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2012年6月しりとり406: 【ADVANCED】英文しりとり - CHAPTER 1【ENGLISH】 (332) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
【竜】中日ドラゴンズしりとり【竜】 (401)
企業名でシリトリ(12社目) (520)
レスを丸ごとコピペしてくるしりとり part51 (289)
才能&根気のある人限定! リレー推理小説其の一 (456)
〜2字取り〜2 (539)
《鬼畜》敵性用語禁止しりとり《米英》 (209)


1 :03/06/26 〜 最終レス :12/04/05

 ・ただし命令形は主語なしでもOK。(例:Go away.)
 ・日本語ローマ字書き不可(例:We love shiritori.)
 ・〜xで終わる文章不可(例:This is a box.)

The first sentence is...
What are you doing now?

2 :
                       ミ  ( ,,,,,, ∧,,∧   
                    ∧,,∧   η ミ,,゚Д゚彡  
           ミ __    ミ,,゚Д゚彡   (/(/     ミ  /)    
            て"  ミ   ミ つつ     彡      ミ `つ 
             ⊂   ミ    ミつつ 彡          ⊂  つ   
            彡"  ミ                   彡"。γ。ミ  
       ∧,,∧    ∨"∨ 彡                   ∨"∨ 彡   ∧,,∧     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ( ,,,,,ミ,,゚Д゚彡                                   ミ,,゚Д゚彡  < 高句麗参上! 
  ⊂,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,つつ                                    ミ  ,つ    \_____
 彡                                          〜ミ ,ミつ  スタッ !
  ピョン!                                         (/         

3 :
We do not do anything.

4 :
Give me chocolate!

5 :
Everybody loves it.

6 :
The sun rises in the east.

7 :
Time is money.

8 :
You are the one I love the most in the world.

9 :
Don't you go

10 :
Oh! my god!

11 :
Do you know him?

12 :
My name is Toru.

13 :
My hobby is bird watching.

14 :
Unforgetful just you are

15 :
Good luck!

16 :
Kill you!!

17 :
Unite this and that together.

18 :
raise your hands

19 :
See you again.

20 :
Nobody wants to do it.

21 :
Trust me

22 :
Everyday, I wake up at four.

23 :
Read books.

24 :
Shut up!

25 :
Please help my work.

26 :
Keep out.

27 :
◆◇◆◇ 海外サイトだから安心 ◇◆◇◆
ココは丸見え! 今ならまだ消されてないよ。たぶん・・・

28 :
That coffee is too bitter.

29 :
Rainy season sucks!

30 :
Sit down.

31 :
Never give up.

32 :
Personal belongings should be kept in the closet.

33 :
This is a pen.

34 :
Nothing's gonna stop us now.

35 :
We play basketball.

36 :
London Bridge is broken down.

37 :
No more war!!

38 :

 |(  ^^ )| <寝るぽ(^^)
 \ |⌒⌒⌒~|         山崎渉
   ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

39 :
Regrettably, I failed the exam.

40 :
Make haste slowly.

41 :
You will never walk alone

42 :
Everybody's business is nobody's business.

43 :
Seeing is believing.

44 :
Good wine needs no bush.

45 :
Hitch your wagon to a star.
46 :

47 :
Roma was not built in a day.

48 :
You may say I'm a dreamer
          ーーJohn Lennon のImagineより

49 :
Room service is available 24/7.

50 :
7-Eleven has built a workforce that reflects the world's
diversity and the diversity of our customer base.
51 :

52 :
East or west, home is best.

53 :
The orange has a scent all its own.

54 :
Not everyone can succeed.

55 :
Divine Love heals All.

56 :
Love can be bought by money.

57 :
Your mother has acromphalus.

58 :
Silence is more eloquent than speech.

59 :
He should have addressed a large audience at that time.

60 :
Every man cannot be an artist.

61 :
Tom and Susie live in Greenfield.

62 :
Do you mind shutting the door?

63 :
Rome was not built in a day.

64 :
Yankees lost a match.

65 :
Have a nice day.

66 :
You are a champion.

67 :
nothing venture, nothing have.

68 :
Everything went well with him.

69 :
Move this thread to the top!

70 :
Pinch my cheek!

71 :
Kick my butt!

72 :
This is a book.

73 :
knock on my door anytime.

74 :
elevater takes me up to the second floor.

75 :
round up the last digit number.

76 :
Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds.

77 :
so you've got my mail now?

78 :
We will rock you.

79 :

80 :
Excuse me.

81 :
Encourage yourself.

82 :
Fine day,isn't it?

83 :
Take it easy!

84 :
Yours sincerely.

85 :
You really got a hold on me.

86 :
Everything I have ever done is deleted.

87 :
Don't leave me alone.

88 :
Everything is all right

89 :
Today is Sunday.

90 :
You will find a job soon.

91 :
Never give up.

92 :
Please try to speak English in this class.

93 :
She plays baseball.

94 :
Look at the window.

95 :
Why you say such s thing?

96 :
>>95 such a thing ね。
Grapes are in my garden.

97 :
Nothing is important for commodity companies.

98 :
She sells sea shells by the seashore in the evening.

99 :
Get back to where you once belong.

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