>>1 おつ 今更だけどThrustVPSからKVMのお知らせきてた UKかつもう売り切れだけど、近々Dallasでもはじめるぽ 西海岸だったらまよわずぽちってた 1Gb RAM 30GB HDD 1TB Transfer UK Based (Dallas will be launched in the next few days) Windows or Linux £3.95 / $7.95/mo
XEN 41 had a crash causing the Areca raid controller to kick out 1 of the drives. However due to unknown reasons, this server fails to restore to it's working state. We are currently investigating the issues with XEN41 togeter with the Areca team to retrieve the data. Since this might take a while, we can setup a new VPS for you or you can choose to wait until we have finished the investigation. We will try our best to retrieve any data on the HDDs, though this is not guaranteed. オワタorz
22 :
質問です。 ドメインは日本のレジストラで管理なので、 それをlinodeのサイトで利用しようと考えてます。 Linode ManagerでDNSの設定をしようとしたら、 エラーが発生して困っています。 もう少し詳しく書いておくと、 DNS Manager のページを開いて、Import a Zoneをクリック。 希望のドメインを入力して、 Remote Nameserverの枠を空欄のまま進もうとしたら、 AXFR Failed or the zone was empty! というエラーが発生。 Remote Nameserverという項目には、 具体的にはIPアドレス、ドメイン名など何を入力したらいいんですか。
At this moment we are awaiting feedback from the server vendor and this will take longer than planned. We will offer clients that suffered due to this issue on XEN41 a new server on a new node. 2HOSTの俺のVMオワタorz
Linode よりは安いけど、激安とまではいかない NFOservers の San Jose 鯖を借りてみた。 レスポンスは良好。鯖も軽い。今のところ申し分なしの環境。長期的に使って見てどうかはまだわからないけど。 ゲーマーな人には御用達みたいだけど、普通のVPSとして使っても高性能の部類だと思う。 ttp://www.nfoservers.com/
hostrailが6割値上げするらしい・・・ ひどいや。 --------------------------------------- On Friday 24th June 2011 our Providers have informed us of a 60% upcoming price increase that is taking effect from the 28th June 2011, this was an extremely short notice for us and completely unexpected - as small of a short notice as it was we had to take action immediately in order to be able to continue providing service to our clients, i have had meetings with every single HostRail Staff Member as we needed to take a decision and we have taken our decision which is provided below. Due to the current economic crisis that is affecting all companies in the planet we are unable to deal with this 60% price increase using our currently approved budget for 2011 and we are unable to approve a further budget for 2011 at the current stage, this means that we will be forced to pass on this 60% price increase to all clients as of tomorrow evening. Tomorrow evening we will be sending Invoices to every single customer with the 60% price increase, unfortunately this price increase will have to be paid by Tuesday morning so we can cover the 60% price increase our providers are asking. We have tried all possible alternatives and solutions however the only solution is to pass this price increase in full to our customers, this is not something i want to do, this is not something i like to do, this is something that i have fought for 2 days now to try to avoid at all costs however its not on my hands anymore so i am unable to do something more.