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2012年6月北米海外生活235: 英語で言いたいことを言って立ち去るスレ  (362) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
チップを払わない奴って何考えてんの? (537)
日本は、ユダヤ人を動員する河豚計画を・・ (263)
いちおう北米なんだけど忘れてないか?メキシコスレ (389)
ルームメイトの彼に無理矢理 (213)
◇◇◇Pittsburgh◇◇◇ (449)
語学留学なひと! (248)


1 :07/04/30 〜 最終レス :12/04/01

there were two things i was thinking while i was away;
to study architecture, or become a hand bag designer.
after i came back, i thought to move to LA,
go to school and study a same thing i've done last
couple months.

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

6 :

7 :
Why don't you use English?

8 :
How can I improve spoken English?I have to use English at work…
Tell Me!

9 :
Yummy yummu
njam njam

10 :

11 :

12 :

13 :
while i'm studying here, the blockheads go on and on singing their own praises

14 :
1. an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.
2. a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern physics.
3. a fundamental doctrine or tenet; a distinctive ruling opinion: the principles of the Stoics.
4. principles, a personal or specific basis of conduct or management: to adhere to one's principles; a kindergarten run on modern principles.
5. guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct: a person of principle.
6. an adopted rule or method for application in action: a working principle for general use.
7. a rule or law exemplified in natural phenomena, the construction or operation of a machine, the working of a system, or the like: the principle of capillary attraction.
8. the method of formation, operation, or procedure exhibited in a given case: a community organized on the patriarchal principle.
9. a determining characteristic of something; essential quality.
10. an originating or actuating agency or force: growth is the principle of life.
11. an actuating agency in the mind or character, as an instinct, faculty, or natural tendency: the principles of human behavior.
12. Chemistry. a constituent of a substance, esp. one giving to it some distinctive quality or effect.
13. Obsolete. beginning or commencement.
—Idioms14. in principle, in essence or substance; fundamentally: to accept a plan in principle.
15. on principle, a. according to personal rules for right conduct; as a matter of moral principle: He refused on principle to agree to the terms of the treaty.
b. according to a fixed rule, method, or practice: He drank hot milk every night on principle.

15 :
life is stressful

16 :
I wanna go to ATL!!

17 :
I have a prediction. This thread will die off soon.

18 :
I'm in Love!

19 :
u suck!

20 :
how do you pronounce " teeny boppers " ????

21 :

22 :
Shine! Yuriko!

23 :
omg! a thunderstorm!!!

24 :
Holy Shit!

25 :
Kato Taka!!!

26 :
i wanna destroy this fucking world!
i hate everthing in this world...

27 :
fun dana

28 :
I wanna use a restroom, out of order now.

29 :
My favorite hip hop artists are Pharrell & T.I.

30 :
i have a heavy back pain today... need to go get a massage.

31 :
You don`t know how badly I need it.

32 :

33 :
i want to save 30,000 dollars to go back to school.
i actually need more like 40 to 50 thousand but will work part time
and make money along the way.

34 :
Your so not jellin`

35 :
Enka and country music piss me off for some reason.

36 :
Life as a graduate student sucks. I have to finish my last paper by tomorrow morning
to get this fucking master's degree I have been working toward for the last three years.
I guess I should go back to writing instead of wasting time here...

37 :
don't worry i'll give u a good licking next time
i'll help u forget about the negativity, hahaha
i enjoy chatting with you, licking you, fucking, you, and being your friend, haha
well let's think about whether we should stop having incredible with eachother, hehe
whatever the outcome.....i hope we can still be friends

38 :
↑what is this slut? soooooo disgusting.
get the f&#k out of here. there's no place for you here. perhaps nowhere else either.
you can't practice here. this ain't your scratch paper. BIACH!

39 :

40 :
I am from Japan!
An island from the Far Far East!

41 :

42 :
what the fuck is wrong with my life
what the fuck am i doing.
i fucking need to excersize or less there isno point of living

43 :
As the world turns!

44 :
Time to live forever, fuck head.

45 :
I'm going commando.

46 :
How many times do I have to tell you?
I am a gay!

47 :
Oh, me too!

48 :
I have no fucking idea What you just said.

49 :
how to pronounce focus? fuckass?

50 :
My boy toy is so jealous, he's even jealous about my past relationship.
But I'm like.... what a fuck? he has a serious girlfriend NOW then he's cheating with me.

51 :
↑ go f##k yourself and die!

52 :
hey i heard that in japan some mothers have with their sons in h.s.
so that they will focus on studying instead of girls.....is that true?
white people in the south fuck their family members all the time
like it's not all of them but a lot of people in the southern states fuck their sisters and moms and shit
that's why city people make fun of them and call them inbred
like that's why a lot of them look weird.....cause their parents are brother and sister too, hahahaha

53 :
yuriko was such a good girl that she was fucking her mother/father every day.

54 :
don't copy your chat mate's comment here.
what? like you don't get it and want us to translate it for you?
stupid bitch.

55 :
All person that join this bbs are bitch.

56 :
Isn`t life just great?
I think my life is going to be nothing but fun.
I have finally figured it all out!

57 :
I'm so pissed off!

58 :

59 :
im nervous break down...

60 :
Beer drinking is a mans sport!

61 :
Could you repeat again,please?

62 :
Is you Tom?
Yes, I are pen

63 :
mou dame po

64 :
god those dumb bitches never shut up

65 :
Silly hoez in their silly little world.
But no one else wants them!

66 :
yuriko is so stupid that he couldn't answer anything to general question. w

67 :
This crazy girl only talks about dick.
She hates Japanese guys because in Japan guys made her pay.
I thought she was the famous yuriko but she wasn`t.
I think we`re supposed to call her BIMBO.
She`s not to hard to find.
All she does is talk about dick.
I think she`s a little pshychotic but claims
everybody around her is the one that`s crazy.
Typicall huh?

68 :
it's 2:30 in the morning
today i have an exam so i gotta go to bed now......, but i cant.
you know why? cause i slept for 12 hours today!!! im so damn!!!

69 :
i got home now.
I was just fucked up.
im gonna take a nap now....zzz

70 :
im broke

71 :
i feel like im fucked up now...
i had an argument with very close friend recently, so that we no longer talk as much as ever before.
life is tough and doesnt do me a favor at this point.
also my business is totally a disaster... i have so much credit card debt. ARRRRRRRR!!!

72 :
sorry about that.

73 :
You don't know how sick you make me. you make me fuckin' sick to my stomach. everytime i think of you I PUKE.

74 :
You may leave the current BAD circumstances.
You can try other possibilities!
Congratulations! You will have a new world!

75 :
get out ashole
Jap police is dumbass
fall to hell dick face

76 :
75 is a pathetic little man.

77 :
How come Nishin cup noodle are fuckin expensive in canada
$3 each? fuck! who buys that?
i hate this country
this damn place is only for bears!!

78 :
first off, wha tis "Nishin" cup? do you like instant fish in a cup? lol
second off, Canadinan$ is cheaper than US$.  We pay $2 or more for Nissin cup.
quit wining and brush your teeth and go to school.
by the way, are you >>75? the choice of words and the pattern of omitting letters are VERY similar between you guys!

79 :
I'm getting pissed off!!
kick the bucket asshole
almost japanese people hate Jap police
So jap police is stupid
understand it asshole

80 :
I'm sorry, I don't understand a word you are saying.
I can only tell that you are not smart and not happy,
and potentially the second biggest asshole next to yuriko.

81 :
Who is yuriko?
You can understand what I said
You knew that
Japanece police can't use their gun
So they are stupid
understand them dumbass

82 :
Keep servin it on the reala

83 :
What`s up dude!

84 :
why 81 was getting pissed off?
I hate Japanese police too
Because they stupid asshole

85 :
do you hate japanese police because they "are" stupid asshole"s", or because they "arrest" or "pester" stupid "assholes"?
you can't omit verbs in English.
did you mean, almost "all" japanese people hate Jap police, or "most" japanese people hate...,
by >"almost japanese people hate Jap police"?
did you mean, "that's why" jap police "are" stupid, or jap police "are" "so" stupid?
by >"So jap police is stupid"?
did you mean Japanese police "don't know how to use their gun"s" (though they do practice so often). They are "so" stupid,
or, Japanese police "are not allowed to use their gun"s" (as often as here in the states)"  "That -the system- is so stupid",
by >"Japanece police can't use their gun  So they are stupid"?
your english is hard to understand due to poor grammatical quality.
>understand them dumbass
by "them", what are you referring to? if them refers to the police, why do we have to understand the police, when you hate them so much?
by "dumbass", whom are you referring to?  the police, or 80?

86 :
why are you guys discussing japanese police when you are in the north america to begin with?
they can't bother you here.

87 :
He must have done something criminal in Japan.

88 :
oh, i get it now.
so he must have been lucky that "japanese police can't use their guns."
he could have been killed. lol

89 :
you stupid asshole
you sonofabitch
What the fuck is that?!
such my ball
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
you should kill yourself
fall to hell
you stupid asshole

90 :
suck my ball
get out of here asshole
kick the bucket dickhead

91 :
May your English be better...

92 :
I am a OTAKU. And,I am a Hikky.I love OTAKU and Hikky.

93 :
thanks guy
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself
87 should kill himself

94 :
Are you mentally-handicapped?

95 :
93 is mentally-retarded. lol

96 :

97 :
I said 93 is mentally retarded, not 94.
I know you are not.

98 :
Oh! I thought you meant me...
Sorry about that.

99 :
Don't worry jackass
You know you stupid assole
fuck you sonofabitch

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