1 Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory, Gaisi Takeuti, Wilson. M. Zaring (ISBN 978-0-387-90024-7) 2 Measure and Category, John C. Oxtoby (1997, ISBN 978-0-387-90508-2) 3 Topological Vector Spaces, H. H. Schaefer, M. P. Wolff (1999, ISBN 978-0-387-98726-2) 4 A Course in Homological Algebra, Peter Hilton, Urs Stammbach (1997, ISBN 978-0-387-94823-2) 5 Categories for the Working Mathematician, Saunders Mac Lane (1998, ISBN 978-0-387-98403-2) 6 Projective Planes, Daniel R. Hughes, Fred C. Piper, (1982, ISBN 978-3-540-90043-6) 7 A Course in Arithmetic, Jean-Pierre Serre (1996, ISBN 978-0-387-90040-7) 8 Axiomatic Set Theory, Gaisi Takeuti, Wilson. M. Zaring, (1973, ISBN 9783540900504) 9 Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, James E. Humphreys (1997, ISBN 978-0-387-90053-7) 10 A Course in Simple-Homotopy Theory, Marshall. M. Cohen, (1973, ISBN 0-38790056-X) 11 Functions of One Complex Variable I, John B. Conway (1995, ISBN 978-0-387-90328-6) 12 Advanced Mathematical Analysis, R. Beals (1973, ISBN 978-0-387-90065-0) 13 Rings and Categories of Modules, Frank W. Anderson, Kent R. Fuller (1992, ISBN 978-0-387-97845-1) 14 Stable Mappings and Their Singularities, Martin Golubitsky, Victor Guillemin, (1974, ISBN 0387900721) 15 Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, Sterling. K. Berberian, (1974, ISBN 0-387-90080-2) 16 The Structure of Fields, David J. Winter, (1974, ISBN 0-387-90074-8) 17 Random Processes, Murray Rosenblatt, (1974, ISBN 0-387-90085-3) 18 Measure Theory, Paul R. Halmos (1974, ISBN 978-0-387-90088-9) 19 A Hilbert Space Problem Book, Paul R. Halmos (1982, ISBN 978-0-387-90685-0) 20 Fibre Bundles, Dale Husemoller (1994, ISBN 978-0-387-94087-8)
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21 Linear Algebraic Groups, James E. Humphreys (1998, ISBN 978-0-387-90108-4) 22 An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Donald W. Barnes, John M. Mack (1975, ISBN 978-0387901091) 23 Linear Algebra, Werner H. Greub (1981, ISBN 978-0-387-90110-7) 24 Geometric Functional Analysis and Its Applications, Richard B. Holmes, (1975, ISBN 9780387901367) 25 Real and Abstract Analysis, Edwin Hewitt, Karl Stromberg (1975, ISBN 978-0-387-90138-1) 26 Algebraic Theories, Ernest G. Manes, (1976, ISBN 9783540901402) 27 General Topology, John L. Kelley (1975, ISBN 978-0-387-90125-1) 28 Commutative Algebra I, Oscar Zariski, Pierre Samuel, Cohen (1975, ISBN 978-0-387-90089-6) 29 Commutative Algebra II, Oscar Zariski, Pierre Samuel 30 Lectures in Abstract Algebra I, Nathan Jacobson 31 Lectures in Abstract Algebra II, Nathan Jacobson 32 Lectures in Abstract Algebra III, Nathan Jacobson 33 Differential Topology, Morris W. Hirsch 34 Principles of Random Walk, Frank Spitzer 35 Several Complex Variables and Banach Algebras, Herbert Alexander, John Wermer
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36 Linear Topological Spaces, John L. Kelley, Isaac Namioka 37 Mathematical Logic, J. Donald Monk 38 Several Complex Variables, Grauert, Fritzsche 39 An Invitation to C * -Algebras, William Arveson 40 Denumerable Markov Chains, John George Kemeny, Snell, Knapp et al. 41 Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory, Tom M. Apostol (ISBN 978-0-387-97127-8) 42 Linear Representations of Finite Groups, Jean-Pierre Serre, Scott 43 Rings of Continuous Functions, Gillman, Jerison 44 Elementary Algebraic Geometry, K. Kendig 45 Probability Theory I, M. Loève 46 Probability Theory II, M. Loève 47 Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3, Edwin E. Moise 48 General Relativity for Mathematicians, R. K. Sachs, H. Wu 49 Linear Geometry, K. W. Gruenberg, A. J. Weir (ISBN 978-0-387-90227-2) 50 Fermat's Last Theorem, Harold M. Edwards (ISBN 978-0-387-90230-2) 51 A Course in Differential Geometry, Klingenberg 52 Algebraic Geometry, Robin Hartshorne