>>9 あなたの○○への適当な対応が原因なのに、全ての責任を「部下」に押しつけて、見しにするつもりですか? This trouble was caused by your inappropriate way of dealing with ○○,but are you thinking about passing all responsibilities on to your staff,not making any efforts to help them? (部下はsubordinateは口語では使わないので、staff、peopleと表現した方がいいです。直属の部下だったら、direct reportなんかも使えます。 ) あなたが私に誠実に協力をしないのなら、 事態を収拾する為に自分で「各々に」納得行く説明と賠償をして下さいね。 If you're unwilling to cooperate sincerely with me,you have to make a satisfying explanation and compensation to「each of ○○」in order to sort out this situation. (各々とは誰を指すのか分からないので、我々だったらus、顧客だったらclientsを○○に入れて下さい。)
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>>10訂正 This trouble was caused… ↓ This problem was caused…
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>>8 (at forum) Why is people talking about whale here? It's wide of the mark .
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>>8 Why are you guys talking about whales? It can't be further away from the forum's topic.
>>4 ピエロにさせられた(意味:自分ひとりだけが真実を知らされずハッピーになっていた) I was controlled like a puppet on a string and now I notice that. 操り人形のように操られていたってことでどうでしょう 思いっきり I was clowned. だね!
19 :
>>15 The pictures of past winners were displayed at the RLA of Australian Open, and I took a photo of your face when you won the 2005 competition. Please let me know if you have a change to come to Japan.
>>22 I talk in Japanese to a conversation that perspn desired in Japanese with me I am thankful when I have you point it out without reserve if you feel a mistake and sense of incongruity for my English
24 :
>>20 Which restaurant is the most popular among foreign visitors around here? By the way, Tell me which restaurant you recommend, please. Will there be a shower or storm today? About what time it will be? Should I bring an umbrella? I want to eat italian. Is there any good Italian restaurant around here? Is it an expensive restaurant?
25 :
>>20 Where is the restaurant most popular with foreign tourists in this neighborhood? By the way, show your recommended restaurant,too! What time does a squall fall in? Should I bring the umbrella there? Though I want to eat ○○、is there the recommended shop?Is the store high(price)?
>>22 If there would be someone who would like to talk with me in Japanese, I'd have a conversation with him or her in Japanese. I'd appreciate it if you could feel free to tell me mistakes(spelling, grammar, etc) I made.
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>>26 She pulled me around like a dog. She played with me like a tiny little toy. She played me like a fool. She toyed with me like a cat does with the mouse. She toyed with me like a puppet on a string. candid camera host?
>>56 あなたが言っていた"Wilde Hilde"を再現しようと見よう見まねで作ったけど、無理でした。 I tried to imitate "Wilde Hilde" by myself,which you had told me about,but I failed and found it very hard.
In every aspect of my life, there is something to be thankful for. (私の人生の全ての面に於いて、感謝するべきだ?) わかりません。宜しくお願いします。
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>>33 Your Japanese pronounciation is fantastic! Let's do it again! It would be nicer without a lag.
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>>53 As this is a critical time for his approaching exam, I hope you could solve the issue without letting him know about it.
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>>54 I have a meet this weekend, and I will do my best. It's my first time, so it makes me feel freaked out, but I believe what I did so far and will do the best I can. The dog have been joining it as a trainer many times, so we can call him a professional. I'll have fun. That's what I'll do. I hope I can get back to you with good results.
>>54 I will have a competition this weekend. I am a bit nervous because this is my first time, but I will try my best believing that the hard practice will pay off. My dog is more experienced as he/she has taken part in competitions with his/her trainer so many times. Anyway, I will enjoy it, and hope I can bring a good news to you.
>>51 は不衛生だと思われがちですが、風呂に入るときにきちんと皮を剥いて洗えば、 剥けている人と同じぐらいの衛生状態は保てます。 ただし皮を剥いて洗うのを怠ると、が溜まって不衛生です。 Pseudo-phimosis tends to be regarded as unsanitary and filthy,but you can always keep clean the inside of your foreskin by washing it in the bath (gently pulling your foreskin back, and washing the head(glans) of your penis and the inside of your foreskin with soap and warm water,then rinsing it well). However,if you always neglect to wash the inside of your foreskin ,smegma (disagreeable, smelly cheesy-white substance) accumulates,and fungi thrive on unremoved smegma or the warm,damp environment beneath the foreskin,giving off a bad smell.
>>71 訂正 giving off a bad smell↓ then your penis gives off a bad smell.
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よろしくお願いします。 彼は彼女とうまくいってた。彼は彼女をふるべきではなかった(と私は思う)。
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>>74 彼は彼女とうまくいってた。彼は彼女をふるべきではなかった(と私は思う)。 He's got along great with her until recently. I don't think he should have dumped her. (もし話者、つまり「私」がキレたりムカついてるなら、I think he should not have dumped her.)
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what do u think which country's ppl have the most stinky anus in the world? これ訳せる方います?
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訳せるけど書かないw pplはpeopleだろ
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>>57 I was pulled around (like a dog) by her I was played with (like a tiny little toy) by her. I was played (like a fool) by her. I was toyed with (like a〜) by her.
Few Japanese men tell routinely "I love you" . I think the reason is they are ashamed of that or they thought their opponent(wife) is understand it. I don't like the man who telling "I love you"frequently. I think such man is good at making love with others in secret.
>>80 Most Japanese men don't usually say the words 'I love you'. I think this is because they are just shy, and also because they think their partners(wives) understand affection without the words. I don't like a man who always say 'I love you' to me, because I think such a man is very good at having an afair or cheating on women.
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あなたの家はとてもキレイに片づけられているね。 それぞれの部屋の彩りもとてもセンスがある。 あ、あとさりげなく写っている猫がかわいい。 これの訳をお願いします。 your apartment is very tidyとすると家の外装が整っているの意味になるのでしょうか。 そうではなく、家の中身がキレイとしたいです。
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Your room of the house are very tidy. Coloring of each room are very tasteful. And the cat which has been reflected nonchalantly in the back are cute.
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The room of your house are very tidy. Coloring of each room are very tasteful. And the cat which has been reflected nonchalantly in the back is cute.
>>87 The time and effort which return the goods are wasteful to me. Since I will also buy ●● that had been sent by your mistake, I would like you to send ○○ I originally ordered in a hurry. I'll make the procedure and payment for buying ●● on your homepage , so send me ○○. Please pay the Mailing cost this time. If you can't do it, I ask you for the refund of the difference.
>>92 Recently Japanese speakers speaks English usually. Almost all the speakers, however, are under learning or can hardly speak English. As a result, there are few fluent English speakers, so-called "ペラペラ."