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2013年07月伝説の97: ゴダイゴ Part.23▲GODIEGO (131) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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ゴダイゴ Part.23▲GODIEGO

1 :2013/06/19 〜 最終レス :2013/07/11
【復活】ゴダイゴ Part.22▲GODIEGO【再結成】

2 :
What did you do for 2morrow ?

3 :

4 :
cherries were made 4 eating

5 :
Where did the spaceship 5 ?

6 :
The 6 o'clock alarm would never ring

7 :
You're 7teen a lovely age to be

8 :
The gr8 sea flows

9 :
Yes, I thank 9

10 :

11 :
Ye11ow center line

12 :
12 to the stars

13 :
13 is setting on the west

14 :
1 4 every one

15 :
1 5tta wake up next morning to travel on

16 :
16はの い

17 :
oh 17 ささげてほしい So com'on an' give me

18 :
1 8nna give you a song. A song you both can share

19 :
you're standing there so lonely. wish that 1 9ould help you out.

20 :
Try 2 0pen up your eyes

21 :
west 2 1ndia

22 :
Re2rn 2 Africa

23 :
good mor2n' 3shine gold

24 :
2 4 you and me

25 :
tears of joy and sorrow yesterday tomorrow
we need tears 2 really 5row

26 :
rock 2 the 6usic

27 :
when you think of something, i2'll be of 7thing

28 :
2 8ォ 天津

29 :
.... pushing, crying, Pa29, Pa29,...

30 :
3iddle 0f the road

31 :
the 3 1s rising on the east

32 :

33 :
3of 3, he is a famous man
Terrorizing all the land

34 :
3earching 4 symfonica

35 :

36 :
36where along the way

37 :
誰も37行きたがるが 遥かな世界

38 :
Do 3 a favor, will 8 ?

39 :

40 :
but 4ll0w 4ll0w, 4ll0w us in time

41 :
4're the 1 who's in my heart my one and only girl

42 :
got the w4ole world 2 move about

43 :
staying put's no not 4 3

44 :
4hock 4hock shock, dollar shock

45 :
in the 4ity, I wanna 5 home

46 :
4ee co6ors transcending even rainbows

47 :
But 4 you, Lye7 I'll try

48 :
You'll find roads into 4r imagin8tion

49 :
4ha9 4ha9 4ha9 shake, the roots of all man kind

50 :
never let it 5 0ut of your sight

51 :
51ng through the door way which was a weathered grey

52 :
When peace comes and acceptance too
when all else is 5one, will there be you
with you besides me there won't be much 2 say

53 :
Bubble5m soda pop i3tation flavor flavor

54 :
we took off 5riously 4 progress harmony

55 :
5 darkness 5 away
5 nightmare 5 away

56 :
It's 5ood to be ho6 again

57 :
57 wave good bye

58 :
we lost 5ommunic8tion

59 :
I'm 5nna ta9 my time leidi laidi

60 :
A boring day up on the 60on

61 :
The 61rth of the odyssey

62 :
↑You should use it at 81
I believe in 6us1c
6 2the Music (reprise)

63 :
to 6e truly 3

64 :
6e4 I could even stop it, it has slipped away

65 :
wind blows everything co6es and 5es

66 :
Bu66le gum and soda pop of ...

67 :
He6 7がい年月が

68 :
we're hoping for peace and freedo6 8ppines Happines

69 :
↑8piness Happiness i mean
I'm leaving I'm flying I'6 takin9 off to the unknown

70 :
70w your days are here

71 :
71ght time should bring on the day

72 :
Time can be a friend, Determined 7ot 2 end

73 :

74 :
you' ll see 7o4ing and you will know 7o4ing
Everydays filled with 7o4ing

75 :
Hazy 7un I want 5od to save us

76 :
(↑Hazy 7un I wait for 5od to save us >>>Orz)
HAZY 7u6〜

77 :
7maste, 7maste, your sacred hello

78 :
自然は素晴らしい(小枝) 7turally , 8ow it will

79 :
You can 79 me out You can overwhelm

80 :
it'ill be・・・・1980 soon

81 :
let your heart fly fly 81

82 :
three years of love
(oh 82,82)

83 :
83を照らしているよ (shining holy and bright)

84 :
W8t a beauti4 name

85 :
8llo 5つのまにか、、

86 :
Madly in love at seventeen( 8ut b6oken)

87 :
Have you ever seen Ha87? choco choco Ha87

88 :
8avoc in 8eaven!

89 :
8eats are red tears are blue
don't wast time cryin9

90 :
(8earts are red ~ don't waste time 9ryin' is better?)
I saw face in the 9r0wd

91 :
You're becoming a lady, 9u1t a lady

92 :
I know 92 Gandhara

93 :
In The 9uest Of The Northern 3

94 :
Loo9in' 4 adventure now

95 :
9oo day ma'am it's 5na be a wonderful day

96 :
can you hear that distant thunder
96ing louder 96ing stronger

97 :
bits and pieces of mystery 9uestion of then and 7ow

98 :
with a little be a monkey magic there 'll be firewor9s to7ight

99 :
Oh my....
On Sale now at 998dollar
the galaxy express 999 

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