ANTHONY ROTHER超好き!! PS49INETも酔い! JOHANNES HEILはREALITY TO MIDIこれ最強。 最近のこいつは、自分の中ではTRANCE。 JH05もうすぐ出るね。アルバムんね。 期待してま!
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johannes heil、"illuminate the planet"よかったです。ほかのも集めようかと
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>>17 Johannes heilのReality to MidiのEnter the Clubって卓球 のミックスCDにはいってましたよね。よかったよなあ。でも最近ぜんぜ ん見かけん。勢いがあっていいのに、惜しい・・・。 レーベルから直接買い付けようとしたんだけど、変な英語メールが来て送金 方法がユーロ、マルク?分からん。ってきます・・・。っていうかTシャツ 欲しかったのよね。昔の話だけど。
あんまり人気無いけど johannes Heil - Paranoid Dancerのalexander kowalski remix良いと思う ハイコのリミックスも良いと思うんだけどこれの前にでたHellRemixの方が評判良いね 俺はあんまりHellRemix好きじゃないけど
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kaar1 Antony Rother/Sex with the machines 1997-11-01 ka24 Johannes Heil/Reality to midi 1998-06-01 ka25 Heiko Laux/Liquidism 1998-08-01 ka30 Various/Five 1999-06-01 ka33 Johannes Heil/Illuminate the planet 1999-08-30
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kaCM1 Christian Morgenstern/The future is on fire 2000-03-06 ka39 Heiko Laux/Sense fiction 2000-03-27 ka41 Goldwave/What the darkness proposes 2000-05-22 ka43 DJ Slip/The machines will know who you are 2000-06-12 ka44 Heiko Laux/Sensefiction remixed 2000-09-04 ka48 Diego/Mouthfull of frech cut flowers 2000-09-18 ka49 Johannes Heil/Future primitive 2000-10-16
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ka50 Various/Fully Fledged 2001-01-29 ka52 PSI PERFORMER (aka Anthony Rother)/Art is a division of pain 2001-02-26 ka55 Alexander Kowalski/Echoes 2001-04-30 ka57 Family Lounge (aka Anthony Rother)/Kamakasi (get pretty baby) 2001-05-28 kaCM2 Christian Morgenstern/The Future Is On Fire Pt.2 2001-07-02 ka61 Diego/The Persuasion Channel 2001-08-13 k2o09 PSI PERFORMER (aka Anthony Rother)/Art is a division of Pain - Remixed 1 2001-09-07 ka63 Johannes Heil/Feiern 2001-09-21 k2o10 PSI PERFORMER (aka Anthony Rother)/Art is a division of Pain - Remixed 2 2001-10-05 ka65 Various/Kanzleramt 2001-10-19 k2o12 Shapes & Forms/Shapes & Forms 2001-10-26
Kanzleramtのホームページより抜粋。 Goldwave is an international project that comes together from time to time for testing out the common musical interests of each other. This sessions started very sucessfull with an immense creativ output. It´s time to present the best results so far the first time on a record. It all started in very small studio at the the darkest hours of the day somewhere in nowhere. After the first session the guys went into a little bar and started another session. A liquid one. Well... it went to liquid with very much restrictings of state of mind so they decieded or were forced to go out for a little walk. The fresh air helped a lot and they went on top of a little mountain. From there they could see the sun coming up and the life in the valley awakening. The waves of the sunlight seemed golden ? Goldwave. That´s why. The music joins this feeling of life in a very positive way with the mood of the producers that time and is even if it´s made in the darkest hours not at all to be called dark. Enjoy that trip into the light on the waves of gold.Whenever the´ll come together for the next session Goldwave will reach you again !