コフトン調子維持すればいい線いくかもな シニアプロとか課題あるけど PCSでそうな感じが頼もしい ちなみに参考程度ですがSB 12 Konstantin MENSHOV RUS 223.72 13 Maxim KOVTUN RUS 222.31 17 Sergei VORONOV RUS 217.61 こうなるとがっちゃんが読めないナショナル待つしかないか
少し前に記事が出てたクドリャフツェフ考案の滑り向上システムで 選手達をテストしてるって話のことじゃないか ピセーエフ Figure skating requires primarily skating skills that should be taught from childhood. And our coaches sometimes dress it up for parents with jumps and spins. Skating becomes secondary. That is why we have introduced into the classification program stroking tests system developed by the famous coach Victor Kudryavtsev. Now athletes are not allowed to skate in competitions without passing these tests. 記者 So, it seems that senior skaters who were not taught the right way are the lost generation? ピセーエフ If you didn't learn it in childhood, try harder now. Plushenko, for example, has better skating skills, others ? worse. Presentation is one thing, but judges are looking for something else.