前スレ >>952>>953>>955 NYTの報じたMandiantによる、人民解放軍のハッカー部隊のアナリシスについて フォーリンポリシー雑誌、これは外交問題化して、米中関係が冷却化するだろう という --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://www.foreignpolicy.com/node/1421368 Morning Brief: Report details aggressive hacking operations by Chinese army Posted By Elias Groll Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - 9:17 AM While Chinese officials denied the allegations, the Mandiant report argues that if the hacking activity in Shanghai is not the work of Unit 61398, then “a secret, resourced organization full of mainland Chinese speakers with direct access to Shanghai-based telecommunications infrastructure is engaged in a multiyear enterprise-scale computer espionage campaign right outside of Unit 61398’s gates.” 中国政府は、中国に依るハッカー攻撃を否定するが、Mandiant レポートは「人民解 放軍の61398部隊に依る秘密の攻撃でないとすれば、潤沢な資源を持つ中国大陸から のハッカー攻撃は上海のテレコム・インフラに直接のアクセスを何年にも渡って続け てきており、大型企業の規模のコンピュータのハッキング攻撃で61389部隊のゲート のすぐ外で起こっているもの」という。 The Mandiant report is likely to put a chill on relations between the United States and China as U.S. officials are preparing to inform their counterparts that Chinese hacking activity threatens the fundamental relationship between Beijing and Washington. Mandiantレポートは米中関係を冷却させるであろう。アメリカ政府は中国に対して この事件について通告する準備を行なっている。この事件が両国の基本的な関係に 対する脅威であるとしている。
Pakistan Reaches Out to Iran on Energy, Security February 19, 2013 ISLAMABAD — Pakistan is reaching out to its neighbor, Iran, for cooperation on energy and security, despite ongoing international attempts to isolate Tehran for its nuclear program. The latest talks between the two countries on a proposed gas pipeline that could aggravate Pakistani ties with the United States. ttp://www.voanews.com/content/pakistan-reaches-out-to-iran-on-energy-security/1606446.html 中国、イラン、パキスタンが目に見えて親密度を増している気が… すくなくともアメリカはそう考えていそう
Netanyahu: Iran will get nukes if indulged like North Korea ttp://www.israeltoday.co.il/Default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=23685 >Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday warned that if the West takes the same flawed >approach as it did with North Korean in dealing with Iran's defiant nuclear program, then >the Islamic Republic will, like North Korea, invariably manage to attain atomic weapons. 月曜、ネタニヤフ首相は「西側諸国が、北朝鮮に対して採用したのと同様の誤ったやり方で、 イランが行っている挑戦的な核開発に対応するのであれば、そのイスラム共和国は北朝鮮のように、 例外なく核兵器を獲得するだろう。」と警告した。 >The warning comes less than a week after officials with the International Atomic Energy Agency >(IAEA) once again failed to reach a deal with Iran that would allow them to inspect suspect >nuclear facilities. This game of cat and mouse has been going on for over a decade, and is >the same kind of failed diplomatic effort that allowed North Korea to go nuclear nearly unmolested. この警告は、IAEAがイランと核施設の査察許可について合意に至らなかった時点から一週間足らずで 表明された。このやり取りは10年以上に及んでおり、北朝鮮の核武装を妨げることができなかった 外交施策の失敗と、同種のものである。
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>The only viable approach to deterring Iran, Netanyahu told a meeting of the Jewish Agency's >Board of Governors, is to couple sanctions with "a robust, credible military threat." Jewish Agency Board of Governorsでの会合で、ネタニヤフ首相は、 「イランを思い止まらせるための唯一実行可能な方法は、制裁を、"強硬で頼りになる軍事的な脅威" と組み合わせることだ。」と述べた。 >The one country that could realistically make such a threat, the United States, appears to >be going in the opposite direction. US President Barack Obama just appointed to the positions >of Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense two men who have been outspoken in their >opposition to using military force against Iran. >Netanyahu said that when Obama visits Israel next month, he will look to remind the American >leader that "Iran does not conceal its desire to destroy the Jewish state and threaten the >rest of the world." アメリカは、現実的にそのような脅威を採ることが可能な国の1つであるが、それと反対の方向に 進もうとしているように見える。アメリカのオバマ大統領が国務長官と国防長官に指名したのは、 どちらも、イランへの軍事力行使に反対することにこれまでずっと率直であった人物である。 ネタニヤフ首相は「来月オバマ大統領がイスラエルを訪れるが、その時オバマ大統領に、"イランが、 ユダヤ人の国家を破壊したいという望み、世界に脅威を与えるという望みを隠すことはない" ということを 思い出させる」と語った。
WSJのレビュー&アウトルック、中国の人民解放軍に依るサイバー攻撃について ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324590904578287563050439012.html REVIEW & OUTLOOK ASIAFebruary 19, 2013, 12:10 p.m. ET China's Online Thieves Beijing's cyberattacks are a major problem for the world economy. 中国のオンライン泥棒たち 北京政府のサイバー攻撃は世界経済への主要な問題である Governments have always spied on each other and sought secrets with commercial value. So one might reasonably ask what makes China any different? If Western companies are foolish enough not to protect their data properly, their complaints about Chinese competitors stealing intellectual property fall flat. 諸国の政府は常に互いをスパイしていて商業的利益を有する秘密を探し求めているが 中国の場合は、此れと何か違いがあるだろうか? 西欧諸国の企業が機密情報の保護 しないのなら、中国企業が知的所有物を盗んでいるという彼らの主張は意味がなくなる But as Stalin is supposed to have said, quantity has a quality all its own. The world has never seen a state devote such large resources to siphoning off data from private companies to advance a broad range of national interests, political and economic. China's penchant for online theft and sabotage could change the world economic order. しかしスターリンが述べたと伝えられるように、量的なものは、質的な意味をなす。 世界はこのような大規模の国家主導のリソーセスの投入による民間企業からの機密情 報の吸い上げによる広範な政治的経済的な国益の増進というのは、これまで見たこと がない。中国の泥棒行為、あるいは妨害行為は、世界の経済秩序を変えるだろう。
In China and other authoritarian regimes by contrast, tycoons typically rise and maintain their position through political clout or corruption. They have always been free-riders on the free market's creative power. 西欧世界では起業家や発明家による改革が起きるのだが中国のような権威主義的な国 では大ボスが政治的な影響力や買収に依ってその地位を高め、維持する。彼らは常に 市場主義経済の創造的なパワーに只乗している。 Until now China did little damage to innovators and even helped them, for instance, by supplying the labor to build Steve Jobs's gadgets. But Beijing now seems intent on abusing the world's economic rules to such an extent that it threatens the prosperity of everyone else. No wonder former Google CEO Eric Schmidt writes in a forthcoming book that China's hacking and control over information makes it dangerous. これまでは中国は、彼らの産業を助けるイノベーターに害を与えることはなくジョブ ズの作ったガジェットの製造に労働力を提供してきた。しかし今や中国は諸国の繁栄 を脅かす規模で経済秩序をかき乱す意図があるように見える。グーグル前社長のEric Schmidtが近く出版される著書の中で中国のハッキングと情報統制は危険だと言ってい るのは当然である。 The Soviet Union threatened the capitalist West using overt military might and political subversion. The danger from Chinese hacking is more insidious because Beijing purports to play by the rules while subverting them with tools that are hard to track and stop. Beijing has calculated that in order for Chinese companies to continue to grow at break-neck speed, they need to cheat. The effect could be to drag the West back to a world where companies and states must work hand in glove instead of at arm's length. ソヴィエト連邦は資本主義的西欧を軍事力と政治的な転覆(革命)を図ることで脅し たのだが、中国のハッキング行為の危険性はより陰険である。なぜなら中国政府は ルールに従って行動すると主張しながら、その一方でルールを破壊し、そのために 追跡したり止めさせることの困難な道具を使う。中国政府は中国企業が快進撃を続 ける為には、インチキ(cheat)が必要と計算している。その結果、西欧企業や国家 はスクラムを組んで(hand in glove)対抗せざるを得ない。
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We hope China's behavior proves self-defeating. Economic transactions are about mutual benefit, and nobody should continue doing business with a counterparty who continually rips them off. The signs are that the U.S. government may finally be getting up the nerve to respond with more than quiet, feckless pleading. 我々は中国の行動が自己破壊的であることが証明されることを希望する。経済的な 交易は相互互恵的であって、いつも相手から略奪するような相手とビジネスの継続 を望まない。アメリカ政府にも、これまでのような静かでヤル気のない嘆願だけで はなく、最終的に対抗すべく勇気を出す(getting up the nerve)かも知れない徴 候が見られる Better defenses are imperative. Naming and shaming the Chinese entities responsible, as Mandiant has done, are also important, and targeted sanctions against individuals and institutions will probably be needed. Chinese officials need to understand that if they want their current economic relationship with the U.S. to continue, they must stop their cyberattacks. ハッキング行為へのより良い防衛は必須である。機密保護会社のMandiantがやった ように犯行に及んだ中国の組織などを暴露することは重要である。責任を追うべき 個人や組織を特定して制裁することがおそらく必要であろう。中国政府高官は理解 すべきことに、彼らが現行のアメリカとの経済関係を維持したいのであれば彼らは サイバー攻撃をやめ無くてはならない。 Beijing has long wanted to showcase the triumph of "socialism with Chinese characteristics," and in a way it has. Its defining characteristic is theft. 中国政府は「中国的特色ある社会主義」の勝利のショーケースを求めてきたが、 その意味で彼らはそれを手に入れた。その特色とは、泥棒のことだが。
報道官はこの中で、サイバー攻撃による米経済や安全保障への脅威に「懸念を増大させ ている」と強調。その上で、米中の戦略安全保障対話でサイバーセキュリティーを取り 扱っているほか、中国政府および軍部に対しても繰り返して同問題を提起してきたと述 べた。ただ、部隊名など報道の詳細は確認しなかった。(2013/02/20-09:04) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2013/02/204955.htm Victoria Nuland Spokesperson Daily Press Briefing Washington, DC February 19, 2013 We’re also trying to strengthen the ability of our private sector to defend against cyber intrusions by releasing more technical data to help them to understand what’s going on and how they can protect themselves, and working to coordinate protection of intellectual property. We’ve also regularly and repeatedly raised our concerns at the highest level with the Chinese Government about cyber theft, including with senior Chinese officials and the military. We’ll continue to do that. It comes up in virtually every meeting we have with Chinese officials. And I think you know that we have also, in the context of the Strategic Security Dialogue that Deputy Secretary Burns runs with his Chinese counterpart, established a conversation on cyber security.
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So we will continue to work on all of these things because it’s a serious concern. QUESTION: And what is the role of the government? What is our understanding of the role of the Chinese army ? excuse me ? about its role in these attacks? Do we understand the Chinese army to be engaged in these attacks against us? MS. NULAND: I think I said that we’ve raised our concern at the highest level about cyber threats from China, including the involvement of the military. I’m not going to go any more than that because it’ll take me into intelligence. QUESTION: So if a foreign government’s military is waging attacks on us, to a lay person that would seem to raise the question of whether or not we’re at war in some sense. Are we at cyber war with China? MS. NULAND: Again, we are talking about concerns. I’m not going to go beyond that because it’s going to take me into intelligence, James. Yeah. QUESTION: The Chinese foreign ministry said that this report was groundless and the defense ministry denied any involvement in hacking. What does that say about how they consider your concerns? It seems like they just blow it off. MS. NULAND: Again, we do now have this -- QUESTION: Or you’re wrong. MS. NULAND: We do now have this dialogue on cyber that the State Department runs under our Strategic Security Dialogue. We also talk about this issue at every level, and we’re obviously going to have to continue to do so.
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QUESTION: If ? unless their public ? their private statements are completely different than their public statements, what is the quality if your dialogue if they say, “No, we’re not involved with it in any way. Have a nice day”? MS. NULAND: Well, it doesn’t change the fact that we have to keep talking about it because we have concerns. QUESTION: But do you get a different response than that in private? Do you get real engagement, or is it complete rejection of the claim against them? MS. NULAND: Without getting too deeply into the details of private diplomatic discussions we’re having, what we have been involved with is making clear that we consider this kind of activity a threat not only to our national security but also to our economic interests, and laying out our concerns specifically so that we can see if there’s a path forward. QUESTION: And do you feel that these dialogues have had any value so far in stemming the flow of ? or the tide of cyber attacks from China? MS. NULAND: I think as recent public reports make clear, we’re obviously going to have to keep working on this. It’s a serious concern. QUESTION: Does the fact that they own so much of our debt ? the Chinese ? have any impact on our ability to address these kinds of issues, thes e other issues? MS. NULAND: We have to ? regardless of the macroeconomic situation, we have to continue to address our own national security and economic interests, and we will continue to do that.
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QUESTION: Victoria, one more on this just ? or a couple more on this. You began, I think, by saying that you have substantial and growing concerns about this. Is it fair to say that the problem is getting worse; in other words, it hasn’t been constant, that you have been seeing it get worse? MS. NULAND: I think I said growing, right? QUESION: Right, okay. Second, you said you had raised this at the highest levels. That means the President has raised it with the President of China, correct? MS. NULAND: I’m going to let the White House speak to the President’s conversations. I think I’ll just leave it where I left it, Arshad. QUESTION: But you said the highest levels, correct? MS. NULAND: I did, I did. QUESTION: Okay. And then lastly, I didn’t quite understand when you ? you said it twice, but you’ve raised it at the highest levels about your concerns about possible Chinese military involvement, correct? Have you raised it in those not very frequent but still occasional contacts that you have with the Chinese military? MS. NULAND: I’m going to send you to the Department of Defense because they conduct that dialogue. But my expectation is that the answer will be yes. Guys, I have about five more minutes, so let’s take three more. Yeah.
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>>92 >because it’s a serious concern. 実際の広報官と記者のやり取りに鑑みて時事の記事は事態の過小評価に務めている ように見える。広報官はセンセーショナルにならないように務めているけれど、 これはアメリカが初めて: (1)中国政府と人民解放軍が諸国に意図的なサイバー攻撃をしかけていて知的所有権 を侵害していると認めた (2)軍のレベル、国務省のレベルにとどまらず「 at the highestlevels」(大統領の レベル)でもこれを問題にしていると認めている (3)中国外交部広報官の昨日の会見でのメッセージを完全に否定している などの点で、従来とは異なると思ふ。先の大統領令での機密保護の体制充実、軍の専門 組織の編成などから見てアメリカ側はマジで、NYTの報道もそういう背景から意図的に 公表されているのではないかと思える(?)
China military unit 'behind prolific hacking' ttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-21502088 中国のサイバー攻撃に関するBBCの報道。 上海にある攻撃元の施設を撮影に行ったBBCのクルーが、一時拘束されたとのこと。 事件被害者の家族を追いかけ回すしか能のない日本のジャーナリスト()とは大違いですな。