テッキョンは武術じゃないよ。 もともとは手縛(スバク)と呼ばれた遊びで、李朝時代にテッキョンになった。 19世紀のゲーム本に遊び方が載ってる。 Korean games: with notes on the corresponding games of China and Japan 著者: Stewart Culin P39 http://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&tbo=1&hl=ja&q=korean+games HTAIK-KYEN-HA-KI is a combat between two players, chefly with the feet. They take their positions with their feet apart, facing each other, and each endeavors to kick the other's foot from under him. A player may take one step backward with either positions. One leads with a kick at one of his opponent's legs. He moves that leg back and kicks in turn. A high kick is permitted, and is caught with the hands. The object is to throw the opponent. This game also occurs in japan, but the Chinese laborers from Canton do not appear to be familiar with it. 最後の行で日本にも同じような遊びがあると言ってるね。