China accused of invading disputed islands (CNN) -- Anti-China protesters gathered Saturday in Tokyo and six other major cities in Japan to rally against what it calls an invasion of disputed islands that both claim are part of their territories. Protesters held up Japanese flags and chanted, "We will not allow Communist China to invade our territory." Beijing says the Diaoyu Islands and most of the South China Sea belong to China, disputing neighboring countries' claims. In Japan, the islands are known as the Senkaku. The rally was organized by Toshio Tamogami, a former Japanese chief of staff for the Self Defense Force. China accused of invading disputed islands - 明日も新宿でデモを行う予定らしい。。。 が主催が「幸福実現党」賛否両論ってとこですかね・・・・ しかし、なんで報道しねーかなぁ・・・。 すげえ腹立つわ。
日本では昨日から検閲が始まっています。 数千人規模の反中デモが、首都東京や主要都市18箇所で起きています。CNN, WallStreetJournal, 中国、シンガポール等の外国ではテレビ等でトップニュースとして報道されている事件です。 しかし、日本の新聞やTVはこれを一切報道していません。 【マスコミ】東京で1000人以上参加の尖閣デモ…「何故か」日本メディアより、米CNN・仏AFP・香港など外国メディアが先に報道[10/2]★2 (English version 1) Censorship has been on in Japan since yesterday. Thousands of people were holding an anti-China demonstration in eighteen major cities in Japan including Tokyo, the capital city of Japan. These demonstrations have already been covered by major news sources such as CNN, AFP and Wall Street Journal. The news became a headline in China and Singapore. But somehow the Japanese news media have kept their mouth shut on this. (English version 2) Since yesterday, a censorship has started in Japan. In the capital city Tokyo and 18 other major cities in Japan, thousands of people are taking part in anti Chinese demonstrations. CNN, the Wall Street Journal, AFP and foreign media in China and Singapore are reporting this event as a top news story. However, Japanese newspapers and TV are not broadcasting this matter at all.
海外メディアにメールしましょう。 日本の報道機関がこのデモがあったことを無視している、これからの動きをそちらの海外メディアはもっと扱ってほしい、みたいな内容。 I happened to watch the news broadcasted by media about anti-China demonstration which was held in Tokyo, Japan yesterday. The report was really interesting, since no one knew about the event here in Japan. After this major event happened, a lot of Japanese people has taken part in the rally. I rase strange issue around the report, which might be contributing as your news source. Those Japanese who saw the protest against China on the street is now questioning about the fairness of the domestic news medias. The reason? Because all Japanese news media have been quiet about the movement and never gave Japanese citizens the report relating this topic. This is very strange situation where mass media is silent on such a big news. There might be a possibility of censorship on Japanese medias imposed by Japanese government, which is prohibited by the Constitution law of Japan. I would be pleased to see more about the news on your media and hope you keep reporting the matters between Japan and China.
>>26 一部修正してやった。 I happened to watch the news broadcasted by media about anti-China demonstration which was held in Tokyo, Japan yesterday. The report was really interesting, since no one knew about the event here in Japan. After this major event happened, a lot of Japanese people has taken part in the rally. I raise strange issue around the report, which might be contributing as your news source. Those Japanese who saw the protest against China on the street is now questioning about the fairness of the domestic news medias. The reason? Because all Japanese news media have been silent about the movement, and never gave us the report relating this demonstration. This is very strange situation where mass media is silent on such a big news. There might be a possibility of censorship on Japanese medias imposed by Japanese government, which is prohibited by the Constitution law of Japan. I would be pleased to see more about the news on your media and hope you keep reporting the matters between Japan and China. This is a major conflict between two big economy power in Asia , one of which is a democratic country and the other is a red communist country.