【日本の恥】 CNN、ネトウヨの「朝鮮人皆殺し」を全世界に発信 マジで同じ日本人として恥ずかしいorz http://i.cdn.turner.com/ireport/sm/prod/2013/04/02/WE00931028/2432143/2013040293634PMpng-2432143_p9.jpg Japanese Teen, "Let's genocide all of Koreans"(ジャップの10代が「さあチョンを皆殺しにしよう」と発言) http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-950302 A video was uploaded on YouTube recently. This was video taped in the middle of metropolitan area in a Japanese city (specific location unknown). A female Japanese middle school student was mentioning that people should genocide all of the Koreans. Due to the two countries' "unpleasant history" back in Japanese Empire era, Koreans have negative feelings against the Japanese, and the Japanese conservatives somewhat disdain Koreans. Of course people gathered around her to see what was going down. Currently this video has over 1,000 views and over 100 likes. This kind of behavior is not suitable for Japan to be considered as a global nation or society.