今日休みでなんか暇だったから前スレの煽りを訳してみた。 性器を切られた人事件のアソコが見つかりました His genitalia ,severed and carried away by someone in the murder case,was finally found. In the murder case, he reportedly had his penis and testicles cut off and carried away by someone,which were finally found. 下ネタも訳してみると結構勉強になるな
≫5 We will have someone translate the lyrics into English. We hope he will sing this song comfortably,so would it be possible to finally get him rewrite some parts of the words ,and change this song into another one easier for him to sing?
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>6 ありがとうございます。助かりました。
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>>6 If someone sees us here,probably we will be falsely accused.(be wrongly suspected )
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>>6 We look suspicious hanging out at a joint like this, let's roll.
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私は常に他人に対して優しくありたいとおもっている って I think always I want to be kind to others すみません合ってますか?
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>>12 I want to be kind to others. だけで充分。 I think alwaysは余計。年がら年中、他人のことを考えているような感じがする。 ついでに言うと、語順はI always thinkが適当。 どうしても「常に」を入れたいのであれば、othersのあとに on all occasionsかunder any circumstancesをつけ加える。
× I hope I can be kind to everyone. ○ I want to be kind to everyone.
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I want to be always kind でいいんだよ ほんと馬鹿ばっか
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日本の力を信じてる これって英訳するとどうなりますか?
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すみません、 私はログインしていても、その場所にいるとは限りません どっちにしても気軽に私にはなしかけてください ってなんて言えばいいえですか When I log in , Im not necessarily in the place Anyway please feel free talk with me でいいですか?
>>28 The cartoon is full of prejudice and I have alomost the same way to think. >>29 My fever has been over 39 degree centigrade so I went to see a doctor. I was told to have a flu. It can't help, but I'm sorry that I have to take a few days off in this busy term.
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The cartoon is full of prejudice and I have alomost the same way to think. ww My fever has been over 39 degree centigrade so I went to see a doctor. wwww I was told to have a flu. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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>>21 Even if I am in, I might not be there. In any cace, you can feel free to talk to me.
>>33 先生がどういう人なのかよくわかりません。学校の先生ならこれでいいのですが Once a new version of script is done, would you please send it to me? I have to have it checked by the teacher. >>34 Put mentos in a basin full of coke
>>28 That anime has a big bias, but I have an almost same idea with it anyhow. >>29 I got a fever of 38 degrees or more Celsius, and then I went to a hospital. I got a flu, so I need to take some days off when my company is busy. It's pretty tough, but I had no choice.
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>>29>>30 My temperature was over 39 degrees, so I went to the hospital. It looks like I have the flu.
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Page 67 exercise7 "Listening": Understand the questions and be able to write or recognize an appropriate answer. Also, know the following vocabulary: Overcast Bargain これ英会話のテスト範囲なんですが日本語訳おねがいします
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>>39 Since the A cannot be discussed independent from terms and conditions of the contract, you'll get contact by other person in our team shortly.
>>48 Some parts in the report possibly might be changed later.
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>>47 Many enthusiasts are desperately trying to acquire that item, but there are so few of them left so it’s very hard. As far as I know, there are less than 10 of them ever imported into Japan in the past. One of my friends actually owns one of them but he’s not willing to sell the item. He would however, agree to exchange this item to an item that is equally rare.
>>61 Write down how many and how long metre ropes you need.
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>>64 This is a picture showing Hakuhou,a Yokozuna class Sumo Wrestler hammering down for Japanese rice cake "Mochi". He is a Mongorian and the only one Yokozuna wrestler for now.
>>64 横綱の白鵬が 餅つきをしている写真です。 彼はモンゴル人で 今横綱は彼ひとりです。 The photograph shows Hakuhou making traditional rice cakes. He is a Mongolian and currently the only Yokozuna listed on Banzuke. 先日5項目、後半年分残ってるのかな?
>>73 Is your shop open throughout the year? if you have regular holidays, could tell me what day of the week the shop is closed?
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Do you open your shop in the whole year? If there are any day-off to your shop, could you tell me when you close it?
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>>75 訂正 Is your shop open throughout the year? if you have regular holidays, could 「you 」tell me what day of the week the shop is closed? you を追加。失礼しました
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>>73 Is your store open for business every day of the week? Also, please let me know if it is to observe certain holidays.
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Also, please let me know if it observes certain holidays. の方がちょっと短いか
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Is your store open every day of the week? の方が短いしw
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〜が18%下がった 〜が18% down だと思うのですが〜がにあたる語がわかりません 宜しくお願いします
62:01/18(水) 12:35 「きのう宅急便で届いた本は、もう読んだよ」 お願いします。 63:01/18(水) 14:35 [sage] >>62 I've already read the book just delivered yesterday. 通りすがりだが、I've already read the book the carrier delivered to me yesterday. とした方がよくね? ちなみにcarrierって宅配業者のことね。
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carrier 運び屋 courier 宅配業者
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>>85 辞書見たらわかるけど補足 値下げする意味のmark down は目的語に商品とかが来る 例えばmark down the book by 18% だったら 「その本を18%値引きする」ってことね
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>>62 きのう宅急便で届いた本は、もう読んだよ I've already read the book a courier delivered yesterday. >>86 the book THE carrier × the book a carrier/courier ○
>>93 「調べてみます。2、3日中に連絡するの で 待っていて下さいませ。 急いでいますか?」 I will look into it. I will be in touch in a few days, please be patient. Are you in a rush? よりも Do you need it sooner? かも couple = 2 カップル = 二人 (一夫多妻を除く) few = 2〜3、<4 several = <5
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「それはただ眠って、眠って、眠るだけです。」 これはどのように言えばいいのですか?
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>>98 it's all about sleep, sleep and sleeping some more.