>>2 I have got used to your goods very useful There is a demand, I want you to be able to view the number of seconds that if there was a missed call
Please consider it
8 :
>>4 Some articles have been removed by the criticism >>5 "Have you forgotten (work for which it had asked)?You are foolish as I expected "I just got let's say the truth"
>>27 I want to explain to my customers what part of this component made such error. Could you tell me any plausible reasons, whether they are right or not?
>>41 Which do you think is the cause, accidental breakdown or aged deterioration? Why breaking down of A made it blue? >>42 I will speak Japanese from now on.
>>61 I would like to cancel my purchase if it has not been dispatched yet.
63 :
ひどい英語ばっかだな。ニュアンスもへったくりもあったもんじゃない。とりあえず海外留学してこい。依頼者に失礼すぎる。 >>45 I will speak in Japanese from now on. 今まで違ってたけどこれからは、俺は何がなんでも絶対日本語で話すからな! >>58 I feel like falling into my grave! 私は(今)お墓に入り「たい気分」なの!
>>3 I don't use Tweeter. I don't use any newer net services but Skype. >>12 They seem to protest against white men who mess around in their indecent behaviors on a Yamanote Line. >>17 This is a name in a animation I saw "Edburg" for アドバーグ in subtitles. Is there any possibility "E" has a pronunciation like [a] (Japanese あ/ア)? Is it just a typo? Let me know. >>23 I'll make a proposal to customers first that they have us replace a faulty part. >>34 Get lined up the edge of papers before you staple them. >>40 Don't give me the bird, you pipsqueak. >>59 After WW2 we're prohibited to go to war in the Constitution you imposed on us! So it's not an army but just a self-defense force that we have.
75 :
>>60 I'm sorry you might take some time for me but it's so helpful to have an opportunity to take tutorials. Of course I've prepared your class well for every time but it's a little bit hard to manage to follow your class as you may have figured out since I have asked you questions after class. Each student has a different level of understanding in class so I'd like to have an opportunity to ask you questions of where I failed to follow your class. ってかレベルがあってないだけじゃね?シビアな外人さんはなら個別指導がいいならそっちに行けよだろ? 下のレベルに落とされて終わり。 >>63 willが絶対なわきゃない。絶対はmust。話すことにしたからくらいにはとれるかもね。 >>68 I don't wanna feel frustrated with beaten by my kid so I try hard in secret. >>69 It's a very blast in the live hall! I wish you sung the song. I would have loved to see you in cheers. >>71 What are you talking about now! >>72 I'm looking forward to seeing you live in Japan in the near future. >>73 You must be popular!
>>42 i'll speak in japanese from here on. i'm going to switch to japanese from here. my presentation will be in japanese from this point and on. now on = 今後っぽく聞こえる、翌日も、翌週もず〜っと 俺には
>>83 Thank you for sending the newspaper article(s). Here in Japan, we also had various cermonies held at many places which commemotrated the victims on the disaster's first anniversary day. I greatly(really) appreciate that your newspapers kindly picked up this issue, while the issue is gradually thrown into oblivion..
86 :
>>83 Thank you for sending the newspaper article(s). Here in Japan, we also had various cermonies everywhere commemorating the victims, on the disaster's first anniversary day. I greatly(really) appreciate that your newspapers kindly picked up this issue, because the issue would be gradually being forgotten.
87 :
↑>>86 最後の行まちがい because the issue would be gradually forgotten が正しい
88 :
this issueはおかしいんじゃないの?記事の内容は「追悼行事」でしょ?
89 :
90 :
(86の最終行はbecause it would be gradually forgottenでもよいよ)
91 :
Thank you for mailing me the article. Some events to mourn deceased were held in various regions in Japan. Many people have been becoming indifferent gradually, so I'm full of gratefulness to hear the news.