a second Jack, come on!You can't just leave me hanging... AC:Bring the folder.We'll talk on the way. RH:The way where? AC:To your proof.
41 :
RH:So you didn't get him. AC:It was quite blow.That witness possessed information about the Ortmeier files-or their location. RH:Ortmeier files? AC:Dr.Ortmeier ran an underground cloning lab in Romania.We reided it as soon as we learned about it, but someone beat us to it. They'd ransacked the place, grabbed all the files, and killed everyone that worked there. Even Ortmeier.But that was the least of our concerns. RH:What do you mean? AC:We did some papers, later.Enough to prove that Dr Ortmeier created Mr.47. No one else has successfully created a Class 1 human clone.Dr.Ortmeier Iiterally wrote the book. RH:...and somebody stole it... AC:Not someboby.Where's the nurse!? RH:Whoa! AC:Sorry, I, ah, don't kike being dependent.Something as simple as lighting a damn cigar... It's just... I apologize.Could you? RH:Of course.So who stole the research? AC:We found a surveillance tape.It clearly showed Mr.47 killing the guards and snapping poor Dr.Ortmeier's nesk. RH:So 47 wanted to build his own clones? AC:More likely he wanted to sell the research to highest bidder.It lit a five under everyone's asses. We threw everything we had at him.It's all there.
42 :
>>IoJ6VQXe 一応これがムービーシーンの字幕です。 誤字脱字があるかもしれませんがどうぞ。
43 :
thx>rsjb7hUE 会話4を訳してみました。 RH:もう少し明確に教えていただけませんか?あなたはエージェントを(47の組織)内部にもぐりこませた。 しかし彼は47に始末された。 AC:その模様をビデオテープに収めることが出来たのだ…あの事件によって我々は47の尻尾を掴んだ… そしてそれが最終的には彼の破滅を導いたのだ。 RH:じゃあ、彼を捕らえたんですね? AC:君の言う「伝説の男」を捕らえただけじゃない。我々は彼を「した」のだ。 RH:その証拠を見せていただけると? AC:ああ、一点の曇りもない証拠をな。 RH:しかしどうやって…? AC:There was a bit player for the mob in a certain witness protection program. (うまく訳せませんでした) あるマフィアの件について証言するはずの男が居た。彼は「証人保護プログラム」の名の下、 その道のプロ中のプロ達に24時間体制で保護されていた。それでも47は彼を始末しにやって来た。 RH:そこで彼を始末したと? AC:(召使に向かって)…車を用意してくれ RH:ちょっと待ってください!頼みますよ、こんな大事な話の途中で私を置いてくなんて… AC:フォルダを持ってきなさい。道すがら話そう。 RH:道すがら…とは何処へですか? AC:その「証拠」のある場所へだよ。
ミッション3開始前、教会 47:Eleven forty-five. シスター?:I'm sorry we have to meet like this. 47:It's dangerous to meet in person. You're normally more prudent. What's going on? シスター:Looks like we've got a mole at the agency. Here's your briefing. 47:Thanks. I'll read it later. シスター:How's that wound healing? 47:Fine. Are we done here? シスター:One thing: we haven't been able to get a positive ID on the target. There's a government agent in there already, though, we think he knows. The price for his knowledge is getting him out alive. 47:And that raises my price. シスター:Already factored it in. Take this. 47:Designer poisons? シスター:The clinic only lets clients out when they're fully recovered or dead. The injection puts its victim into a hibernatory state. Apply the antidote on the lips to revive them. 47:What if this agent's already dead? シスター:I trust you, 47. The money's been transferred to your account.
64 :
M4−カラスの開始前 男:There's the handoff. ダイアナ:Follow that brief case,47. It is the only lead we've got.
ご苦労様です。 wikiをみさせていただいたのですが、 Death of A Showmanの命乞いをするクラレンスの箇所の訳、 >I can see in your eyes, you're not a bald man--bad man--you can't just kill me--please, God, no, don't...! >お前が何者か分かるぞ。ただの禿ではない…とんでもない悪人だ… >頼むよ。さないでくれ…神よ…ああ! ここは 「貴方の目を見れば、貴方は私をすようなハゲ、いや悪人で無いことが分かります。お願いさないで!」 だと思うのですが?どうでしょうか。bald man とbad manは駄洒落で、作品的に観客が笑う所でしょうか。