Send In The Clowns 悲しみのクラウン 1970年代のブロードウエーミュージカル リトル・ナイト・ミュージックの中の歌 ステファン・ソンドハイムの作品です 簡単な単語しか使ってないのに大意がつかめません サラ・ボーンやジュディ・コリンズが歌ってました Isn't it rich? Are we a pair? Me here at last on the ground and you in mid-air Send in the clowns Isn't it bliss? Don't you approve? One who keeps tearing around and one who can't move But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns Just when I stopped opening doors Finally finding the one that I wanted was yours Making my entrance again with my usual flair Sure of my lines Nobody's there Don't you love a farce? My fault, I fear I thought that you'd want what I want, sorry my dear But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns Don't bother they're here Isn't it rich? Isn't it queer? Losing my timing this late in my career But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns Well, maybe next year どなたか、英語得意な方いらしたらよろしくお願いします
英語ばっかりですが、Send in the clownsでググりなさい。 この歌詞がわからない人は大勢いて、質問が山ほどある。 ミュージカルの曲(=つまりせりふ)の一つなので劇の内容がわからなければ無理。 劇の内容は、芸能界の話で、デジレというベテラン女優がフレデリックという弁護士 (すでに彼との子供がある)と復縁して結婚したいと思うがフレデリックには もう18歳の妻が(ただしSEXさせない)、で悩むという話。 send in the clownsというのは、サーカスで事故があったときに団長は 観客の注意を紛らわすためにピエロをたくさん送り込むという風習がある ためにできた言葉。 歌詞の最初のほうでme here at last on the GNDというのは、 自分を事故で空中ブランコから落ちた人にたとえているわけです。 相手はまだ空中にいる。私を救うために早くピエロを送り込んで...というわけ。 自分としては自分の選択に悩んでいるという場面でもあります。
16 :
これ? ピエロで笑わせて(Send In The Clowns): 素敵じゃない? ふたりとも いつもピエロを演じていた 笑えるわ
You Send Me Darling, you send me I know you send me Darling, you send me Honest you do, honest you do, honest you ダーリン、君は僕を酔わせる そう、君に夢中 夢中だよ ほんとさ、うそじゃないって Darling, you thrill me I Know you you you you thrill me Dariling, you you you you thirill me Honest you do ダーリン、君にどきどきさ 略 At first, I thought it was infatuation But ooh, it's lasted so long Now I find myself wanting To marry you and take you home 最初だからのぼせてるって思ってたけど ずっとそうなんだ 君と結婚して 家庭を持ちたいって気がついた Oh, you you you you send me I know you send me I know you send me Honest you do 略 Oh, whenever I'm with you I know, I know, I know When I'm near you, mm, hm, mm, hm Honest you do, honest you do Oh oh I know I know, I know, I know When you hold me Oh whenever you kiss me Mm hm mm hm honst you do 略
quarashiというバンドのMr.JINXという曲なんですが 大体の意味でいいので教えていただけませんか? Now it’s your type o mad Jinx the mad sucker with a tail. I’ve got my life worked up it ain’t as cheap as one thinks. I’ve got links on it, the same internet porn, ain’t as deep as I’ve been now I’ve got Justin in my corner. I creep up but they don’t want me back in you know my love is so big I think my head is cracking, smacking my face and always giving me the baseline, dead in a days time, give back what’s mine. This ain’t no rhyme about a junky on run another punk with a gun. Now when you get it, meet the mad fun. So get on your feet and get in pack with the deal the beats on the wheel, now how do you feel. The cool vibe from my lyrical solo I beat on your chest when I’m bouncing like yoyo. This story is old just like the tales I’ve told. But mark my words it will turn into gold. All right, we’ve got it right all right. We’ve got it right all right. We’ve got it right all right. We dig around fanatics, tall and fallen manics and the planets breaking down with god the only mechanic around, faking firm ground, fucking up the program so now I’m working on my devious master plan. It’s all about these crazy comic relieves you know Wooster and Jeeves and modern prophets you never believe, we get them all on a boat leave out all the rules, the white pigeons, and sail the ship of fools. All right, we’ve got it right all right. We’ve got it right all right. We’ve got it right all right. x3
>>31 ほう、そんな報道記事のような散文口調の歌があるのですか。では歌詞らしく韻文調にして訳してみましょう。 Tsutomu was a impersonator, quite reputed It was September When he got stabbed By his live-in lover He was a Gambling-Mad Far-gone in debt His wife got mad When he asked her to pay the rent It was getting harder And the seperation took place Met another lover In a gambling house He said "Can you share more of my burden, honey?" But he got angry for Not-Enough-Money Then he took a terrible pop At her pretty little pup She was his live-in lover, not in content It was September Just two days after the bloody incident When she threw herself into water