日本でニカって言葉ができたときには既に「このような音楽は海外ではIDMと呼ばれている」と雑誌に書かれていたもんだ。 このスレにはワープを知っている奴はいないのか? Origins and criticisms of the name 'IDM' In November 1991, the phrase "intelligent techno" appeared on Usenet in reference to Coil's "The Snow" EP. Another instance of the phrase appeared on Usenet in April 1993 in reference to The Black Dog's album Bytes. Wider public use of such terms on the Internet did not come until August 1993, when "intelligent dance music" and its initials were adopted in the name and charter of the IDM electronic mailing list:
http://www.di.fm/edmguide/edmguide.html ここを見るとブレインダンスという枠の中にIDM,グリッチ、音響 という言葉がある。(Jungleの項 IDMのの概要は This is the oddest named genre in the entire world, since it's not easily danceable, it's not certifiably intelligent, and it's arguable as to whether it constitutes as actual music. This is the realm of the uber-pretentious electronic music afficionados, with razor-thin eclectic tastes, who spend most of their waking energy arguing about what IDM is and what IDM isn't. But I guess that depends on what your definition of 'is' is. That's why it's the one genre that doesn't have any kind of cohesive sound. That's also why some of them despise the term "Intelligent Dance Music". So just ignore them. I t is fun to listen to, after all. とあるが 肝心の所はこれな > what IDM is and what IDM isn't. But I guess that depends on what your definition of 'is' is. ”定義はあなた達次第って事” つまりこれが俺の90年代にはIDMなんて言葉なかったと思う理由 元々このサイト参考にしてたからニカ=IDMだと思ってたわけ ちなみにIDM代表アーティストには Autechre,Plone<Bauri,Mause on Mauseなど
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ちなみにエレクトロニカはHOUSEの項にぽつんとある 概要は Electronica does not exist. Not as a genre or a description. It was coined by the North American music press to refer to the second wave of electronic music's explosion in the l ate 90s, and exists purely as a marketing buzzword, not any actual quantifiable branch of music (the first wave of electronic music, incidentally, they called 'techno', and, having driven the word into the ground beyond all sense of meaning, they couldn't keep using it if they wished to re-market the music). Daft Punk, Fatboy Slim, Prodigy's 'Fat of the Land', Chemical Brothers and other big-time stars of that period were all called "electronica" at one point or another, but the person who really popularized it in the public consciousness was Madonna and her shallow, William Orbit-produced piss-poor attempt at appropriating trance music as something she invented (Ray of Light). She used that word all the damn time in interviews. God I hate her. So yeah: There is no such thing as electronica. I want each and every o ne of you to stop calling it that, because it makes you sound like a god damn retard. If you want to talk about the music as a whole, simply call it what it is: "electronic music" (or EDM--Electronic Dance Music--for the club/rave stuff). This is a PSA from the Official Electronic Music Genre Standards and Classifications Consortium. 一行目の>Electronica does not exist. からあるようにニカは紛らわしい。だからニカ、音響を一括りにしてIDMと やったのがスレタイ で言いたいことはカチカチ言ってるフォークとかパッド使い、ポストロック の連中はダサいよ。でもガラージ向けのオウテカのLP5みたいなのは かっこいいよということ。お前らカチカチを勝手に使うなということだ
>>74 隠してるつもりはないが つかなんで上げで書かないの?w >>75 欧州の定義とは? 自分の中ではやはり”Electronica does not exist.”が一番しっくりくる CD屋行ってもダンスミュージック、テクノという表記はなくなって エレクトロニカに括られてるからだと思う あと意見出したからにはそっちも意見だしてね、上げで >>76 あやまちとはなんでしょう 何か書く場合についてはなるべくID出して こうこうこういう理由だから と意見を述べて 俺頭悪いから
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>>75 Electronica does not exist. Not as a genre or a description. It was coined by the North American music press to refer to the second wave of electronic music's ここだけ読んで欧州のエレクトロニカの意味って言ってる?