2011年12月1期dejima13: 4chan (14) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼


1 :11/08/31 〜 最終レス :11/11/24
4chan kara kimasuta

2 :

3 :

4 :
4chan ni kaeru, onegai.

5 :

6 :
go home

7 :
please love me

8 :
hmm...I love you.

9 :
from /m/
2ch is fucking shit.

10 :
4chan stoles image board system from 2ch and 2chan.
Its is crime.

11 :
/tg/ is the only REAL board

12 :
Yes, 4chan infringed the copyright of 2ch.
4chan is a pirate, or infringer.

13 :
do you know what 'dejima' means?

14 :11/11/24
4chan uses code from 2chan (Futaba) not 2ch. 2ch isn't an imageboard, 2chan is. And the code is freely available anyway, so it's not infringing on copyright laws.
・ 次のスレ
14: I came from "VIP". (291)
15: nanj (5)
16: test (539)
17: TDN (337)
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼