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2013年06月セキュリティ87: 一番攻撃力が高そうなセキュリティソフト (113)
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セキュリティソフトが反応したURLを報告するスレ (198)
【AOL】Active Virus Shield【AVS3】 (173)
物理的にマックをぶっ壊すウイルスってあるのか? (120)
ノーガード戦法こそ最強 (140)
【ソースネクスト】セキュリティアドバイザー発売 (122)
Spysheriff スパイシェリフ被害者の会 (149)
1 :2008/03/07 〜 最終レス :2013/06/12 やっぱ攻撃は最大の防御だろ。
2 : で、どうするんだよこの糞スレ
3 : 常に負荷100パーセントMAXのセキュリティソフトは? 何を踏んでも実行されないような気がsる
4 : 常に負荷100パーセントMAXのセキュリティソフトは まず何も踏めない気がする
5 : 君は1000%♪
6 : ニダは心配せん♪
7 : 攻性防壁?
8 : 一番(インストールしたPCに対する)攻撃力が高そうなセキュリティソフト
9 : ウイルスセキュリティじゃないか トラブル多いしw
10 : iPod ┏━━┓ _♪ 【(´・ω・)】|■| ♪ (| |っ|◎| しーJ  ̄
11 : 何に攻撃するんだ? 進入してきたものやウイルスはもちろん捕獲して 自動的に経路を調査してその相手に送り返し 同時に相手のデータをファイル共有ネットワークに放出させ なおかつ警察に自動通報し、相手のPCにペンタゴンに進入させ ばれそうになったら自動的にHDのデータを復旧不可能に破壊して PCもショートさせて発火させるようなソフトならほしくないぞ
12 : 2008年3月公開のシグネチャ+ヒューリスティック総合検知力テスト ttp://www.av-comparatives.org/seiten/ergebnisse_2008_02.php 早見リスト 1位TrustPort 99,8% 2位AVIRA AntiVir 99,6% 3位GDATA Security 99,5% 4位Kaspersky 98,3% 5位AVG 98,1% 下の方は省略) Symantec Norton 97,7% ESET NOD32 97,7% avast! 97,6% ・ ・ テスト用ウイルスサンプル総合計 168万3364個 たった1パーセントでも大きな数になります。
13 : http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/03/12/18775.html かなりの攻撃力だな
14 : バスター最狂
15 : 今年分の新しい rootkit検出テスト ttp://www.anti-malware-test.com/?q=node/34 ◎金賞 Rootkit Unhooker 3.7 (7.5 out of 8 points) GMER 1.0 (7 out of 8) Kaspersky Anti-Virus 7.0 (6.5 out of 8) Avira Rootkit Detection 1.0 (6.5 out of 8) ○銀賞 AVG Anti-Rootkit 1.1 (5.5 out of 8) Panda AntiRootkit 1.08 (5.5 out of 8) Sophos Anti-Rootkit 1.3.1 (5.5 out of 8) Dr.Web 4.44 (5 out of 8) Trend Micro RootkitBuster 1. (5 out of 8) △銅賞 Symantec Anti-Virus 2008 (4.5 out of 8) F-Secure Anti-Virus 2008 (4 out of 8) McAfee Rootkit Detective 1.1 (3.5 out of 8) ×Failed BitDefender Antivirus 2008 (3 out of 8) McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 (1.5 out of 8) ESET NOD32 Anti-Virus 3.0 (1 out of 8) Trend Micro Antivirus plus Antispyware 2008 (1 out of 8)
16 : 奇形カスペルスキー Rwin32768は固定バグ 奇形とは奇形児とかの奇形と同じ意味です そこの奥様ヨロシクネ♪ 奇形カスペルスキー Rwin32768は固定バグ 奇形とは奇形児とかの奇形と同じ意味です そこの奥様ヨロシクネ♪ 奇形カスペルスキー Rwin32768は固定バグ 奇形とは奇形児とかの奇形と同じ意味です そこの奥様ヨロシクネ♪ 奇形カスペルスキー Rwin32768は固定バグ 奇形とは奇形児とかの奇形と同じ意味です そこの奥様ヨロシクネ♪
17 : 794 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/03/18(火) 01:33:59 ttp://bcnranking.jp/category/subcategory_0019.html 今のところHP改竄の不祥事による影響はなし。 まだ昨日の時点なので今日の更新でどうなることやら。 799 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/03/18(火) 01:40:30 >>794 日本人の被害者ってかなりいるんだな こんな奴等の救済に税金を投入しないことを望む 政府にはチャイナスクールが多いから何をしでかすか分からん 800 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。[sage] 投稿日:2008/03/18(火) 01:43:18 >>799 カスペ信者はその必死な工作がいつかはその成果が実ればいいですねってことだw 俺もバスター使ってないけど。
18 : 左側は、>>12 と同じテストの結果をそのまま書いたものです。 オンデマンドテスト(2008/3) プロアクティブテスト(2007/11) ADVANCED+ TrustPort ADVANCED+ Kaspersky ADVANCED+ AVIRA ADVANCED+ NOD32 ADVANCED+ GDATA AVK ------------------------ ADVANCED+ Kaspersky ADVANCED AVG ADVANCED+ AVG ADVANCED AVK ADVANCED+ Symantec ADVANCED Avast ADVANCED+ ESET NOD32 ADVANCED cAfee ADVANCED+ Avast ADVANCED Microsoft ADVANCED+ F-Secure ADVANCED Norman ADVANCED+ eScan ADVANCED Symantec ------------------------- ------------------------ ADVANCED Sophos STANDARD AVIRA ADVANCED BitDefender STANDARD BitDefender ADVANCED McAfee STANDARD Dr.Web ADVANCED Norman STANDARD eScan ADVANCED Microsoft STANDARD F-Prot ------------------------- STANDARD F-Secure STANDARD VBA32 STANDARD TrustPort ------------------------ ランク外 Fortinet ソース:http://www.av-comparatives.org/
19 : >>16-17 の正体 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1187681559/81-167
20 : >>18 =Z音=NODの低順位が目立たないように書いたマルチコピペ貼り
21 : 確かにセキュリティソフトは専守防衛だからつまんねーな
22 : ん
23 : CANON系列会社が扱っているESETのソフトって単体版も総合版もダメなんだね・・・・・。 値段が高い総合版もリーク性能が0点だって。 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1204601709/ から紹介 369:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/23(日) 09:37:03 ついでにEsetが入っているリークテスト http://www.sbcr.jp/pcjapan/img/toku2_080117.pdf ベンダーより了承を受けて公表するmatousecに、 Esetが参加しない理由がよく分る内容。 370:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。投稿日:2008/03/23(日) 09:44:05 だが、ESSの中に入っているNOD32でないと、セキュリティアップデートされていないだろう。 単体で販売されている日本語版NOD32は、古いバージョンのままでさ。 キ○ノンから買った日本語版の単体NOD32を、勝手に弄って変更すると、サポート受けられなくなるしな。 >また日本語版の対応が遅い。いつものように、ver3が出るまで放置のパターンか? > >□2007/05/23脆弱性発見 >NOD32 Antivirus Detected File Action Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities >http://secunia.com/advisories/25375/ > >□2007/05/21脆弱性発見 >NOD32 Antivirus Long Path Name Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities >http://www.st.ryukoku.ac.jp/~kjm/security/ml-archive/bugtraq/2007.05/msg00352.html > >□NOD32アンチウィルス Part47 > >710 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2007/05/26(土) 22:58:41 >ttp://secunia.com/advisories/25375/ >NOD32 Ver2.70.37以下に脆弱性が見つかった。 >Ver2.70.39で修正されているが、日本語版は未だ提供されていない。
24 : バカスという造語を作ったのはNOD32厨でした。 NOD32アンチウィルス Part54 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1206542183/ 42 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/03/27(木) 00:40:17 カスペ厨バスター厨 44 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [] 投稿日:2008/03/27(木) 00:44:26 >>42 二匹合わせてバカスw
25 : >>24 バカスという造語を作ってスレ立てしている者は、 VSスレで暴れている者とそっくり。 >【ソース厨は】ウイルスセキュリティZERO 20【ゆとり】 > >8:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/05(土) 20:19:44 >※ 算数出来ないソース厨が暴れる限りこのスレタイと内容を継続させていただきます。 >【バカス】一番いいセキュリティソフトはなんだ!!48 > >283:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/27(木) 23:48:57 >これは次スレもこのスレタイ継続ですなw
26 : 以前から、ウイルスセキュリティのスレで赤恥をかいたのを根に持って、 濃度32厨がずっと居座って自演で埋めているのが、リモホのレベルで判明している。 >【ウイルスセキュリティ Part13】 >http://pc8.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1119543099/ >>524 名前:p84bedc.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp 投稿日:2005/06/28(火) 01:21:52 >ほんじゃ〜最後にVSに付いてプロからのコメントを残しておくぞ。 >【雑音犬畜生Part29】 >http://tmp5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1117805574/ >>757 名前:p84bedc.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp 投稿日:2005/07/03(日) 22:38:02 ID:CpVgWHbQ > 私を叩くと称して荒らし放題。 ↑「 私を叩くと称して荒らし放題。」 つまり本人が、雑音=p84bedc.osaknt01.ap.so-net.ne.jpと認める。 http://tmp6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tubo/1176131495/30 より
27 : ウイルス検知力テストの一例(2008年4月17日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 43 BitDefender 2nd 95% 43 AVG 3rd 95% 47 AntiVir 4th 95% 50 Ikarus 5th 94% 61 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 93% 63 Kaspersky 7th 91% 92 CAT-QuickHeal 8th 89% 107 ClamAV 9th 88% 116 Norman 10th 88% 120 Microsoft 11th 88% 122 Avast 12th 87% 126 F-Secure 13th 87% 129 VirusBuster 14th 87% 134 AhnLab-V3 15th 85% 154 Sophos 16th 83% 169 DrWeb 17th 83% 171 F-Prot 18th 83% 175 TheHacker 19th 82% 184 eTrust-Vet 20th 79% 209 VBA32 21st 78% 221 Symantec 22nd 78% 224 Rising 23rd 77% 230 Panda 24th 74% 259 Fortinet 25th 74% 265 McAfee 26th 72% 282 NOD32 27th 63% 380 Authentium
28 : 検知力テスト(2008年4月30日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 77 Ikarus 2nd 92% 138 AVG 3rd 90% 171 AntiVir 4th 90% 173 BitDefender 5th 89% 193 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 84% 281 Norman 8th 83% 285 F-Secure 9th 83% 297 Kaspersky 10th 82% 317 ClamAV 11th 80% 339 Microsoft 12th 79% 363 TheHacker 13th 77% 393 VirusBuster 14th 77% 399 Avast 15th 76% 409 F-Prot 16th 76% 422 AhnLab-V3 17th 76% 423 eTrust-Vet 18th 74% 444 Sophos 19th 73% 464 DrWeb 20th 72% 486 Symantec 21st 71% 504 Rising 22nd 70% 521 VBA32 23rd 66% 591 Panda 24th 64% 638 McAfee 25th 63% 644 Fortinet 26th 61% 682 NOD32v2
29 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月3日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 95% 78 Ikarus 2nd 91% 158 AVG 3rd 90% 166 AntiVir 4th 90% 172 BitDefender 5th 89% 186 Webwasher-Gateway 6th 88% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 85% 267 F-Secure 8th 85% 272 Norman 9th 84% 293 Kaspersky 10th 82% 314 ClamAV 11th 80% 351 Microsoft 12th 79% 368 TheHacker 13th 78% 390 Avast 14th 78% 396 VirusBuster 15th 77% 405 eTrust-Vet 16th 77% 410 Sophos 17th 77% 416 AhnLab-V3 18th 77% 418 F-Prot 19th 75% 447 DrWeb 20th 72% 497 Symantec 21st 72% 508 Rising 22nd 70% 541 VBA32 23rd 67% 590 Panda 24th 65% 629 McAfee 25th 65% 637 Fortinet 26th 63% 665 NOD32v2
30 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月16日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 74 Ikarus 2nd 94% 106 AntiVir 3rd 93% 118 BitDefender 4th 93% 122 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 186 AVG 6th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 7th 89% 203 F-Secure 8th 89% 206 Kaspersky 9th 88% 217 Norman 10th 85% 269 Sophos 11th 84% 286 ClamAV 12th 84% 288 Avast 13th 83% 305 Microsoft 14th 82% 333 eTrust-Vet 15th 82% 337 VirusBuster 16th 81% 349 DrWeb 17th 80% 371 TheHacker 18th 79% 394 F-Prot 19th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3 20th 76% 442 Symantec 21st 74% 483 Rising 22nd 73% 501 VBA32 23rd 72% 516 Fortinet 24th 72% 529 McAfee 25th 71% 535 Panda 26th 69% 582 NOD32v2
31 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月18日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 87 AntiVir 3rd 94% 99 BitDefender 4th 94% 103 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 178 Kaspersky 6th 90% 180 AVG 7th 90% 183 F-Secure 8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 87% 229 Sophos 11th 86% 254 Avast 12th 85% 261 ClamAV 13th 84% 283 Microsoft 14th 83% 305 VirusBuster 15th 83% 307 eTrust-Vet 16th 82% 315 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 79% 372 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 414 Symantec 21st 75% 457 Rising 22nd 74% 475 VBA32 23rd 74% 480 Fortinet 24th 73% 489 McAfee 25th 73% 498 Panda 26th 70% 541 NOD32v2
32 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月19日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 83 AntiVir 3rd 94% 95 BitDefender 4th 94% 99 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 173 Kaspersky 6th 90% 177 AVG 7th 90% 179 F-Secure 8th 89% 189 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 193 Norman 10th 87% 223 Sophos 11th 86% 249 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 84% 278 Microsoft 14th 83% 299 VirusBuster 15th 83% 302 eTrust-Vet 16th 83% 309 DrWeb 17th 80% 357 TheHacker 18th 80% 368 F-Prot 19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 410 Symantec 21st 75% 453 Rising 22nd 74% 470 VBA32 23rd 74% 472 Fortinet 24th 73% 483 McAfee 25th 73% 491 Panda 26th 70% 535 NOD32v2
33 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月20日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 81 AntiVir 3rd 94% 94 BitDefender 4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 170 Kaspersky 6th 90% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 178 AVG 8th 89% 188 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 190 Norman 10th 88% 219 Sophos 11th 86% 248 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 84% 276 Microsoft 14th 83% 298 VirusBuster 15th 83% 299 eTrust-Vet 16th 83% 305 DrWeb 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 79% 367 F-Prot 19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 406 Symantec 21st 75% 451 Rising 22nd 74% 465 VBA32 23rd 74% 468 Fortinet 24th 73% 477 McAfee 25th 73% 488 Panda 26th 71% 528 NOD32v2
34 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月21日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 95% 81 AntiVir 3rd 94% 94 BitDefender 4th 94% 97 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 90% 170 Kaspersky 6th 90% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 177 AVG 8th 89% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 191 Norman 10th 88% 216 Sophos 11th 86% 245 Avast 12th 86% 257 ClamAV 13th 85% 274 Microsoft 14th 83% 296 eTrust-Vet 15th 83% 298 VirusBuster 16th 83% 303 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 80% 366 F-Prot 19th 79% 380 AhnLab-V3 20th 77% 406 Symantec 21st 75% 449 Rising 22nd 74% 465 VBA32 23rd 74% 468 Fortinet 24th 73% 477 McAfee 25th 73% 489 Panda 26th 71% 528 NOD32v2
35 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月22日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 Ikarus 2nd 96% 74 AntiVir 3rd 95% 85 BitDefender 4th 95% 90 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 160 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 176 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 88% 203 Sophos 11th 87% 237 Avast 12th 86% 251 ClamAV 13th 85% 268 Microsoft 14th 84% 285 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 290 VirusBuster 16th 84% 292 DrWeb 17th 80% 358 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 378 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 403 Symantec 21st 75% 446 Rising 22nd 74% 460 Fortinet 23rd 74% 461 VBA32 24th 74% 468 McAfee 25th 73% 484 Panda 26th 71% 521 NOD32v2
36 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 80 BitDefender 4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 173 AVG 8th 89% 186 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 189 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 231 Avast 12th 86% 255 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 282 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 80% 360 F-Prot 19th 79% 376 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 401 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 458 Fortinet 23rd 75% 459 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 73% 481 Panda 26th 71% 518 NOD32v2
37 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月24日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 173 AVG 8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 189 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 256 ClamAV 13th 85% 265 Microsoft 14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 361 TheHacker 18th 80% 364 F-Prot 19th 79% 386 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 402 Symantec 21st 76% 444 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 462 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 484 Panda 26th 72% 520 NOD32v2
38 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月25日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 71 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 172 AVG 8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 359 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 384 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 401 Symantec 21st 76% 443 Rising 22nd 75% 457 Fortinet 23rd 75% 460 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 483 Panda 26th 72% 517 NOD32v2
39 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月26日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 185 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 515 NOD32v2
40 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月27日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 169 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 514 NOD32v2
41 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月28日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 67 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 BitDefender 4th 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 169 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 184 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 196 Sophos 11th 87% 232 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 264 Microsoft 14th 84% 281 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 287 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 383 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 399 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 454 Fortinet 23rd 75% 457 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 514 NOD32v2
42 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月29日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 66 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 82 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 168 F-Secure 7th 90% 171 AVG 8th 90% 186 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 187 Norman 10th 89% 197 Sophos 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 254 ClamAV 13th 85% 265 Microsoft 14th 84% 283 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 285 DrWeb 16th 84% 288 VirusBuster 17th 80% 355 TheHacker 18th 80% 363 F-Prot 19th 79% 385 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 398 Symantec 21st 76% 441 Rising 22nd 75% 452 Fortinet 23rd 75% 458 VBA32 24th 74% 466 McAfee 25th 74% 482 Panda 26th 72% 515 NOD32v2
43 : 検知力テスト(2008年5月30日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 66 AntiVir 2nd 96% 70 Ikarus 3rd 95% 81 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 82 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 91% 168 F-Secure 7th 90% 172 AVG 8th 89% 187 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 188 Norman 10th 89% 197 Sophos 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 255 ClamAV 13th 85% 266 Microsoft 14th 84% 284 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 286 DrWeb 16th 84% 289 VirusBuster 17th 80% 356 TheHacker 18th 80% 364 F-Prot 19th 79% 388 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 398 Symantec 21st 76% 442 Rising 22nd 75% 453 Fortinet 23rd 75% 459 VBA32 24th 74% 467 McAfee 25th 74% 483 Panda 26th 72% 516 NOD32v2
44 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月1日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 76 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 154 Kaspersky 6th 90% 170 F-Secure 7th 90% 177 AVG 8th 89% 195 Norman 9th 89% 197 CAT-QuickHeal 10th 89% 198 Sophos 11th 87% 235 Avast 12th 85% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 294 VirusBuster 17th 80% 370 F-Prot 18th 79% 376 TheHacker 19th 78% 399 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 403 Symantec 21st 76% 444 Rising 22nd 75% 458 Fortinet 23rd 75% 463 VBA32 24th 74% 472 McAfee 25th 73% 488 Panda 26th 72% 520 NOD32v2
45 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月2日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 96% 76 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 155 Kaspersky 6th 90% 171 F-Secure 7th 90% 178 AVG 8th 89% 195 Norman 9th 89% 197 Sophos 10th 89% 198 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 234 Avast 12th 86% 262 ClamAV 13th 85% 276 Microsoft 14th 84% 288 DrWeb 15th 84% 288 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 370 F-Prot 18th 79% 378 TheHacker 19th 78% 401 AhnLab-V3 20th 78% 402 Symantec 21st 76% 445 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 463 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 488 Panda 26th 72% 523 NOD32v2
46 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月3日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 69 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 84 BitDefender 5th 91% 156 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Norman 9th 89% 198 Sophos 10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 235 Avast 12th 86% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 290 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 296 VirusBuster 17th 80% 372 F-Prot 18th 79% 379 TheHacker 19th 78% 403 Symantec 20th 78% 404 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 447 Rising 22nd 75% 460 Fortinet 23rd 75% 465 VBA32 24th 74% 475 McAfee 25th 74% 489 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2
47 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月4日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Sophos 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 264 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 374 F-Prot 18th 79% 380 TheHacker 19th 78% 402 Symantec 20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 448 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 466 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 490 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2
48 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月5日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 82 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 196 Sophos 9th 89% 196 Norman 10th 89% 201 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 233 Avast 12th 86% 264 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 289 DrWeb 15th 84% 289 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 374 F-Prot 18th 79% 380 TheHacker 19th 78% 402 Symantec 20th 78% 408 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 448 Rising 22nd 75% 459 Fortinet 23rd 75% 465 VBA32 24th 74% 473 McAfee 25th 74% 490 Panda 26th 72% 524 NOD32v2
49 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月6日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 68 AntiVir 2nd 95% 77 Ikarus 3rd 95% 80 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 83 BitDefender 5th 91% 157 Kaspersky 6th 90% 172 F-Secure 7th 90% 179 AVG 8th 89% 195 Sophos 9th 89% 195 Norman 10th 89% 200 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 231 Avast 12th 86% 263 ClamAV 13th 85% 275 Microsoft 14th 84% 286 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 287 DrWeb 16th 84% 295 VirusBuster 17th 80% 372 F-Prot 18th 79% 379 TheHacker 19th 78% 401 Symantec 20th 78% 409 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 447 Rising 22nd 75% 457 Fortinet 23rd 75% 464 VBA32 24th 75% 471 McAfee 25th 74% 488 Panda 26th 72% 522 NOD32v2
50 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月9日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 82 Ikarus 3rd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 4th 95% 85 BitDefender 5th 91% 160 Kaspersky 6th 90% 175 F-Secure 7th 90% 184 AVG 8th 89% 199 Sophos 9th 89% 203 Norman 10th 89% 205 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 234 Avast 12th 86% 268 ClamAV 13th 85% 277 Microsoft 14th 84% 293 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 296 DrWeb 16th 84% 305 VirusBuster 17th 80% 381 F-Prot 18th 79% 388 TheHacker 19th 78% 410 Symantec 20th 77% 423 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 456 Rising 22nd 75% 468 Fortinet 23rd 75% 474 VBA32 24th 74% 481 McAfee 25th 73% 499 Panda 26th 72% 532 NOD32v2
51 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月14日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 86 BitDefender 5th 91% 161 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 204 Norman 9th 89% 205 Sophos 10th 89% 207 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 239 Avast 12th 85% 274 ClamAV 13th 85% 284 Microsoft 14th 84% 302 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 303 DrWeb 16th 84% 311 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 392 TheHacker 19th 78% 418 Symantec 20th 77% 447 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 462 Rising 22nd 75% 475 Fortinet 23rd 75% 479 VBA32 24th 75% 487 McAfee 25th 73% 509 Panda 26th 71% 547 NOD32v2
52 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月15日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 84 Ikarus 4th 95% 87 BitDefender 5th 91% 164 Kaspersky 6th 90% 179 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 205 Norman 9th 89% 207 Sophos 10th 89% 210 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 243 Avast 12th 85% 275 ClamAV 13th 85% 290 Microsoft 14th 84% 308 eTrust-Vet 15th 84% 309 DrWeb 16th 84% 313 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 397 TheHacker 19th 78% 420 Symantec 20th 76% 454 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 468 Rising 22nd 75% 478 Fortinet 23rd 75% 482 VBA32 24th 74% 490 McAfee 25th 73% 512 Panda 26th 71% 553 NOD32v2
53 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月17日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 83 Ikarus 4th 95% 87 BitDefender 5th 91% 162 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 185 AVG 8th 89% 205 Norman 9th 89% 207 Sophos 10th 89% 208 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 246 Avast 12th 86% 271 ClamAV 13th 85% 290 Microsoft 14th 84% 312 DrWeb 15th 84% 312 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 313 VirusBuster 17th 80% 387 F-Prot 18th 79% 398 TheHacker 19th 78% 420 Symantec 20th 76% 458 AhnLab-V3 21st 75% 471 Rising 22nd 75% 479 Fortinet 23rd 75% 482 VBA32 24th 74% 492 McAfee 25th 73% 513 Panda 26th 71% 554 NOD32v2
54 : 129 名前:最低人類0号 [] 投稿日:2008/06/22(日) 00:56:41 ID:w1LElxCK0 NOD32厨z音センセイが、自演しすぎで失敗してました(w 他の前後のレスを見ると、 Aviraスレでカスペとバスター信者が暴れている演出を必死にやっている模様(w Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus Part55 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1213967951/ 287 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/21(土) 22:37:26 すみません、ちょっと質問なのですが、 隔離室でゴミ箱アイコンを押すと、ウィルスファイルを削除できますか? 「隔離室からファイルを削除します。」ってことは、 「隔離室からは削除するけど、元の場所に戻りますよ!」 って意味にとれなくもないので、隔離室に入れっぱなしのほうがいいのかな? 284 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/21(土) 21:40:20 ぷらぷらが独りで盛り上げようと必死だな 329 名前:284 [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/22(日) 00:43:25 >>290-291 ありがとー 330 名前:287 [sage] 投稿日:2008/06/22(日) 00:44:32 まちがえた >>290-291 ありがとうございました。
55 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 86 Ikarus 4th 95% 91 BitDefender 5th 91% 163 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 207 Norman 9th 89% 208 Sophos 10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 246 Avast 12th 86% 275 ClamAV 13th 85% 288 Microsoft 14th 84% 310 DrWeb 15th 84% 314 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 319 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 404 TheHacker 19th 78% 435 Symantec 20th 77% 463 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 472 Rising 22nd 76% 482 Fortinet 23rd 76% 483 VBA32 24th 75% 493 McAfee 25th 74% 516 Panda 26th 72% 559 NOD32v2
56 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月24日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 71 AntiVir 2nd 95% 83 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 86 Ikarus 4th 95% 91 BitDefender 5th 91% 163 Kaspersky 6th 91% 176 F-Secure 7th 90% 186 AVG 8th 89% 207 Norman 9th 89% 209 Sophos 10th 89% 209 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 87% 246 Avast 12th 86% 275 ClamAV 13th 85% 288 Microsoft 14th 84% 310 DrWeb 15th 84% 315 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 319 VirusBuster 17th 80% 388 F-Prot 18th 79% 405 TheHacker 19th 78% 436 Symantec 20th 77% 463 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 472 Rising 22nd 76% 483 Fortinet 23rd 76% 483 VBA32 24th 75% 494 McAfee 25th 74% 517 Panda 26th 72% 560 NOD26v2
57 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月26日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 72 AntiVir 2nd 95% 84 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 89 Ikarus 4th 95% 93 BitDefender 5th 92% 165 Kaspersky 6th 91% 177 F-Secure 7th 90% 189 AVG 8th 89% 210 Norman 9th 89% 212 Sophos 10th 89% 212 CAT-QuickHeal 11th 88% 247 Avast 12th 86% 279 ClamAV 13th 86% 290 Microsoft 14th 84% 312 DrWeb 15th 84% 319 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 320 VirusBuster 17th 81% 392 F-Prot 18th 79% 415 TheHacker 19th 78% 438 Symantec 20th 77% 465 AhnLab-V3 21st 76% 477 Rising 22nd 76% 487 Fortinet 23rd 76% 490 VBA32 24th 75% 499 McAfee 25th 74% 521 Panda 26th 72% 568 NOD26w2
58 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月27日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 73 AntiVir 2nd 95% 86 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 89 Ikarus 4th 95% 95 BitDefender 5th 92% 167 Kaspersky 6th 91% 179 F-Secure 7th 91% 188 AVG 8th 89% 211 CAT-QuickHeal 9th 89% 212 Norman 10th 89% 214 Sophos 11th 88% 249 Avast 12th 86% 278 ClamAV 13th 86% 292 Microsoft 14th 84% 314 DrWeb 15th 84% 320 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 321 VirusBuster 17th 81% 394 F-Prot 18th 80% 416 TheHacker 19th 78% 440 Symantec 20th 77% 466 AhnLab-V3 21st 77% 478 Rising 22nd 76% 489 Fortinet 23rd 76% 491 VBA32 24th 76% 500 McAfee 25th 75% 521 Panda 26th 72% 570 NOD26w2
59 : 検知力テスト(2008年6月28日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 75 AntiVir 2nd 95% 88 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 95 Ikarus 4th 95% 102 BitDefender 5th 91% 179 Kaspersky 6th 91% 181 F-Secure 7th 91% 191 AVG 8th 89% 221 Norman 9th 89% 222 CAT-QuickHeal 10th 89% 223 Sophos 11th 88% 255 Avast 12th 86% 287 ClamAV 13th 86% 301 Microsoft 14th 85% 322 DrWeb 15th 84% 332 eTrust-Vet 16th 84% 332 VirusBuster 17th 81% 404 F-Prot 18th 80% 428 TheHacker 19th 78% 456 Symantec 20th 77% 482 AhnLab-V3 21st 77% 487 Rising 22nd 77% 495 Fortinet 23rd 76% 507 VBA32 24th 75% 517 McAfee 25th 74% 540 Panda 26th 72% 591 NOD26w
60 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月3日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 84 AntiVir 2nd 96% 97 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 131 Ikarus 4th 93% 167 BitDefender 5th 92% 193 F-Secure 6th 91% 223 AVG 7th 89% 288 Sophos 8th 88% 296 Kaspersky 9th 88% 296 Avast 10th 88% 297 Norman 11th 87% 336 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 377 ClamAV 13th 84% 421 DrWeb 14th 83% 426 VirusBuster 15th 83% 437 Microsoft 16th 82% 464 eTrust-Vet 17th 79% 534 F-Prot 18th 79% 536 Rising 19th 78% 556 Fortinet 20th 78% 558 TheHacker 21st 78% 571 Symantec 22nd 75% 648 VBA32 23rd 75% 652 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 685 McAfee 25th 73% 701 Panda 26th 70% 771 NOD26w
61 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月4日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 85 AntiVir 2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 133 Ikarus 4th 93% 168 BitDefender 5th 92% 194 F-Secure 6th 91% 223 AVG 7th 89% 289 Sophos 8th 88% 297 Avast 9th 88% 298 Norman 10th 88% 299 Kaspersky 11th 87% 338 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 380 ClamAV 13th 84% 423 DrWeb 14th 83% 427 VirusBuster 15th 82% 453 Microsoft 16th 82% 464 eTrust-Vet 17th 79% 536 Rising 18th 79% 537 F-Prot 19th 78% 558 Fortinet 20th 78% 563 TheHacker 21st 78% 572 Symantec 22nd 75% 649 VBA32 23rd 75% 652 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 686 McAfee 25th 73% 702 Panda 26th 70% 774 NOD26w
62 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月5日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 87 AntiVir 2nd 96% 100 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 137 Ikarus 4th 93% 170 BitDefender 5th 92% 194 F-Secure 6th 91% 224 AVG 7th 89% 291 Sophos 8th 88% 299 Avast 9th 88% 302 Norman 10th 88% 302 Kaspersky 11th 87% 341 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 383 ClamAV 13th 84% 425 DrWeb 14th 83% 430 VirusBuster 15th 82% 456 Microsoft 16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet 17th 79% 537 Rising 18th 79% 541 F-Prot 19th 79% 559 Fortinet 20th 78% 567 TheHacker 21st 78% 573 Symantec 22nd 75% 654 VBA32 23rd 75% 658 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 689 McAfee 25th 73% 704 Panda 26th 70% 776 NOD26w
63 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月8日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 84 AntiVir 2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 95% 133 Ikarus 4th 93% 172 BitDefender 5th 92% 190 F-Secure 6th 91% 229 AVG 7th 89% 287 Sophos 8th 88% 296 Kaspersky 9th 88% 298 Avast 10th 88% 300 Norman 11th 87% 346 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 381 ClamAV 13th 84% 429 DrWeb 14th 83% 435 VirusBuster 15th 83% 454 Microsoft 16th 82% 469 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 535 F-Prot 18th 79% 537 Rising 19th 79% 551 Fortinet 20th 78% 570 Symantec 21st 78% 578 TheHacker 22nd 75% 652 VBA32 23rd 75% 656 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 688 McAfee 25th 73% 705 Panda 26th 71% 771 NOD26w
64 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月11日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 84 AntiVir 2nd 96% 95 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 139 Ikarus 4th 93% 172 BitDefender 5th 93% 191 F-Secure 6th 91% 230 AVG 7th 89% 284 Sophos 8th 89% 296 Kaspersky 9th 89% 296 Avast 10th 89% 300 Norman 11th 87% 346 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 384 ClamAV 13th 84% 429 DrWeb 14th 83% 437 VirusBuster 15th 83% 451 Microsoft 16th 82% 468 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 533 F-Prot 18th 80% 541 Rising 19th 79% 551 Fortinet 20th 79% 570 Symantec 21st 78% 585 TheHacker 22nd 75% 655 VBA32 23rd 75% 659 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 688 McAfee 25th 74% 706 Panda 26th 71% 776 NOD26w
65 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月12日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 85 AntiVir 2nd 96% 96 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 141 Ikarus 4th 93% 176 BitDefender 5th 92% 194 F-Secure 6th 91% 233 AVG 7th 89% 287 Sophos 8th 89% 300 Kaspersky 9th 89% 300 Avast 10th 88% 303 Norman 11th 87% 350 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 388 ClamAV 13th 84% 433 DrWeb 14th 83% 441 VirusBuster 15th 83% 455 Microsoft 16th 82% 473 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 537 F-Prot 18th 80% 545 Rising 19th 79% 557 Fortinet 20th 79% 574 Symantec 21st 78% 592 TheHacker 22nd 75% 661 VBA32 23rd 75% 663 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 692 McAfee 25th 74% 711 Panda 26th 71% 781 NOD26w
66 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月14日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 87 AntiVir 2nd 96% 98 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 145 Ikarus 4th 93% 178 BitDefender 5th 92% 196 F-Secure 6th 91% 235 AVG 7th 89% 292 Sophos 8th 89% 302 Avast 9th 89% 304 Kaspersky 10th 88% 311 Norman 11th 87% 356 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 393 ClamAV 13th 84% 438 DrWeb 14th 83% 447 VirusBuster 15th 83% 460 Microsoft 16th 82% 480 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 541 F-Prot 18th 80% 548 Rising 19th 79% 560 Fortinet 20th 79% 578 Symantec 21st 78% 602 TheHacker 22nd 75% 668 VBA32 23rd 75% 671 AhnLab-V3 24th 74% 700 McAfee 25th 74% 720 Panda 26th 71% 790 NOD26w
67 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月19日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 87 AntiVir 2nd 96% 99 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 148 Ikarus 4th 93% 181 BitDefender 5th 92% 201 F-Secure 6th 91% 237 AVG 7th 89% 299 Sophos 8th 89% 308 Avast ---------------------------------------------------これ以下存在価値無し 9th 89% 311 Norman 10th 88% 313 Kaspersky 11th 87% 365 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 399 ClamAV 13th 84% 445 DrWeb 14th 84% 451 VirusBuster 15th 83% 462 Microsoft 16th 82% 492 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 547 F-Prot 18th 80% 555 Rising 19th 79% 568 Fortinet 20th 79% 575 Symantec 21st 78% 618 TheHacker 22nd 76% 679 AhnLab-V3 23rd 75% 681 VBA32 24th 74% 710 McAfee 25th 74% 727 Panda ---------------------------------------------------これ以下jokeソフト 26th 71% 805 NOD26w
68 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月22日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 91 AntiVir 2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 151 Ikarus 4th 93% 185 BitDefender 5th 92% 202 F-Secure 6th 91% 241 AVG 7th 89% 301 Sophos 8th 89% 312 Avast 9th 89% 313 Norman 10th 88% 323 Kaspersky 11th 87% 369 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 85% 405 ClamAV 13th 84% 450 DrWeb 14th 84% 455 VirusBuster 15th 83% 466 Microsoft 16th 82% 497 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 551 F-Prot 18th 80% 557 Rising 19th 80% 571 Fortinet 20th 79% 576 Symantec 21st 78% 623 TheHacker 22nd 76% 683 AhnLab-V3 23rd 76% 686 VBA32 24th 75% 713 McAfee 25th 74% 731 Panda 26th 71% 812 NOD26w
69 : 検知力テスト(2008年7月23日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 91 AntiVir 2nd 96% 104 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 150 Ikarus 4th 93% 184 BitDefender 5th 92% 204 F-Secure 6th 91% 241 AVG 7th 89% 300 Sophos 8th 89% 311 Norman 9th 89% 313 Avast 10th 88% 326 Kaspersky 11th 87% 370 CAT-QuickHeal 12th 86% 403 ClamAV 13th 84% 449 DrWeb 14th 84% 455 VirusBuster 15th 83% 467 Microsoft 16th 82% 498 eTrust-Vet 17th 80% 553 F-Prot 18th 80% 560 Rising 19th 80% 573 Fortinet 20th 80% 576 Symantec 21st 78% 626 TheHacker 22nd 76% 685 AhnLab-V3 23rd 76% 686 VBA32 24th 75% 713 McAfee 25th 74% 732 Panda 26th 71% 815 NOD26w
70 : 検知力テスト(2008年9月01日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 97% 94 AntiVir 2nd 96% 105 Webwasher-Gateway 3rd 94% 171 Ikarus 4th 93% 207 BitDefender 5th 92% 255 AVG 6th 91% 269 F-Secure 7th 89% 357 Avast 8th 89% 362 Sophos 9th 88% 370 Norman 10th 85% 481 ClamAV 11th 85% 483 Kaspersky 12th 84% 508 CAT-QuickHeal 13th 84% 512 Microsoft 14th 83% 547 VirusBuster 15th 82% 570 DrWeb 16th 80% 652 Rising 17th 80% 659 F-Prot 18th 80% 661 Fortinet 19th 79% 677 Symantec 20th 79% 683 eTrust-Vet 21st 76% 774 TheHacker 22nd 73% 875 McAfee 23rd 73% 879 AhnLab-V3 24th 73% 884 VBA32 25th 72% 929 Panda 26th 71% 947 Authentium 27th 69% 1007 NOD27w
71 : >ESET Smart Security その12 >http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1220397563/ > >そんな糞テスト信頼できるかボケ > >検知力テスト(2008年9月03日) >1st 100% 1 TrendMicro >検知力テスト(2008年9月04日) >1st 100% 1 TrendMicro >検知力テスト(2008年9月05日) >1st 100% 1 TrendMicro >検知力テスト(2008年9月06日) >1st 100% 1 TrendMicro やっぱりコピペの真犯人はNODスレ主だな フウ(´Α`)y─┛~~ 何かというとバスターやカスペユーザーが悪いと喚いているから、 「悪党はバスターやカスペユーザー」という流れを作りたくて、 必死にコピペしてたんだ。
72 : フジサンケイビジネスアイ 11月30日金曜日 パソコンウイルス最新事情より 1位 98.69% G DATA AntiVirus 2008 2位 97.66% F-Secureインターネットセキュリティ 2008 3位 97.65% Windows one care 4位 97.33% Kaspersky AntiVirus 7.0 5位 96.66% Norton AntiVirus 2008 6位 95.02% ウイルスバスター2008 7位 93.86% ウイルスキラーゼロ 8位 93.02% McAfeeウイルススキャンプラス 9位 91.45% NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7 10位 62.30% ウイルスセキュリティZERO AV-Test 2008年6月11日 ttp://gdata.co.jp/press/archives/2008/06/8g_data.htm ttp://gigazine.net/?/news/comments/20080626_avtest/ 1位:G DATA アンチウイルス2008(99.21%) 2位:Kaspersky アンチウイルス7.0(98.96%) 3位:Norton アンチウイルス2008(98.89%) 4位:Windows ライブ ワンケア(98.53%) 5位:F-Secure インターネットセキュリティ 2008(98.09%) 6位:McAfee ウイルススキャンプラス(95.77%) 7位:ウイルスバスター2008(92.42%) 8位:ウイルスセキュリティ ZERO(90.50%) 9位:NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7(88.85%) 10位:ウイルスキラーゼロ(85.32%)
73 : ※もし困っているユーザーさんが居たら下記参照。 2008年9月24日 ESET Smart Security パーソナルファイアウォール機能のアップデートによる通信障害について ttp://canon-its.jp/supp/eset/osh_20080924.html 現状の対策としては、 誠に恐れ入りますが、ESET Smart Security の再インストール もしくは修復セットアップをしていただきますようお願いいたします。 2008年9月12日 ウイルス定義データベース[3435]にアップデートしたとき、 他のアプリケーションが起動しなくなる現象について ttp://canon-its.jp/supp/eset/osh_20080912.html 対象製品: NOD32アンチウイルス V2.7 / ESET NOD32アンチウイルス V3.0 / ESET Smart Security ※これまでのトラブル履歴の一部(製品スレッド・テンプレ) http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1220712949/3-33
74 : 検知力テスト(2008年10月24日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 117 AntiVir 2nd 94% 190 Ikarus 3rd 93% 243 BitDefender 4th 93% 261 AVG 5th 91% 311 F-Secure 6th 90% 355 Avast 7th 90% 367 Sophos 8th 89% 380 Norman 9th 87% 478 ClamAV 10th 86% 509 Kaspersky 11th 86% 511 Microsoft 12th 85% 552 CAT-QuickHeal 13th 84% 559 DrWeb 14th 84% 586 VirusBuster 15th 83% 622 Fortinet 16th 82% 646 Symantec 17th 82% 660 Webwasher-Gateway 18th 82% 668 Rising 19th 81% 690 F-Prot 20th 81% 705 eTrust-Vet 21st 77% 836 McAfee 22nd 76% 865 Authentium 23rd 76% 885 AhnLab-V3 24th 76% 886 TheHacker 25th 75% 907 Panda 26th 75% 910 VBA32 27th 64% 1327 TrendMicro 28th 60% 1471 NOD32v2
75 : 検知力テスト(2008Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 96% 121 AntiVir 2nd 94% 209 AVG 3rd 94% 213 Ikarus 4th 93% 248 BitDefender 5th 91% 322 F-Secure 6th 91% 335 Avast 7th 90% 380 Norman 8th 89% 413 Sophos 9th 89% 434 ClamAV 10th 89% 435 Microsoft 11th 88% 457 GData 12th 87% 506 Kaspersky 13th 85% 583 DrWeb 14th 84% 608 CAT-QuickHeal 15th 84% 608 Rising 16th 84% 628 Symantec 17th 83% 645 VirusBuster 18th 83% 656 Fortinet 19th 83% 668 F-Prot 20th 81% 731 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 752 Authentium 22nd 79% 832 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 868 McAfee 24th 78% 868 VBA32 25th 77% 901 TrendMicro 26th 76% 945 TheHacker 27th 76% 949 Panda 28th 64% 1396 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 47% 2102 NOD32v2
76 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月17日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 123 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4060 malware] 2nd 94% 208 AVG 3rd 94% 219 Ikarus 4th 93% 250 BitDefender 5th 91% 331 F-Secure 6th 91% 333 Avast 7th 90% 381 Norman 8th 89% 416 Sophos 9th 89% 433 ClamAV 10th 89% 435 Microsoft 11th 88% 450 GData 12th 87% 508 Kaspersky 13th 85% 589 DrWeb 14th 85% 610 Rising 15th 84% 620 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 633 Symantec 17th 84% 645 VirusBuster 18th 83% 662 Fortinet 19th 83% 677 F-Prot 20th 81% 733 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 758 Authentium 22nd 79% 830 AhnLab-V3 23rd 78% 874 McAfee 24th 78% 878 VBA32 25th 78% 880 TrendMicro 26th 76% 956 TheHacker 27th 76% 961 Panda 28th 63% 1496 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2197 NOD32v2 30th 44% 2248 Ewido 31st 25% 3006 Prevx1
77 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月23日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 142 AntiVir 2nd 94% 222 AVG 3rd 94% 240 Ikarus 4th 93% 268 BitDefender 5th 91% 349 F-Secure 6th 91% 351 Avast 7th 90% 397 Norman 8th 89% 427 Sophos 9th 89% 445 Microsoft 10th 88% 450 GData 11th 88% 452 ClamAV 12th 87% 522 Kaspersky 13th 85% 608 DrWeb 14th 84% 615 Rising 15th 84% 640 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 84% 647 Symantec 17th 83% 661 VirusBuster 18th 83% 675 F-Prot 19th 83% 675 Fortinet 20th 81% 753 eTrust-Vet 21st 81% 753 Authentium 22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro 23rd 79% 828 AhnLab-V3 24th 78% 881 VBA32 25th 78% 888 McAfee 26th 76% 967 Panda 27th 75% 979 TheHacker 28th 61% 1564 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2222 Ewido 30th 44% 2254 NOD32v2 31st 25% 3007 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[4058 malware]
78 : __ 、]l./⌒ヽ、 `ヽ、 ,r'7'"´Z__ `ヽ `ヽ、-v‐'`ヾミ| |/三ミヽ `iーr=< ─フ < /´ r'´ ` ` \ `| ノ ∠_ `ヽ、__// / |/| ヽ __\ \ヽ |く ___彡'′ ``ー// |_i,|-‐| l ゙、ヽ `ヽ-、|! | `ヽ=='´ l/| | '| |!|/。ヽlv//。ヽ | | | ┏┓ ┏━━┓ | || `Y ̄ ̄丶  ̄ ̄\ .| | |. ┏━┓ ┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃ ヽリ゙! |! / tーーー|ヽ´ | ./ l|`! |i |. ┃ ┃ ┗━┓┏━┛┃┗┛┃┏┌───┐j | l|.! | |ヽ .i/| !|/ | |リ ━━━━┓┃ ┃ ┏━┛┗━┓┃┏┓┃┃ .|ー───'| | l| { | |⊂ニヽ| | 〃/ j|| ||. |ノ ┃┃ ┃ ┗━┓┏━┛┗┛┃┃┗ .|. | | l| ヽ | | |:::T::::| ! _,.ィ ノ/川l/.━━━━━┛┗━┛ ┃┃ ┃┃ ! N O D .| ゙i\ゝト--^^^^^┤´|二レ'l/″ ┏━┓ ┗┛ ┗┛ | 3 0 .!--─‐''''"メ」_,、-‐''´ ̄ヽ、 ┗━┛ r|__ ト、,-<"´´ /ト、 | { r'´ `l l /|| ヽ ゙、 } } | _|___,,、-─‐'´ | ゙、 `‐r'___ヽ、__ノ/ | | |、__r'`゙ | |/ i | | | | 2008-11-23 ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 30th 44% 2254 NOD32
79 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年11月25日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 96% 150 AntiVir 2nd 94% 230 AVG 3rd 93% 248 Ikarus 4th 93% 276 BitDefender 5th 91% 357 F-Secure 6th 91% 359 Avast 7th 90% 405 Norman 8th 89% 431 Sophos 9th 88% 450 Microsoft 10th 88% 458 GData 11th 88% 460 ClamAV 12th 86% 530 Kaspersky 13th 84% 616 DrWeb 14th 84% 623 Rising 15th 84% 648 CAT-QuickHeal 16th 83% 655 Symantec 17th 83% 669 VirusBuster 18th 83% 679 F-Prot 19th 83% 683 Fortinet 20th 81% 757 Authentium 21st 81% 761 eTrust-Vet 22nd 80% 812 TrendMicro 23rd 79% 836 AhnLab-V3 24th 78% 889 VBA32 25th 77% 896 McAfee 26th 76% 975 Panda 27th 75% 987 TheHacker 28th 61% 1573 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2231 Ewido 30th 44% 2263 NOD32v2 31st 25% 3016 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[4067 malware]
80 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月06日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 182 AntiVir ★(*´○`)ノ゙[4029 malware] 2nd 93% 255 AVG 3rd 93% 274 Ikarus 4th 92% 303 BitDefender 5th 90% 383 Avast 6th 90% 394 F-Secure 7th 89% 426 Norman 8th 89% 429 Sophos 9th 88% 454 Microsoft 10th 88% 476 GData 11th 88% 483 ClamAV 12th 86% 557 Kaspersky 13th 84% 631 DrWeb 14th 84% 636 Rising 15th 83% 646 Symantec 16th 83% 664 CAT-QuickHeal 17th 83% 666 F-Prot 18th 82% 689 VirusBuster 19th 82% 696 Fortinet 20th 82% 725 TrendMicro 21st 81% 738 Authentium 22nd 80% 782 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 834 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 895 McAfee 25th 77% 895 VBA32 26th 75% 975 Panda 27th 75% 994 TheHacker 28th 59% 1614 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2210 Ewido 30th 43% 2280 NOD32v2 31st 25% 2990 Prevx1
81 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月09日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 95% 189 AntiVir ★ (*´○`)ノ゙[4008 malware] 2nd 93% 260 AVG 3rd 93% 280 Ikarus 4th 92% 309 BitDefender 5th 90% 386 Avast 6th 90% 399 F-Secure 7th 89% 429 Sophos 8th 89% 429 Norman 9th 88% 452 Microsoft 10th 88% 476 GData 11th 87% 484 ClamAV 12th 85% 564 Kaspersky 13th 84% 633 DrWeb 14th 84% 637 Rising 15th 83% 648 Symantec 16th 83% 660 F-Prot 17th 83% 669 CAT-QuickHeal 18th 82% 692 VirusBuster 19th 82% 693 TrendMicro 20th 82% 697 Fortinet 21st 81% 730 Authentium 22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 822 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 894 VBA32 25th 77% 895 McAfee 26th 75% 967 Panda 27th 75% 997 TheHacker 28th 59% 1625 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 45% 2195 Ewido 30th 43% 2279 NOD32v2 31st 25% 2973 Prevx1
82 : 検知力テスト(2008年12月17日) Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ (*´○`)ノ゙[3977 malware] Rank Detects Missed Product 1st 94% 202 AntiVir 2nd 93% 273 AVG 3rd 92% 291 Ikarus 4th 91% 323 BitDefender 5th 90% 394 Avast 6th 89% 405 F-Secure 7th 89% 417 Sophos 8th 89% 437 Norman 9th 88% 453 Microsoft 10th 87% 482 GData 11th 87% 497 ClamAV 12th 85% 571 Kaspersky 13th 84% 634 Rising 14th 84% 635 DrWeb 15th 83% 649 Symantec 16th 83% 653 F-Prot 17th 83% 656 TrendMicro 18th 82% 678 CAT-QuickHeal 19th 82% 697 Fortinet 20th 82% 704 VirusBuster 21st 81% 720 Authentium 22nd 80% 783 eTrust-Vet 23rd 79% 814 AhnLab-V3 24th 77% 891 McAfee 25th 77% 900 VBA32 26th 75% 961 Panda │ 30th 42% 2279 NOD32v2
83 : ■数多くのフリーソフトが某NODの低検知力のせいでウイルス感染■ 【VectorランキングでESETが1位2位独占だったわけだが】 http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec/1230470512/ 58 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/29(月) 21:10:44 これ、今更な上に理由は単純なんだけどな キヤノンITのオンラインショップはベクター任せ NODやESSは公式オンライン販売分もベクター決済なんだよ… 次年度更新もオンライン分はベクター決済 だからベクターでのみトップになる 59 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/29(月) 22:16:14 >キヤノンITのオンラインショップはベクター任せ >NODやESSは公式オンライン販売分もベクター決済なんだよ… >次年度更新もオンライン分はベクター決済 >だからベクターでのみトップになる サポートは>>6-10 の有様で、性能も酷いのに、 こういう悪巧みだけは頑張るんだな・・・・・・_| ̄|○ 63 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/30(火) 22:10:25 調査の結果、ウイルスが感染したと思われるソフトは、以下の 3,986 本です(アルファベット/五十音順)。 http://www.vector.co.jp/info/060927_system_maint_allfiles.html あれほどESETを使うなと何度も・・・以下略w 64 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2008/12/30(火) 23:06:53 Vectorが採用したEset(NOD32)では、とても感染を防げないんだなぁ。
84 : Rank Detects Missed Product(2008年12月30日) ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ 1st 93% 213 AntiVir 2nd 92% 263 AVG 3rd 92% 266 Ikarus 4th 92% 282 BitDefender 5th 90% 351 Sophos 6th 90% 351 Microsoft 7th 89% 381 Avast 8th 89% 387 Norman 9th 88% 401 F-Secure 10th 87% 438 ClamAV 11th 87% 458 GData 12th 86% 490 Kaspersky 13th 84% 540 F-Prot 14th 84% 563 Symantec 15th 83% 567 TrendMicro 16th 83% 573 DrWeb 17th 82% 601 Authentium 18th 82% 602 Rising 19th 82% 606 CAT-QuickHeal 20th 81% 642 VirusBuster 21st 81% 647 Fortinet 22nd 80% 680 AhnLab-V3 23rd 80% 692 eTrust-Vet 24th 78% 756 McAfee 25th 77% 782 VBA32 26th 76% 819 Panda 27th 74% 902 TheHacker 28th 52% 1678 Webwasher-Gateway 29th 50% 1753 Ewido 30th 38% 2154 NOD32v2 31st 23% 2702 Prevx1 (*´○`)ノ゙[3517 malware]
85 : >>83 ■誤検出トラブルが起こっても、対応拒否も当たり前にするので要注意。 >X-TUNEがNOD32でトロイとして誤検出される件について > >パソコン高速化ソフト「X-TUNE」が、キヤノンシステムソリューションズのアンチウイルス製品「NOD32」にて、 >トロイとして誤検出される件を確認しました。現在、キヤノンシステムソリューションズに誤検出される問題。 > >以下、同社からの回答。 > >キヤノンシステムソリューションズ サポートセンターでございます。 >「NOD32アンチウイルス」をお引き立て賜り誠にありがとうございます。 > >ご連絡ありがとうございます。 >NOD32アンチウイルスの開発元 Eset社に確認します。 >開発元より回答があり次第、返信させていただきます。 > >以上でございますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 > >NOD32ユーザーからの問い合わせメールがかなり来てるので、できるだけ早めに対応してほしい・・・(-w-) > >(追記) >同社より、NOD32側での修正は行わないとの回答を頂いておりますので、併用する場合は手動設定で解決してください。
86 : NOD32がまたアンインストーラーを誤検出 ttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/k2jp/20090102/1230863522 NOD32定義データベース3733 (20090102) で「bktimer」から検出される 「Win32/TrojanDownloader.Agent」は誤検知でしたとのこと ttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/hanazukin/20090109/1231463634
87 : ●警察庁に採用されたウイルス対策ソフトESET Smart Security(NOD32) ttp://shop.s2mall.net/shareware/08.shtml ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ●警視庁ネットワーク、ウイルス感染…完全復旧週明けまで掛かる見込み ttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090124-00000003-yom-soci 警視庁のオンラインシステムに接続している端末のパソコンが、「W32・Downadup・B」と 呼ばれる新種のネットワーク感染型ウイルスに感染し、同庁がウイルス駆除のため、 22日午後から断続的にオンライン業務を停止していることがわかった。 この影響で、東京都内の警察署で、車庫証明の発行業務や免許更新の事務手続き業務を一時、 手作業で行わざるを得なくなった。完全復旧は週明けの26日になる見込み。 サイバー攻撃など外部からの侵入の恐れは低く、USBメモリーなどをパソコンで使った際に 感染した可能性があるとして、同庁で感染経路を調べている。
88 : ■一番いいセキュリティソフトはなんだ!!Part61■ 906 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/02/21(土) 08:21:48 ZEROはともかく、NOD(ESET)、ウィルスバスターは高危険度のウイルスに対して 反応早いなw ●警視庁ネットワーク、ウイルス感染…完全復旧週明けまで掛かる見込み ttp://slashdot.jp/security/article.pl?sid=09/01/24/146243 警視庁のオンラインシステムに接続している端末のパソコンが、「W32・Downadup・B」と 呼ばれる新種のネットワーク感染型ウイルスに感染し、同庁がウイルス駆除のため、 22日午後から断続的にオンライン業務を停止していることがわかった。 「W32・Downadup・B」 危険度高ウイルス ttp://www.virustotal.com/jp/Risis/af946526099174bec14b121ffac0cf80 907 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/02/21(土) 09:28:32 検知名はシマンテックじゃん。しかも亜種の名前。 警察がNOD(ESET)で駆除したなんていう記事がどこにあるんだよ。 909 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/02/21(土) 09:32:09 >>906 のvirustotal結果だって、 ほとんどのメーカーが対応済みの今日現在の結果に過ぎないしw 911 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] 投稿日:2009/02/21(土) 09:35:57 >検知名はシマンテックじゃん。しかも亜種の名前。 >警察がNOD(ESET)で駆除したなんていう記事がどこにあるんだよ。 ということは、NOD32では当初検知できずに感染が警察に広がって、 後からシマンテックで警察が駆除したらしいな。
89 : 2月の月例パッチ「MS09-002」の脆弱性を狙う攻撃が早くも登場 ttp://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2009/02/18/22480.html ttp://www.virustotal.com/Risis/1441a9785b45bc62e48382467dd87789 × AVG BitDefender バスター Norton NOD32 ttp://www.virustotal.com/Risis/845d76de6b8b3608aea89d1c3cf126ee × BitDefender NOD32 ttp://www.virustotal.com/Risis/bd5ac97bad4391230b5e8a7f9a2fd0f2 × NOD32
90 : Adobe Reader/Acrobatに新たな脆弱性、Adobeがアドバイザリを公開 ttp://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2009/02/20/22518.html ttp://www.virustotal.com/jp/Risis/fb3f9a4949334f7e3ef76c0f44caa17f ? AVG BitDefender McAfee NOD32 バスター
91 : >>90 NOD32辺りは、まだ検出できないらしい ttp://www.virustotal.com/Risis/fa44e01d4074344456aaa80b381a6592
92 : Most Effective Antivirus Tools Against New Malware Binaries ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ Rank Detects Missed Product (2009年10月04日) 1st 89% 128 AVG ttp://free.avg.com/jp.homepage 2nd 88% 132 Ikarus 3rd 88% 137 Microsoft ttp://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/default.aspx?mkt=ja-jp 4th 88% 138 AntiVir ttp://www.free-av.com ttp://www.avira.com/jp 5th 87% 151 F-Prot 6th 86% 153 Sophos 7th 86% 158 Authentium 8th 86% 160 DrWeb 9th 86% 163 BitDefender ttp://www.bitdefender.com/media/html/trialpay.html 10th 85% 164 Kaspersky 11th 83% 192 F-Secure 12th 83% 198 Norman 13th 81% 217 CAT-QuickHeal 14th 80% 226 GData 15th 80% 226 eTrust-Vet 16th 80% 229 VBA32 17th 80% 230 TrendMicro 18th 80% 231 VirusBuster 19th 80% 232 AhnLab-V3 20th 79% 236 Avast ttp://www.avast.com/jpn/avast_4_home.html 21st 78% 247 Fortinet 22nd 78% 255 Rising ttp://www.freerav.com 23rd 76% 270 McAfee 24th 76% 277 ClamAV ttp://www.clamwin.com ttp://www.moonsecure.com ttp://www.clamxav.com 25th 76% 278 TheHacker 26th 72% 320 Panda ttp://www.cloudantivirus.com │ 29th 7% 1076 NOD32 ??th Symantec (Norton) ★
93 : ttp://mtc.sri.com/live_data/av_rankings/ > DISCLAIMERS - PLEASE READ BEFORE REVIEWING RESULTS: > 1. All antivirus binary Rysis results are provided via www.virustotal.com. > > 2. Each binary is submitted for evaluation within 24hrs of our harvesting it live > from the Internet. Each antivirus tool is only given this one attempt > to detect the binary. Our intention is to evaluate how the antivirus tools > are performing against the latest malware on the Internet, > at least from the narrow vantage point of our honeynet. > > 3. Please be aware that most antivirus vendors WILL be able to detect the malware binaries > listed in the missed set, usually within a few days. Therefore you should not view an antivirus tool's > missed binaries list as a reflection of its current detection coverage. > Rather, it is only a list of binaries that were missed at the time of our evaluation. > > 4. Our detection rates represent the TRUE POSITIVE detection rates. > The results do not take into consideration the false positive rate of a given tool, > and thus a tool that declares everything to be infected would appear > to have the highest true positive percentage rate.
94 : 一番良いウイルス対策ソフトってなんでしょうか? ウイルス対策ソフトのランキング投票が出来るページがありましたので、 是非、投票と口コミをお願い致します。 http://wikiputer.net/modules/dou1/?d=19&action=view
95 : ウィルスバスターがやっぱりパソコンに対して破壊力抜群だよ
96 : 結局はESETみたいな弱小メーカーよりは、どこも優秀みたいね。 2010年のインターネット セキュリティ スイート Top 10 ( PCWorld ) http://kadaru.mydns.to/tauchi-office/taikensyugi/?page=article_storyid=13 順位 製品名 PCWorld による評価 パフォーマンス 機能 デザイン 01 Symantec Norton Internet Security 2010 4.5 96 100 80 02 Kaspersky Lab Internet Security 2010 4.5 92 100 83 03 AVG Internet Security 9.0 4.0 91 75 79 04 PC Tools Internet Security 2010 4.0 89 90 76 05 BitDefender Internet Security 2010 3.5 82 100 78 06 Alwil Avast! Internet Security 5.0 3.5 83 90 80 07 McAfee Internet Security 2010 3.5 81 80 84 08 Panda Internet Security 2010 3.5 85 80 70 09 Webroot Internet Security Essentials 2010 3.5 84 75 74 10 Trend Micro Internet Security Pro 2010 3.5 81 90 77 11 F-Secure Internet Security 2010 3 81 75 77 12 ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 3 72 75 89 13 Eset Smart Security 3 74 80 86
97 : ttp://malwareresearchgroup.com/forum/download/file.php?id=16 カスペ 28 NOD32 28 COMODO 27 G DATA 25 Panda Cloud 25 avast!5 22 MSE 14 ・ ・ ・ Avira (Premium) 6 ←誤検出多いくせに最下位のウンコwwwww ----------------------------- http://up3.viploader.net/net/src/vlnet001470.jpg
98 : ■卑劣なAviraをALWIL Software CEO の Vincent氏が非難 http://www.avast.eu/ にアクセスすると http://www.avira.com/ ( 日本からアクセスするとhttp://www.avira.com/jp/pages/index.php ) にリダイレクトされる為に一部で混乱が起きているようです。 この混乱は Avira GmbH ( ドイツのセキュリティ関連の企業 ) が www.avast.eu のドメインを取得して自社製品のページにリダイレクトしている為に生じています。 ALWIL Software CEO の Vincent 氏はそのブログの中で、此れは avast! を求めてくるユーザーを惑わす詐欺的な行為であると非難しています。 Avira GmbH は AntiVir という能く知られている製品を提供している企業であるだけに、非常に残念な事です。 一刻も早く此の問題を解決して頂きたいものです。 尚、此の様な手法は サイバースクワッティング と呼ばれ、マルウェアの配布や詐欺 等にも利用される手法ですので十分御注意下さい。 そして、良識のある皆様は http://www.avast.com/ ( 又は http://www.avast.jp/ ) にアクセスする様にして下さい。 http://www.iso-g.com/avast5/modules/bulletin/index.php?page=article&storyid=8
99 : >>96 ↑ガンブラー注意
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