>>11 I heard that users of mobile phones of Softbank were in big troubles because of bad reception when they underwent East Japan Great Earthquake. So more and more people have been quitting contract with the mobile carrier since then. Even people on the blacklist can contract with Softbank, so 70% of mobile phones used in crimes are those of Softbasnk's. That's why users of Softbank are associated with criminals. Also, Soft bank provided financial aids for Noth Korea. There are seldom good news about Softbanks's founder, Masayoshi Son.
>>32 As is described by many, wearing glasses for the first time is a refreshing moment. They feel as if they are born again in a different world. However, the feeling does not last long. They get used to it.
>>36 To : _____(相手の会社名) Dear Mr._____(担当者名・不明なら Dear Sirs,とか) RE : Suggestion for improvement on your product I would like to thank that your company provided good equipment. Please receive my personal feedbacks on _______(製品名、型番等) (続く)
39 :
(続き) I felt that both mode of Stereo Enhancer is not stable on some tunes. For example, a sound of an instrument which is panned to one side either right or left, center panned instrument (mainly drums) sounds swinging unnaturally. (If required, I can send some part of partucular one by e-mail for your reference.) (まだ続く)
40 :
(最後) It is natural that Gain Mode could have such feature, but I feel it is unnecessary to have Envelope Follower on Delay Mode. It is also suspected that Ratio Mode has the same problem. Thefore I think it is better to have another mode which does not have the limit. Anyways, I feel comfortable on your product overall, and hope my suggestion could help your development of next product. Thank you very much. Regards,
41 :
>>35 At last, they unconsiously feel as if they are not wearing glasses. Then, once they comes to a situatoin to live without glasses, they feel how importance it is.
>>43 I would like you to re-confirm my order as below. I made order for custom IEM on Sep.15th on your website, and I am sure that you received my ear impression at your end on 26th. However I have not received any shipment advise from you. Please check and let me know the status. Thank you オーダーNoとかわかりやすい番号あれば書いたほうがよいぞ
>>56 When I was on a train last night, I looked around and realized that a lot of passengers were staring at the screens of their cellphones. Once we get used to convenient tools, we cannot do without them.
>>57 ありがとうございます! 下の英文を100字前後で要約していただけませんか? Many of us sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, and then go home and head for the couch to surf the Web or watch television, exchanging one seat and screen for another. Even if we try to squeeze in an hour at the gym, is it enough to counteract all that motionless sitting? A mounting body of evidence suggests not.Increasingly, research is focusing not on how much exercise people get, but how much of their time is spent in sedentary activity, and the harm that does. The latest findings, published recently in an American medical journal, indicate that the amount of leisure time spent sitting in front of a screen can have such an overwhelming, impact on one’s health that physical activity doesn’t produce much benefit. The study followed 4,512 middle-aged Scottish men for a little more than four years on average. It found that those who said they spent two or more leisure hours a day sitting in front of a screen were at double the risk of a heart attack or other heart trouble compared with those who watched less. Those who spent four or more hours of recreational time in front of a screen were 50 percent more likely to die of any cause. It didn’t matter whether the men were physically active for several hours a week ― exercise didn’t lessen the risk associated with the high amount of time spent sitting in front of a screen.
iPad2 CM 私たちは思い出を分かち合うことや、本を読みふけることを止めない。 いつだって夕食を作り、好きなチームを応援する。 これからも、会議に出て、ホームムービーを作り、新しいことを学ぶだろう。 しかし、その方法はもはや同じではない。 We don't stop sharing memories or absorbing in reading books. We always make dishes and cheer for our favorite team. We'll attend meetings, edit family movies, learn new things also from now on. The way, however, is not the same as before any longer. おかしいところ訂正してください(´・ω・`)
make dishesだとただ料理を作るってニュアンスが強いから、make dinner のがよさそう Cheer forの他にもroot forやsupportという単語もあるチームを応援する、という意味になるね! 二段落目 we will keep attending meetings, making home movies, and learning new things. editだと、編集になって意味が違ってきちゃう
>>66 依頼日本文を少し変えて、英訳してみました。 参考に他の方の英訳 見てみたいです。お願いしますm(_ _)m I am very sorry to hear that. (聞いて大変残念に思います) I cannot find a word to say to you, but I'm here for you. (言葉が見つからないけど、私がついています*) Please take very good care of yourself.
88 :
all upon one's nose とはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 慣用句だということは下記のリンクでわかるのですが辞書等をみてものっているものがありません。 ttp://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Xt3rh1cqnw4C &pg=PA101&lpg=PA101&dq=%22fall+upon+one's+nose%22&source=bl&ots=LwN1oqBxJ1&sig=Iuaf-bOe4Xys13NvdrNYJBBmIqo&hl=ja&ei=m0-aTu2zK--fmQW_7-igAg&sa=X#v=onepage&q=%22fall%20upon%20one's%20nose%22&f=false
I regret again. I had talked unendearing things. I would not have talked such things originally. My intention is always betrayed by myself and I can't tell my mind at the bottom. It is just that I want only to have a special position in his mind.