30 University of Tokyo 52 Kyoto University 108 Tokyo Institute of Technology 119 Osaka University 120 Tohoku University 201-225 Nagoya University 226-250 Tokyo Metropolitan University 251-275 Kyushu University 251-275 University of Tsukuba 276-300 Hokkaido University 276-300 Tokyo Medical and Dental University 301-350 Keio University 351-400 Hiroshima University 351-400 Kobe University 351-400 Waseda University
馬鹿田アメ公に馬鹿にされててワロタ I believe I can provide some insights on undergraduate and graduate eduction. I attended undergraduate in the states and did my graduate degree in Japan. Major difference...professors in Japan praise those who go to school from 9am and stay until midnight (doesn't really matter what they do as long as they are at school - to me that is inefficient) and scold those who go to school at noon and get their work done by 6pm and leave. Professors in the states are vice versa. I know a dude in my graduate course who has been studying for PHD for 7yrs and stay at the lab from 9 to midnight almost everyday (including Saturday...the professor loves him but he is still not close to finishing his paper when i graduated in must be something in the Nobel quality). In terms of level of education, there are not much difference if you don't apply can go to Harvard and still not learn anything. But honestly I went to Waseda (I think it is a pretty good school in Japan) for grad and it was a breeze...really the level of difficulties was definitely easier than my high school AP courses!!
The number of alumni holding a post of chief executive officer or equivalent in one of the 500 leading international companies, at a particular time and with the data, of the Fortune Global 500 classification established by Fortune magazine in 2010 1 Tokyo Univ 2 Keio Univ 3 Kyoto Univ 4 Waseda Univ 5 Tohoku Univ 6 Hitotsubashi Univ, Kobe Univ, Chuo Univ 9 Kyushu Univ
the 500 leading international companies The number of alumni holding a post of chief executive officer or equivalent in one of the 500 leading international companies, at a particular time and with the data, of the Fortune Global 500 classification established by Fortune magazine in 2010 1 Harvard Univ USA 17,00 ☆2 Tokyo Univ Japan 13,00 ☆3 Keio Univ Japan 11,50 4 HEC France 6,67 ○5 Kyoto Univ Japan 6,00 5 Univ Oxford United Kingdom 6,00 7 Ecole Polytechnique France 5,75 ○8 Waseda Univ Japan 5,50 9 ENA France 5,42 10 Seoul Natl Univ South Korea 5,17 11 Univ Pennsylvania USA 5,00
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the 500 leading international companies 1 Harvard Univ USA 17,00 ☆2 Tokyo Univ Japan 13,00 ☆3 Keio Univ Japan 11,50 4 HEC France 6,67 ○5 Kyoto Univ Japan 6,00 5 Univ Oxford United Kingdom 6,00 7 Ecole Polytechnique France 5,75 ○8 Waseda Univ Japan 5,50 9 ENA France 5,42 10 Seoul Natl Univ South Korea 5,17 11 Univ Pennsylvania USA 5,00 12 Columbia Univ USA 4,17 13 Stanford Univ USA 4,00 ◇13 Tohoku Univ Japan 4,00 13 Univ Nottingham United Kingdom 4,00
Morgan Stanley社員の出身校 イギリス University of the West Scotland, Warwick, York, Strathclyde, Stirling, Southampton, Nottingham, New South Wales, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Durham, Cambridge, Bristol, UCL, Oxford, Middle, Loughborough, LSE, LBS, KCL, Imperial College, City of Westminster College