タイの洪水被害と責任追及について、バンコクポスト(タイのローカル英字紙)の記事 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.bangkokpost.com/blogs/index.php/2011/11/04/drowning-in-prejudice?blog=64 ・・ and by closely following discussions on the social media networks, the criticism is sharply divided along the lines of colour-coded politics. ソーシャルメディア・ネットの議論などを見ると意見が政治的に二分し対立している Within the red camp, it is widely believed that the high level of water in dams was a political ploy of the Abhisit government to trigger a deluge and undermine the Yingluck administration. In this conspiracy theory, the fingers began pointing much, much higher, which has only served to enrage the yellow camp. タクシン派(レッド派)はダムに多大の貯水がなされてきたのは前のAbhisit政権の政治的行動で、洪水を引き起こしてYingluck政権を窮地に 陥れるためだという。勿論これは陰謀論だが。 Meanwhile, the anti-Thaksin camp is inflamed by the domination of the reds in the despatching of flood relief items donated by the public? only to serve their red constituencies first and foremost. Some Puea Thai members of Parliament faced the same complaint. 反タクシン派はレッド派の寄付や支援物資が自己の政党の支持者を優先して配られているという。議会のPuea Thai党の議員の一部がそういう 主張をしている。 When the conflict over flood management between the Bangkok administration and the Yingluck government became public, my friends and relatives who belong to the red camp and cannot stand the sight of the Bangkok Governor, blamed the Democrat-led Bangkok administration for not pumping out the flood waters into the cs. They also refused to watch Thai PBS TV due to its being too critical of the government. バンコク市政と政府との対立が明らかになると、私の友人でレッド派の人はバンコク市政を非難し市長が市内の洪水をポンプで排水する行動を充分 やっていないという。彼はもはやタイの公共TV(PBS TV)を見ないという。政府避難が激しすぎるからだという。 My friends and relatives on the yellow side, meanwhile, deride every word Yingluck utters and even call her names. They believe that the irrigation officials cannot do their jobs because of intervention from the politicians who want to keep their red zones dry. 私の友人でイエロー派支持の人は事あるたびにYingluck首相を非難し灌漑局はレッド派の政治家が干渉して彼らの望むレッド地域を洪水から守るた めに介入したのでまともな仕事が出来なかったという。(後略) *タイは微笑みの国で、極端な対立を嫌う、物腰の柔らかな、柳のような柔軟な態度を尊ぶ伝統があると思っていたのだけれど・・・
これもバンコク・ポストの評論で、タクシン妹首相は(ストレスで泣き出したりして)任に耐えないので変えるべきと論じている ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/264470/from-venice-of-the-east-to-waterworld Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has been proven sorely lacking in this tragic, awesome test of her ability and leadership. If her Puea Thai Party wants to continue as the government, it must embrace what is truly the government's role _ of protecting the people, and abandon its own selfish self-interest. To speak plainly, I point to Ms Yingluck's brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, who five years after the coup, remains as eager as ever to clear his name and return to his homeland. But Thaksin, the survival of your person and your family is not the role of government. What greater good is served if your family name prospers while Thailand lies in ruin? タクシン前首相は依然として帰国を望み名誉回復を望んでいるが、そういうことは政府の仕事ではなく現状の混乱を解決することが仕事だ This government, led by Pheu Thai, must find a new leader. Now. One who is capable of making the difficult decisions so that our country survives. The country has muddled on for years in political disarray, with little impact on the grand scheme of history. But today, as Thailand muddles through a crisis of biblical proportions, decisions must be made. 我が国の存続のため与党は困難でも首相を交代させるべきである。タイは歴史的な災害の渦中なので与党は決断すべきだ Ms Yingluck earlier this week all but broke down in tears while discussing the stress and strain of the crisis. As we have all. But she is our prime minister, the one tasked with leading the country out of this crisis. Stress and strain are part of her job description. Yingluck首相は今週初めにストレスと緊張から泣き出した事があるが、彼女は首相なのであるから、ストレスや緊張は仕事のうちと知るべきである
ttp://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2011-11-03/swing-states-poll-obama/51062622/1 Swing States poll: Obama's path to 2nd term an uphill climb By Susan Page, USA TODAY Updated 11h 5m ago ギャラップ/USAトディのスイング州世論調査:オバマの再選は逆風の中に USAトディ 6日 Among the findings of the USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States Poll: ギャラップ/USAトディのスイング州世論調査の結果を要約すれば以下のとおり ? By nearly 4 to 1, those surveyed aren't satisfied with the way things are going in the United States. That could signal trouble for incumbents in general and the president in particular as voters increasingly hold him responsible for the country's economic troubles. 国民は4:1の比率で現状のアメリカの進む方向に満足していない。これは現職大統領にとって不利な状況で、国民は経済の低迷を政権の 責任としている ? By 60% to 37%, those in swing states say they and their families aren't better off than they were three years ago ? a version of the question Republican challenger Ronald Reagan posed to devastating effect against Democratic President Jimmy Carter in 1980. スイング州の有権者は60%:37%の比率で3年前より状況が悪くなったと答えている。レーガンがカーターを破った状況に似ている Residents in swing states are more likely than those elsewhere to say their families' lives have taken a negative turn. Americans in other states also are dispirited, but not to the same degree: 44% say they're better off; 54% say they aren't. スイング州住民は他の州の住民に比べて3年前よりも状況が悪くなったとする人が多い。アメリカ全体の平均は54%:44%である ? By more than 2 to 1, Republicans in swing states are more likely than Democrats to say they are "extremely enthusiastic" about voting for president next year ? an important test of whether supporters will be willing to volunteer their time, contribute money and vote. 2:1の比率でスイング州の共和党支持者は民主党支持者に比べて「選挙について大変熱心」である。この関心や熱意の高さは選挙支援の ボランティア活動や献金に影響する The enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats and the intense opposition to Obama among Republicans loom as major challenges for the president. この民主党と共和党の間の「選挙への熱心さのギャップ」に加えて共和党のオバマ大統領への強い拒否感が大統領にとってチャレンジとなる
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"The intensity of that job-approval rating … really changes the composition of who actually votes in this election," Romney pollster Neil Newhouse said Wednesday at a breakfast with reporters hosted by The Christian Science Monitor. "The energy behind conservatives, behind the anti-Obama sentiment ? that changes the calculus in some of these individual states." He predicts that disappointment with Obama's presidency will make it harder for Democrats to generate high turnout among young people, Hispanics and others whose support fueled his 2008 victory. ロムニー陣営の世論調査(&分析)担当のNeil Newhouseは「大統領支持率や選挙への関心は・・・来年の大統領選挙に実際に誰が投票するのか という構成を変えるだろう」という。「アンチ・オバマ大統領のセンチメント、保守派の背後にあるエネルギーというのは個々の州の選挙状況 を変えるだろう」彼は大統領への失望から(2008年のような)若年層やヒスパニックの投票者を民主党が多量に集めるといったことが難しくな ったと予測している。(後略)
>>73>>74 この世論調査の、より詳しい内容はギャラップのサイトにあって ttp://www.gallup.com/poll/150599/GOP-Candidate-Beats-Obama-Swing-States-Jobs-Deficit.aspx November 4, 2011 GOP Candidate Beats Obama in Swing States on Jobs, Deficit by Frank Newport Q:以下の項目についてオバマ大統領と共和党候補のどちらがより良い仕事が出来ると思いますか? オバマ 共和党候補 連邦政府の財政赤字や負債の対応 38% 54% 失業問題への対応 42% 49% 医療保険問題 45% 46% テロと国際的な脅威 45% 44% Q昨年議会で決定した医療保険改革について、これは良いことと思いますか、悪いことと思いますか? 良いことである 38% 悪いことである 51% (略) Bottom Line The presidential election is now one year away, and President Obama currently does less well in the minds of swing-state voters than a generic Republican candidate on the issues of unemployment and the federal budget deficit. Given that the economy in general and jobs in particular are the most important issues on Americans' minds, this represents a challenge for the president's re-election campaign. Obama's advisers are well aware of these facts, of course, and the president has been focusing on jobs and his proposed Jobs Act in almost every campaign speech he has delivered in recent months.