Greetings, people of the textboard! I hope some of you speak english, but the way I know japanese people, I have no doubt you do. I am here today to ask you, 2ch dwellers, to help me find informations about the crumbling power plant that is Fukushima Daiichi and the unrest caused by some officials and their unrealistic announcements. I seek truth. And I know for sure this place is where I can find unhindered people. Here is what I research : I'd like english-speaking japanese people who can provide me information on the real situation. If you live in the area, if you know english-speaking people who do or if you have some fresh information that can not be seen on medias, or simply update about "What's happening", I would be immensely grateful to have those informations. Even better if you're working there. I'll leave a mail address here. (below) Anything you'll send will be redirected to my mailbox. I'll answer to anything sent to me (except stupid things of course).
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Who can ignore japanese officials made young people make a marathon in the contaminated area, and that one of the competitors died there of "heat stroke" while the temperature was at 20° (68F)? Who can deny radiactive particles reached the time change line, 4000km (2485 miles) away from coasts? This story is too much. I am not japanese, and I know how much you people trust and rely on your government, and I have read that some guy suicided, because he felt deceived. I don't know how much media coverage there is in Japan, but in a lot others countries, very few people talk about it. It was "trendy" some time ago, but now medias decided it was old story and got back to american singers or the last ual parties of some important politician. And I want to get the story back on the scene. The "people need help" is a part of this, but the fact that it's probably one of the worst nuclear disasters that happened, and it's going worse, and very few care about, except those who are eating contamined food daily, or working to limit the danger while taking excessive doses of radiations, that must not be tolerated. I am not a journalist, or reporter for any media (or mass media...). I don't work for anyone except me. This doesn't means I'll keep the info for myself, only that I do that along with my own research on the subject, to inform about that in places it's just a "foreign story". I'm not alone in this research. Please help me in this.
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Hi Seeker!
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Here is the mail I mentioned, at wich you can contact me : (temporary mail address, will work 2 weeks, I'll use my regular address to speak to those who send me something) Please include 2ch, 2chan, Japan, Fukushima in the "object" field so I can sort mails faster. It will go worse, or not. But it WILL be worse if people don't know or don't care. The informations must get outside japanese borders. (The pic might not be accurate but it's not out of topic) tl;dr : No time to read? Short version : You have infos on the Fukushima disaster or you live there (or know people who do)? Then send me a mail on the adress above with "2ch" in subject field. I seek to inform people outside of Japan. I don't work for any medias/mass medias. Answering in this thread is welcomed, asking questions, discuss or anything, but in english. I know I'm in the right place but I can't read japanese (I know, that's a shame) I deeply hope I can count on you, thanks in advance.
7> I am! Nice to meet you. But well, I would be stupid to post this in french here^^ I speak spanish too. And I know latin (kinda useless). I understand a little when japanese tongue, but can't read at all.
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Ouch, that was 2 sentences in one. Please read "I understand a little when japanese speak" or "I understand a little the japanese tongue"
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>>9 I'm glad to meet you. はじめましてSeeker フランス語だと書き込めないんですね
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Si tu es francais, n'hesite pas a nous ecrire en francais.
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おお フランス語が堪能な人が フレンチ書き込めるんだ 後は任せまふ
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>>11 Hajimemashite to you too. >>12 Tu es un autre français ou un japonais qui parle français? And I think I'll stick to japanese, I guess most of the people here speak more english than french...isn't it?
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Bonne nuit! 寝ます!
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>>15 Oyasumi nasai! (Aren't all those "sage" meant to drown the thread? Or is that something else here?)
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>>14 It's good to have you here. Unfortunately, very few Japanese people understand English very well. I hope you can find the right people who can provide you real information.
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Ah, maybe this is the wrong board to post such an informations request. If that's the reason of the sages, please indicate me a more appropriate place...
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Je suis japonais qui parle votre langue un petit peu. Pour moi, le francais est plus familier... Mais tu as raison, most of people here ne comprendraient pas.
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>>19 Courageux! French is known to be a hard language to learn.
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Now,in japan, who afraid of Fukushima atomic crisis and radioactivity are regarded as "chicken" or "neurosis" or "bad person". Japanese government and TV media don't inform people truth and danger, and they recommend people to eat heavily contaminated foods by radioactivity. TV media usually says "Let's support Fukushima by eating fukushima's farm products". Unbelievable! Really crazy thing. We have only despair. We'd like to know what is actually happening in Fukushima, by foreign media. Could you tell us, what is reported about Fukushima atomic crisis by French press. We wanna really know how dangerous thing is happening around us.
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Merci. A mon avis, this board n'est pas the wrong board, parce qu'ici on parle du sujet sur Fukusima serieusement. Mais peu de gens peuvent comprendre l'anglais. pour toi c'est tres difficile de trouver des informations, je pense.
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Pardon my wrong English. You are on right place, and this board may suit for your request, I guess. People who write on this board much concern about earthquake and radioactive disaster and they are minority in Japan. Not a few person has good information, I hope they give you good information.
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>>18 Any word other than sage, a thread appears at the top of the board. Doing that is totally one's preference and doesn't mean anything else. There is no problem to ask for radiation-related information here.
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Japanese goverment attacked for me & many people They are crazy Japanese government and TV media don't inform atomic crisis We are only slavlor Japanese police attacked for me & many people Oh! my godness!
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I really afraid of spent nuclear fuel pool of 4th plant. I think if the pool collapse by next large earthquake, enormous radioactivity are released and lots of people die immediately. I'd like to know how world's media are informing about the pool and its danger.
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Don't despair! You are not alone. French press? Well, they mostly relate about European problems. The recent news speak about how the happenings may lead to fire employees in european nuclear companies. Also, seems the director of the power plant has cancer now. There are updates about new contamined water leaking from the central in Fukushima, and about another japanese nuclear power plant having problems (leaks, higher rates registered...). Seems only 9 on 54 power plants in Japan are still in activity since all of this started. Also, all the news I wrote in the long text above, but you surely know that already. There are big doubts about the tsunami. More and more people think it was a crumbling facility and the earthquake only aggravated the already existing damages. Some time before the first explosions, a part of the systems in the power plant was hacked, (or in a really bad condition) but the origin of that is unknown. And yes, the "Let's support Fukushima by eating fukushima's farm products", and the way people are seen as chicken is what interests me. If you want, send a mail, we can keep talking after, I'm looking for inside view of all this story.
>>25 opinion excessive... ideologuique... au revoir, j'ai sommeil. Bonne chance.
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Food's contamination temporary standards are also crazy. Now, 500 Bq/kg vegetable, meat, milk, fish, mushroom and rice are distributed. Crazy things! Government, producers, consumers are all crazy. Who afraid of food radioactive contamination are really minority.
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>>26 About Fukushima 4, it has been announced that there was a new contamined water leak. Seems people are trying to fix that but because government is like "A leak? Ah well, put some glue, should be okay", nothing will get fixed. The worst is to know that people out there are doing everything they can with the resources they have, but officials don't take this seriously (or are blinded) and send reinforcements or material like if it was a minor incident...
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Ah, and the emperor, Akihito, stayed few days in the hospital, after officially visiting the Fukushima area. An official drank water from the area to prove it was harmless, in front of journalists. Well, in the video the man was shaking while taking the glass to his lips...
>>32 Thx. Exactly. I think contamined water leak is also serious problem. It is sure to pollute the Pacific Ocean. And it means that it becoming more difficult to cool melted fuel continuously. Us and EU have to protest to Japanese government strongly about this problem, i think.
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>>30>>34 Could you say this in english please? I understood >>34 spoke about france but after that... (Or someone kind enough to translate this to english..)
>>30 says "please translate the points". >>34 says "Seeker may be Japanese and need aid to gather information"
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>>35 The problem is that politicians are brothers. Here in France for instance, they would never say the japanese government is not acting properly, because they fear it would make international relationship hard. You know, there was a despot in a country south of Europe, killed his people, took all the riches for him and let everyone else in misery. Well, our president never said anything against that, he even recieved him in france and had friendly exchange with him. And now, there's been a revolution, the despot has been killed, and the president says it's good that it happened. Seriously politics, wtf?
Hi Seeker, Thank you for your concern on us. You must have been read through - this site covers many issues discussed about Fukushima nuke plant in 2ch. One of the most active thread is 【原発】xxxx【放射能】 threads. means<nuke plant>thread number<radiation> - all Japanese though Kind guys create wiki to summarize the threads. You can see past logs from this site. I myself don't have a great secret - Personally, I feel wary of Japanese government and mass media keep trying to make people believe that accident had only happened in Fukushima so surrounded area (north and east Japan including Tokyo) are not affected by accident. I'm living in West Tokyo with my 2 yr old kid and wife. On 3/15 Morning I have had many 2ch posts reported that extremely high radiation is marked in geiger counters in Ibaragi. We shut all windows and stayed inside, praying that my son don't get too much radioactive Iodine. I'm trying to persuade my wife that we must move to overseas or west Japan - which doesn't work well. Leaving where we live is not very easy - for many people.
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>>38 Humh...don't...understand..everything. If that's what you want to know, it's everywhere the same problems. Few people at ease, lots of people struggling. I have a hunger for truth and justice, and a lot of other people too. French or not. But...our voices are weak against all those who don't care. >>39 Oh my, thanks a lot for translating that! >>42 "Translate the points" means translate what I said? I can't but it seems >>39 can do it.
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>>44 Didn't understand the last sentence, but yea, japanese government is acting nonsense with that. That's sad, before that I had a high opinion about japanese administration and all,, they're doing all wrong.
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Be careful of the following thing: Politicians, bureaucrats, major companies, mass media, scholars, and administration of justice construct, and they are deluding Japanese people. Japanese people is the degree of people below developing countries. Please think such thing and see Japan after the nuclear power plant disaster.
>>45 Thanks for the links, they are registered. Hold on, staying or leaving is a hard decision, but if things continue like that, there will be no other choice than getting away...and that must not happen.
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Well, Japanese governments, police and TEPCO(Tokyo electric power company) are really hostile to 2ch dwellers. Japanese atomic mafia sometimes do illegal things, i think. So, we don't like E-mail because we can't show who we are.
Why you are interested in this issue so much? I am really glad that foreign people concern about this.
Not a few Japanese worry about this crazy situation and they want to change the situation. But We really do not know appropriate action, ideas, solutions. In fact, some people did demonstrations, some write serious situation around them on internet, and others know them and are influenced and do another action. But government, tepco, bureaucracy, mass-media hide the truth and throw away their responsibility. Not a few people are deceived or have no good choice. (for example, food contamination)
I hope people around the world know this crazy situation and give some pressure to all Japanese. We Japanese really have to be awakened!
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>>51 That's a redirection mail, when you send it to the address written, it launches the mail to another box. And this other mailbox is created only for here, no informations in it, no other mails, nothing personnal. Wasn't going to use my name mail for that anyways.
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We have many good sites about nuke plant, however I can hardly found good English resource which written by Japanese who living in Japan. though 2ch doesn't have good quality of information (too much scribbles and hate posts) there should be some value in unedited raw voice, especially Japanese government and mass media (which heavily sponsored by TEPCO) running big campaign of media control. 原発情報に関しては日本語だと結構質のいいサイトや情報源がたくさんあるけれど、 日本に生活している日本人が英語で発信しているサイトはあまり多くないように思える。 にちゃんは情報の質ははひどいが(嵐が多すぎる)、編集されていないリアルタイムの情報には 価値があるかもしれない。特に政府、マスメディア(とそのバックにいる東電)が大規模な情報操作を 行っているときにはね。 ・・・おっと誰かが来たようだ。
I would like to ask you one thing as a Japanese. How could the French Revolution be started when doing? I think that a people's revolution is the required for present Japan.
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>>53 "Why" is a hard question. I am not japanese, I don't live there and don't know anyone living there, but I am who I am, and I can't let such things happen. I can't let people think "It's just some country far away". We do what we can to inform people about this, and we're not going to stop until the situation is good. And there's still a lot of work to do for that. (I say "we" because I'm not alone trying to support, I share my informations with other people interested by this, but I'm not part of an organization as I said, I do this alone.)
>>57 Revolution? Well, a revolution happens when people don't want their governement anymore. The problem is, for you japanese people, that your structure is old, very very old, getting the government out would mean an aggression against the Emperor's place, and I think a lot of japanese people wouldn't follow that. But if there's any chance the corrupted and blind in the government go away, the first need is to have the maximum of people angry about what's happening. So, inform, share, people must know. I don't think there will be a revolution, but a mass awakening would be great.
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>>59>>60>>61 Please try to speak english or translate what you say, because I really can't read what you say, and the online translators are really bad when it come to japanese, I can only grasp few words but no overall meaning.
>>62 I appreciate your advice. However, you are doing big misunderstanding about the Japanese Emperor. The Emperor is not responsible for this nuclear power plant disaster. Most Japanese do not have an antipathy about the Emperor. The Emperor is unrelated to substance top politics. The Emperor, not to mention it, is also a victim. His Majesty the Emperor is also forcibly taken to Fukushima, and was contaminated.
>>67 Thanks to say what I'd like to say. I wish our emperor live so long !
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>>67 The problem is that when there's a revolution, it's the whole system that is to be changed, even the "innocent" people. I know the emperor is not responsible, and he's been sick but a massive opposition against governement means an opposition against Akihito's rightful place.
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>>63 They can not trust you, I guess. In fact, sometime people who have malice appear on 2ch, and they may come from "big brother" side. Such a thing really happen on this. Me and other people trust you. >>58 You may be globalist and ecologist. I hope you inform "truth" to your friends and people around you. Thank you for your kindness.
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>a massive opposition against governement means an opposition against Akihito's rightful place フランス人から見たらこう見えるのか。 現実に政府が転覆したらその心配もしなきゃいかんのか。
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>>73 Globalist, in the way that interests of people of the world are more important than interests of nations, yes. But individuality of each country is precious too. Ecologist...I couldn't say. Ecologists in france are mocked, and with good reason : most of them have unrealistic programs based on nothing. But outside of that, I guess I can be seen as an ecologist, yes.
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>72 Our emperor is, so to speak, "Priest King". He is the highest priest Shintoism. What he have is not power but authority. He is our of our government, and he is symbol of Japan.
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>>76 I think you meant "out of our government". Well, I don't really know how things work in Japan, but if it's really separated, it's a good thing, that means a revolution is possible. (The only reference I have to an emperor is kings of old times and stuff like that then...)
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>>77 Japanese law strickly prohibits and denys the right of resistance as well as right of rebellion by Capital punishment. Natural law is being denied and positive law is thought as almighty.
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>>75 To tell the truth, I'm afraid that you are a Japanese government employee in France. I love French people, and I hate and fear our government. Now, in our country, people who fear radioactivity are actually enemy of government. So I'm becoming nervous these days.
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Good luck
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>>78 That's not bad, but only if the government is perfect... And that can't happen.
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I think real revolution occur not a few people's death and I think this is the point Japanese do not want to do revolution, even demonstration. People are afraid of even "social death" such as being ignored from others because of being arrested or so. And we are not accustomed to appeal our write. We may be too much adjusted to being tolerant, I guess. if society collapse or society revolution will occur, I guess, it occur silently. Just like personal death or personal runaway. it's 3 midnight and good night! I'll be back! (^^;
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>>79 I have no way to prove that I'm not, I can only say : I'm not. Maybe you know Kibo? Some of my informations go to them from times to time. >>82 Thanks for being here, good night!
Well, I gotta go now! Please consider sending mails to the adress I gave, this is a secured mail, and even if I'll use some of the informations, I won't reveal any mail, name, sources or anything like that (obviously) Nothing tells you that I can be trusted, but I know who I am and what I fight for. Trust me. Good night!
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oyasumi Nihongo dekimasuka? Good night see ya
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Do you know“Lady Oscar”?
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Prf. Hayakawa of Gunma Univ. was served a written warning from the chancellor a few days ago by his reprehensible behavior on twitter. Hayakawa has been saying like "Don't cultivate crops in the Fukushima contaminated area. If you do, you will poison consumers. You are like people who tried to kill citizens with sarin." This has been causing such a debate recently.
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Est ce que tu connais LADYOSCAR? LA ROSE DE VERSAILLE? Yes i know , and you ?
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Hayakawa has been committed to make a very famous map called "Hayakawa map." He released its first version early time when every Local Government hesitated to monitor and announce radiation level of areas. Hayakawa has been bombarded with complaints by many local governments after the release. I think Gunma Univ warned him by the pressure of local governments of contaminated areas.
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He says inflammatory observation on purpose. He has a trauma: he couldn't save 43 people from the disaster of Unzen eruption.