日本国内で多数の競技人口を抱えながら、市販されてるルールブックは FIBAのOfficialBasketballRulesを和訳したとされてるも非常に分かりづらい 日本語で、協会発行のルールブックも値段が高いというわけで、 FIBAのHPで無料公開されてるOfficialBasketballRulesを前文和訳して 日本国内のバスケット選手、指導者、審判のルールに対する理解が 深まるようにしようという目的のスレです。 FIBA OfficialBasketballRules2010 http://www.fiba.com/downloads/Rules/2010/OfficialBasketballRules2010.pdf
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スレタイ、ミスりました。「全文和訳」ね。 有志のみなさん、宜しくお願いします。
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まず第13条 Art. 13 How the ball is played 13.1 Definition During the game, the ball is played with the hand(s) only and may be passed, thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled in any direction, subject to the restrictions of these rules. 13.2 Rule A player shall not run with the ball, deliberately kick or block it with any part of the leg or strike it with the fist. However, to accidentally come into contact with or touch the ball with any part of the leg is not a violation. An infraction of Art. 13.2 is a violation. 第13条 ボールの扱い方 13.1 定義 ゲーム中、プレイヤーはボールを手で扱わなくてはならない。 規定の定める範囲であれば、どのような方向へでも、ボールをパスしたり、スローしたり、タップしたり、ころがし たり、ドリブルしたりすることができる。 13.2 ルール 走りながら(走って)ボールを扱おうとしたり、故意に足でボールを扱ったり、蹴ったり、 拳でボールを叩いたりすることはヴァイオレーションである。
>>3 最後の3行訳し残してるよね However, to accidentally come into contact with or touch the ball with any part of the leg is not a violation. An infraction of Art. 13.2 is a violation. しかしながら、(故意ではなく)偶然によって足にボールが当たったり 触れたりした場合はヴァイオレーションではない。 13.2に違反する行為はヴァイオレーションである。
どの条から訳すかっていう問題があるがまずは目次だったな。 RULE ONE ? THE GAME Art. 1 Definitions RULE TWO ? COURT AND EQUIPMENT Art. 2 Court Art. 3 Equipment RULE THREE - TEAMS Art. 4 Teams Art. 5 Players: Injury Art. 6 Captain: Duties and powers Art. 7 Coaches: Duties and powers RULE FOUR - PLAYING REGULATIONS Art. 8 Playing time, tied score and extra periods Art. 9 Beginning and end of a period or the game Art. 10 Status of the ball Art. 11 Location of a player and an official Art. 12 Jump ball and alternating possession Art. 13 How the ball is played Art. 14 Control of the ball Art. 15 Player in the act of shooting Art. 16 Goal: When made and its value Art. 17 Throw-in Art. 18 Time-out Art. 19 Substitution Art. 20 Game lost by forfeit Art. 21 Game lost by default RULE FIVE - VIOLATIONS Art. 22 Violations Art. 23 Player out-of-bounds and ball out-of-bounds Art. 24 Dribbling Art. 25 Travelling Art. 26 Three seconds
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Art. 27 Closely guarded player Art. 28 Eight seconds Art. 29 Twenty-four seconds Art. 30 Ball returned to the backcourt Art. 31 Goaltending and Interference RULE SIX - FOULS Art. 32 Fouls Art. 33 Contact: General principles Art. 34 Personal foul Art. 35 Double foul Art. 36 Unsportsmanlike foul Art. 37 Disqualifying foul Art. 38 Technical foul Art. 39 Fighting RULE SEVEN - GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 40 Five fouls by a player . Art. 41 Team fouls: Penalty Art. 42 Special situations Art. 43 Free throws Art. 44 Correctable errors RULE EIGHT - OFFICIALS, TABLE OFFICIALS, COMMISSIONER: DUTIES AND POWERS Art. 45 Officials, table officials and commissioner Art. 46 Referee: Duties and powers Art. 47 Officials: Duties and powers Art. 48 Scorer and assistant scorer: Duties Art. 49 Timer: Duties A - OFFICIALS’ SIGNALS B - THE SCORESHEET C - PROTEST PROCEDURE D - CLASSIFICATION OF TEAMS E - TELEVISION (TV) TIME-OUTS
Art. 1 Definitions 1.1 Basketball game Basketball is played by two (2) teams of five (5) players each. The aim of each team is to score in the opponents' basket and to prevent the other team from scoring. The game is controlled by officials, table officials and a commissioner, if present. 1.2 Basket: opponents'/own The basket that is attacked by a team is the opponents' basket and the basket which is defended by a team is the team's own basket. 1.3 Winner of a game The team that has scored the greater number of points at the end of playing time shall be the winner.
Art. 22 Violations 22.1 Definition A violation is an infraction of the rules. 22.2 Penalty The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the place nearest to the infraction, except directly behind the backboard, unless otherwise stated in the rules. 第22条 ヴァイオレーション 22.1 定義 ヴァイオレーションとはルールに違反すること、ルールを侵害することである。 22.2 罰則 別段のルールで触れられていない限り、バックボードの直接の裏を除く 違反が起こった場所から最も近い地点からのスロー・インが相手チームに 与えられる。
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Art. 23 Player out-of-bounds and ball out-of-bounds 23.1 Definition 23.1.1 A player is out-of-bounds when any part of his body is in contact with the floor or any object other than a player, on, above or outside the boundary line. 23.1.2 The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches: ?? A player or any other person who is out-of-bounds. ?? The floor or any object on, above or outside the boundary line. ?? The backboard supports, the back of the backboards or any object above the playing court. 23.2 Rule 23.2.1 The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch or be touched by the ball before it goes out-of-bounds, even if the ball then goes out-of-bounds by touching something other than a player. 23.2.2 If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching or being touched by a player who is on or outside the boundary line, this player causes the ball to go out-of-bounds. 23.2.3 If a player(s) move(s) to out-of-bounds or to his backcourt during a held ball, a jump ball situation occurs.
Art. 24 Dribbling 24.1 Definition 24.1.1 A dribble is the movement of a live ball caused by a player in control of that ball who throws, taps, rolls the ball on the floor or deliberately throws it against the backboard. 24.1.2 A dribble starts when a player, having gained control of a live ball on the playing court, throws, taps, rolls, dribbles it on the floor or deliberately throws it against the backboard and touches it again before it touches another player. A dribble ends when the player touches the ball with both hands simultaneously or permits the ball to come to rest in one or both hands. During a dribble the ball may be thrown into the air provided the ball touches the floor or another player before the player who threw it touches it again with his hand. There is no limit to the number of steps a player may take when the ball is not in contact with his hand. 24.1.3 A player who accidentally loses and then regains control of a live ball on the playing court is considered to be fumbling the ball. 24.1.4 The following are not dribbles: ?? Successive shots for a field goal. ?? Fumbling the ball at the beginning or at the end of a dribble. ?? Attempts to gain control of the ball by tapping it from the vicinity of other players. ?? Tapping the ball from the control of another player. ?? Deflecting a pass and gaining control of the ball. ?? Tossing the ball from hand to hand and allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands before touching the floor, provided that no travelling violation is committed. 24.2 Rule A player shall not dribble a second time after his first dribble has ended unless between the two (2) dribbles he has lost control of a live ball on the playing court because of: ?? A shot for a field goal. ?? A touch of the ball by an opponent. ?? A pass or fumble that has touched or been touched by another player.
24.2 Rule A player shall not dribble a second time after his first dribble has ended unless between the two (2) dribbles he has lost control of a live ball on the playing court because of: ?? A shot for a field goal. ?? A touch of the ball by an opponent. ?? A pass or fumble that has touched or been touched by another player. Art. 25 Travelling 25.1 Definition 25.1.1 Travelling is the illegal movement of one foot or both feet beyond the limits outlined in this article, in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing court. 25.1.2 A pivot is the legal movement in which a player who is holding a live ball on the playing court steps once or more than once in any direction with the same foot, while the other foot, called the pivot foot, is kept at its point of contact with the floor. 25.2 Rule 25.2.1 Establishing a pivot foot for a player who catches a live ball on the playing court: ?? While standing with both feet on the floor: ? The moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot. ?? While moving: ? If one foot is touching the floor, that foot becomes the pivot foot. ? If both feet are off the floor and the player lands on both feet simultaneously, the moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot. ? If both feet are off the floor and the player lands on one foot, then that foot becomes the pivot foot. If a player jumps off that foot and comes to a stop landing on both feet simultaneously, then neither foot is a pivot foot.
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コピペ間違えたんでもう一回 Art. 25 Travelling 25.1 Definition 25.1.1 Travelling is the illegal movement of one foot or both feet beyond the limits outlined in this article, in any direction, while holding a live ball on the playing court. 25.1.2 A pivot is the legal movement in which a player who is holding a live ball on the playing court steps once or more than once in any direction with the same foot, while the other foot, called the pivot foot, is kept at its point of contact with the floor. 25.2 Rule 25.2.1 Establishing a pivot foot for a player who catches a live ball on the playing court: ?? While standing with both feet on the floor: ? The moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot. ?? While moving: ? If one foot is touching the floor, that foot becomes the pivot foot. ? If both feet are off the floor and the player lands on both feet simultaneously, the moment one foot is lifted, the other foot becomes the pivot foot. ? If both feet are off the floor and the player lands on one foot, then that foot becomes the pivot foot. If a player jumps off that foot and comes to a stop landing on both feet simultaneously, then neither foot is a pivot foot.
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25.2.2 Progressing with the ball for a player who has established a pivot foot while having the control of a live ball on the playing court: ?? While standing with both feet on the floor: ? To start a dribble, the pivot foot may not be lifted before the ball is released from the hand(s). ? To pass or shoot for a field goal, the player may jump off a pivot foot, but neither foot may be returned to the floor before the ball is released from the hand(s). ?? While moving: ? To pass or shoot for a field goal, the player may jump off a pivot foot and land on one foot or both feet simultaneously. After that, one foot or both feet may be lifted from the floor but neither foot may be returned to the floor before the ball is released from the hand(s). ? To start a dribble, the pivot foot may not be lifted before the ball is released from the hand(s). ?? While coming to a stop when neither foot is the pivot foot: ? To start a dribble, neither foot may be lifted before the ball is released from the hand(s). ? To pass or shoot for a field goal, one foot or both feet may be lifted but may not be returned to the floor before the ball is released from the hand(s). 25.2.3 Player falling, lying or sitting on the floor: ?? It is legal when a player falls and slides on the floor while holding the ball or, while lying or sitting on the floor, gains control of the ball. ?? It is a violation if the player then rolls or attempts to stand up while holding the ball.
Art. 26 Three seconds 26.1 Rule 26.1.1 A player shall not remain in the opponents' restricted area for more than three (3) consecutive seconds while his team is in control of a live ball in the frontcourt and the game clock is running. 26.1.2 Allowances must be made for a player who: ?? Makes an attempt to leave the restricted area. ?? Is in the restricted area when he or his team-mate is in the act of shooting and the ball is leaving or has just left the player's hand(s) on the shot for a field goal. ?? Dribbles in the restricted area to shoot for a field goal after having been there for less than three (3) consecutive seconds. 26.1.3 To establish himself outside the restricted area, the player must place both feet on the floor outside the restricted area. 第26条 3秒ルール 26.1 ルール 26.1.1 選手はゲーム・クロックが進んでいて、その選手のチームがフロント・コートでライブの ボールを保持している間、連続した3秒間を上回る時間、相手チームの制限区域に留まってはならない。 26.1.2 選手が以下の行動を取っている場合は3秒ルールは適用されない。 ・・制限区域から出ようとしている場合。 ・・制限区域内でその選手自身かもしくは味方の選手がシュートを行いそしてそのボールが シュートを行う選手の手からボールが離れて、手からボールが離れている状態の場合。 ・・連続した3秒未満の間、制限区域内に留まった後、シュートしようとしてドリブルを行っている場合。 26.1.3 選手が制限区域外に居ることを確立するためには、両足を制限区域外に置かなくてはならない。
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Art. 27 Closely guarded player 27.1 Definition A player who is holding a live ball on the playing court is closely guarded when an opponent is in an active guarding position at a distance of no more than one (1) m. 27.2 Rule A closely guarded player must pass, shoot or dribble the ball within five (5) seconds. 第27条 近接して防御された選手 27.1 定義 コート上でライブのボールを持った選手が相手チームの選手に1メートル以内の範囲で 積極的に防御された場合、近接して防御されていることになる。 27.2 ルール 近接して防御された選手は5秒以内にパスするかシュートするかドリブルするかしなくては ならない。
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Art. 28 Eight seconds 28.1 Rule 28.1.1 Whenever: ?? A player gains control of a live ball in his backcourt, ?? On a throw-in, the ball touches or is legally touched by any player in the backcourt and the team of that player taking the throw-in remains in control of the ball in its backcourt, that team must cause the ball to go into its frontcourt within eight (8) seconds. 28.1.2 The team has caused the ball to go into its frontcourt whenever: ?? The ball, not in control of any player, touches the frontcourt, ?? The ball touches or is legally touched by an offensive player who has both feet in contact with his frontcourt, ?? The ball touches or is legally touched by a defensive player who has part of his body in contact with his backcourt, ?? The ball touches an official who has part of his body in contact with the frontcourt of the team in control of the ball. ?? During a dribble from the backcourt to the frontcourt, both feet of the dribbler and the ball are in contact with the frontcourt. 28.1.3 The eight (8) second period will continue with any time remaining when the same team that previously had control of the ball is awarded a throw-in in the backcourt, as a result of: ?? A ball having gone out-of-bounds. ?? A player of the same team having been injured. ?? A jump ball situation. ?? A double foul. ?? A cancellation of equal penalties against both teams.
Art. 29 Twenty-four seconds 29.1 Rule 29.1.1 Whenever: ?? A player gains control of a live ball on the playing court, ?? On a throw-in, the ball touches or is legally touched by any player on the playing court and the team of that player taking the throw-in remains in control of the ball, that team must attempt a shot for a field goal within twenty-four (24) seconds. To constitute a shot for a field goal within twenty-four (24) seconds: ?? The ball must leave the player's hand(s) before the twenty-four (24) second clock signal sounds, and ?? After the ball has left the player's hand(s), the ball must touch the ring or enter the basket. 29.1.2 When a shot for a field goal is attempted near the end of the twenty-four (24) second period and the twenty-four (24) second clock signal sounds while the ball is in the air: ?? If the ball enters the basket, no violation has occurred, the signal shall be disregarded and the goal shall count. ?? If the ball touches the ring but does not enter the basket, no violation has occurred, the signal shall be disregarded and the game shall continue. ?? If the ball misses the ring, a violation has occurred. However, if the opponents have gained immediate and clear control of the ball, the signal shall be disregarded and the game shall continue. All restrictions related to goaltending and interference shall apply.
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29.2 Procedure 29.2.1 If the game is stopped by an official: ?? For a foul or violation (not for the ball having gone out-of-bounds) by the team not in control of the ball, ?? For any valid reason by the team not in control of the ball, ?? For any valid reason not connected with either team, Possession of the ball shall be awarded to the same team that previously had control of the ball. If the throw-in is administered in the backcourt, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be reset to twenty-four (24) seconds. If the throw-in is administered in the frontcourt, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be reset as follows: ?? If fourteen (14) seconds or more is displayed on the twenty-four (24) second clock at the time when the game was stopped, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall not be reset, but shall continue from the time it was stopped. ?? If thirteen (13) seconds or less is displayed on the twenty-four (24) second clock at the time when the game was stopped, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be reset to fourteen (14) seconds. However, if in the judgement of an official, the opponents would be placed at a disadvantage, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall continue from the time it was stopped. 29.2.2 If the twenty-four (24) second clock signal sounds in error while a team has control of the ball or neither team has control of the ball, the signal shall be disregarded and the game shall continue. However, if in the judgement of an official, the team in control of the ball has been placed at a disadvantage, the game shall be stopped, the twenty-four (24) second clock shall be corrected and the ball shall be awarded to that team.
Art. 30 Ball returned to the backcourt 30.1 Definition 30.1.1 The ball goes into a team's backcourt when: ?? It touches the backcourt. ?? It touches or is legally touched by an offensive player who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt. ?? It touches an official who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt. 30.1.2 The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is the last to touch the ball in his frontcourt, after which that player or a team-mate is the first to touch the ball in the backcourt. This restriction applies to all situations in a team's frontcourt, including throw-ins. However, it does not apply to a player who jumps from his frontcourt, establishes new team control while still airborne and then lands in his team’s backcourt. 30.2 Rule A player whose team is in control of a live ball may not cause the ball to be illegally returned to his backcourt. 30.3 Penalty The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in in their frontcourt at a place nearest to the infraction except directly behind the backboard. Art. 31 Goaltending and Interference 31.1 Definition 31.1.1 A shot for a field goal or a free throw: ?? Begins when the ball leaves the hand(s) of a player in the act of shooting. ?? Ends when the ball: ? Enters the basket directly from above and remains within or passes through the basket. ? No longer has the possibility of entering the basket. ? Touches the ring. ? Touches the floor. ? Becomes dead.
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コピペ間違いでもう一回 Art. 30 Ball returned to the backcourt 30.1 Definition 30.1.1 The ball goes into a team's backcourt when: ?? It touches the backcourt. ?? It touches or is legally touched by an offensive player who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt. ?? It touches an official who has part of his body in contact with the backcourt. 30.1.2 The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player of the team in control of the live ball is the last to touch the ball in his frontcourt, after which that player or a team-mate is the first to touch the ball in the backcourt. This restriction applies to all situations in a team's frontcourt, including throw-ins. However, it does not apply to a player who jumps from his frontcourt, establishes new team control while still airborne and then lands in his team’s backcourt. 30.2 Rule A player whose team is in control of a live ball may not cause the ball to be illegally returned to his backcourt. 30.3 Penalty The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in in their frontcourt at a place nearest to the infraction except directly behind the backboard.
Art. 31 Goaltending and Interference 31.1 Definition 31.1.1 A shot for a field goal or a free throw: ?? Begins when the ball leaves the hand(s) of a player in the act of shooting. ?? Ends when the ball: ? Enters the basket directly from above and remains within or passes through the basket. ? No longer has the possibility of entering the basket. ? Touches the ring. ? Touches the floor. ? Becomes dead.
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31.2 Rule 31.2.1 Goaltending occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and: ?? It is on its downward flight to the basket, or ?? After it has touched the backboard. 31.2.2 Goaltending occurs during a shot for a free throw when a player touches the ball while it is in flight to the basket and before it touches the ring. 31.2.3 The goaltending restrictions apply until: ?? The ball no longer has the possibility of entering the basket. ?? The ball has touched the ring. 31.2.4 Interference occurs when: ?? After a shot for a field goal or the last or only free throw a player touches the basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring. ?? After a free throw followed by an additional free throw(s), a player touches the ball, the basket or the backboard while there is still a possibility that the ball will enter the basket. ?? A player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball. ?? A defensive player touches the ball or the basket while the ball is within the basket, thus preventing the ball from passing through the net. ?? A player causes the basket to vibrate or grasps the basket in such a way that, in the judgement of an official, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket. ?? A player grasps the basket to play the ball. 31.2.5 When ?? An official blows the whistle while the ball is in the hands of a player in the act of shooting, or the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal, ?? The game clock signal sounds for the end of a period while the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal, No player shall touch the ball after it has touched the ring while it still has the possibility of entering the basket. All restrictions related to goaltending and interference shall apply.
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31.3 Penalty 31.3.1 If the violation is committed by an offensive player, no points can be awarded. The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the free-throw line extended, unless otherwise stated in the rules. 31.3.2 If the violation is committed by a defensive player, the offensive team is awarded: ?? One (1) point when the ball was released for a free throw. ?? Two (2) points when the ball was released from the two-point field goal area. ?? Three (3) points when the ball was released from the three-point field goal area. The awarding of the points is considered as if the ball had entered the basket. 31.3.3 If the goaltending is committed by a defensive player during a last or only free throw, one (1) point shall be awarded to the offensive team, followed by the technical foul penalty charged against the defensive player.
へー 英語板にこんなスレが立つんだ 協力したい えーとね >>43みたいにフォーマットを整えて上げろっていうのは面倒だから、 1文1文を渡して欲しい。 1000レスを贅沢に使うのでいいから。 例えば>>42について言えば、 (1)If the violation is committed by an offensive player, no points can be awarded. The ball shall be awarded to the opponents for a throw-in at the free-throw line extended, unless otherwise stated in the rules. (2)If the violation is committed by a defensive player, the offensive team is awarded: (3)point when the ball was released for a free throw. (4)points when the ball was released from the two-point field goal area. (5)points when the ball was released from the three-point field goal area. … てな感じに。 それをフォーマットを頭に入れている人が完成させるって感じで。 バスケの知識は多少あるけど専門用語は厳しいかも。 やってみるから原文を上げてほしい
Art. 32 Fouls 32.1 Definition 32.1.1 A foul is an infraction of the rules concerning illegal personal contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour. 32.1.2 Any number of fouls may be called against a team. Irrespective of the penalty, each foul shall be charged,
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コピペミスった。 Art. 32 Fouls 32.1 Definition 32.1.1 A foul is an infraction of the rules concerning illegal personal contact with an opponent and/or unsportsmanlike behaviour. 32.1.2 Any number of fouls may be called against a team. Irrespective of the penalty, each foul shall be charged, entered on the scoresheet against the offender and penalised accordingly.