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2012年6月ヒッキー268: Chat in English (英語で雑談)@ヒッキー板 (310) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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Chat in English (英語で雑談)@ヒッキー板

1 :12/03/21 〜 最終レス :12/06/12
This is the place for those who are secluded from the society but want to chat in English.
As long as you follow 2ch's guidelines, feel free to talk about anything you want to.
Let's make it fun together!

2 :
Hi folks, this is the 1st time I have ever created a new thread here, so I'm a bit nervous now.
I have no idea how many people would be here who have interest in chatting in English.
If you have anything you feel is of interest that you want to share with other people, please do so.
If it's still only me who has said anything here on this thread after the next few days, I'm going to have to make fun of myself...
Let's get started!

3 :
Hi, shit.
Don't stand an stinking thread.

4 :
whether the terror of the place, a vault full of dead Capulets'
bones, and where Tybalt, all bloody, lay festering in his shroud, would not be enough to drive her distracted.

5 :
Well, in that case the use of the verb "stand" would be inappropriate.
Do not make a stinking comment like that. Thank you.

6 :
Though it's hard for me to fully understand, your comment makes me feel like I'm reading some novel. Keep it up!

7 :
I wanna chat with you guys but I'm not good at English.

8 :
Welcome here!
Not a problem about the fluency in English at all. As I stated in the first comment, this place is for the people who want to chat in English!
If you'd like, you can enjoy having a communication with other people here and at the same time brush up on English together.

9 :
let me join!

10 :
can i join in?
by the way, 1-san, you seem to be very good at english.
are you a university student? or are you studying english on your own?
i hope we could motivate each other here to study english.

11 :
don't learn. just use.

12 :
You asshole.
Attach at least distinction of a chat and BBS.

13 :
but I wonder What I should talk about.

14 :
it sounds like don't think just feel, doesn't it?

15 :
"i want to tell this!, how i can?"
...necessity is most important thing.

16 :
Welcome! ^^
Yes, of course!
Thank you very much for your kind words about my English.
I'm kind of a "hikky", but am doing a part-time job right now.
I bet you'd be surprised if you hear this, but my academic background is as poor as it can get.
I enrolled in high school but dropped out before I turned to second grade. I've been secluded from the society on and off since then, and now I'm in my 30's.
But I've had quite an interest in English for many many years, so studying English on my own has been sort of my hobby, if I may call it so, and that's how
I speak English the way I do.
Yes, I also hope we could motivate each other to study English!

17 :
The people here are crazy.
You who want to talk with them are completely crazy.

18 :
we can't living be sure.

19 :
Talk toward a wall, garbage.

20 :
I am paranoia.
What do you think about paranoia?

21 :
You can call yourself a crazy guy, and that's no problem.
But putting other people in the same category as you are -- that's the typical doing the guys who are real Crazy love to do.
Every person has its own problem to solve by themselves and you can't judge them by how tough that problem seems like to you.
Let me give you one advice, and it's as simple as your ABC's. Which is, if you don't like here, do not even consider to come back here.

22 :
Let's smeared with excrement soon.

23 :
I often suffer from Paranoia -- especially when I am in a crowded place. And in my opinion, suffering from Paranoia is not a rare thing to many people -- especially to Japanese people.
But it would differ a lot in terms of how much pain you suffer from the symptom. But as a person who suffers from this symptom on a frequent basis, I think I can relate to you to some degree.

24 :
Yeah, that's THE problem :D
Well, basically anything is welcome :P

25 :
oh, thank you for telling me about your background.
to tell the truth, i also dropped out of high school when i was in the 1st grade.
i had a very difficult time after that, though i don't think i can tell you now how difficult it was,
and i decided to go to university after spending about 5 years of difficult time so as not to make my parents feel sad any more.
i managed to graduate from university. but that was that. i'm not working or studying.
and i admire you because you also seem to have had a difficult time and you're now working.
by the way, i'm in my 30s now. i felt empathy with you hearing your age.
i hope both of us can move forward step by step.

26 :
Wow, you are great!
To tell the truth, one of my dreams is to go to university, although I haven't decided what I want to study there.
As newspapers say, the rate of employment in Japan is getting lower and lower, and that is anything but a good news to all of us.
Quite frankly even myself doesn't know what I really want to do, what I can do, or what I really love to do, but this is probably a
silly concept because there is not such an abundant option left to me to pick up any more. And putting this fact in words makes myself
feel even sadder because it makes me re-realize the harsh future ahead of me. But one thing that's ovbious is that I need to find my
own way --- there should be a way by which I can cope with the situation I am in. I hope too that we can get out from where we are now
as soon as possible.

27 :
Im also interested in English and the culture overseas.
I made friends with someguys and girls who speak English on internet games or skype.
And, few days ago I read a book about logical things in English.
I and most Japanese need the place where we communicate each other in English.
Thank u 1 for "establish" this thread.
I dont care my mistakes when I speak or write it.
The important thing is "Just Use It" isnt it?
But Im glad if you tell me the good way of expression.

28 :
Welcome here!
>The important thing is "Just Use It" isnt it?
That's exactly right. Some people hesitate to use English in public because they don't want to make one single mistake.
But the most important thing they need to know is the fact that the more you use English the more you can get used to English
and that means you can become fluent in English inch by inch.
One of my first "cyber" friends is a French.
He doesn't speak Japanese and I don't speak French, so English is the only tool we can use to get our ideas across to each other.
The first few months it was like trying to teach a fish the concept about third dimension, but afterwards as my English
got better and better, I became feel much better in telling what I had in mind to him. But what is more important, after all, is the
attitude in conveying one's idea to others.

29 :
I'm with you.
I can't take a step forward.

30 :
i'm >>25 and i'm back.
thank you for your sincere reply, 1-san.
i also have to find my own way to live. i think you should go to university if you want. i believe you deserve it.
and to >>27-san and other people.
i'm very surprised to know that so many english learners are here.
let's have fun and practice english together.
by the way, 27-san, are you using a mobile device to write here? is it comfortable enough?

31 :
>>28 yea,English is a nice tool.
By using this tool,I knew we all are the same human,it's not so difficult.
Though I have some disorder and trouble in communicating,I tried to communicate with players in English.I think It was crazy.
With easy ward,Greeting,Shouting,like...hi:) omg shit fuck noob damn move ns thx
It's a kind of communication:o
It's the kids who is good at adopt something new.
Today,I went outside.

32 :

33 :
>>30 not enough.My pc was broken.
I have to say to u Im not genuine camper(hikky),a half-camper.
That is to say,Im colledge student,repeated 2 times,and Ive spent a lot of time in my room.Now worring about my future.
I need to work but I wont.
Anyway,use English and have here.

34 :
*have fun

35 :
oh i see.
when i was in university, i also foresaw that i would have a difficult time after graduating from university.
and it turned out to be true.
so what you are doing now, which is preparing for the future, may help you.
have you tried reinstalling OS? if your PC is not broken physically, maybe it'll fix the problem.

36 :
ah, i fotgot to write something.
i didn't prepared enough for the future when i was in university even though i predicted i would have a difficult time.
that's what regretted.
i should have lived more seriously. at least i should have studied something more seriously.

37 :
>>35 Thanks.It cost a lot to fix Apple PC.It's ok,I have PS3.
Neurosis(heart beat) and physical disease are the fetter for me.
Now Im learning logical thinking because It'gives me basic social and solution skills.
As of next fisical year is comming,Im preparing for it.Cut my hair,go to some hospitals..
How about u?

38 :
>>36 u r right,we need to learn voluntary and get self-confidence or advantage.
But I wanna tell u University itself has a probrem too. and...Japan has many probrem.

39 :
I reviewed the comments I've written so far. I find grammatical mistakes in almost every sentence I posted,
and I feel like deleting or re-writing all of them. If I post a comment on Twitter or something, I can delete
it later and repost a new one, but here I can't. This is to me a challenging thing, because whether I write
correctly or incorrectly, once I've posted a sentence, there is nothing I can do about it. But on the other
hand there is someone in me who is thrilled to enjoy the challenginess :P

40 :
Last year I had a chance to know about Yahoo Chiebukuro. This website got so much attention in public when an incident occurred where an examinee posted questions of the admission test from his mobile phone during the test.
Since I was interested to know how many people were asking an English question like that, I created a Yahoo account and signed in to the site. And then I enjoyed being there for a while. Over the course of the few weeks I was
there, I noticed that there were University professors of English who were voluntarily answering questions there. But as I examined their answers, I realized that not all of the professors of English were as excellent as I had
long thought they usually were. If I put it boldly, I was pretty shocked to know that some of their answers to Japanese-into-English translation questions in particular were quite awkward. So much so that I couldn't believe
they were really professors...

41 :
I went to the mental clinic today for a long time.l got medicine that makes me relax.
The medicine heal me,gives me peace like a Jisus do his devotee.
The ciger also heal me but it's an evil.

42 :

43 :

44 :

45 :
Okay LOL I will make it as brief as possible from now on. But I won't be able to come back here until tomorrow morning.
See ya then

46 :
>>39 2ch is called scribble(rakugaki) in the toilet.
Dont mind.
I have a question.Why foreigners dont access to 2chBBC or type something?
No one collect our mistakes.
>>40 Professor is a proffecer.They just SUPPORT us to learn languages.

47 :

48 :
masturbation is arrowed.whenever u want to.
English will stimulate u.

49 :

50 :
     _______                     __
    // ̄~`i ゝ                    `l |
    / /        ,______   ,_____    ________  | |  ____ TM
   | |     ___ // ̄ヽヽ // ̄ヽヽ (( ̄))   | | // ̄_>>
   \ヽ、   |l | |    | | | |    | |  ``( (.  .| | | | ~~
      `、二===-'  ` ===' '  ` ===' '  // ̄ヽヽ |__ゝ ヽ二=''
                         ヽヽ___//   日本
         ______________  __
         |街宣車の正体  朝鮮人工作員     .| |検索|←をクリック!!

51 :
Rainy days always get me down
Sometimes I'd like to quit. Nothing ever seems to fit

52 :
I've seen some native English speakers chatting @ the original thread in the English category.
As you can see, this thread is still a new one --- I created it only a few days ago. Besides, 99% of the
threads here are written in Japanese. No wonder foreign people don't notice this thread.
About the professor stuff, I gotta give it a thought about what the difference between
teach and support is. Thanks.
Looking at these posts I now see what you meant by "scribble(rakugaki)".

53 :
My time's up. I gotta go. I'll be back tomorrow. Until then, be safe everyone

54 :
have fun, 1-san.
it's good for you to prepare for the next academic year.
as for me, i'm a typical hikikomori staying at home most of the time.
i don't know whether i have a particular mental symptom or not because i don't go to the hostpital,
but i sometimes feel depressed and fear thinking about future.
yes, you're right. an university is just an university. you have to do what you can do yourself.
why not join us?

55 :

56 :
I dont want to think about my future. The future is unexpected and I guess it's not so good.
I do that I can or l want to now.
But I wanna tell u guys that the rogical which Im learning will help u when u talk or think.It makes u getting involved in social easily.
l dont like to talk withhumans lol but I got to feel interest in speaking or disscusing or writting something.
The rogical secure u from social accusation or stress.
*reclusive=adjective recluse=noun

57 :
Japanese crown princess is now reclusive.She might burned out.

58 :
640 名前:名無しさん@12周年[] 投稿日:2012/02/18(土) 15:05:47.13 ID:sskgsjsc0 [2/2]
『平清盛』プロデューサー在日朝鮮人 磯智明(反日・天皇制度廃止論者)のプロデュース作品
@『監査法人 (2008)』反体制・反社会
A『最後の戦犯 (2008)』反日・天皇制度廃止・反体制・反社会
B『リミット -刑事の現場2- (2009)』反体制・反社会
日本放送協会 、、 〒150-8001 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1
韓国放送公社(KBS) 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南2-2-1NHK東館710-C ←よく痴漢やヤクで捕まるのはここの工作員

59 :
Hi everyone, it's very windy today. My umbrella got almost blown away.
There must be a poor guy whose wig got blown off of his head on his way to work.
Could have gotten laughed at by people around him. If that's the case,
I'd like to offer him my deepest sympathy.
I've seen several times that you study Logical Thinking at university.
I googled Logical Thinking and was able to find out a website that
explains what it is in detail. It's quite an intriguing thing to study, to say the least.
Maybe I'll go to library to check out some books on Logical Thinking if I get a chance.
Good luck studying!

60 :
>>59 Hi.It's raining here. gakuburu〜
I read this book first,good for beginners.

61 :

62 :
oh it's my fault thx

63 :
Mobile is a part of my body,like one's eyeglasses.
You know what Im saying

64 :
Hi,guys.r u working?

65 :
ETV(NHK) start new TV program about English in April.Spanish,French too.
I think these shows are effective.Easy but necessary phrases we'II learn.
When I watch it,I'd like to tell u.

66 :
i've got to go to the library to return books.
please do.
i too would like to take a look at some programs.

67 :
and I revised(=modified)it little bit
『A recluse』
is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society, often close to nature.
The word is from the Latin 『recludere』, which means "shut up" or "sequester."
Historically, the word referred to a hermit(=yosutedito)'s total isolation.
There are many 『potential reasons for becoming a recluse』
: a personal philosophy(=tetsugaku,zinseikan) that rejects consumer society
; a mystical(=sinpiteki) religious outlook(←son of god?)that involves becoming a hermit or an anchorite
; a survivalist may be practicing self-sufficiency
; a criminal might hide away from people to avoid detection by police
; or a misanthrope(=who hates human) may be unable to tolerate(=endure) human society.
It can also be due to 『psychological reasons』,
・such as posttraumatic stress disorder,(=sinteki gaishougo stress)
・an autism(=ziheishou)spectrum disorder
・or avoidant personality disorder.

68 :
『In Japan』,
an estimated 「1.2 million people」 are part of the phenomenon of "Hikikomori" or "social withdrawal",
『a problem』 often blamed on Japan's
@「education system」 and
A「social pressure to succeed」.
l totally think that Japan's education system has a problem,
and also I feel pressure 「hatarake〜」
Do u?

69 :
thank you for the interesting quote.
in japan, it's often hard for dropped out people to rejoin the society. that's i think one of the reasons.
which of those reasons best describes your case, you guys?
for me, i think it's the reason of PTSD and the reason of my own personality as well as the fact that
i dropped out before.
i don't mean i hate people. on the contrary, i desire to rejoin the society and have relationships with others.
i have some phigical problem, which makes me hard to rejoin the society.

70 :
アメーバピコをやっていますがまったく英語が分かりません。 ↓の日本語訳をおねが... - Yahoo!知恵袋

71 :
spring is going to come.
spring mean
vitality,energy,motive power,well,fountain,flexibility,beginning

72 :
Sorry for not having been able to write in for a while. 2CH was keeping the users of
my ISP from leaving a message on here. I wish there was somehow a way to avoid getting
involved in a suspension like that.

73 :
Thank you very much for the link!
I'm going to check the book out later.

74 :
Google Japan Blog: ファミコン版 Google マップ 8 ビットができました。
Google Maps 8-bit for NES - YouTube

75 :
I was about to say "Thanks for the good laugh for April Fool's Day", but
it seems like they are as serious as a heart attack. It reminds me of when
I was playing Dragon Quest as a kid.

76 :
it's the same to me. i'm reminded of my childhoods.

77 :
It's a fine day today. I took a walking this morning. Cherry blossoms aren't in bloom yet,
but they are going to blossom soon. Spring is just around the corner.
BTW, there's a song I like to listen to at this time of year. It goes very well with a day
like today. Here you can take a listen to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knNFpuKi100

78 :
Hi, nearly one quarter to one fifth of the cherry blossoms on the road
I walk every day are in bloom because of yesterday's warm weather. But
TV says it's going to rain a lot today. I hope those cherry blossoms
won't get splattered in today's rain. Do you guys go out for Ohanami
every spring?

79 :
When you say you want to rejoin the society, what would you mean exactly?
Pardon me if I'm mistaken, but if you simply mean to have relationship with
others, there should be some community group in your local area where people
who are in the same or a similar situation as yours discuss and share thoughts
with each other, I imagine. But then I have no clue exactly what physical
problem you have that you say makes it hard to rejoin the society, and I feel
it is too much to ask such a private thing. But I believe there should be
some community that can help you out or that at least makes you feel better.

80 :
Please don't get me wrong. I don't mean you cannot discuss and share
your thoughts with us here. What I mean is that if you desire to have
relationship with other people *in person*, a local community group
could be a little bit of help.

81 :
The social problems mentioned at >>68 are to do with each other and so shouldn't
be considered separately, I suppose. Generally speaking, if you want to succeed
in society (although the definition of success depends on each person's point of view),
you have to get into a good company. Likewise, if you want to join a good company,
you have to get good scores in school. In such a social mechanism, it might be
natural that Japan's education system is set up for students to mainly be able to achieve
those goals. Although an education system like this could vitalize the society,
the thing is that if you stumble and eventually drop out of this social race along
the way, you are likely to be regarded as a loser. And this is where the idea
that there is something wrong with Japan's education system comes from.
Also, it seems to me that in a social system like this, the society tends to judge
a person by how much money s/he can earn. In an extreme instance, let's say there
are two persons: one is someone who can earn 1,800,000 yen a year, and the other
is someone else who can earn 3,600,000 yen a year. In this case, the society
tends to regard the former person to be "better" than the latter one. Our concept
of values as one society, unfortunately, is largely based on such a shallow measure.
I therefore feel that as long as our value judgment stays as such, Japan's education
system will not change fundamentally...

82 :
Sorry, I mean,
"In this case, the society tends to regard the latter person to be
"better" than the former one."

83 :
thank you for your kind reply.
i'm not giving up my dream to rejoin the society one day.
and i'm trying to work on it. studying english is one of the activities.
thank you again for your kind words.

84 :
>>83 san
When you say you want to rejoin the society, would you mean to get a job and work full-time?

85 :
Sorry, my English is always messed up. I usually start writing in English
directly as soon as ideas pop up in my mind. Probably I should think in Japanese
first and then translate it into English.

86 :
actually not. my ultimate goal is to overcome my physical problem mentaly and get married and bring up children.
none of which seems to be very easy for me, though.
in order to do that, i think i will have to find a job, but getting a job itself isn't my ultimate goal.
it's the same for me. let's practice together :)
do you have any goal, if not the ultimate goal, 84-san?

87 :
ah, i should have written simply like this;
i want to have friends and ultimately a wife and a family.
if i just got a job but i couldn't feel like i was communicating with others mentaly, i wouldn't feel i had rejoined the society.
so, i want friends more than a job.
if i will get both friends and a job at once, it will be nice, though.

88 :
I see. Getting married is also a thing I hope to make reality some day. And
also to me I need to get a stable job to make that come true.
Do I have any goal? Hmmmmm... I don't have any in mind right now that I can
tell you proudly, but recently I've found that there is a group of people
like me who are hikky that does OFF-Kai on a regular basis. And I'm
slightly considering to try to take part in it this year... So joining in that
kind of group is one of my goals of this year, maybe :P

89 :
That's great
I have a few friends who I can tell about anything. We've been friends
since we were elementary school students. One of them is now outside
Japan, but the others are still in Japan. It's funny but there is sometimes
a time when we don't contact each other for as long as nearly half a
year... but the moment we get together, it suddenly feels as if we'd seen each
other only yesterday.

90 :
again, sorry.
i frist wrote that i wanted to rejoin the society. in that mean, getting a job should be contained in it.
so when you asked me about getting a job, i should have answered yes because getting a job is actually an activity
in which we have some degree of relationship with others.
but i came to realize then that merely getting a job probably won't satisfy my desire to rejoin the society, and
i suddenly changed my thought then to having relationships with others.
it seems that i need to think about my desire more, and getting a job is, as you say, a very important step to
have relationships with others.
so my answer now is, yes, i meant i wanted to have a job as a very important step to fully rejoin the society.
sorry for confusing you.
that's a nice goal, isn't it?
if you get self-confidence attending the meeting, i think maybe you can step forward to next stage.
keep going! :)

91 :
oh, that's nice close friends.
having such friends is like having a great fortune.
i also used to have some, but as time passed by, i came to lose one after another.
being in a situation like this makes it harder for me to have a confidence to have friends.
but i still have a few.
i want to appreciate the fact of it and want to cherish them.

92 :
Thanks so much for explaining in such a great detail.
I'd like to talk to you more, but I have to go now.
I will be back tomorrow. Have a good evening!

93 :
Hi again, as for me, I do not want to have relationship with other people as much as you do.
My reason for wanting to work full time is just because of money to live on. If I win the lottery
and get a ton of money that I can live on without having to work for the rest of my life,
I will surely choose not to work, because whether working full time or part time, working itself to me
is not anything other than a way to earn money. But of course, if I am in a situation where I must
communicate with others, I do.
Thanks for the encouragement on my idea to take part in an Off-kai.
I have been accessing the Internet for nearly 10 years. Over these years,
I have got to know many people online, but I have never met any of them in real life.
Have you ever met anyone in real life that you got to know on the Internet?

94 :
I can relate to you. One thing I don't get though, is, why would you need to have a confidence for having a friend?

95 :
lately,l did nothing but read books.
l also read ur comments.
By reading a book about politics,I realized that we have relation to each other.Just realized,not to do any actions.
That is,we are connected to society originally.
This gave me little confidence and lessened my apathy.
It's called social consciousness.
Are you interested in politics?

96 :
Hi, it's true that on the political level, we are all connected. We vote someone
every once in a while and that someone brings some effect into the politics in a
way that has some influence on our daily lives.
I'm not so sure in my case if being connected to the society really does make me
feel any good as an individual, as I find myself suffering all the time from dilemma
between social consciousness and individual consciousness.
In answer to your question, quite honestly I know next to nothing about politics.
But I do have interest in it.

97 :
hi. thank you for your comment.
i once considered becoming a welfare recipient, or seikatsuhogo jukyuusha, in the future for fear that
maybe i will have failed to obtain a job and its salary on which i will get along.
but i thought then that "who wants to be friends with a person like that?" "who not only don't have a job, but
also have quit to struggle to have a job from an early stage of his life and as a result he doesn't have a job."
if i were to be asked that, i would answer i'd rather not.
being a welfare recipient is more or less free from money problem. but i thought if i were to be given only money,
i wouldn't be satisfied with my life.
and i mentioned before that i have a phisycal problem. the problem is also preventing me from having relationships with others.
coping with it, i strengthened my desire to rejoin the society not only by getting a certain amount of money
but also by having relationships with others.
that's why i value relationships with others.
by the way, i have ever met people in person 2 times whom i first met online.
i was 1 one 1 meetings and i don't think i'll call them a off kai. just i met him face to face.
and also i once took part in a meeting called jijyokai, in which hikikomori people are talking to one another eating and drinking.
about a half dozen people were there. it was held in another prefecture and i haven't took part in it after that.
i'm thinking of meeting an online friend of mine, or more precisely an email friend, in the near future.
we have been friends for about 10 years and never met eath other face to face.
i used to be an alien to the idea of meeting people first met online. but recently i'm changing my mind.
i hope your attendance to the off kai will become your step to move forward.

98 :
× but i thought then that "who wants to be friends with a person like that?"
○ but i thought then that "who wants to marry a person like that?"
being a welfare recipient itself is ok, but i thought being a person who doesn't make efforts reduces his attractiveness.

99 :
ah, it seems that i didn't answer to no. >>94
but i have to go now. i think i'll answer it when i have a next occasion.

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