>>25-26 多分、7日のオバマ大統領の演説文+該当箇所(適当 リンク先に飛んで、前後の文章を流し読みした方が理解が早いと思う。 (なお、”Korea”で引っ掛かったのは下記に言及された箇所のみ) October 7, 2010 Obama's Speech at Rally For Gov. O'Malley By Barack Obama Bowie State University Bowie, Maryland Let me ask you -- I want to ask my Republican friends a question here: Do you think China is cutting back on education right now? AUDIENCE: No! THE PRESIDENT: Do you think South Korea is making it harder for its citizens to get a college education? AUDIENCE: No! THE PRESIDENT: Those countries aren't playing for second place. And guess what. The United States does not play for second place. We play for first place. We're going to make investments in you. (Applause.) As long as I am President, and as long as Martin O'Malley is your governor, we will not allow politicians in Washington or Annapolis sacrifice your education for tax cuts we can't afford. That is the choice in this election. (Applause.) ttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2010/10/07/obamas_speech_at_rally_for_gov_omalley_107478.html
>>30 ……神主氏、excite先生くらい通してから見ましょうよ。 オバマ大統領は確かに韓国・中国に言及していますよ。 訳は朝鮮日報ので多分間違いは無いです。 ……まあ、朝鮮日報では中国にも言及している事を隠してますが。 (なお、>>1のソースはサーチナの下記記事) ttp://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2010&d=1010&f=politics_1010_004.shtml Let me ask you -- I want to ask my Republican friends a question here: Do you think China is cutting back on education right now? 「ここで皆様に質問をしよう。現在、中国は教育費を削減しているか?」 AUDIENCE: No! 「そうではない」 THE PRESIDENT: Do you think South Korea is making it harder for its citizens to get a college education? 「国民が大学教育を受けることを、韓国はより困難にしているのか」 AUDIENCE: No! 「そうではない」 THE PRESIDENT: Those countries aren't playing for second place. And guess what. The United States does not play for second place. We play for first place. We're going to make investments in you. 「これらの国(中国と韓国)は2位を目標としていない。そして、合衆国も2位を目標とはしていない。 合衆国は一位を目標としている。合衆国は国民に対し投資するつもりだ」 下手な訳文はウリによる訳ニダ。
>>38 某ネトウヨ・嫌韓国スレでの、サーチナとNY Timesの文章の書き方の違いと同様…です。 経済的に困窮した日本人が右翼化、ネットで外国人排斥−米紙 >米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズは29日、「日本社会の中・下層の青年たちは、自らの生活に対して >失望・落胆した感情を、インターネットなどを通じて外国人への排斥につなげている」と報じ、 >こうした日本人は「ネット右翼とも呼ばれている」と伝えた。環球時報が報じた。 ttp://news.searchina.ne.jp/disp.cgi?y=2010&d=0831&f=national_0831_067.shtml New Dissent in Japan Is Loudly Anti-Foreign(抜粋) >Most of their members appear to be young men, many of whom hold the low-paying >part-time or contract jobs that have proliferated in Japan in recent years. (略) >There have been no reports of injuries, or violence beyond pushing and shouting. >Rather, the Net right’s main purpose seems to be venting frustration, both about >Japan’s diminished stature and in their own personal economic difficulties. ttp://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/world/asia/29japan.html 訳は…泡沫氏の方が巧みだと思うので任せます。 …しかし、”seem to 〜”って、どの程度の”信頼できる根拠”が裏打ちされて使われるのだろうか? ネトウヨ嫌韓とは? http://kamome.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/korea/1284689793/
>>48 「全て」と、数の方に注目しましたか…。 ウリは、 >the Net right’s main purpose seems to be 〜 という文章から、サーチナのように >「日本社会の中・下層の青年たちは、自らの生活に対して >失望・落胆した感情を、インターネットなどを通じて外国人への排斥につなげている」 と、どちらかと言えば記者の推論としてNY Timesは書かれているのに対し、 あたかも事実であるかのように書かれている事が気になるニダね。 まあ、新聞記事の場合、強調表現する事が多いとは思うけど。
…まあ、それはそれで、>>24の記事に書かれている >同28日には、ウィスコンシン州で行われた民主党全国委員会で、 >数千人の大学生の前で、韓国の大学教育について「望ましい事例」として言及した。 の演説文と思しき物(”korea”でページ内検索して引っ掛かった部分前後を抜粋) September 28, 2010 Obama's Speech at the University of Wisconsin THE PRESIDENT: This for a tax cut for folks who don't need it and weren't even asking for it. At a time when the education of a country's citizens is the biggest predictor of its economic success, they think it's more important to give another tax break to people who made the Forbes 400 list. Now, I have to ask my Republican friends a question here: Do you think that China is cutting back on education? AUDIENCE: No! THE PRESIDENT: Do you think that South Korea is making it harder for their citizens to get a college education? AUDIENCE: No! THE PRESIDENT: These countries aren't playing for second place. And let me tell you something, the United States of America doesn't play for second place, either. We play for first place, Wisconsin. We play for first place. (Applause.) ttp://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2010/09/28/obama_transcript_speech_at_college_student_rally_107362.html
>>24 今度はこちらの演説。(”korea”で検索した前後) >オバマ大統領は先月29日、訪問先のバージニア州リッチモンドで、米国の公立学校の夏休みが3カ月にも >及ぶ点を指摘し、「米国の子どもたちが韓国や中国、もしくはほかの国家の子どもたちに比べて劣らない >ようにする方法を模索するのが重要だ」と、教育改革の必要性を強調した。 Remarks by the President in a Discussion on the Economy in Richmond, Virginia But there’s nothing written in stone that says we’ve got to have the organization, the school year the way we have it. There is a -- studies show that kids lose something during that three-month period. Poorer kids lose more during that three-month period because they may not have as many books at home, supplemental activities. They may not be going to the museum or on field trips during the summer. And so they tend to lose more of what they’ve learned. And that’s part of what contributes probably to the achievement gap and them falling behind. So I think it’s important for states to look at what they’re doing and finding ways that potentially kids don’t lose ground compared to kids in China or South Korea or other parts of the country. Now, it’s going to cost some money if we decide to make the school year longer because teachers and custodial workers, that means that they’re in -- they’re working even longer than they’re already working. And so we’d have to make some choices budgetarily. ttp://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/09/29/remarks-president-a-discussion-economy-richmond-virginia