600 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/12/12(金) 21:48:57.79 ID:0FhlTr6N First??!?!?!?!? 1st place????????????? Well she was, that is pathetic judging! Huh? the judging is crap....this is way wrong.....mao was rubzzz ridiculous WTF? That's the worst judging in years. That's just a travesty. I'm going to go eat nails. That's fcuking incredible! I can't even get upset over this scoring. It's just too much of a joke And first for YuNa with a popped jump over a clean Mao is a load of crap (and part of the reason why I hardly ever watch ladies) 614 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/12/12(金) 21:49:32.87 ID:0FhlTr6N That is just frong. Frong on too many levels to count. Does anyone understand this sport any more??? It's a joke. What utter bollocks. Now, this is beyond the pale Waaaaaaaaaaay beyond. Ice dancing judging controversies are nothing compared to this. The thing I absolutely don't agree with are the PCS. Asada was sublime today whereas Kim was scared and not as expressive as usual. Can't believe Kim got better PCS than Asada.
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GSの常連さん Medusa I actually don't know what the fuss is about. If Asada's 3-3 was downgraded (and it looked underrotated) - then scores make total sense. She lost 4 points of the base value + the mandatory deduction because of underrotation. There is not much left then. And Kim lost about 5 to 6 points with the popped Lutz - which makes total sense, because add those to the 66 she got - you have what Yu-Na would get with a clean program (She got 69 at Skate America - just add the two points she lost on the Axel at SA). Additionally Asada's Lutz entry looked weird - for a second I didn't know if she was going to do a Lutz or a Loop. A few other things: Kim's and Kostner's sitspins look very alike and in my opinion look also very ugly. I have to applaud Asada again for fixing the sitspin, it is great now. Miki is the prettiest lady out there and I enjoyed the performance. Kim's 3-3 was great, but she used to have more speed after the combo - now she basically stands still after the 3T, キムのPCSは醜いと言っている。 I would love to see that reflected in the GOE.
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288 名前:名無し募集中。。。[] 投稿日:2008/12/13(土) 18:17:05.12 0 pj is telling audience people that 3 of the judges are off sick with stomach issues and also ben no tjust his back sounds like - she is talking to some folks and just gave them a xmas gift and she got one back too...lol.. i feel guilty listening.. one of the judges was hit by flying debris in the ladies..lol.. pj's daughter is also in S. Korea.. for those of you not getting cbc - she is the announcer - like your nicky and has accidently left on the microphone..lol.. ジャッジ3人が腹痛で1人は女子の時頭に物が当たっただとさw
>986 名前:氷上の名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2008/12/14(日) 12:24:55 ID:si7YEqXc0 >>>956 >仏紙 Le Point >ttp://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-sport/patinage-delobel-schoenfelder-en-or-joubert-blesse-en-finale-du/921/0/299619 >Chez les dames, le public a assiste dans un silence glacial a la victoire de la Japonaise Mao Asada, >qui a battu la grandissime favorite coreenne Kim Yu-na, inversant ainsi le resultat des deux dernieres finales du Grand Prix. >女子では観客が日本人、浅田真央の勝利に氷河のような沈黙で反応した。浅田は韓国で甚大に期待されたキムユナを破り、 >その結果、前2回のグランプリファイナルの結果をひっくり返した。
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一応癖の強い人 bek=お隣系(←推測)雨少女(←ほぼ確定)、実況スレの独り言レス多すぎで最近一部の人にしか相手にされてない Loves Shizuka=最近ゲイと告白の日系英人(エジプトの血も入ってると以前言ってたような) David21=iナヲタ、iナバッシングが多く最近ヒネクレ気味 Leon=完全に呆れられてる Marco=辛口批評家 from香港 Andrey aka Pushkin=皮肉屋 fromイスラエル poths、allezfredなどアイリッシュも皮肉屋多い Jacqueline=ランビ公式の管理人 ttp://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh241/pia_as/bond2.jpg Sharpie=英国人、FSU管理人 有料だけど実況スレとPremium Members Area>Sekret Sourcesが一番面白い、メンバーのPhotobook見せ合いとか Great Skate Debate, The Trash Canは最近読まないな
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