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2011年11月1期dejima58: I came from "VIP". (284) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
・ 次のスレ
59: Madonna vs Mariah Carey (78)
60: ChokanjiV Eng.Ver. JPN'sOS BTRON (35)
61: [Urgent report] About a global warming measure in Toya-ko Lake (47)
2: Japan cannot English (61)

I came from "VIP".

1 :08/10/29 〜 最終レス :11/12/06
What is this BBS? Why I can't write in Japanese?

2 :
Because you are foolwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

3 :
lol came

4 :

5 :
test nyo

6 :

7 :
Return to VIP!

8 :
Do you mind teaching me rule of this board.

9 :
Please tell me.

10 :
oh! vip!!! realy?

11 :
hi gl

12 :
What are you doing now ?
I am playing GTA now.
This game is very exciting.

13 :

14 :

15 :
Where is the VIP embassy?

16 :

17 :
Die in VIP!

18 :
Yes we can!

19 :
VIP is breaking down.

20 :
dareka syusai yatutekurre

21 :
Know what you should play? Bioshoch
That game is freaking awesome.

22 :
Good old VIP was lost

23 :

24 :

25 :
not japanes?

26 :
a- minasan konnichiwa
watasi wa gaikoku kara kimasita
dejima wa ii tokoro desune

27 :
vip is not noble

28 :
This is FOX's experimental trial for which he make 2ch internationally.

29 :
kusosure shuuryou

30 :

31 :
I am a foreigner.
It's interesting to speak to VIPPERs.
My greatest wish is to become friends with a VIPPER and converse to him in Japanese.

32 :
Whats so special about vippers?

33 :
VIP kara kimasuta

34 :

35 :
from VIP

36 :
How come we cannot speak in Japanese here?

37 :
go fuck urself

38 :
nihongo kakenaitoka

39 :

40 :
oh may god i am from VIP, and you?

41 :

42 :
I'm Ponyo

43 :
nihongo de ok.

44 :
Hello, there!
I'm here on sightseeing

45 :


46 :
kichikubeihei kakugo

47 :

48 :
oh yes oh yes

49 :

50 :

51 :

52 :

53 :
nihongode ok

54 :
English is fine too, you little shit

55 :
I feel most of all people in there are japanese

56 :
die in VIP

57 :

58 :
Nihongo de OK

59 :

60 :
( @A@).oO
( V V

61 :
V lyl V

62 :
I have a question.
In this board, do foreigners exist?

63 :
I visit every few days.

64 :
Where do you from and where are you now?
I'm a Japanese. (I think you know it if you read >>62,)

65 :
Adding one more word to >>64, I'd like to know what you read in this board.
I think there is nothing interesting here.

66 :
return to vip

67 :
There have already been a number of threads asking "where are you from?"
Anyway, I'm in Delaware right now. I visit this website every once in a while because, generally, I'm interested in how other cultures perceive each other.
Also it only takes a few seconds to check here for updates so its no big deal.

68 :
Thank you for answering my question. And...
>There have already been a number of threads asking "where are you from?"
Sorry... I've just come here and did n't know well about here...
I'll be more careful after this.
So, I use this thread: http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dejima/1221971928/

69 :
ru jhs student?

70 :
There is a deep hole in your being,like an abyss. You will never suceed in filling the
hole, because your needs are inexhaustible. You have to work around it so that gradually
the byss closes.

71 :
VIP karaki-mastar

72 :

73 :
A : Is this a pen?
B : No, it is an apple.
A : Oh! Sorry. Apple... it is an apple.
B : Yes, it is an apple.
A : By the way, is it a pen?
B : No! It is an apple!
A : Oh! Sorry! It is an apple!
B : Yes, good. You are smart. Good, good.
A : OK, it is an apple... but is it a pen?
B : Hey you! It is an apple! An Apple!
A : Yes, yes... by the way, is it a pen?
B : Nooo!!! It is an apple! Apple!! Apple!!!
A : OK!! It is a pen!!! Pen!!! Pen!!!
B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!! Fuck!!! Apple! Apple!! Apple!!! It's an apple!!!!!
A : Wha!? Kiss my ass!! It's fucking pen!! Pen!! A fuckin' pen!! Dammit!!!
B : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Fuck you! It is an ''apple''!! Fuck!!!!!!
A : FUUUUUUCK!! Fuck you!! Fuckin' Jesus Christ!!!!!! IT'S A FUCKIN' DAMN PEN!!!
B : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Fuck you!! Fuck you!!! Apple!! Apple!!! Apple!!!!

74 :

75 :
it is a pen

76 :
Return to VIP

77 :
Die in vip

78 :

79 :
from vip

80 :
I'm Ben.
Nice to meet you.

81 :
what's up everyone

82 :

83 :
Ben means shit in japanese...

84 :

85 :
Is this a typical VIPPer's joke?what's the point?

86 :
VIP kara kimasuta

87 :
death in vip

88 :
VIP is dead

89 :

90 :

91 :

92 :

93 :
Japan No.1 animation "Ken-ben!"

94 :

95 :

96 :

97 :

98 :
is here the VIP embassy?

99 :
VIP is down

100read 1read
1read 100read
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
・ 次のスレ
59: Madonna vs Mariah Carey (78)
60: ChokanjiV Eng.Ver. JPN'sOS BTRON (35)
61: [Urgent report] About a global warming measure in Toya-ko Lake (47)
2: Japan cannot English (61)