AMERICA has the power of FREEDOM and FREE MARKET. JAPAN has power of POCKY and TENTACLE RAPE. AMERICA has the freedom to not get raped and the FINACIAL POWER to bring down pocky. AMERICA WINS.
japan :repayment money us : wait! i am No1! USA USA! japan :repayment money us : i have strongest army!nuclear bomb! japan :repayment money us:i'd won japan fif...sixty five years ago! japan :repayment money us: yellow monkey! yellow cab! japan:repayment money us :jesus!!my god is special! japan:repayment money us:do you watch hollywood? japan:repayment money us: >>1 please resume
7 :
how pathetic American are, as always. U WHITES SHOULD LEAVE INDIAN'S SOIL(NOT YOURS) NOW.
8 :
how pathetic Japanse are, as always. U NIPPONJIN SHOULD LEAVE AINU'S SOIL(NOT YOURS) NOW.
>>8 eseCould be fine for Japanese to withdraw from the AINU land, but could be nightmare for white americans to do that 'cause that'll result in losing their whole country hahahahahaha Pathetic yankees LOL
27 :
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USA was built by people from other countries who came here and prospered. More will come. USA is a melting pot. More freedom here. Not perfect, just better. USA #1 country in the world.
32 :
yeah, jew govern it LOL
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Fucking jews destroying the world!!!!
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USA is selfish nation. I am interested in many of European cultures and religions but, I do not like American culture and its character. Disgusted zeals and its Gianism thought.
35 :
Hsitory of America is just war.
36 :
Viva Los Estados Unidos!!
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