マンローランド、会社を分割して売っちゃうみたいなこと書いてる? http://www.proprint.com.au/News/281723,manroland-administrator-reports-investor-interest.aspx Manroland administrator reports investor interest A number of unidentified investors have already expressed an interest in Manroland, according to the court-appointed administrator Werner Schneider. Schneider told the Financial Times Deutschland that it may be easier to dismantle the company and sell it in parts and that talks with potential investors will begin within the next two weeks.
manroland の発表 1000万ユーロの現金を含む5500万ユーロの融資をゲット http://www.manroland.com/com/en/8355.htm Mass credit approved for manroland The mass credit has a volume of Euro 55 million, thereof Euro 10 million in form of a cash drawing facility. A further Euro 45 million are a so-called “partial” mass credit in which the lending banks release part of the forgone loans. The release ensures the required liquidity without the banks having to provide new debt.
manroland U.K. もったようです。 manroland Japan は大丈夫か? 親亀こけたら小亀もこけるのは当然! http://www.newsandtech.com/dateline/article_c5a40286-2041-11e1-8d18-0019bb2963f4.html manroland U.K. unit files for protection Embattled press vendor manroland's U.K. unit has filed for administration, with PricewaterhouseCoopers appointed to oversee the company. Manroland Great Britain took the step to seek protection Dec. 5, according to PrintWeek, the U.K. business publication that broke the story.
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manroland Great Britain Ltd. の公式発表 http://www.manroland.co.uk/PDFs/Manroland_admin.pdf Manroland Great Britain Limited ? in administration David Baxendale and Zelf Hussein were appointed joint administrators of Manroland Great Britain Limited on 5th December 2011.
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イギリスも破産申請か… 本当に日本は大丈夫なのか?
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manroland にも中国の上海電気の触手が… http://www.4investors.de/php_fe/index.php?sektion=stock&ID=53803 Medien berichten, dass sich ein chinesisches Unternehmen für Teile von manroland interessiert. Dabei handelt es sich um Shanghai Electric, die angeblich eine Produktionsstätte in Offenbach übernehmen wollen.
ローランドが上海電気の条件を飲んだ 上海電気はローランドの枚葉技術に興味を持っている 輪転のゴスと枚葉のローランド アメリカとヨーロッパの買収 上海電気すごいね ところで、日本の枚葉のアキヤマはどうなる http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/dec2011/manr-d10.shtml Germany: Fierce debates at Manroland in Offenbach By our reporters 10 December 2011 Many workers at printing press manufacturers Manroland fear that the IG Metall union is willing to accept the conditions demanded by a Chinese investor: breaking away the plant in Offenbach and taking over only a portion of the workforce. According to the Augsburger Allgemeine, the Chinese conglomerate Shanghai Electric is especially interested in acquiring modern sheet-fed technology, but will not take on any “legacy” in the form of higher pension entitlements and other benefits.
KBAが関心を示している… 中国なんかに売り渡したら大変なことになるからな… ドイツ連合で頑張らなくっちゃ… http://www.newsandtech.com/dateline/article_95d6c8cc-24ec-11e1-a6c5-001871e3ce6c.html KBA expresses ‘interest' in manroland December 12, 2011 11:07 am Rival Koenig & Bauer AG has contacted the administrator overseeing manroland's insolvency in Germany, expressing interest in the beleaguered press supplier.
∩ 新年 ∩∪ あけまして ∪.| |∩ おめでとう . | |.| |∪ ございます . | |.| |.| | (∩∩∩∩) 2012年元旦. (∪∪∪∪) |≡≡≡| /≠≠≠\ http://www.graphicrepro.co.za/asp/news_long.asp?nid=19220 Happy New Year to all our Website visitors I also hope the demise of Manroland will be resolved positively before the end of this month, too, especially for its 6,500 employees around the globe and particularly those in Germany, where some 5,000 are affected. It’s not a good time to have to contemplate unemployment. Adminisatrator Werner Schneider is to continue negotiations with potential buyers during this coming week.
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新年早々めでたいニュースだ ドイツ企業に決まればいいね http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-01-02/manroland-plant-attracts-interest-from-germany-augsburger-says.html Manroland Plant Attracts Interest From Germany, Augsburger Says Manroland AG (MRDCF)’s Augsburg factory has attracted a buyer that shows “strong interest,” Augsburger Allgemeine reported, citing the printing-press maker’s insolvency administrator, Werner Schneider. Negotiations are at a “relatively advanced stage” with the unidentified suitor, even though there are still several candidates to take over the plant in Augsburg, the German newspaper said. The main candidate comes from Germany, Augsburger Allgemeine reported, citing unidentified people in the industry.