Employers Favor State Schools for Hires U.S. companies largely favor graduates of big state universities over Ivy League and other elite liberal-arts schools when hiring to fill entry-level jobs, a Wall Street Journal study found. The Journal study didn't examine smaller companies because they generally don't interact with as many colleges. In addition, the survey focused on hiring students with bachelor's as opposed to graduate degrees. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703597204575483730506372718.html?mod=WSJ_Careers_CareerJournal_2
More than half of the universities in Japan are regarded as diploma mills in the sense that eveyone can get into and graduate from such universities. The only difference is that students need to attend those universities for four years, however, the quality of education at those universities is very low. Students at those universities sometimes learn again what they learned at junior high school.
ハワイ大学 下位は大した事ないが、上位ははるかに日大より 上だよ。下位は卒業できるかわからないし。 28% in top 10th of graduating class 60% in top quarter of graduating class 91% in top half of graduating class 25% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher 21% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74 19% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 20% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24 15% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=3963&type=qfs&skey=hawaii ハワイ大の実際の卒業生の層は公立中で 学年トップから学年上位25%ぐらいまでの層 だろうな。平均層は公立中で上位10%辺りだと 思うよ。 28% in top 10th of graduating class から判断して(卒業率が60%ぐらいとする)
学歴ロンダの成功例 IQ200の矢野君は中堅大から名門シカゴ大メディカルスクールへロンダ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9F%A2%E9%87%8E%E7%A5%A5 フィールズ賞 William Thurston (BS @ New College of Florida, Ph.D. @ UCB) Terence Tao (Flinders University(学士、修士)、Ph.D. @ Princeton) ノーベル化学賞 Richard R. Schrock (BA @ UC Riverside, @ Harvard)
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学歴ロンダの成功例 IQ200の矢野君は中堅大から名門シカゴ大メディカルスクールへロンダ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9F%A2%E9%87%8E%E7%A5%A5 フィールズ賞 中堅大からバークレーにロンダ William Thurston (BS @ New College of Florida, Ph.D. @ UCB) フィールズ賞 家の近くのFlinders Universityからプリンストンにロンダ Terence Tao (Flinders University(学士、修士)、Ph.D. @ Princeton) フィールズ賞 ニューヨーク市立Brooklyn Collegeからにシカゴ大にロンダ Paul Cohen (Brooklyn College(学士)、Ph.D. @ Chicago) フィールズ賞 州立メリーランド大からプリンストンにロンダ Charles Fefferman (Maryland(学士)、Ph.D. @ Princeton) ノーベル化学賞 カリフォルニア大最下位のRiversideからハーバードにロンダ Richard R. Schrock (BA @ UC Riverside, @ Harvard)
アメリカはさすがだなw下位なんて見なくていい。上位層がしっかりして いればいいと。 PISA: U.S. is mediocre in reading, math, science Compared to other developed countries, U.S. 15-year-olds are average in reading and science literacy and below average in math, according to study released today by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), which is coordinated by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Does it matter? Some argue the U.S. has more high-scoring students because we have more people than Korea, Singapore, Finland or New Zealand, so it doesn’t matter if our students’ average performance can’t match the high flyers’ performance. Eighteen percent of U.S. students scored poorly in reading and science and 23 percent scored poorly in math. On the other end of the scale, 30 percent of U.S. students scored 4 or better in reading, 27 percent did well in math and 29 percent were strong in science literacy. Can we afford to write off 18 to 23 percent of the population and rely on the top 27 to 30 percent? - U.S. teachers’pay is very low compared to the top performing countries. -Most teachers graduate in the bottom 25% of their college class, and the worst teachers are sent to the worst schools, compounding the test score problem and achievement gap. http://www.joannejacobs.com/2010/12/pisa-u-s-is-mediocre-in-reading-math-science/