963 名前:日出づる処の名無し[sage] 投稿日:2012/05/31(木) 03:34:13.71 ID:FsQy4DYk [5/12] ttp://www.pewglobal.org/2012/05/29/european-unity-on-the-rocks/ ちょっとおもすいろい世論調査(PEW研究所、ヨーロッパ諸国の意識) 質問:ヨーロッパで、最も勤勉な国は? 最も怠惰な国は? 最も腐敗した国は? 最も腐敗のない国は?どこですか? 解答:ttp://www.pewglobal.org/files/2012/05/EU0038.png OECD各国の平均年間総労働時間 Average annual hours actually worked per worker http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DatasetCode=ANHRS# Korea 2 193 Greece 2 109 Russian 1 976 Hungary 1 961 Poland 1 939 Turkey 1 877 Mexico 1 866 Italy 1 778 United States 1 778 New Zealand 1 758 Japan 1 733 Portugal 1 714 Canada 1 702 Finland 1 697 Australia 1 686 Spain 1 663 U.K. 1 647 Sweden 1 624 Germany 1 419 Norway 1 414 Netherlands 1 377
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在日は不法滞在不法需給、他の国なら死刑済みの犯罪者 そんなダニを処分する手段など他にいくらでもある
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ttp://www.47news.jp/CN/201205/CN2012053101001234.html 米、ガス輸出許可を見合わせ 日本に伝達と報道 2012/05/31 13:32 【共同通信】 【ワシントン共同】米紙ウォールストリート・ジャーナル(電子版)は30日、米国産天然ガスの輸出を求める日本政府に対し、 オバマ米政権が輸出の許可を当面見合わせる方針を伝えていたと報じた。米議会や米産業界から、輸出を認めることで天然ガス の価格上昇を招く恐れがあるとの声が寄せられていることが背景にあるとみられる。 原発停止でエネルギー供給に問題を抱える日本は、米国からの天然ガス輸入に期待を寄せていただけにエネルギー戦略に影響が 出そうだ。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304821304577436470209675022.html?KEYWORDS=gas+export+japan+obama BUSINESS Updated May 30, 2012, 9:16 p.m. ET U.S. Gas Exports Put on Back Burner By TENNILLE TRACY The Obama administration is telling Japan and other allied countries they will have to wait before moving forward on plans to buy American natural gas, people involved in the talks said. ・・・・ But exports have become a hot-button topic for some lawmakers in Washington and have highlighted uncertainty about what kind of energy power the U.S. wants to become as companies unearth huge supplies of natural gas in shale rock. "We are going to have to answer some basic questions about our role as a producer," Michael Levi, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, said. "The fact that some of these debates have been so difficult stems from their novelty." Japan's prime minister raised the gas-export issue with President Barack Obama at an April 30 meeting, one of several occasions on which Tokyo has pushed the administration. But the U.S. has told Japan, a leading military ally in the Pacific, it will have to wait, in large part because of the political sensitivities, participants in the talks said.(ry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> because of the political sensitivities *前にも書いたことがあるのだけれど、この問題はエネルギー安全保障議論にも関わるので、政治的に容易ではないイシューで(ry
ttp://thehill.com/video/campaign/230033-obama-campaign-downplays-importance-of-wisconsin-recall-on-november Obama campaign downplays importance of Wisconsin recall on November By Geneva Sands - 05/30/12 11:56 AM ET オバマ再選チームはウイスコンシン州の知事リコール選挙の影響力を重要視しないと述べる ザ・ヒル President Obama's deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, downplayed Wednesday the impact that the upcoming Wisconsin recall election might have on the presidential race in the fall. ??"This is a gubernatorial race with a guy who was recalled and a challenger trying get him out of office. It has nothing to do with President Obama at the top of the ticket and it certainly doesn't have anything to do with Mitt Romney at the top of the Republican ticket," said Cutter on MSNBC's "Daily Rundown." オバマ再選チームの副部長であるStephanie Cutterは(来週5日の)ウイスコンシン州の知事リコール選挙の結果が秋の大統領選挙に 与える影響は少ないとして「これは知事のリコール選挙で、オバマ大統領と関係はない」とした (略) Top union officials lashed out last week at Washington Democrats, claiming they haven't done enough to help them defeat the governor, specifically the Democratic National Committee's decision not to give the state party money. International Association of Fire Fighters President Harold Schaitberger acknowledged the DNC’s help on the ground but said a major cash investment would have been worth a lot more. Schaitberger credited Obama for being “fairly clear in his position on Wisconsin and the recall election,” but expressed frustration that there hadn’t been more focus on what he views as a crucial test heading into the fall elections.?? "I think this is a national campaign," Schaitberger said. "Wisconsin is another important test to establish the tone and mood of what is to come in November."?? 公共労組の幹部は先週、ウイスコンシン州のリコール選挙の支援のためにワシントンの民主党本部が充分な支援をしていないとして、 特に民主党全国評議会の資金拠出拒否を批判している。消防士組合連合のトップであるHarold Schaitbergerは「オバマ大統領はウイス コンシンの知事リコール選挙(の重要性)を理解しているが公共労組の見解に比べて民主党のフォーカスは充分ではなく、特に秋の大統 領選挙へのテストケースになることを理解すべき」として、より多くの資金を拠出すべきとした。「この選挙は全国的な意味のあるもの だ。ウイスコンシンのリコール選挙は11月のトーンをセットするものになる」 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *このリコール選挙というのは共和党の知事と公共労組団体が(州外の勢力を含め)ガRで衝突しているリトマステストのような ケース。公共労組はここで負ける事が既得権益喪失につながるので全力闘争中。世論調査は共和党知事がわずかにリードしているので オバマ再選チームはダメコンのために影響力は大きくないといっているのではないかと思ふ。
ttp://jp.wsj.com/World/China/node_452336 中国農業銀行の楊氏に不正賭博の疑い=報道 2012年 5月 31日 17:42 JST WSJ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://chinese.wsj.com/big5/20120531/BCHc-20120531LLO075742605.asp 中國農業銀行?副行長楊?目前正協助中國有關部門調? WSJ中文 中國農業銀行股?有限公司(Agricultural Bank of China Ltd., 1288.HK, 601288.SH)週三?間公告稱?該行副行長楊?正在協助有關 部門調?。這預計會對農業銀行股價短期形成壓力。 農業銀行表示?該行近日瞭解到?該行執行董事、副行長楊?目前正協助中國有關部門調?。該行董事會確認?截至5月30日?根據董事 會知悉的資料?該行的業務、營運及財務?況不受影響。 楊?2004年3月開始任中國農業銀行副行長?2009年1月開始擔任中國農業銀行股?有限公司執行董事、副行長。目前兼任農銀匯理基金管 理公司董事長和農銀金融租賃有限公司董事長。 此前有媒體報導稱?楊?案發於北京一家房地?企業家的賭博事件?該地?公司與農業銀行的淵源可以追溯到2004年左右?當時楊?被委 任為副長?長期分管前台業務?是主管房地?信貸的行領導。北京時間週三收盤時?農行H股下跌4%?收報3.12港元?農行A股收盤持平? 報人民幣2.69元。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/c63f88b4-aaed-11e1-b875-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1wNnbQhdT Top AgBank executive detained in China By Simon Rabinovitch in Beijing May 31, 2012 9:18 am FT A top Chinese banker has been detained in an official disciplinary investigation, shaking investor confidence in the quality of corporate governance at one of the nation’s leading commercial banks. Agricultural Bank of China, the country’s third-largest lender by assets, said in a statement that Yang Kun, its executive vice-president, was “assisting relevant mainland authorities in connection with certain investigations”. He has been detained by Communist Party disciplinary authorities. ・・・・ According to Caixin, a well-respected financial media outlet, the investigation is focusing on Mr Yang’s business relationship with a property developer. It said that Mr Yang and the developer had been involved in a gambling incident. It is the second time this year that AgBank has been hit by questions about its corporate governance. In the first case, a branch manager from the eastern province of Jiangsu fled China with what local police said were more than Rmb100m of funds that he had fraudulently borrowed.
ttp://www.marketwatch.com/story/hiring-trend-for-private-payrolls-slows-down-adp-2012-05-31?dist=beforebell May 31, 2012, 8:58 a.m. EDT Hiring trend for private payrolls slows down: ADP May private-sector jobs rise 133K ADPの5月雇用統計、13.3満人の新規雇用、雇用増加はスローダウンが見られる ADPWASHINGTON (MarketWatch) ? The pace of hiring in private jobs is slowing down, according to an employment report released Thursday by payrolls-processor Automatic Data Processing Inc. So far in the second quarter, the average monthly gain for private-sector payrolls is 123,000, compared with a pace of more than 200,000 seen for the U.S. economy in the first quarter, according to ADP. “The sharpness of the deceleration seems consistent with other incoming data suggesting the economy, weighed down by heightened uncertainty over the European financial crisis and by growing concerns about domestic fiscal policy, slowed early in the year,” said Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, which produces the report for ADP. ADPの発表した5月雇用統計は13,3万人の新規雇用、1Qの月あたり20万人には満たない値で雇用増加はスローダウンしている The nation’s private-sector payrolls increased by 133,000 in May, led by small businesses and the service-providing sector. The April level was revised to growth of 113,000 from a prior estimate of 119,000. Markets look to ADP’s report on private-sector payrolls to provide some insights on what the Labor Department’s U.S. jobs estimate will show. May’s data will be released Friday and includes information on both private- and public-sector payrolls. Economists polled by MarketWatch expect the government to report that nonfarm-payroll employment rose 170,000 in May, compared with 115,000 in April. They also expect that the unemployment rate remained at 8.1%. See economic calendar. Prakken said it’s unlikely that the unemployment rate declined in May, unless the labor force contracted. “Hence, today’s estimate, especially if reinforced by a weak reading on employment from the [government] on Friday, likely will fuel concern that the economy is slowing fundamentally for the third summer in a row,” Prakken said. エコノミストは金曜日の労務省の雇用統計を17万人の新規雇用と予想
アメリカの保守系メディア、ワシントン・エクザミナーに掲載された記事、ウイスコンシン州知事リコール選挙等の意味について ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/2012/05/june-2012-could-be-americas-pivotal-month/670531 June 2012 could be America's pivotal month May 30, 2012 -- 2:18 PM Philip Klein 6月のウイスコンシン州知事リコール選挙と最高裁の健康保険購入義務の憲法判断は、政治の分水嶺となるかも Philip Klein June is usually a sleepy month during any presidential election, but not this year. Two events this month will not only affect the outcome of the presidential election, but also have a dramatic impact on the direction of the country, no matter who wins in November. 普通は6月というのは政治的イベントの少ない月なのだが、今年は重要なイベントが二つある。それは国の進む方向に影響があろう。 On June 5, Wisconsin voters will decide whether or not to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker. The vote will be the culmination of an 18-month campaign by big labor to thwart Walker's public sector union reforms, which are already loosening the stranglehold that the unions had on state and local budgets. With just a week before the election, Walker leads his Democratic challenger, Tom Barrett, by 6 points, according to an average of polls compiled by RealClearPolitics. 第一のイベントは6月5日のウイスコンシン州の知事リコール選挙で、Scott Walker知事の進める公共労組改革(公共労組の権限の制限) に対する公共労組の闘いである。現在世論調査ではScott Walker知事が対抗馬のTom BarrettにRCP平均で6ポイント、リードしている Should Walker win, the ramifications will go far beyond Wisconsin. Walker's ability to survive a well-funded recall effort in a bluish state that is likely to vote for President Obama would send a message to governors in cash-strapped states throughout the nation. They will be more likely to confront their unions, too. (州外を含めた)公共労組勢力の禿げしい闘争に勝ってWalker知事が生き延びることになれば、その影響はウイスコンシン州を超えたもの になる。財政赤字に苦しむ他の州でも(従来はアンタッチャブルであった)公共労組関連の(緊縮財政政策に)対抗により積極的になるだ ろう。 A Marquette Law School poll released earlier this month found that by a 50 percent to 43 percent margin, Wisconsin voters want to preserve Walker's public sector union reforms that triggered the recall. Among independents, 53 percent surveyed said they were against repealing the reforms and going back to the pre-Walker status quo, compared to just 38 percent who wanted to undo the reforms. 今月初めに実施されたMarquette法学大学の世論調査では、知事の公共労組改革は50:43の比率で有権者に支持されており無党派層において も53:38で支持されている
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The second will likely come a few weeks later. The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling on the constitutionality of President Obama's health care law near the end of the month. The basic options before them are whether to uphold the whole law, overturn the whole law or strike down parts of it. 第二のイベントは最高裁が、オバマ医療改革で義務つけられた医療保険購入について、合憲か否かを争う裁判の判決が、月末に出されること である。違憲判決が出されればオバマ医療改革の制度に打撃となる。 Even if the court merely overturns the mandate forcing individuals to purchase government-approved insurance policies, it would reshuffle the political deck ahead of the presidential election. Suddenly, Mitt Romney would have an easy retort to Obama's efforts to tie the national health care law to the one Romney signed in Massachusetts -- namely that the Massachusetts law was done in a constitutionally permissible way. 違憲判断が示されない場合でさえ、このイシューの議論の高まりはロムニー候補にとって有利となろう。マサチューセッツ州知事の時代に彼 の手がけた医療改革は、そうした違憲性の問題を含まない。 Depending on the scope of the ruling, it would make a legislative repeal process either less arduous or completely unnecessary. And the decision will have sweeping implications for individual liberty by determining whether there are, indeed, still limits on Congressional power. この最高裁判断は議会の定める法律の、個人の自由への束縛限界を示すことになるので医療改革を廻る今後の議論への政治的影響が大きい。 November may be the climax of this year's election, but June will be the pivotal month. 今年の政治イベントのクライマックスは11月の大統領選挙であるが6月も分水嶺になり得る
ttp://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/25c39204-ab01-11e1-b875-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1wNnbQhdT Last updated: May 31, 2012 12:55 pm Spain reveals ?100bn capital flight By Claire Jones and Patrick Jenkins in London and Miles Johnson in Madrid スペイン中央銀行は1−3月に、970億ユーロの資本が国外逃避したと発表 FT Madrid was dealt a double blow on Thursday after it emerged that almost ?100bn in capital had left the country in the first three months of the year and the head of the European Central Bank lambasted its handling of Bankia, the troubled Spanish lender. Data published by Spain’s central bank showed ?97bn had been pulled out in the first quarter ? around a 10th of the country’s GDP ? as concerns mounted over Madrid’s ability to contain its twin economic and financial crises, which have forced government borrowing costs to euro-era highs. スペイン中央銀行は木曜日に、今年の1−3月に970億ユーロの資本が国外に逃避したと発表、これはGDPの1割近くになる。またECBのトップ がスペインのバンキアの処理について激しく非難することがあった。スペイン国債のイールドはこれを受けて高騰している。 The data appeared to corroborate earlier assessments from economists that foreign investors were selling Spanish assets, while Spanish banks were increasing their holdings of domestic bonds, helped by cash accessed through the ECB’s three-year liquidity operations. “My concern is that we haven’t yet seen the most recent numbers, which could be far worse,” said Raj Badiani, an economist at IHS Global Insight. “We are seeing a perfect storm.” 公表されたデータは、海外投資家がスペイン資産を売り、一方スペイン国内の銀行はECBの融資を受けて国債の保有を増やしている事を 示している。ISGグローバルサインサイトのエコノミスト、 Raj Badianiは「最近のデータはもっと悪化している可能性がある。これは 完全な嵐だ」という。(後略)
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ttp://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/31/former-president-clinton-jumps-into-wisconsin-recall-election/ 01:38 PM ET 45 minutes ago Former President Clinton jumps into Wisconsin recall election CNN Political Editor Paul Steinhauser クリントン前大統領はウイスコンシン州知事リコール選挙の応援のため金曜日に同州を訪問 CNN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304821304577436462413999718.html Updated May 30, 2012, 7:57 p.m. ET Wisconsin Unions See Ranks Drop Ahead of Recall Vote By DOUGLAS BELKIN and KRIS MAHER ウイスコンシン州の公共労組の組合員数が、リコール選挙を前に大きく減少 WSJ Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees?the state's second-largest public -sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers?fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme's figures. A spokesman for Afscme declined to comment. Much of that decline came from Afscme Council 24, which represents Wisconsin state workers, whose membership plunged by two -thirds to 7,100 from 22,300 last year. 教組についで第二の規模を誇る公共労組の組合員数が昨年3月の62818から今年2月には28745と大きく減少した。このなかでも州公共労組 の組合員数が22300から7100に減少している。