ttp:// The Dark Side of "Green" Energy:The Blowback Against Big Wind by ROBERT BRYCE FEBRUARY 13, 2012 グリーン・エネルギーのダーク・サイド:風力発電への逆風 by ROBERT BRYCE 13日 After years of successful marketing and lavish subsidies from taxpayers, the global wind industry now finds itself facing an unprecedented backlash. And that backlash ? largely coming from rural landowners ? combined with low natural gas prices, and a Congress unwilling to extend more subsidies, has left the American and Canadian wind sectors gasping for breath. 何年にも渡るマーケティングの成功や税金による潤沢な補助の下で成長してきたグローバルな風力発電は、今や空前の逆風に 面している。この逆風というのは土地所有者(の騒音公害への抗議)や天然ガスの価格低下、議会が政府補助金の継続に難色 を示していることなどから来ていて、アメリカやカナダの風力発電業界があえいでいる。 But a myriad of examples are available that demonstrate how the backlash against Big Wind is playing out both here in the US and around the world. Consider: 以下のようにアメリカや世界各国での反対運動が起こっている * ?The European Platform against Windfarms lists 518 signatory organizations from 23 countries. 欧州では風力発電反対運動が23ヶ国で518グループ登録されている * ?The UK now has about 285 anti-wind groups. 英国には285の風力発電反対運動のグループがある * In Canada, a group called Ontario Wind Resistance lists about 40 anti-wind groups. カナダのオンタリオ州風力発電反対運動は40グループ * ?Newspaper stories from Missouri, Oregon, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Britain, Australia, Canada, Taiwan, and New Zealand, indicate the wind-turbine-noise problem is global and that the frustration among rural landowners is growing. ミズリー、オレゴン、ニューヨーク、ミネソタ、ウィスコンシン、英国、豪州、カナダ、台湾、ニュージーランドで抗議行動 が新聞報道されている * ?In 2010, the Copenhagen Post reported that “state-owned energy firm Dong Energy has given up building more wind turbines on Danish land, following protests from residents complaining about the noise the turbines make.” 2010年のコペンハーゲンの報告では、デンマークで騒音公害から風力発電への抗議行動があり、国営エネルギー公社はこれ以上 地上ベースの風力発電の建設を断念した * ?Last May, some 1,500 protesters descended on the Welsh assembly, the Senedd, demanding that a massive wind project planned for central Wales be halted. 昨年5月にウエールズで風力発電建設の中止を求める1500人の抗議行動が議会に詰めかけ
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* Last June, in the Australian state of Victoria, the government responded to two years’ of complaints about noise generated by turbines at the Waubra wind project by announcing that it would enforce a two-kilometer (1.25-mile) setback between wind turbines and homes. The state’s planning minister said the setback was needed for health reasons. Australia’s mainstream media has paid serious attention to the turbine-noise issue, including a 2010 TV report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that focused on the problems at Waubra. 昨年6月オーストラリアのビクトリア州でWaubra風力発電所の騒音公害について、州政府は住居から2km位内の風力発電所を抑制 すると決定。この騒音公害はTVで広く報じられた * ?Last July, Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal held an inquiry into a proposed a wind-energy facility known as the Kent Breeze Project. Although the officials allowed the facility to be built, they said: 昨年7月オンタリオ州のKent風力発電計画についてアセスメントを行い、その報告書で this case has successfully shown that the debate should not be simplified to one about whether wind turbines can cause harm to humans. The evidence presented to the Tribunal demonstrates that they can, if facilities are placed too close to residents. The debate has now evolved to one of degree. 発電所の建設は認めたものの騒音公害について明確な認定を行った。これは住宅の近くへの風力発電所建設に逆風となる * ?In August, in a peer-reviewed article published in the Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society. Carl V. Phillips, a Harvard-trained Ph.D. who now works as a researcher and consultant on epidemiology, concluded that there is “overwhelming evidence that wind turbines cause serious health problems in nearby residents, usually stress-disorder type diseases, at a nontrivial rate.” That same issue of the journal carried eight other articles that addressed the issue of health and wind-turbine noise. 8月にBulletin of Science, Technology & Society.に掲載されたハーバード卒の博士号を持つ研究者Carl V. Phillipsが風力発電 の騒音公害が与える健康被害について論じた。ストレスに依る体調不良などの顕著な悪影響が認められる。 * ?Last September, CBC News reported that Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment has logged “hundreds of health complaints” about the noise generated by the province’s growing fleet of wind turbines. 9月にCDCはオンタリオ州環境局が数百の騒音公害の苦情を受け付けたと報道 * Alec Salt, a research scientist at the Cochlear Fluids Research Laboratory at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has written extensively about the health effects of wind-energy projects. He flatly concludes that wind turbines “can be hazardous to human health.” ワシントン大学の医学部で研究者の Alec Saltが風力発電の騒音公害の健康被害について大変詳しい報告書を提出 * ?In October, a peer-reviewed study of wind-turbine-related noise in New Zealand found that residents living within two kilometers of large wind projects reported 10月にはニュージーランドの論文誌に風力発電所から2km位内に住む人の騒音公害について調査
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lower overall quality of life, physical quality of life, and environmental quality of life. Those exposed to turbine noise also reported significantly lower sleep quality, and rated their environment as less restful. Our data suggest that wind farm noise can negatively impact facets of health-related quality of life. クオリティ・オブ・ライフに顕著な悪影響があるという。睡眠の質や生活の安静に悪影響が現れる。 * ?In October, Frank Lasee, a Republican state senator in Wisconsin, responding to complaints lodged by his constituents about noise generated by wind turbines that had been built near their homes, filed legislation that would require the state to investigate the health effects of the noise produced by industrial wind turbines. If passed, the bill ? the first of its kind in the U.S. ? will impose a moratorium on new wind projects until the study is completed. 10月にウイスコンシン州共和党上院議員のFrank Laseeは騒音公害に悩む有権者に答えて国のレベルでの被害調査を求める法案を 提出。この法案は調査の完了するまで風力発電所の建設中止を求めている。 * ?On November 8, residents of Brooksville, Maine voted by more than 2 to 1 in favor of a measure that bans all wind turbines with towers exceeding 100 feet in height. On that same date, voters in Cushing, and Rumford, Maine passed similar measures. More than a dozen other towns in Maine now have anti-wind ordinances. 11月8日、メイン州Brooksvilleの住民は2:1の票差で住民投票により高さ100フィート以上の風力発電タワーの建設を禁止する条項 を決定。メイン州ではその後1ダース以上の街で類似の決定。 * ?In December, government officials in the Australian state of New South Wales issued guidelines that give residents living within two kilometers of a proposed wind project the right to delay, or even stop, the project’s development. The issue: excessive noise created by wind turbines. 12月にオーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズ州で風力発電所建設について、周辺2km位内の住民に計画の中止や延期を求める 権利を認めた。騒音公害に配慮したもの。 * ?In January, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, the Canadian province’s biggest farm organization, said that the push for wind energy had “become untenable” and that “rural residents’ health and nuisance complaints must be immediately and fairly addressed.” 1月にカナダ、オンタリオ州ではこれ以上の風力発電は住民の反対のため進められないと農業組合が述べた * ?On Sunday, Sir Simon Jenkins, the chairman of the National Trust, one of Britain’s largest and oldest conservation groups, called wind energy a “public menace.” He went on saying “We are doing masses of renewables but wind is probably the least efficient and wrecks the countryside and the National Trust is about preserving the countryside.” 日曜日に英国の環境団体National Trustの議長である Sir Simon Jenkinsが風力発電を「公共に害を及ぼす」とのべた。 「我々は多くの再生可能エネルギーのプロジェクトに取り組んでいるが、風力発電はもっとも効率が悪く、地方の破壊につながる」
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There’s no way that Israel could have anticipated today’s headlines. She did the filming for Windfall back in 2007 and 2008. But her portrayal of the bitter feuding that happened in the town of Meredith over wind-energy development is similar to fights that have occurred in numerous other rural communities around the world. The battle in Meredith (population: 1,500) pitted landowners who stood to profit by putting the wind turbines on their property against those who didn’t. Meredith の風力発電を廻る住民の抗議行動についてドキュメンタリー映画が作られた。これは2007年から続いているもの。 (以下にドキュメンタリーの解説があるけれど省略)
アラブの春が将軍たちに衝撃を与えたのに加え、テインセインの性格が 改革路線に影響しているという。 スーチーとテインセインの8月の会談で両者の間で密約が結ばれたのではないかという。 政治犯釈放と政治改革を進めNLDが権力を握ることも出来るようにするのと引き換えに、 経済制裁解除を訴え政治に参加し、権力を失ったときも将軍達を訴追しない という少なくとも暗黙の了解をNLDが与えた。 At their crucial meeting last August, which Ms Suu Kyi will not discuss, some sort of deal was worked out, and after that the pace of change quickened. Broadly, it seems that Mr Thein Sein promised to push ahead with the release of political prisoners, and give the nod to political reforms that might one day allow the NLD to take power. In exchange, Ms Suu Kyi promised to rejoin (and so legitimise) the political process, and to work to lift sanctions. Tacitly, at least, the NLD seems to have agreed that no retribution or prosecutions will follow against the generals for past crimes and misdemeanours, should they one day lose power.