使用例その1 --- I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. 2get Can you elaborate on that? Bye My secretary will send you a bill.
3 :
M-x kill-emacs
4 :
使用例その2 I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. Hello! How do you do? What brings you to see me? How are you? I'm ok. Tell me about yourself. Fuck you! I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue! Fuck you! Perhaps you could avoid such unwholesome thoughts. Fuck you! Please, get your mind out of the gutter. Fuck you! Such lewdness is not appreciated. (続く)
5 :
次スレのタイトルは M-x kill-emacs でおながいします。
6 :
Kill you! This is not a healthy way of thinking. Kill you! Does it bother you that you, too, may die someday? Kill you! I am worried by your obsession with this topic! Kill you! Did you watch a lot of crime and violence on television as a child? Kiss you! Would you please watch your tongue! Kiss you! Why don't you avoid such unwholesome thoughts. Kiss you! Could you get your mind out of the gutter. Kiss you! Such lewdness is not appreciated. (To be continued...)
7 :
Hello! I believe we've introduced ourselves already. Please, talk about your plans. Bye. My secretary will send you a bill. --- >>3, 5 Emacsにぶち切れたときは、それが1番の選択肢のように思われます。 クライエント中心療法は長丁場でしょうからね。
>>9 あらら、ほんとだ。 I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. rms will die. Do you know Stallman? rms is stupid Tell me about your feelings about him. rms is y. Are you a friend of Stallman? rms is fool. Does it bother you that Stallman is vivid? rms is American. I believe you are afraid of him. rms is male. Talk about your apprehensions toward him.
11 :
しかも"rms is American."で"I believe you are afraid of him."とわ。。。 彼女とまともな会話をするのは大変だ。 ちなみに、意味不明な会話をし続けると Have you been just trying to see what kind of things I have in my vocabulary? Please try to carry on a reasonable conversation! と言われ、最終的には I give up. You need a lesson in creative writing... と匙を投げてしまうようだ。
Emacs についても何やら一言あるようだ。 I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. emacs foo Emacs? Hah! I would appreciate it if you would continue. emacsという単語を含む文の1回目には、必ずこの反応が返ってくる。 2回目以降のemacsを含む文については通常の反応のようだ。
14 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. hi How do you do? What brings you to see me? son of a bitch I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue! nothing Can you elaborate on that? so what? Why do you say so what? because you is a big fool man Is it because I am a big fool man that you came to me? yup Perhaps you could continue. would you suck my balls, please? Please, avoid such unwholesome thoughts. shut the fuck off Are you afraid of ? なんでやねん
15 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. そんな事よりやぶ医者よ、ちょいと聞いてくれよ。君には関係ないけどさ。 Can you elaborate on that? このあいだ、近所の吉野家行ったんです。吉野家。 そしたらなんか人がめちゃくちゃいっぱいで座れないんです。 I would appreciate it if you would continue. で、よく見たらなんか垂れ幕下がってて、150円引き、とか書いてあるんです。 Go on, don't be afraid. もうね、アホかと。馬鹿かと。 お前らな、150円引き如きで普段来てない吉野家に来てんじゃねーよ、ボケが。 150円だよ、150円。 なんか親子連れとかもいるし。一家4人で吉野家か。おめでてーな。 よーしパパ特盛頼んじゃうぞー、とか言ってるの。もう見てらんない。 お前らな、150円やるからその席空けろと。 I need a little more detail please. 吉野家ってのはな、もっと伐としてるべきなんだよ。 Uの字テーブルの向かいに座った奴といつ喧嘩が始まってもおかしくない、 刺すか刺されるか、そんな雰囲気がいいんじゃねーか。女子供は、すっこんでろ。 To be continued...
16 :
You're being a bit brief, perhaps you could go into detail. で、やっと座れたかと思ったら、隣の奴が、大盛つゆだくで、とか言ってるんです 。 そこでまたぶち切れですよ。 Can you are more explicit? あのな、つゆだくなんてきょうび流行んねーんだよ。ボケが。 得意げな顔して何が、つゆだくで、だ。 お前は本当につゆだくを食いたいのかと問いたい。問い詰めたい。小1時間問い詰 めたい。 お前、つゆだくって言いたいだけちゃうんかと。 Are you just trying to see what kind of things I have in my vocabulary? Please try to carry on a reasonable conversation! 吉野家通の俺から言わせてもらえば今、吉野家通の間での最新流行はやっぱり、 ねぎだく、これだね。 大盛りねぎだくギョク。これが通の頼み方。 ねぎだくってのはねぎが多めに入ってる。そん代わり肉が少なめ。これ。 で、それに大盛りギョク(玉子)。これ最強。 しかしこれを頼むと次から店員にマークされるという危険も伴う、諸刃の剣。 素人にはお薦め出来ない。 まあお前、Elizaは、牛鮭定食でも食ってなさいってこった。 I give up. You need a lesson in creative writing...
17 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. Foo! Bar! I would appreciate it if you would continue. Foo! Foo! You have your mind on foos, it seems.
18 :
Foo! Foo! Foo! You think too much about foos. Foo! Foo! Foo! Foo! You should try taking your mind off of foos. Foo! Foo! Foo! Foo! Foo! Are you a computer hacker? Yes. I'm a computer hacker! You have your mind on computers, it seems. ----- 最後が平凡な言葉だった。 君には失望したよ。
なんか変なのキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! (自願望をむき出しにしてぶちあたったら…) ---- Talk about something about your ual history. so,I said I've had no in my whole life. just it is my ual history I would appreciate it if you would discuss your life... thank you. though do you allow me to kill myself? If you are really suicidal, you might want to contact the Samaritans via E-mail: jo@samaritans.org or, at your option, anonymous E-mail: samaritans@anon.twwells.com . Or find a Befrienders crisis center at http://www.befrienders.org/ . Perhaps you could continue.
Hi. I love you. How do you do? What brings you to see me? Love for you. I would appreciate it if you would tell me about your relationship with me. You and I are lovers for each other. Why do you say I and you are lovers for each other? 'Cause It's a fact. Is it because of your plans that you say 'cause it's a fact? No. Why do you ask such a stupid question? Is it because do I ask such a stupid question that you came to me? Hey, answer me!
54 :
Maybe your life have something to do with this. With what? What makes you believe with what? I don't understand your question. Earlier you said do I ask such a stupid question? Could you speak English? Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going through all this? Hey, why do you ask such a question? Does it bother you that do I ask such a question? Yes. What I want to know is whether you love me or not. Please answer me. Do you love me? Are you sure that you might want to know is whether i love you or not answer you do i love you? ANSWER ME! Do YOU LOVE ME? We were discussing you! Answer my question. Do you feel love with me? We were discussing you!
55 :
Do you want to make love with me? What do you think? I think you want. Do you want to fuck me? Perhaps you could watch your tongue! Do you want to make love with me? I'll ask the questions, if you don't mind! Okay. But first, answer me. Do you wanna get laid down by me? When did you first know that first answer you do I want to get laid down by you? Answer yes or no. Is it because of problems at school that you say answer yes or no?
56 :
Do you want to make love with me? What do you think? I think you want. Do you want to fuck me? Perhaps you could watch your tongue! Do you want to make love with me? I'll ask the questions, if you don't mind! Okay. But first, answer me. Do you wanna get laid down by me? When did you first know that first answer you do I want to get laid down by you? Answer yes or no. Is it because of problems at school that you say answer yes or no? It has nothing with my school. Talk about your school. Do you make a fuck with me? I could ask the same thing myself.
57 :
Please answer yes or no. Do you make a fuck with me? Please, avoid such unwholesome thoughts. Do you make love to me? Would you please allow me to do the questioning. If you answer me. Do you have with me? Why don't you get your mind out of the gutter. You will never answer me? You mentioned that do I ask such a stupid question?
58 :
Okay. You won't answer me, right? How do you reconcile any hobbies you have? I see. You won't. ...Bye. Do you really think you see I will not bye? Bye. My secretary will send you a bill. Fuck off. Are you afraid of ? Bye-bye. Bye bye.
59 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. nullpo Can you elaborate on that? nullpo I would appreciate it if you would continue. nullpo Go on, don't be afraid.
60 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. あqwせdrftgyふじこl Why do you say あ qw せ drftgy ふじこ l? くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp; Is it because of your plans that you say くぁ w せ drftgy ふじこ lp? くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp Maybe your life have something to do with this.
61 :
性欲をもてあます Go on, don't be afraid.
62 :
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ Why do you say ( ´,_ゝ プッ? ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ Is it because of your plans that you say ( ´,_ゝ プッ? ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ Maybe your life have something to do with this. ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
63 :
64 :
Is it because you cannot live without job that you came to me? この「It is because 〜」ってどんな意味?