りゅーしゅつの鯖であるlinode.comへの削除要請メールのテンプレver.3 ・人数を4000→40000に修正しました ・件名を修正しました 署名だけ入れて送ればいいはず ○メールの送り先 abuse@linode.com ○メールタイトル [Very Urgent] A request to delet the malicious contents ○本文ここから ↓ ↓ Dear Sir or Madam I am writing this letter to request you to delete an anti-social web site in your server. The web site address: http://ryushutu.no-ip.biz/ The above was made based on the data which was compromised by a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology inc on 25 Aug. This data includes the records of posting of 40.000 people in internet discussion board(http://www.2ch.net/) between June 2013 and July 2013.And the problem user of you maliciously tries to diffuse this with this web site ( http://ryushutu.no-ip.biz/ ). So, if you allow the problem user to use your web service, the privacy of victims will be infringed. Thus, I highly appreciate it if you would take an immediate proper action. Lastly, I would like to add one, Amazon Web Services(maru.unko.in) has already deleted a web site in its server which included the same contents as http://ryushutu.no-ip.biz/
The information on the website is very easily linked with other leaked data such as each poster's real name, address, his/her credit card number including its security code The privacy of 40,000 people are therefore now severely being abused; for instance, a person who poured out that he's HIV positive on the internet board, is now widely known by his neighbors and colleagues and friends, even though he wanted to keep it a secret. The number of people who are being blackmailed or harrassed is growing. It is being growing so fast, at this moment. Do we really have to sit and wait until the US court orders you to delete the website? Is it really impossible for you to delete it immediately? Thank you for you kind cooperation Best Regards 署名
P.S. This is a N.T technology inc web page. They briefly announced this cracking in English.
ジムさんより、 現在自己調査を実施中でかつ当局によるマシンへの調査も行われている。犯人の特定も進んでいると思われるし、 私もそれを望んでいる。ただ現状では、bad guyを特定できていないし、特定できないと問題を解決することはできない。 (多少意訳した) 27 名前:vip40011.maido3.net[] 投稿日:2013/09/04(水) 22:46:25.97 ID:gETlPp3b [2/2] >>24 We are currently investigating the problem. The authorities will be going through our machines today and tomorrow. Who knows maybe they will find the bad guy. I am hoping. As it stands, if we are unable to find the bad guy and resolve all of these people's problems.
リューシュツ進捗状況 apple apple2 appli applism aquarium arc archives argue army aroma asaloon ascii ascii2d ascii2kana asia asong アニソン等 ←次はここから athletics atom atopi auto autorace av avi avideo ←デッドライン avideo2
>>4 本文の英語のおかしいところを修正しました To whom it may concern, I would like to request you to delete an anti-social website in your server. The web site address: http://ryushutu.no-ip.biz/ The above was made based on the data which was compromised by a cyber-attack to N.T.Technology Inc. on 25 Aug. This data includes the records of posting of 40,000 people on internet discussion board (http://www.2ch.net/) between June 2013 and July 2013. One of your user, who is the webmaster of the site above, maliciously tries to diffuse the data. The information on the website is very easily linked with other leaked data such as each poster's real name, address, his/her credit card number including its security code, and the privacy of 40,000 people are therefore now severely being abused. For instance, a person who posted that he's HIV positive on the internet board under anonymity, is now in danger of being exposed as HIV posive to his neighbors, colleagues, friends or anyone else, even though he wants to keep it a secret. Actually the number of the victims of this site is growing, those who are being blackmailed or harassed. If you keep allowing the webmaster to use your web service, the damage does not stop. I highly appreciate if you would take an immediate proper action and delete the website. Lastly, I would like to add one, Amazon Web Services(maru.unko.in) has already deleted the website in its server which included the same leaked contents. http://ryushutu.no-ip.biz/ Thank you for you kind cooperation. Best Regards, 署名
P.S. This is a N.T technology inc web page. They briefly announced this cracking in English. http://2ch.tora3.net/.
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29 名前:vip40011.maido3.net :2013/09/04(水) 23:10:58.87 ID:gETlPp3b Good night folks.