早速すみませんが、お願いします。 "Now, I can see the parallel between Catholism and Buddism" おねがいします。 ※parallelって平行線=交わらない物="違い"という解釈でいいのでしょうかね? それとも"似ている"と解釈した方がいいんでしょうか?
8 :
>>7 後者でいいと思うよ parallel 2 If there are parallels between two things, they are similar in some ways. * Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels... * Friends of the dead lawyer were quick to draw a parallel between the two murders. COBUILDより
前スレ 984 It is bad to hear it -bloody Royal Mail- but I believe that all will be OK. However the next parcel will be sent by DHL courier and will be there after 3-4 working days but the shipping costs is over £50 それは気の毒な話だ――ロイヤルメイルのくそったれめ――けど大丈夫だろう。 でも次の荷物はDHL便で送られて3−4営業日でつくけど送料は50ポンド以上。
20 :
wish i could be next to ya ;) お願いします。
21 :
宜しくお願いします。 Heartcatch Precure was basically a little kids show in japan, but lots of fans (Teenaged Girls, Supposedly.) in the west honestly enjoyed this show no matter what, which begs? a certain question why no TV station want to this show. Right?! 元々は1行で書かれています。「,」の所で改行したのは私です。
22 :
>>20 (I) wish (that) I could be next to ya(=you) ;) 君と親しくなれたらいいんだけどなあ(ウィンク)
23 :
There Is Always Those H aving A nger T owards E veryone R epresenting S crew But Its Ok Because In Texas We Got Our Own Style And We Keep It One Hundred! お願いします。
The work epitomizes the material splendor of og printing, enbedded within layer upon layer of masking and burning,underflashing, and the literal handcrafting of the most luxurios photographic descriptions of fashion. コンマで改行しましたが1文です。 宜しくお願いします。
27 :
If you ask me,if you pay close attention when,say,you meet new people, and make an effort to remember their name of face, you'll have no trouble recalling them later on. In other words,the more intensely we live, the better our power to recollect what we've lived through. 宜しくお願いします。
お願い(人'д`o)嶋素 im older than u think and i am smart thank u but what u said about being young im thinking that kim jong il has taken u over (i know,? im funny) 子供が言ってるんですが 変なユーモア的なレスだとよくわからないので ネイティヴ系の方お願い(人'д`o)嶋素。
お願いします VERY cool!!! I have a couple of Cold Steel knives, and I find that the Secure-Ex sheaths dull them. Have you found that to be true with this knife?
お願いします The coup d’état and the hegemony of Gaddafi over state power go back to 1969. There have since been many attempts to put an end to his rule, whether in Benghazi, in the east, or Tripoli, in the west and in the region of Warfalla-Bani Walid. However, the city of Benghazi sums up all of Libya. All the Libyan tribes are integrated there, and you can see Arabs, Amazighs, Toubous, Africans and other tribes living in the same city. Benghazi has the reputation of being a city where there are no foreigners, in the sense that the foreigner is treated there like a native of the region. He is warmly welcomed and integrated among the inhabitants.
Second, there should be no confusion in the Libyan case. The defence of Gaddafi in the name of anti-imperialism mounted by some sectors of the left, in particular under the leadership of Hugo Chavez, is a serious mistake which only serves to mislead the international solidarity movement. お願いします
51 :
I've been with many guys but I didn't sleep with all of them. ニュアンスの質問です この場合「その男達の誰一人とも寝てない」になるのか「その男たち全員と寝たわけじゃない(数人とは寝てる)」 のどちらになるか教えてください。
前スレ>>942-944 遅れて申し訳ありません、わざわざ細かい解説までありがとうございます!! とても尊敬している方の言葉だったので意味を理解できて本当に本当に嬉しいです… コピペする際の脱字には気を付けようと肝に命じますorz I would like to hear what was left behind of the Mozartean butting of heads in Bologna. 厚かましくてすみません、もう一つだけよろしければお願いいたします