英語の分からない奴がそれっぽく英語で会話するスレ (617) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
【投稿】新聞家庭面を読む【相談】Part170 (199)
二子新地・高津・溝口・梶ヶ谷の今後について (206)
身内にいる多重債務者いるヤシ (860)
小姑むかつく91コトメ (661)
男兄弟は作らない方が正解 (579)
■□■□チラシの裏 3356枚目□■□■ (1001)


1 :05/01/25 〜 最終レス :2013/03/16

2 :
2 get

3 :
3 get!!!

4 :
Gyudon is derisyasu.

5 :

6 :
oira kikoku shijo dayo !

7 :
ふあっと きこくしじょ?
じすらいく きついしょじょ?

8 :
あい うおんとぅ はぶ せっくる

9 :
こんがらがっちょん HAHAHA
My brain is こんがらがっちょん too.

10 :

11 :
あい らぶ R

12 :
you should study hard english

13 :
wakan nai n death(><)

14 :
正解はYou should study English harder

15 :
I still have no idea what to write.
I see!

16 :
Me too.
For the time being...

17 :
I wa sleep ga do dekimasen.
I wa dou sureba yoi desuka.

18 :
Pull yourself together. What happened?

19 :
“Masako has become an Imperial drop-out,” said one royal newspaper
reporter. “To be blunt, she is hostile towards the Emperor
and the Empress, and is waiting for them to die. It sounds horrible
and shocking. But this is the truth of what’s happening inside
the Crown Prince’s household and the public doesn’t know about it.”

20 :
I spend so much time reading 2 channel every day. And so I can't have enough
sleep. However I finally found good keijiban what I was looking for.
This place is very good for me to practice English.

21 :
I was so surprised at myself, for I could read >>20.
And I agree to >>20's opinion.

22 :
Oh,very nice >>21
I could not read it,cause I don't know why.
But I deside learn English harder.And someday I talk with foreighner
in English.
See you tomorrow and Good night. With dear.

23 :
Well, my life cycle is in disorder lately.
'cause I can't sleep well at night.
Thank you for listening my worry.

24 :

25 :
My tummy is pekopekolino.
to eat or not to eat...that is my problem.
I remenber that there is a yakinoodle in kitchen,
but I am in 2nd floor, I must go down the staires to get some food...
to be fat, or sleep with hungry tummy rumbling.
what do you think about this?

26 :
I think just as you wish.
That is to say... you should go downstairs and eat eat eat!!

27 :
I am kantetu,totemo nemuuidetu.
nulupo nulupo nulupo

28 :
let's suiming!

29 :
I'm hungry.

30 :
I'm gonna eat cup korean noodle from now on.
Recentlly I am fond of eating gekikara food.
Is it true taking hot food many times make people's ass hole ji ?

31 :
i am under stand!!!

32 :
oh, don't worry you wouldn't become a land owner
(so-called jinushi) simply by eating super-hot food.
But it could harm your health if you eat a lot
this late at night.

33 :
It has became morning.

34 :
Thank you for telling me that. As a mutter of fact, most of my co-superiors at my
office are land owners. We used to talked about it some times and laughed a lot.
This is my beautiful memory.

35 :
>As a mutter of fact
( ´,_ゝ`) プッ

36 :
matter dane〜 I'm Cho-embarrassed. But do I have to use diccionario every time when I can't remember how to spell words?
スレタイ嫁! 間違ってたら優しく指摘汁! 

37 :
oh year

38 :
I'm gonna catch some Z's...

39 :
My hobby is listening to game music.
For example, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Star Ocean series etc...

40 :
What do you mean by Z's?

41 :
hello? saru-?

42 :
Saru ga do-shitano?

43 :
I wanna be a pilot.

44 :
       ∩:' _, ,_':
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚) 
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
         :'・ω・':  ニューン
       ∩\_, ,_/
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚) 
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
      (( :'・ω・':  ))
         `"゙"゙"’ ポンッ
       ∩  _, ,_
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚)  < おういえ
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ
       ∩  _, ,_       ,、,,,,,、 キュッ?
     ⊂⌒(  ゚∀゚)     :'・ω・':  
       `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ      `"゙"゙"’ 

45 :
My partner is stupid.

46 :
What happened, >>45 ?

47 :
>>40  Z's is ZZZZZZ
In a word, sleep!

48 :
Why did you get up early though were a day not requiring of
the box lunch?

49 :
I am sorry. I don't remember what happened. I am stupid.

50 :
>>48 Frankly speaking,
i stay up a long time coz i had gone out.
.....U don't give a damn

51 :
Chicken McNuggets are delicious!!

52 :

53 :
No, I'm a tori-eater!

54 :
I was a sister princess.
But now I am a pricure!

55 :
I see.
By the way, I overslept this morning. How many
alarm clocks do you use?

56 :

57 :
I studing tomorrow tests.I am full-full...orz

58 :
>>55 uh,only one.
It's an alarm of the sellular phone Fa sho !
" rrrrrRRRRRRR!!"

59 :
I am using my daughter's Korasho's clock
which is a sort of free gift from Benesse
to encourage us to subscribe "Korasho the first grade".
>>57 good luck

60 :
What is Korasho?

61 :
Which do you like black or white?
I wanna marry white girl.

62 :
me too!
You are my rival.

63 :
It’s very cold today.Nanoni my husband go to GEO for rental ogeretsu video.

64 :
I’m sorry kaigyo‐dekin.

65 :
How silly he is!
You don't need to let him in when he returns.
Just shut him out.

66 :
what is ogeretu video,Mrs.63?
I want to see it. dokidsoki
can I go your house? Mrs.63 let´s enjoy ogeretu video!

67 :

68 :
Hey! everyone
Do you like gijikka people?
My gi-sister will come my house next holiday.
oh my god help me

69 :
Your KAKIKOMI is fitting for this board.
Sadly I don't have nice advice for you.

70 :
What is gijikka?

71 :
Gijikka is ainsient home of husband or wife。

72 :
aitient house!?
ok is it house like TATEANASIKIJYUKYO??
I don't like it so much.sorry
is this BBS of fan of history?

73 :
How pity you are!
You have my sympathies. How long will she stay at your house?

74 :
Run away! Hurry up! Run to your jikka,now!
No, if you go jikka, your gi-sister must touch every thing in your house!
You must get cold next holiday! or today.
Good luck!

75 :
I'm 72
OH jikka I know. I was so foolish.
don't you get along with law-sister?
gi-** is law-** in English

76 :
I am Ms.68 thank you for your advice .
she will come by car.It will take 4 hour.
In Fact she came here last month.
Maybe she wants to stay for three days.
oops I remember that when my wedding she said to me...gakupuru
"Waaaaaaaann!!Return to my brother!!"
If my pearents live near Iwant to run away.
sorry hitorigatari and chirashinoura

77 :
I'm not married, so I can't imagine how much trouble you have, sorry.
but I can understand you a little by hearing the story.
I hope you will get throught it.

78 :
i am Nurse .
i wanna make foreigner froends.

79 :
I'm in Sensyu Univ siken-kaijo.
English is OWATA(´・ω・`)

80 :
Good job!

81 :
oh! mai gatt.

82 :

83 :
don't worry!! probably,everyone can't get good point. I pray your success.
teki to ni yomeba daijyobu

84 :

85 :

86 :

Sorry for late res (oso-res).

> don't you get along with law-sister?
> gi-** is law-** in English
It's not true.
'girino ane/imouto' is 'sister-in-law'
'girino ani/otouto' is 'brother-in-law'
Be careful!

87 :
I'm 75. really!? thank ynu for your kindness.o(^-^)o
you are good at English. I think you have experience to study abroad.

88 :
Earthquake at Kanto Region!!

89 :

90 :
This is the place we talk in English, isn't this??
if this is not, I'm sorry.

91 :
bon soir!
how about [a thread of writing in French who don't really understand French]?
je suis japonais! comment-allez vous?
Mukashi France-go sentaku shite, kurushindanowo omoidashitayo _| ̄|○

92 :

93 :

94 :
To be to be ten made to be!

95 :
oh! neru hodo za wa-rudo!!!

96 :
Bon soir!
Je suis japonais, too.
Je suis heureuxe de faire votre connaissence!
J'habite Sapporo.Est-ce qu'ou vous habitez?
I'm not good at French^^;
However, I like English very much.
I am planning to study abroad in the States, if possible, in Houston
which is famous for NASA.
I love this thread because there is no "arashi," who is the one making
all the noise. In all likelihood, yhey have no skill to use English
because of their terrible educational background.

97 :

98 :

99 :

100 :
My cosin's daughter who lives in U.S. said to me when she stayed in
Japan last sammer.
let's go to HALAKIRI shop! she said.
what's ! HARAKIRI shop?
so we went to the shop of the Hallo Kitty shop.

101 :
I heard tonight is snow.
But. it's rain.
Is this luky or unluky for me?

102 :

103 :

104 :
I think so think too storong.

105 :
The spelling of storong seems to be different.
I want to watch a mother-in-law, and I'm sorry

106 :

107 :
Thank you for your pointing mistake.
In my poverty explanation, because I am male.
The first“o”is symbol of male.(laugh
I don't know.

108 :
Because I use a honest story, a translation tool of yahoo, I cannot speak English

109 :
ディスイズあ ペン

110 :
アイ アム スリープ
アンド アイ アム ハングリー
バット アイ ラブ ラー メン
アイ ハブ ノー ラー メン
ヘルプ ミー

111 :
I have many Ra-men.Let'seat together,110san.
Please come my home.
I wait for you yudering Ra-men.

112 :
Now I'm depressed, because I'm really busy for job hunting.
I have to go to Sendai, Tokyo, Fukuoka and so on・・・.
I can recognize my life's gradual waning.
As regards French sentences of 96
"Bon soir!
Je suis japonais, too.
Je suis heureuxe de faire votre connaissence!
J'habite Sapporo.Est-ce qu'ou vous habitez?"
Translating these French sentences into English,
"Good evening!
I am Japanese, too.
Nice to meet you.(I'm happy to be your acquaintance.)
I live in Sapporo. Where do you live in?"

113 :
ポンジュース!I am a pen.

114 :
Hello, pen!!
Is this a desk?

115 :
No, It's your dick
sorry,really bad, boring....

116 :
You thought it is my dick, it's a my finger.
My dick is more small and short, like a tooth stick.

117 :
i agree

118 :

119 :
Oh! make a deal,
Thank you.
Aere you eat in hear or take out?

120 :
Though it satisfies when foreplay is tidy even if it is .... small. Do it neatly wet
and do it put it?

121 :
It's serves both as big and small.
In this miracle world, contrary is truth.
My job is good job, foreplay,afterplay,replay.....and more,etc
You get a satisfaction.

122 :

123 :
I give up.

124 :
The penis is embarrassed because of the drought.

125 :
This Do lewd person

126 :
You must go to vegetable shop,

127 :
>>125 That's true *G*

128 :
Everyone, and it is good and lick my genitals, please.

129 :
Taste is so good.
I'm going to take out.
Please wrapping and tied around the ribbon.

130 :
die! die!
You made me angry!

131 :
I shall die, someday.
But, my foolishness is not change.

132 :
hello, i have seen this board first time tonite.
it looks very interesting and i would like to
muck around with you.plesse reply^^

133 :
Oh,welcome to this board.
Do you have any funny episode ?
If you have,please tell us!

134 :
Today was warm.
Little sweat, but comfortable for me.

135 :
i am nurupo.
and you're ga!
hitori de nurupo wa tsumanne('A`)

136 :
But,I don't knou this mean of action.

137 :
Who are? Who

138 :
age lu yo

139 :

140 :

141 :

142 :
SHOGI is very complex for me.
When I play SHOGI, I have terrible headache.

143 :
Here you are, this is zutsu-yaku.
( ・∀・)ノシ=●

144 :
Thank you for your kindness.
I never forget you.(・・・・・・across my finger behind the hip)

145 :
I want to it

146 :
If you want it, go ahead.
Someday you get it.

147 :
(,,>Д<) < Ra-men ga tabetai yo!!

148 :
If you want to eat Ramen-nudle,
I give you my secret stock.
It was been here,here,,,,
Oh no,It's a toilet paper.

149 :
If something is boring after two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight.
Then sixteen. Then thirty-two. Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all.

150 :
(,,>Д<) < Toilet paper demo iikara tabetai na!

151 :
I suppose you should not wipe your ass hole after evacuation.
It is convenient ieda, right? You are really cool.
Let us eat a roll of toilet paper now!

152 :
It's a great idea.
Especially, I give you Red-Fox.
Come on my house.

153 :
good idea!

154 :
I like Green raccoon dog better.

155 :
I know, idea is very expencive furniture shop in megro.
If you want to eat Raccoon dog what painted green,
you must go to Jinja festival.
You find out a merchant Called TEKIYA.who sale colored HIYOKO.
He manage your wish.

156 :
Why don't you teach me? I don't understand the relation
between "a green raccoon dog" and "a hiyoko."
Is it a joke about the color(green) common to them?

157 :
A long long ago, the generation called Showa.
Always Jinja festival, together with night-shop.
Night-shop is very popular for children.
Especially children's popular targets were the mysterious hiyoco
that colored to pink.
(But, the pink hiyoko was growth up, to normal white chicken.
Moreover they are male.)
If you fined out the Tekiya who was selling the mysterious hiyoco,
you get a green raccoon dog.

158 :
Can people get a green raccoon dog from Tekiya?
Oh! Really!? Thank you very much for teaching me!
I would like to see a green raccoon dog!
I'll go to Jinja festival as soon as possible.

159 :
I think so.
The Tekiya show you a a green raccoon dog.
And You shall find the Tekiya, when you have a heart of children.

160 :
I went Jinja festival.
But I could not find gren racoon dog.
I saw racoon dog who has very big sack.

161 :
It was very regrettable, you couldn't find green racoon dog.
I know racoon dog's song you found.
It is・・・・・・
“Ra-ra-racoon dog's sack is,
with no wind swinging♪”

162 :
It's a rainy day today.
The weather does not clarify. My feeling does not clarify, either.
I am likely to go to sleep. At such time..! (--)zzz

163 :
I bought new ballpoint pen,became little bit fine
Something new one made me happy.

164 :
>>1-163 >>165-1000

165 :
die...and what?
Are you German speaker?

166 :
boku wa shini ma syen.

167 :
Hi,Everybody! Good morning! How are you?
Today is Saturday. Do you have any plan?
Cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom in Japan(^^)

168 :
Does somebady watch this space?
Why don't you talk with me?

169 :
Who are you?

170 :
Oh! Thank you for your replay.
I'm a parson called Ms.Green.
169,Do you come this space well?

171 :
Oh, Ms.Green, nice to meet you.
Mmm... I sometimes see this thread.
Occasionally, I do "hosyu".

172 :
Hi >171,Nice to meet you too!^^
What is "hosyu"? Would you like please teach me.

173 :

174 :
It is meant to make it display up regularly.

175 :
Hello Roy and Ellen.

176 :
   | \
   |Д`) Nobody can find me. So I dance just now.

     ♪  Å
   ♪   / \   Nullpo Nullpo
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   Nullru Noon
         (  へ)    Nuppo Nullpo
          く       Nullpo

   ♪    Å
     ♪ / \   Nullpo Nullpo
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  Nullnullpo
         (へ  )    Nullnullpo
             >    Nullpoppo

177 :
  ∩)) ∩))      PA
 _, ,_ ∩)) ∩)) ☆   PA
(#゚A゚)彡((⊂彡☆(⊂彡  PA
  ((⊂彡☆∩☆_, ,_ ☆   PA
  ☆⊂(⌒⌒(;`Д´) >>176 PAPA-N!!!!
      `ヽ_つ ⊂ノ     

178 :
Don't be in such a hurry, >>1,
please listen to me, which don't relate to this thread too.Recently, I went to Yoshinoya in the neighborhood of my house, Yoshinoya.
But, it was very crowded, because I couldn't sit down.
I watch the wall well, there is banner, it said "Sell at 150YEN discount".
I shocked. You're STUPID and SILLY.
That's idiot, though you don't custom to take a Yoshinoya natural, mere "Sell at 150YEN discount", VOKE.
Only 150YEN, just 150YEN.
There are family. Probably they're eat at Yoshinoya, omedete-na.

179 :
”ヴォケ” なのがワラタ

180 :
箱は英語で ボックス
狐は英語で フォックス
6は英語で シックス
『あれ』は英語で ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・セックス 

181 :
It isn't funny at all. But I can see you were trying to say
something funny. I hear that.
I met one of my friends last night having dinner at the expensive
restaurant. I paied almost 10000yen but I wasn't enjoyed that.
I felt that my friend didn't like when I was happy.
She din't want to hear my situation at all. Because I am okay righjt
I recover from my break up and I have a great job and nice co-workers.
Even though I don't have a boyfriend, (I am dying tom have REAL one)
I am enjoying my life.
My friend doesn't like that. She want me to be a drama queen.
I think that I should quit the friendship...
Don't you think so?

182 :
You are fool because you have no job.
But I have job.
I cannot understand your sentence.
Because I cannot read english moreover your sentence is very long.

183 :
Why do you think so?
I know that a foolsh woman have a job.

184 :
You can't tell who is stupid or not only by job and position.
I have no job. That means, I don't need to get money for living.
And I don't think I am stupid, well, either smart though, ha,ha!
But 182 seems like proud of her job and life.
Isn't that cool? Yeah!
You don't need to compare your life to others, do you?
Just proud of youself. That's enough isn't it?

185 :
>>184's all of the words so difficult.
I can't understand your idea.
Again and again,I can't speak English and write English.
So I cannot understand your word.
I went to the Nara on last friday.
Nara has naranodaibutu.
I inspirationed Nara is old city.
Now I will go there again.

186 :
>>184 Comparing one's life with others' is all about 2ch, espacially
in 鬼女板 and 家庭板.
Some people might feel relieved to see/hear about others who they think
lead more miserable lives.
That's why NEETs make fun of housewives and infertile women pick at
women who got pregnant before marriage.

187 :
Good evening! :)

188 :
yeah!!good morning!!!!
so cool !! yeah!!

189 :
You wrote this long long ago!
Look at this!Please return me,dont you?

190 :
Just dropping by to see if anyone is still here...
Not much going on here, huh?
Anybudy wanna chat?

191 :
Since no none's here, I'll just talk myself and let the steam out.
I guess all these women (house wife, part-time homemakers, etc.) and
men posting on this board are simply stupid (for the lack of a better
term). I wonder if they have any brain cells that still function...
Well, perhaps I should say that their brains are really messed up
because of frustration of some sort. I don’t really know what your
real problems are, but obviously you folks need some psychiatric help.
This place is totally filled with hatred and hostility toward
everyone as well as utmost stupidity I have ever encountered...
People here are all messed up and messed up real bad...
Too many crazy women bad mouthing and complaining about

192 :
>Too many crazy women bad mouthing and complaining about
If you really think so, why did you come to this board?
I believe that you have the biggest complain among us posting on this board.

193 :
(`●●´)<Ti stai comportando come un ragazzino !

194 :
Eigo ga dekiru-hito ni totteha kaette muzukashii sure dane (w

195 :
nani ga kaite aru noka I do not understand na sure desu ne

196 :
Eigo ga wakaranai nimo hodoga aru. Kokoha hidosugi.
Chu-bou ika!

197 :
It’s going to be ok.

198 :
Actually I'm a bit surprised that someone really responded to me.
Cool! I guess I should at least thank you for that, huh?
But hey, easy on me girl, will ya?
>Too many crazy women bad mouthing and complaining about
First of all, it's not really what I think; It's the fact,
You ought to know very well that the majority of the posters here
are Japanese women who've got just too much time on them to do
anything productive.
Second, just read what's written on this entire board for now.
I don't even need to point out specific threads or responses
to make my point. See? Virtually every thread is about
trashing someone else and expressing hatred and hostility toward
others - not just to strangers but to family members as well...
So, don't you pretend that they don't have a problem because
they obviously do, and you know darn well they do.

199 :
Third, I'm not a typical resident on this board who are consumed
by hatred and obsessed with hostility. I originally came here to
check out something unrelated, but after reading the posts,
I was totally shocked, or disgusted, to be more precise,
to see this many people throwing garbage at each other. It's
totally pathetic...
Now do I have the biggest complaint among "us" posting here?
Honey, you've got to be kidding me, right? Compared to your
complaints, mine is nothing! Geez... Give me a break.
I don't have the same sort of psychological problems that you all
seem to share.
Seriously, you all need professional help...

200 :

201 :
2ch English

"You may go now." = 逝ってよし
"I agree with you completely." = 激しく同意
"Up." = age
"Down." = sage
"Storm." = 嵐

202 :
y'all = おまいら・喪前ら
chaser = 粘着
fuck off = 逝ってよし・キエロ
poor>>1 in da house = 可哀相な>>1の登場です
bust a nut = 中田氏
l.o.l = w・ワラ・藁

203 :

204 :
cherry = 童貞

205 :
Gross〜☆ = きんもー☆

206 :

207 :
You,too!! = オマエモナー

208 :
This SLED is so intrasting!!

209 :
turd sred up!

210 :
i ca'nt up the sred…orz

211 :
Hey, Gabriel (or Gabrielle?)! Eigo ga hanasemasu ka?
逝ってよし・キエロ = "Go fuck yourself" demo iine -.

212 :
lets talk about lunch.
i ate humberg bento.

213 :
Therefore, what?

214 :
Terefore, I am.

215 :

216 :
No problem.You are OK.Im OK.

217 :
i am sad because i make a mistake in part time job place.
but hapiness thing, a young lady who everybody called "tenchou"
is abscent. i hate her because she is very awful bad girl. hiyahhoooo!!!

218 :
but "tenchou" has a beautiful looks and the nice body. i like her body
very much. she is sexy.

219 :
i agree with you abusolutely.

220 :
Hisabisa ni this thread ni kitandakedo mada thread ga nokottete bikkuri sita.
Demo Nani ga kaitearunoka wakarima se-n!

221 :
I made a role as [kidan]. called 'nenabe play'. its so fun!
let's try nenabe play with me!

222 :
What's "nenabe play" anyway? It sounds kindda kinky...

223 :
I am hungry... I want to eat something...
Food! Food! Food!

224 :
You should be diet with me!
i'm dietinng now. I'm 164 cm tall, 57 kg weight.
last week, I was 58kg. my aim is 55kg. far away...

225 :
If you're 164cm and 57kg, I think you're just fine.
You don't need to be on diet. I am 162cm and 62kg...
I really need to loose some more weight...(But I know I cannot!
That's the problem.)

226 :
I've been on a diet for nearly 2 months and lost nealy 10 kilograms.
Yahoo's Diet Diary service really came in handy this time. It allows dieters to keep a record of
what you ate, amount of exercise, etc. through a web-based UI. I tried a similar method using MS Excel
before but the Yahoo tool allowed me to access even when I'm away from home and I didn't have to bother designing my own spreadsheet.
I'd definately recommend it to anyone who is serious about losing weight. Besides, it's free of charge!

227 :
10kg in a couple of months isn't bad at all.
What I'm curious aboutis, though, how you are keeping it off.
You know, "yo-yo syndrome" and all that... To me, loosing
weight is not really a big deal, but keeping it off would be a
big problem.
Do you combine any exercise in your weight-loss program?
If so, what kind of exercise do you do and how much time
do you normally spend? I don't really have time to go to
a fittness club or anything, but I want to know how
people maintain their ideal weight once they've reached
their goals...

228 :
OK!! Hit me!!!

229 :
Yeah, sure. I'll hit you hard!

230 :
Where's everyone gone???

231 :
I'm 224.
I lost weight. Now I am 55.6kg.
When I were 54kg, I will KISS Kxxxx!!!

232 :

233 :
thanks a lot.

234 :
You're Welcome.

235 :
I am a pen

236 :
I love a pen.

237 :
Where is my pen??
I thought it was in the coffee mug on my desk...
For some odd reasosns, I keep loosing the same pen over and over...
Shit, I have to buy another one tomorrow...

238 :
Do you dirink coffee with pen?
Sounds tasty!
I'll try it.

239 :
Oh, Yeah. I always drink coffee with an ink-dripping pen still inside.
Actually it tastes pretty good, you know. You should try it, really.
I know you'll love it.

240 :
hello, my name is Pen.

241 :
Oh, my name is Pen too.

242 :
>240 >241
Oh!!!! Ilove you.

243 :
Hey,girl !
Are you free now ?

244 :
Yeah. What's up?

245 :
Would you play sex act?

246 :
Possibly... If you go fuck yourself and your mother first...

247 :

248 :

249 :
Happy new year!!

250 :
You talkin' to me ?

251 :

252 :
It is very cold winter, this year.
Even in my place, the most south area of Japan, we had considerable amount of
snow last month.
Hello, guys living in Akita, Niigata, and other cities in the north area,
how are you? Are you OK in this serious snowing?
It is very hard to imagine how people living in the snow white city.

253 :
I live in Yokohama.
Yokohama mo samui yo.
Kono-aida no asa, jimen kootteta.
Gaku buru.

254 :
I am living in Kagoshima. It is warm and sunny Sunday, today.
Mt. SAKURAJIMA was covered with snow until yesterday,
but now almost of them are gone.
Hope an ordinary warm winter comes back...

255 :
Kagoshima is worm. But my living place is snow ipa-----i.
Many many snow, mou iya---!!
No more snow, god damn it!

256 :
Where are you? Niigata? Akita?
I have never lived in snowy area, and it is very hard to imagine
how "YUKIOROSHI" is tough job.

257 :
Me too.

258 :
Me three.

259 :
I reading book.
My eyes tired.

260 :

261 :
OK.OK.everything is OK!!!

262 :
Now Princess Kiko has got pregnant.
The number of candidates for
Gakushuin kindergarten and primary school will be
exploded the year in that the baby enters.

263 :
So? What's the big deal about it anyway? I don't care...
Just because you send your kids to Gakushuin,
that doesn't mean your kids will also become a member of
the imperial family...

264 :
I don't care either but many o-juken moms care.
There are still many who want to be close to the family.
My child will rather go to a nearby school
of a different type.

265 :
Well, I hear a lot about those "ojuken mons" going nuts about
choosing the kindergarten for their kids...
But come on! Their ultimate goal is to send their kids to
one of the prestegious brand name universities, right?
If those kids are half way smart, they can still go to good
highschools and colleges even if they spent 9 years of
elementary and secondary education in public schools...
So, I just don't get it. What's with those crazy "ojuken mons"?

266 :

267 :
Good morning everyone!

268 :
Ohayou gozaimasu
kouha tennki mo yoku osannpo biyoridesu
minasann sutekina ichinichiwo!!

269 :
Sonna tokorode yoin ja nai deshouka.

270 :
sometimes I am very frustrated reading 2ch.
but I cannot stop coming here.
It is a sort of addiction!

271 :

272 :
Jack has a bat and two balls.

273 :
I think you're already in a big trouble. You probably need to see
a psychiatrist...

274 :
I'm so fucking tired and can't even think about anything...
This place will eventually kill me making me work like a slave.
Just when will it all end??? Or when do I get the big raise that I

275 :
Beats me
Anyhoo, Don't make more out of it than it is

276 :
I'm glad that the hardest week was finally over, though... Now that I
finished that extra project, I should be able to take it a little easy
for a while, at least till summer (I hope)...

277 :
You did it!

278 :
Yeah, I managed to pull it all together... So,I feel much better now.
Still, my boss keeps dumping all those BS jobs on me, and I just don't
have the balls to tell him that's enough. Well, at least until I finally
get promoted. Wait for just a couple more years and I'll be able to
tell the administrators to shove it all up theirs... (Fingers crossed!)

279 :
I'll cross my fingers 4 U

280 :
Hey,thanks Gabriel (or Gabrielle)! You're a nice person.
Just out of curiosity... How do ya spell your name?
Is it "Gabriel(♂)" or "Gabrielle (♀)"?

281 :

282 :
"がぶりえる," huh? Yeah,you're right. It doesn't matter if you spell it
in Japanese,does it? You bear the name of "the messenger of God," so I
was just curious. That's all...

283 :
God? Ha !
I don't give a fuck

284 :
i'm a Thread stopper !

285 :
Yes, you are! Aren't you proud of yourself?

286 :
Anybody home??

287 :
oh! i'm here

288 :
I'm here, also.

289 :
Don't let this thread go. I need it.

290 :
this thread does'nt go well.
please tell me your strange experiences.

291 :
Well, what kind of "strange experieces" are you talking about??

292 :
about Erotics please.

293 :
Why don’t you talk about your bizarre sexual experiences first?
Say, for instance, how you really felt enlightened when you shoved
that cell phone or keyboard up in your butthole...

294 :
i think this entire world is falling apart...
soon, it will all come to an end...

295 :

296 :
Never mind ows XP
Forget about spellings and gramour
We are native Japanese speakers!!

297 :

298 :
pee pee----------------

299 :

300 :

301 :
goood night everynelaer.
who is here.

302 :
This thread which i set up. Then I was high school student (3rd grade).
I fall out the entrance exam for univ once, and commuted to yobikou last year.
So I'm a college student now. This experience will be precious in the my future.

303 :
Congratulations for your passing exam!
How is your college life? It must be fun, isnt it?
I am a proffessor of a small university, and seeing many students like you.
Keep studing, then you will see hopeful futre.
Good luck!

304 :
so many miss spellings.

305 :
woo...today is very hard wark!!
good night☆″

306 :
Thank you.
I practice for drama club every day since I entered a college.
Until now, I acted in a play twice. It was very fresh and very happy.
University's lecture is interesting.
Because thing that I wanna learn can study,
it is different from the high school.
Though I lost any Tan-i :P
Good night!
Take care of yourself.

307 :

308 :

309 :
zaku gufu gerugugu…

310 :
donn de esta

311 :
;`;:゙;`┏( ;゚;ж;゚;)┛  This is a pen.

312 :

313 :
person is very few

314 :
Gabuha eigomo tannnou dane.kakkoii!

315 :
The response is a little..
May be These persons are cannotspeak English? pupupu

me too lol

316 :
can not speakにして途中の

317 :
Please note this respect enough.

318 :
Your payment total?

319 :

320 :
Kokoyakyu is very fun.

321 :
I watch KYOKYOYAKYU in the blue moon.
↑Yesterday,I learned.

322 :
I watch KYOKYOYAKYU in the blue moon.

323 :

324 :
I made a mistake (-; Sorry!

325 :
Don't mine!

326 :
Oh! What I wanted to say is Don't "mind"
Why did I make such a mistake...
Let's go to heaven,>>324

327 :
Never mind.

328 :
Summer vacation has come!!
I spent very busy days, but finally I have got my vacation.
It is ONLY three days, but I am so happy!

329 :
No one comes this thread.
Is anyone who wants to communicate in Broken English, here?

330 :
English is not a common language in the world.
The true common language is Broken English.
Misspellings and miswritings are quite welcome.

331 :
I totally agree with you!

332 :
Thank you.
Anyone who wants to improve English skill should not hesitate using English.
In particular, writing is the most difficult skill, and we should take any chance to write in English.

333 :

334 :
All your base are belong to us

335 :

336 :

337 :
Today is very hot,

338 :
Yeah, it was very toasty.
I hope the weather will be cooled down soon.

339 :
こ の スレに、辞書を 見ながら書き込んでる 奴 は 負け組み。
Kono sureni Jisyowominagarakakikonnderuyatsuhamakegumi.

340 :
  「英語の分からない奴がそれっぽく英語で会話するスレ 」

341 :

342 :
No, I dont think so.
People who want to write English sentences are not beginners.
Only people who learned English well and want to improve their English skill joined this thread.
You should not blame our efforts.

343 :
A criticism with sincere kindness is welcome, but blaming with dislike and jealousy is not welcome.
Misspelling is not a serious fault in this thread. Even with broken English, writing is the best way to improve our writing skill.

344 :
It's been a while since I checked this thread the last time.
I thought it would've been gone already, but apparently I was wrong, huh?

345 :
Sue let chi guy.

346 :
I need someones help.
I like to give my American boss a 漢字名.
But my bosses name is so hard to give 漢字. Is anyone can help me?
The one I come up is 粋虎闘.
It's looks like DQN name but he was training kickboxing for years,
and he is big and mean looking guy.
So I thought it's describe his personality,
and when I explain what these each words meaning to him
I think He'll like it.
What do you all think about this name? I need real japaneese people's
opinion. Please help me.
And of course this is for a fun only, so don't take it seriously.

347 :
巣礼 地外

348 :
Go back.

349 :
Oh Sushi is Umai Ne! Haha

350 :
Chan rin Shan sofuto in wan!


351 :
Yack she maar he rocco.

352 :
I guess his name is "Scott", isn't it?

353 :
Yes, his name is Scott.
I'm grad someone else can read the kanji too. I didn't put his name
in 346 becouse I wanted to see if anybody can read it or not.
Do you know how happy I am right now? someone think this is 巣礼 地外
so I was almost giving up waiting for useful response. Thanks for your response.
I'm go ahead and give the kanjimei to him. Thanks again.

354 :
Why don't you make your own thread?

355 :
Are you nuts?

356 :
eigozuke kattyaimasita

357 :
Are you an egg?

358 :
Omoshiro i ?

359 :

360 :
Good morningノシ

361 :
My onaka is hutoi
I hope yasetai

362 :
Then you should be on a diet right now!

363 :

364 :
Yoshi kimeta!

365 :
I can't speak English very well,so I didn't read this kakolog.
OK? Hey!! yeeeeah!!I can't read air!!No English in my life!
My English level is F lank in English duke(NINTENDO DS)!!

366 :

367 :
i can t right english
te iuka maji wakaran
very intaresting konosure

368 :
悪いがなぁ、俺様は英語苦手だからこのスレロムってらんないんだYo! わかる?

369 :

370 :
everyday hot
I going bath and after icecream
so happy

371 :
Oh! No! No beer !!!
I want beer!!
I need beer!!!
I am not happy!!!

372 :
Same here!
I can't stand the humid still and isometimes
I feel it is very pain in the ass to get a shower often.
I really hope the fall is coming soon.
Well, you should go get some beer right now and
drink it till drop!!!

373 :
every day every night I drink beer.
I like beer. Ilove beer. I am beer.

374 :

375 :

376 :

377 :

378 :
That's right!
I am at the same level of English as >>375 in Eigo duke.
But I don't speak English well.
When I traveled in KAIGAI, I rent a ski boots.
A salesperson asked me what size shoes do you wear.
"twenty-three TEN five " I answered. ?????…He looked confused.
I should have said "twenty-three POINT five"…orz

379 :
And also you should write "a pair of ski boots".
That is one of typical mistakes when most of Japanese people use English anyway.

380 :
what size shoes do you wear. じゃおかしいよな
what size shoes I wearだろ?バーカバーカ>俺
a pair ofどこじゃねーよw

381 :

382 :

Ican not sleep.

383 :
"Which shoe size" sounds better.
Like cats and dogs?

384 :
I'm >>365.Thank you >>368 & >>369!!
English duke was Three day BOZU.
It's tooooooooooo difficult for me!
No more English! No more English!!
Now I play POKEMON. KEMUSSO is very very cute.

385 :

386 :

387 :

388 :

389 :
アップ ライト ザ シー

390 :

391 :
This is a ペンペン

392 :
before 30minute time,I plaied sex.
very good.

393 :
hoh、id be apsolutry liked sex
better than you。
you never get goodbetter than i by yours!
fuckin`like me so crazy something!
youd be so nice performanse little mania
lets go bloser getting dream together hahhah!!

394 :

395 :

396 :
>390 イイwww

397 :
A go wack ally mass end.

398 :
to be to be 10 made to be!

399 :
I am a pen.

400 :

401 :
we pleyed the flute for you ,and you did not dance; we mourned to you,and you did not weep.

402 :
Nobody's here.
Where'd everybody go?
I miss you all.
Forget me not.

403 :
hey, I'm here.
so what's up with you?

404 :
This is あっぽー

405 :
This is あっごー

406 :
it is nurupo.

407 :
I am Kenzo Sakurai.

408 :

409 :
です 伊豆 アッポー

410 :

411 :
おー まん こー

412 :
my la bakachin.

413 :
Somebody's here.
Glad he or she knew how I felt lonely.
Setimes I feel myself all alone but it's OK.
'cause I love doing myself alone.

414 :
Glad nobody's here.

415 :
I don't want to go to work today.
can I call in sick?

416 :
Just relax and take a rest.

417 :
It's Monday again.

418 :
This will be the beginning of the end.

419 :
Why not?

420 :
It's showtime.

421 :
i'm so sorry about him. since his gf needs his father's credibility,
she's been with him for 6 years. he can't do anything he wants to do.
everytime he moved to another country or far place, she followed him
because she needs his father's help for her research. She makes him behave
abnormal. He has no male friends. he is still immature and behaves like

422 :

423 :

424 :
How stupid I was.
So sorry,my Dear.

425 :
All I want is only HIGH SCHOOL GIRL'S pichipichi manko.
Absolutely not a hag who passed spring long long ago.

426 :
my dreams hasbent moment is hope of the job.
can you today meat for met japanese pizza?

427 :
depopulation! depopulation!

428 :
Hot K!

429 :
What talk do you have?

430 :
How do you say, MANJIRU in English?

431 :
Who are you ?

432 :
probably …it's lubricant…

433 :
oh that tha way

434 :
How do you say, YARANAUKA in English?

435 :
Energetic daughter always. However, it is too energetic, and sometimes
embarrasses it.

436 :
Already Yanaikais is worldwide language.
So if it says, With you make sweetly smiling' it will be OK !!!!

437 :

      / ̄ ̄ ̄\
    / ─    ─ \
   /  (●)  (●)  \.I so happiy yaruoh live 2ch nurupo 。
   |    (__人__)    |  
   \    ` ⌒´    /
   /              \

438 :

439 :

      / ̄ ̄ ̄\
    / ─    ─ \
   /  (●)  (●)  \.Oh! Tank you! and You speak gaaa。
   |    (__人__)    |  
   \    ` ⌒´    /
   /              \

440 :
♪It is your effect at insomniac night.
♪It just separated a little while ago.

441 :
♪Earbbe foryou burning foryou

442 :

443 :
happy halloween.

444 :
oh! Thank you.
And you ?

445 :
TANK YOU wwwwwwwww

446 :
This is a pon

447 :
What's pon?

448 :
Juace de POM?

449 :
Pon is beautiful.

450 :
Pon is LOVE.

451 :
But! I am pon!

452 :
Me too !

453 :

454 :

455 :
Tomorrow is another day.

456 :
The ID restrictions of the animation are
obstructive with a smile recently.
Anyone watches that it is it in a system
putting freely in a dream anytime,
but it is reality that do not readily
go so either. Oh, I hope that I revive
early. I want to watch Halle fine
HareHareYukai or an animated cartoon
early. After all the animation is
different from YouTube in a picture
without incompleteness with a smile.
The slightly unsatisfactory place has
that BUMP OF CHICKEN is about to
disappear, but I say apart from it,
and, however, various, after all
there is usability.

457 :
I'm sorry. I was slightly too long.
After all because I regret that I
do not tell it when I can tell it
in the future. I still feel am
sorry for what I have written
for a long time.
I'm sorry it in the all of you truth. orz

458 :
I am Jack Bauer.
A portable fee is large amount of money.
I am Jack Bauer.
However, it falls in expenditure.

459 :
It peels off very much ..whether it is likely to say.. ..reversely..
and it is painful.
The skin in the back of my foot peels off when a dry season comes.
It is considerably painful.
Can cream paint?I hate it. Sticky feeling.

460 :
それがたいへんはげます。それは言うのでありそうですか? ..逆である、それは
クリームは絵を描くことができますか?私はそれが嫌いです。 ねばねばする感じ。

461 :
It encourages it very much. Does it seem to be said it? ..It opposite is
painful. When the dry season comes, the skin in the back of my foot leaves.
It is considerably painful. Can cream draw the picture?I hate it. Sticky

462 :
それはそれをたいへん奨励します。 言われているのが見える、それ? ..それ、正反対は
苦痛です。 渇水期が来るとき、私の足の後部の中の皮膚は去ります。
それはかなり苦痛です。 クリームは絵を描くことができますか?私はそれが嫌いです。

463 :
Wow! I can't believe this thread is still here.
How long has it been since I posted the last time?
Well, it doesn't matter, does it? After all I'm only writing nosense anyway.
And basically so is everyone else who drops by...

464 :
It came to this bulletin board for the first time.
Though it is English of the smattering
My best regards in the future.

465 :
I like metallica! like songsEntersandmanand Seek and destroy!very interesting
I have a Dream I in the ECW ECWis very Extreme!

466 :
I really don't know what you're talking about...

467 :

468 :
Are you speak English?

469 :

470 :
Can you speak english?
Where is toilet?

No I can' t.
I'm solly.
Plase go to informathion counter.

471 :
Good night!!
good dream sea!

472 :
…Uh〜Nn.Oky-U Go You sit ah.
Su-Re hill Oh my god.
This is a my OK,my you will luup.

473 :
Happines gose on!!

474 :
Konya nyachiwa!

475 :

476 :
si ne ba ?? www

477 :
     ( ゚ω゚ )  I refuse.
    /    \
  ((⊂  )   ノ\つ))
      ヽ ヘ }
 ε≡Ξ ノノ `J

478 :

479 :
It is nurupo.

480 :
Oh! My God!

481 :
I like cake and tea.
What do you like?

482 :
I like cake and tea,too,
And recently I also like ice cream because it's very hot everyday!

483 :
The ice cream is delicious.
I ate ice yesterday.
What is your hobby?

484 :

485 :
My hobby is 2channel.

486 :
Does anyone watch this thread?

487 :
I watch here everyday.
Who would you like to talk to?

488 :
RED! YELLOW ! Bulldog.sauce〜

489 :
Hey, I'm back, I'm back!
Is anyone still here??
At least this thread still alive... well sort of...

490 :
Hey, I'm still alive... well sort of... still alive... well sort of...

491 :
Oh, are you? That's too bad. I thought you were gone.

492 :

493 :
So here I am, checking out this thread again, if anyone
has posted since I was here a few months ago...
My life has been pretty miserable (as awful as it may sound).
Mostly job related strain that I have to put up with,
which many people are experiencing nowadyas. So nothing new or
out of ordinary actually... It's just that I'm getting tired of it.
Yeah, I know, I know. I shouldn't really complain, right? Because
having a stable job that I don't like always beats not having
a job. Period! Yeah, but still...
Well, I better stop. Whining won't change anything anyway...

494 :
Write whatever you want.Just relax and enjoy 2channel.

495 :

496 :
don't touch me. Good job. don't touch me.

497 :
I thought this thread was very much dead,
but there are people who still come here and post.
And somebody is trying to keep it via occasional "hoshu age."
I wonder how many of us are really posting
(or just reading the posts) in here...??

498 :
I've just submitted my application for "The Star Employee of the Year"
type of award in my work place. Actually this is the second time around.
When I applied last year, I was a little too ambitious and optimistic.
The result was, of course, a complete defeat... :( The recipient
they chose was a poster boy for what this place strongly emphasizes now.
Only I didn’t know I was competing against a guy like him.
This year I should appear a bit more productive on the paper. :)
So I will seehow I fair against applicants from other departments...
Wish me luck!

499 :

500 :

501 :

502 :
five hundred tree

503 :
No, actually it's five hundred two...

504 :
This is Japanese joke ! Hahaha...

505 :
No,it's not.
It's a 2channel-Joke.

506 :
Well, either way, I realy don't get it...
If it's a 2ch joke, perhaps I don't know the 2ch sub-culture
good enough to understand it, which is actually a good thing.

507 :
I can't understand .
It's too long.
Please write more short .
Because I don't understand English !!

508 :
And and ...
Everyone,please read >>502 once more.
He wrote "tree", not wrote "three"!!
So, it's a Japanese joke.

509 :
うちの英語しか出来ない娘がここのスレみて、何これ? これが楽しい訳? in English.

510 :
no problem.

511 :
English de ok.

512 :
so so sorede OK!

513 :

514 :
Livers I made myself today are pretty umauma.

515 :
Life is no meaning,
till you found it.
Please your daughter of perapera English.

516 :
I forgot 「tell」.
You don't need to give me your daughter.

517 :
What?? What's too long?
I tried my best not to write long sentences, though...
If that post was too long, I really don't know what to write...

518 :
No new post for two weeks...?
I know there are some regulars. Where did they go?

519 :
I'm here.
However I'm a new face.
I don't know English though may I stay here?
By the way, it occurs to me.
I want teacher to correct a sentence.

520 :
I watched "terminator2" the other day.
There were a lot of excellent phrase.
("Serifu" ha English de nanteii masuka? line? or phrase?)
For example...
"Stay here I'll be back".
"Nice bike".
"Right now".
I very enjoyed that movie.
By the way.
Could you tell me this phrase in English?
"Ude no hone ga oreta".

521 :
Rain very squallwave
English speak difficult

522 :

523 :
Hi Bob!!(゚Д°)┘

524 :
whatever you are
whatever you do
wahtever you with

keep it close to your heart

525 :
i don't speak english but,I like looking this
if i can speaking...i'm a so happy!!

526 :
sage desuka?

527 :
How much are you ?

528 :
Don't use "i" for I.
It's not right.

529 :
oh! All right!!

530 :

531 :
What the f*ck is this thread?
I've never seen such a fu*king thread.

532 :
531>> You need to behave. F-word is not acceptable here.
Spoiled brat like you don't even know proper English.

533 :

534 :
hey guys!
This is the one Im looking 4.
I'm totally not good at english you know. but I try to do...I mean as far as possibe.
gosh! Is there anyone still here who watch this?

535 :
i'm here. what you up too?

536 :

537 :
Barbara... Go to HELL !!! f!@#$ You !!
Kimberly... You look like Meg Griffin. You are soooooo FAGLY !! Kinda sad...
Lachlan... Yuk !! Typical LOSER
Joanne... BITCH & FAGLY !!!
Levi... Pay me back, you still own me $600.
Jone... Go to HELL !! Biggest Loser !! Why are you still alive ? Useless... old man.
I really hate you guys.... stay away from us, don't bother us anymore.
F$%^& YOU !!!

538 :

539 :
へい ぶらざー ミシン

540 :
I pray they become food poisning.

541 :
Thanks.. 537
I appreciate that..

542 :

Do'h... I did thank myself... LOL
It's for you, 540.

543 :
Hey EvErybody〜
Down…Let's down…?
Haッッ!Me Too〜〜!

544 :
Don't right to long bunshyou.

545 :
You are very 9lever all!!!!111

546 :
bee's pic chyo auch!!!!

547 :
It's been six months since I last checked this thread...
Not many posts since then, but the thread is still alive,
which is pretty amazing actually.
I still wonder, though, who are really posting in here...
Are you guys mostly students or married women (homemakers)?
My guess is that some are like highschool kids and some are
housewives/mothers in their 30s...?

548 :
フアッ タ−イ イズッツ ナアウ?

549 :

550 :
l'm hungry
give me yakisoba

551 :
It's fine but cold, today.
I want to wash carpets, but, will it be dry off?

552 :

553 :
I ate curry.
What did everybody eat?

554 :

555 :
I don't like cooking.
but I'm hungry. please give me something to eat.
Nobody ...uuu
Oh! I think I have maruchan-cup-yakisoba! That's it!
Water,water,boiled water〜

556 :
Please let me raise this thred.

557 :
Hey you! what play are you coming in japan?(ねえあなた! あなたはなにしに日本に来たの?)
I am tatami(畳をね…)

558 :
You should study Japanese, before you speak English.

559 :
>>557 is "Nazonazo"?
It must had a something.

560 :
Ellie, my love so sweet.
Smile for me, "want" you, bebe-e www

561 :
anybody show me 栗とリス?

562 :
I have a headache! But I have to go to school
to talk with the class teacher of my son...
Oh blue...

563 :
don't worry.behappy!

564 :
Thank you! I sing this song...Let it be〜♪

565 :
It's fine today!
I want to go to shopping,
but I have to wash a lot of dirty diapers...

566 :
I'm dying for fish.

567 :
What kind of fish do you like?

568 :

569 :
Do not you think "Sanma" and "Sammy" look like?

570 :
 ?      ?  ?,:::-、? ? ?  __?
      ,,r::::::::::::〈:::::::::)?   ィ::::::ヽ?
 ? ?  〃::::::::::::;r‐''´:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ::ノ?
 ? ? l::::::::::::::::::l::::::::::●::::::::::::::●:::::ji?
    |::::::::::::::::::、::::::::::::::(?_●_)::::::,j:l? クマー!?
. ?  {::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`='=::ヽノ:::::/?    ?
 ? ? ?`ー--' ヽ:::::::::::l?l;;;;::::ノ?

571 :
it is two past two now.

572 :
What is this sure?
>>1 was written in 2005.

573 :
"Look that dog " =ブス
that fellow is a dirty dog.=あいつは最適なやつだ
He's in the dog house =弱虫なやつだ
youknow he's a dead dog =彼は役立たずなやつだ
I am sorry to say he went to the dog's.=カラに閉じこもっている。逃げる。
I can't stand this he treated me likw dog .=彼は女性の扱いを知らない。

574 :
i hope to die shohi mayuko as soon as possible!!

575 :
Out! Safe! Yo Yo Eh No YoEh!

576 :
What is age?

577 :
No.It is sage.

578 :
I didn't rise the top place.Why?

579 :
I have a feeling that something good will happen.

580 :
I often talk to myself.

581 :
Aristotle writes that imitation is natural to man from childhood.

582 :
It is it! This is this!

583 :

584 :
アイ ステイ ニード

585 :
I stay here.

586 :
I woke up in 3:00 a.m.
I couldn't sleep any more, because I was hungry.
So I ate udon and play 2ch.
Udon was good, but 2ch is time wasting.

587 :
You understand English.
You are a teather.

588 :

589 :
I made a mistake.

590 :
Don't worry!!

591 :
There's no person who doesn't make a mistake.

592 :
I became fine!

593 :

594 :
It's fine today!
I washed a lot of clothes early in the morning,
but 've never hang out ..orz

595 :
I don't understand English.
but Japanese is bery well.

596 :
Hi! I can't speak english.
But i want to speak english.
I want to learn in this thread.
Is there mistake in these sentence?
Please teach me English.

597 :
Hey, guys and gals!
How have you been? Are you still alive?

598 :
Hi, dude
i'm fine

599 :
Hey, what's up? Anything exciting?

600 :
Hello! I'm gey.

601 :
You mean "gay"?

602 :
Who's there?

603 :
I'm here. But I'm not gay.

604 :
Are you serious?
Why are you wearing this stupid dress?

605 :
Who are you talking to? What about the "stupid dress"?

606 :
There isn't anyone...

607 :
NO onany NO Life

608 :

609 :

610 :
Japanese DE ok

611 :
Okay. I'm back again after...God knows how long. It's just amazing that this thread is still alive!

612 :

613 :

614 :
nobody here

615 :
I live here!!

616 :
I want to many many money.get the women to money.get the home to money.get the sweet days to money.all to the money.

617 :2013/03/16
   ◇       ミ ◇
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 ◇◇ \  |__| ◇◇
    彡 O(,,゚Д゚) /
       (  P `O
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
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西武バスぅ〜乗務員専用スレ 2015年版その2