Lip検証Youtube一覧 Yuna Kim wrong edge take off ttp:// Yuna Kim wrong edge take off 2 ttp:// Yuna Kim wrong edge take off 3 ttp:// Textbook Flip or Textbook Lip? ttp:// YUNA KIM 3F?-3T ttp:// ▼新たに追加されたもの▼ Yuna Kim wrong edge take off 5 must-watch!! judging problems 2008 GPS Yu-na KIM Flip jump Yuna Kim wrong edge take off 4
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Korean dislikes we Japanese. 韓国人は私達日本人が嫌いなのです。 Korean hates Mao Asada. 韓国人はMao Asadaを憎んでいます。 Therefore, in 4CC of the last year, Mao Asada had to follow a lot of bodyguards to protect herself. そのために、去年の4CCでは、Mao Asadaは自分自身を守る為にボディガードを沢山付けなければならなかった。 They always tell a lie that "I am a Japanese". 彼らはいつも「私は日本人です」と嘘をつきます。 Please be careful if the mysterious email which pretended to be a Japanese comes. もし日本人を装った不思議なメールが来たら気をつけてください。 It is not a Japanese. それは日本人ではありません。 This is the bulletin board which Korean talks about to complain to ISU with pretending to be a Japanese. これは韓国人が日本人になりすまして、ISUに文句を言おうと相談している掲示板です。 They talking about... "We are Koreans, but will pretend to be a Japanese. 私達は韓国人だが日本人になりすまそう。 And I am used to throw out a present of a stone to a brain of Mao Asada and judges そしてMao Asadaやジャッジ達の頭に石のプレゼントを投げつけ I will cry in Japanese afterwards! I love Mao!" その後,日本語で叫ぼう! "Maoは可愛い!" I do not want to let our beloved players go to such a country. こんな国に私達の愛する選手達を行かせたくありません。 In addition, I think that somebody of ISU is going to let Korean Kim Yu-Na win. それに、ISUの誰かは韓国のKim Yu-Naを勝たせようとすると私は思います。 Even if there can be any kind of thing Please protect players and a fair judge. 選手達と、公平なジャッジを守ってください。 The Japanese only expects a fair judge. 日本人はただ公平なジャッジを望んでいるだけです。 Thank you for looking. 見てくれてありがとう。
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間違えました、訂正前のをやってしまった… 訂正したのはこちらです Korean hate Japanese people. 韓国人は私達日本人が嫌いなのです。 They also hate Mao Asada. 韓国人はMao Asadaを憎んでいます。 Therefore, at 4CC of the last season, Mao Asada had to go to Korea with a lot of bodyguards to protect herself. そのために、去年の4CCでは、Mao Asadaは自分自身を守る為にボディガードを沢山付けなければならなかった。 They always tell a lie that "I am a Japanese" when they something to do bad thinds. 彼らはいつも「私は日本人です」と嘘をつきます。 Please be cautious if the suspicious email which pretended to be Japanese come. もし日本人を装った不思議なメールが来たら気をつけてください。 They are not from Japanese,from Koreans. それは日本人ではありません。 This is the bulletin board which Koreans talk about to complain to ISU with pretending to be Japanese. これは韓国人が日本人になりすまして、ISUに文句を言おうと相談している掲示板です。 ttp:// They talking about... "We are Koreans, but will pretend to be Japanese. 私達は韓国人だが日本人になりすまそう。 And I will try to throw presents with stones toward to the judges' and Mao Asada's heads at Trophee Eric Bompard event. そしてMao Asadaやジャッジ達の頭に石のプレゼントを投げつけ I will shout in Japanese afterwards! I love Mao!" その後,日本語で叫ぼう! "Maoは可愛い!" I do not want to let our beloved skaters go to such a country(Korea). こんな国に私達の愛する選手達を行かせたくありません。 In addition, I suspect that there is somebody of ISU is going to let Korean Kim Yu-Na win. それに、ISUの誰かは韓国のKim Yu-Naを勝たせようとすると私は思います。 Even if there can be any kind of thing Please protect skaters and fair judging. 選手達と、公平なジャッジを守ってください。 Not only Japanese skating fans,But also a lot of Figure Skating enthusiasts all of the World just expects fair judging. 日本人はただ公平なジャッジを望んでいるだけです。 Thank you very much. 見てくれてありがとう。
>>1 乙です 他の英文記事きてたのでとりあえず貼っておきます On the edge of controversy with Kim’s flips ttp://
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Concerning an "e" mark given to the opening 3F-3T of Yu-na Kim's SP at Cup of China, her coach Brian Author told Korean media that he would never accept "e" mark but might accept "!" mark, and even said explicitly that he would place a very strong protest to the responsible judge by utlising his personal connections and through an unofficial route. And he did it actually. キムの3Fについて、オーサーはコネを使って非公式に 抗議すると韓国メディアに公言し、実行しました。 When you disagree with the score, there is a way to place a complaint. But Brian Author ignored and skipped the ISU rules. He utilised his personal connections, held an unofficial (as quoted by Brian Author) closed-door secret meeting with a responsible person while the event was going on, and changed the course to his advantage. 抗議するにはしかるべき方法がありますが、オーサーは規則を 無視。大会期間中にコネを使って有力者と非公式の密室会議を 開き、物事を自分の有利にゆがめました。 This was as if we were watching the secret diplomacy filled with injustice, corruption and conspiracy in the 19th century. それはまるで、不正、腐敗、陰謀に満ちた19世紀の秘密外交を 見ているようでした。 I demand the ISU to begin an investigation, without any delay, over what Brian Author and "a responsible person" talked in an unofficial secret meeting, who "the responsible person" is, what their conclusion was, whether or not there was an exchange of money or the likes between the two, whether or not other coaches and athletes were informed of the meeting and their conclusion, and so on and so forth. I also demand the ISU to make the investigation report available to the public. 私はISUがオーサーがしたことについて遅滞なく調査を開始し、 調査結果を一般に公開するよう要求します。
I'm a Japanese, and I would like to express my strong opinion regarding some issue of recent year's Ladies figure skating. 私は日本人です、そして、最近の年の女子フィギュアスケートのいくつかの問題に関して私の断固たる意見を表したいです。 From last year, ISU introduced a ''e'' mark to call wrong edge jump. 去年から、ISUは不正ジャンプを呼ぶ''e''マークを導入しました。 We were just amateurs but we inspected a Flip jump of Yu-Na Kim was Lip for many times. 私達は、Yu-Na KimのFlipジャンプがLipだと何度も検証しました。 But she have never received any ''e'' call until the day before yesterday. しかし、彼女は去年のシーズン一度も''e''コールを受けませんでした。 In SP of November 6, the Flip jump of Yu-Na Kim finally received ''e'' call. 11月6日のSPで、Yu-Na Kim のFlipジャンプはようやく''e''コールを受けました。 We who were a figure skating fan were convinced that ISU finally became the justice then. その時、フィギュアスケートファンである私達はようやくISUが正義になったのだと確信しました。 ISU became the justice thanks to a Swiss caller. スイス人のコーラーのおかげでISUは正義になりました。 However, she and her coach were not so. しかし、彼女と彼女のコーチはそうではありませんでした。 Here is some news of their crazy action. ここに、彼らの狂った行動のニュースがあります。 I think in doubt whether his action is a permissible action. 私は彼の行動が許される行動なのか疑問に思います。
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first, 一つ目に ================================= Brian who Yu-Na Kim's Coach appeared for the full-scale action to regain honor of Yu-Na Kim who was hurt at pride of standard strategy jump 'in a judgment in SP. SPにおける判定で、定石ジャンプ'の自尊心に傷を受けたキム・ヨナの名誉を取り戻すために ブライアンオーサーが本格的な行動に出た。 Brian was angry at combination jump of Miki Ando having caught GOE. Miki Andoのコンビネーションジャンプが加点を受けたという事にブライアンが怒りました。 Brian coach said "Japan Skater Miki Ando must be '’demerit mark object'' キムヨナのコーチブライアンは「日本の選手のミキ&は減点対象である」と言いました。 "I could not find the point that Lutz jump of Ando was be superior than Yu-Na's when I compared lutz of Ando with Yu-Na KIM." キム・ヨナと安藤のルッツジャンプを比べても、決して安藤のジャンプのほうが優れるという点が 見られない、と言いました。 News ttp:// News Movie ttp://§ion_id=001 ttp:// ttp:// One who was familiar with international figure skating said "Tariana Tarasova which is a coach of Mao Asada has a large quantity of influence in Russian figure skating world." 国際フィギュアスケートに精通した一人は 「Mao AsadaのコーチであるTariana Tarasovaはロシアフィギュア界でおびただしい影響力を持っている。 One of the judges of this day was from Russia and seems to have checked technology of Kim Yu-NA particularly methodically. この日のジャッジの一人がロシア出身で、Kim Yu-NAの技術を特に几帳面にチェックしたらしい。 ttp:// ================================= They use the name of Ando / Asada / Tarasova, and appeal for the marking that Kim Yu-Na took that they are unfair. How do the all of you think of this manner? Ando・Asada・Tarasovaまで使って、彼らはKim Yu-Naが受けた採点を不当だと訴えている。 この態度を皆さんはどう思いますか Because Yun-a Kim was Lip,she received "e". Yun-a KimがLipであったから 彼女は"e"を受けたのです。 It is not responsibility of Ando Miki. それはAndo Mikiの責任ではありません。 What is more, Mao Asada and her coach who does not participate in Cup Of China is irrelevant to Yuna Kim had received "e". Cup of China に参加していないMao AsadaやコーチとYuna Kimが"e"を受けた事は関係ありません。 It is responsibility of Yu-na Kim. それはYu-na Kimの責任です。 She must not blame another person for it. 彼女はそれを他人のせいにしてはいけない。 Was there the player who made that she received "e" call the responsibility of another person? eを受けた事を他人の責任にした選手はいましたか?
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Second, ================================= Brian coach said toward Korean media that "I'm going to protests that 'e' call against ISU with formal route or unofficial route with my acquaintances influential to ISU!!! キムのコーチは、韓国のメディアの方へ、「私は、『e』が正式な方法または非公式のルートでISUに対して抗議を行いますと言いました(ISUに有力な彼の知人と!!!) He is going to pressure to ISU. 彼はISUへ圧力を行っています。 But he also said "It's maybe '!' call,I will accept it...." しかし、彼はまた、「もし!コールならきっと受け入れるだろう。 His main protesting reason is NOT that her flip is correct. 彼の抗議の最もな理由は、彼女のフリップが正確だからだ。(彼女のジャンプはインサイドである) It is not allowed for Jadge to call ''e'' to her jump anymore. これ以上彼女のジャンプをeと呼ぶ事は許されません」と言いました。 ================================= Brian said "I'm going to protests that 'e' call against ISU with formal route or unofficial route with my acquaintances influential to ISU." Who is "my acquaintances influential"? 有力な私の知人とは誰でしょうか? Brian was a famous, great skater. ブライアンは有名で偉大なスケーターでした。 However, will it be a good thing to protest while using the power with his acquaintance? しかし、彼の知人と権力を使って抗議する事は良い事でしょうか? In that case, what does the coach who does not have power do? それならば権力を持っていないコーチはどうすれば良いのですか?
"my acquaintances influential" is Peter Klick. 友人というのは、ピーター・クリックの事です。 his wife is a famous judge too. 彼の奥さんもまた有名なジャッジです。 Brian coach met Peter Klick and another influential ISU executive officers after COC SP. ブライアンコーチは、SP後ピーター・クリック他有力なISU幹部と会いました。 Peter Klick said ピーター・クリック氏は言いました Suppress only once. I will tell judges not to call Yu-Na Kim's Flip Jump "e". 「一度だけを耐えてください。私は、Yu-NaキムのFlipジャンプ「e」を呼ばないように審判に言ってあげます。」 Is such a secret meeting forgiven? こんな密会は許されるのですか? And in FS of the later Yu-Na Kim そしてその後のYu-Na KIMのFSで Her "e" jump became called "!" 彼女のeジャンプは!となりました。 3-3combination jump of Miki Ando was downgraded. Miki Ando の コンビネーション ジャンブがダウングレードされ And the downgrade of the Lutz jump of Yu-Na Kim is overlooked そしてYu-Na KimのLutzジャンプのダウングレードは見逃され She got a lot of mysterious GOE. 沢山の不可解なGOEを貰いました。 For example たとえば A spiral sequence having no device receives GOE2. 何の工夫もないスパイラルシークエンスがGOE2を受けていたり And Kim having said that "the last spin was the constitution of three level aims". 「最後のスピンがレベル3狙いの構成である」とKimは言ったのに But the spin got level 4. しかしそのスピンはレベル4を貰いました。 All having said that Brian coach "should have been so" came true. ブライアンコーチが「そうであるべきだ」と言った事が全て叶いました。
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We can not believed that Brian having met Klick illegally 私たちは信じられません。ブライアンがクリックと不正に会った事を But the thing became the news in Korea. しかしその事は韓国でニュースになりました。 The Korean people welcomed it. 韓国の人々はそれを歓迎しました。 But I cannot welcome it. しかし、私は歓迎できません。 Will such a thing be forgiven? このようなことは許されるのでしょうか Please investigate Brian and Click. ブライアンやクリックを調査してください。 Please examine whether they do not do an unjust thing. 彼らが不正な事をしていないか調べてください。 Do not they pressure to ISU? 圧力をかけていないかどうか In this situation the other players whom She do her best every day, and practice are not saved. このままでは,日々頑張って練習している他の選手が救われません。 Please work as a fair judge. 公平なジャッジをしてください。 Please examine Judge of Kim Yu-Na. Kim Yu-Na の点数を調べてください。 I can understand the first place Kim. Kimが一位は納得できます。 However, She receive too much strange GOE. しかし変なGOEを受けすぎています。 I will e-mail to IOC if this problem not improved . もし改善されなかったら、私はIOCにもメールします。 A terrible case such as the saltlake Olympics do not happen anymore. ソルトレイクオリンピックのような酷い事件がもう起こらないように
こっちも訂正しましたがどうでしょう !!! KOREAN TERRORIST ATTACK WARNING !!! 韓国人テロ攻撃注意 KOREAN TERRORISTS are planning to attack ISU judge and figure skater Asada, Mao. 韓国人がISUジャッジと浅田真央への攻撃を企んでいるようです。 PREPARE FOR the WORST ,EMERGENCY (hope that it's only a joke, though) 念のため、最悪の事態に備えてください(単なる冗談であることを祈っておりますが) See above URL written in Korean ,use translation program. 以下の韓国語URLを、適当な韓英翻訳プログラムでご覧下さい ttp:// ## We can only inform you the fact that you are in DANGER . Do as you see fit. ## 我々は、掲示板への記載事実を報告することしか出来ませんが、善処されますよう。
Please be cautious if the suspicious email which pretended to be Japanese come. もし日本人を装った不思議なメールが来たら気をつけてください。 They are not from Japanese,from Koreans. それは日本人ではありません。 ↑じゃあ、お前も韓国人なんだなwwwww馬鹿丸出しの小学生の作文wwwwww
前スレでカナダの関係機関にメールするといいかも、という話が出てたので それ向けに書いてみた。 でも、自分としては送るかどうかまだ迷ってます。 参考までに長いけど貼っておくので、英文はめちゃくちゃだけど、 よかったら切り貼りして使ってください。 あと、色々なレスや記事の引用文も確認してないので、 間違いあったら教えてれると嬉しいです。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my concern about rumour of collusion between Mr Brian Orser and the International Skating Union with reference to growing criticism of dishonest scores especially in recent international figure skating competitions. Firstly, it was reported (by several Korean media organizations) that Mr Orser indicated strong dissatisfaction with the judgement made on Miss Yu-Na Kim’s triple Flip as that with wrong edge after the Ladies Short Program in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Samsung Anycall Cup of China. His main claims are as follows: - Yu-Na Kim’s triple Flips had never been delivered the ‘e’ judgement before; therefore, the jump, which was not different from the one in last competition, at worst should have marked ‘!’ instead of ‘e’, - the judgement in the Ladies SP was considered to be made unfairly as Yu-Na Kim’s triple Lutz was downgraded, whereas Miki Ando’s combination jump, which looked more underrotated than Kim’s, graded as triple-triple, - and he would protest the judgement unofficially through his personal connection with some top officials in the ISU before the Ladies Free Program. Miss Kim completed the triple Flip marked ‘!’ two days after.
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There has been controversy as to whether the judgement could always be delivered impartially without a review of slow-motion replay; however, almost all of the skaters and coaches have accepted the call and tried to improve and modify their skating techniques to the rules. Mr Orser’s statement might be slightly threatening effort and reward of these sincere figure skaters and other involved parties by creating an impression that some particular skaters could influence on judges and their marks regardless of their actual skating. Moreover, this could remind the public of the scandal at the 2002 Winter Olympics and raise doubts about the existence of figure skating as an Olympic game, as some signature campaigns are said to have already been launched. I started to watch figure skating when Mr Orser was an amateur skater. I adored his glamorous and artistic skating and earnestly wished him a gold medal in two Olympics. So, I am really concerned that he is not only possible to damage his reputation by his negative comments towards the judges and Miss Kim’s rivals, but also possible to be involved into a further scandal for upcoming Olympics. This must be a delicate matter, but I would be grateful if you could examine Mr Orser’s real intentions and whether the judgement is made fairly and impartially to make sure that Mr Orser has never pressurised the officials or judges to control marks. Lastly I wish high popularity of figure skating and great success with 2010 Winter Olympics. Yours faithfully, 署名
2Aへの異常加点について抗議 I want to raise a question about the first of 3 double Axel (2A) jumps in Yu-na Kim's Free Skate (FS) at Cup of China. (中国杯キムFS、最初の2Aについて) Judges gave her 2A jump its base point PLUS additional GOE +2 points. ISU rule clearly states under which condition a skater is given additional GOE points. In order to obtain GOE +2, a skater must perform a difficult entry or show special uniqueness for the technique involved. However, many skating fans cannot see any difficult entry or special uniqueness in Kim's 2A. Kim's first 2A was clean, but just odrinary and dull. (ジャッジは加点2を与えた。ルールでは+2には難しい踏切、独創性が必要と書いて あるが、彼女のジャンプはきれいなだけで平凡だった。) 2A plus GOE +2 makes bigger points (5.5) than 3Lo's base point (5.0) which she originally planned to do. She declared to the judges that she would jump 3Lo, but she actually excuted 2A instead of 3Lo, and has earned higher score than 3Lo's. 3Lo is the most difficult jump for Kim. Many people know that she can rarely jump one. (2A基礎点+2は、3Loの基礎点より高くなる。3Loはキムが苦手とするジャンプ。) This mysterious scoring happened after Brian Orser, Kim's coach, put political pressure on a group of judges while the competition was still going on by utilising high-ranking and influential person in the ISU. (この奇妙な加点は、オーサーがISU高官を通じてジャッジに政治的圧力を かけた後に起きた。) Please refer to the last paragraph of the news article in Korean as follows. (次の韓国記事の最後の段落を参照してください。) For translation from Korean to English, please use the following link. (翻訳が必要な人はこれを利用してください。)
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- - - - -beginning of Google translation- - - - - One side of Kim IB Sports Management signed "respect the decision of the coach and the players going to consider a formal protest that the" the "ohseo coach, but a close relationship with the ISU high-ranking official to meet personally with the informal corridor The problem with the decision and has appealed the importance of this issue, " he said. - - - - -end of Google translation- - - - - (略) Since judges no longer ignore/overlook the wrong edge of Kim's 3F, she cannot expect to obtain higher GOE points for her 3Fs. It is suspected that judges gave GOE +1 for Kim's 2A, and another GOE +1 for her spiral, thus compensated, under political pressure, for GOE +2 in total which they gave Kim to her 3F before. (3Fのロング・エッジが取られるようになったので、キムは今後加点を期待できない。 政治的な圧力により2Aとスパイラルに異常加点が与えられ、以前の3Fに与えられて いた加点を補っている疑いがある。) Who is the high-ranking and influential person in the ISU as quoted by Brian Orser? It is worth noting that the current Vice Chairman of ISU is a South Korean, and that the single biggest sponsor to the Cup of China is Samsung, a well-known conglomerit of the country, although the event was financed by various companies worldwide. (ISU高官とは誰でしょうか?ISU副会長は韓国人。中国杯は多くの企業に支えられて いるが、最大のスポンサーはサムソンです。) If you are a real skating fan, can you accept such a scoring distortion was made in international competition? (もしあなたが本当のスケートファンなら、このような採点操作を受け入れることが できますか?)