お、立ったな。じゃネタ投入 Wash. USAで雪崩。3人死亡。生存者ABS背負ってたみたい。 http://t.co/fRv4tuC6 プロスキーヤーらC。 http://t.co/MO7zpdog やっぱエアバッグ有効だな オランダ王子、スキー中に雪崩で重体 http://t.co/0YxPYjhN 王子はバッグ装備してなくて 装備してたつれは助かったみたい。 王子 金もってんだから装備しろよw http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/prince-johan-friso-critically-injured-avalanche The prince did not have an avalanche safety device, comparable to airbags used in cars. But he did have a transceiver, which allowed the rescue services to locate him under the snow within minutes of their arrival at the scene. A friend who was skiing with the prince did have an avalanche safety device and was able to raise the alarm. Local media say the two were hit by an avalanche of 30 by 40 metres. やっぱエアバッグは使えるってことが実証されたな。