精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール カノジョは南米で本を出版しているが その内容もファイルが読み込みできたら 今度掲載する 2011/05/07 (土) 22:48 I am studing your letter very carefully, there are some information that i had alreasy like Perisifal, where says that Holy Grail is not a cup but a stone. Lapis =stone, Lapislazuli, your stone. I talk about in my book, I sent to you my book in English
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38とれるわけないっていうか、 それぐらいになると、多分受験者全員受かってたレベルです
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精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/04/28 (木) 6:23 I have think , a lot, considering if "may be", just may be, that control had put into my mind :TO LOVE MICHAEL no matter what I also thought tha he was a clon, a robot, a walk-in, a person MADE by this illuminaties to have the power over millions of people.. but I see that Michael himself was controlled , manipuleted and finally killed by them Anyway i don`t know the truth, and i will never know it, the only think i know is what i experienced and it was SO SO real to me.
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精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/04/28 (木) 3:11 I am really sorry for your problem and i wish to make something to help you, Is it any way to help you? You don`t have to ask forgive to me, everything is OK. If i were Isabelle How can I help you? big kiis big love
精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/04/22 (金) 3:24 what is sure is that ★A. and I. Rimbaud`s mother is /was my mother...i see her perfectly. May be this is why she want to named me★ Isabel and treated me so hard, so catholic and so rigid. Anyway the horse and dog similarities, but is my right hand not left. My guessing is that France for sure was my home in past life, so Michael`s because he loved France so deeply. ///// Where have you been all this years? I missed you a lot I Love you mountains and stars
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57またなりすまし。全員が身内詐称か本人詐称か 腐れ縁詐称の、振り込め詐欺=親密詐欺
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精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール ★"A Place With No Name" is the first known unreleased single of singer/songwriter Michael Jackson's posthumous career. It currently exists as a 25-second sound bite. The sound bite was released by news outlet TMZ.com on July 16, 2009 and closely resembles "A Horse with No Name". Jim Morey, both Jackson's and America's former band manager, has stated that "America was honored that Michael chose to do their song and they hope it becomes available for all Michael's fans to hear."[7]
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精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/05/09 (月) 6:52 In fact i didn`t care at all about jazz pop rock musicians, black or white, in spite i have being always surrounded by them. (family-husband-friends-son- ancestors =musicians) I can`t , because if you remember i didn`t know a word about that man named MJ and his songs until he came to my room
精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/05/09 (月) 6:52 Then was 2 years , NON STOP of mental connection(Illuminati???, MKULTRA; MIND CONTROL?????????day and night, like another person walking with me, it was overwhelming¡¡¡¡¡¡ Do you thing I like it? NO. I didn`t know why it was happening to me, and changed my entire life for ever. who in the world , Heaven or hell , knows that. I don`t. I didn`t want it, i went to the psychiatry,m to magicians, to shamans to cure it, but nothing . Michael talked to em: """IT is time for you to come and look for me""" There is something that took my interest in★ Isabelle letter: A:R, said to her, "if we have same blood we can have same soul" Same soul, it happens, 2 person with the same soul, even if they don`t know each other.
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精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/04/23 (土) 0:16 I understand perfectly what is happening with this Illuminati-reptilian people, they killed Michal, they kill everybody who represent a danger for them, but they have no more life to live. I truly believe that a big change is working in our planet and Universe. Old believe systemns are ending...like Catholic church(another reptilians) and England queen(reptilian)Obama-Bush society(rep)and so.
ちっこいメダマをつりあげて 将臣と関係妄想した ケイミズモリ板の児童虐待賛美のペドのレプタリアンの イエローのブス集団荒しHNドロがおこってます。 精神世界ニュース掲示板◆ http://kamiwaza.b bs.fc2.com/ マイケルジャクソン公演プロデューサー 前妻から布置将臣宛てのメール 2011/04/23 (土) 0:26 You are absolutely right, i have to consider all this , there is an important message there for ize . At is is great thing that you give me this information, because i think you were in this family too, or next to me in one or more reincarnations. A storm fall down 2 trees and lot of damage in my garden i have to fix all this I will write you soon. Love you
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どうしてイエローの奴らは 将臣のイミテーションをつくることができるのか? インターネットの情報をドロしてるのか?と質問 2011/04/28 (木) 5:57 Children , we all have being abused in one or other way, also our parents and their parents, in a global scale since Greek and Romans civilization(??¡¡¿¿), and then Catholic church continue the legacy of abusing children, control their mind with evil and hell... So when a child is an adult, is a very scared person . A scared person is easier to control. This is what i truly believe. Internet-facebook-TV-Hollywood, cell phones etc are mind controllers. But we need these things and profit of them. How they know you so well to make an imitation ...Internet?I ask you this things , so i can learn about what happen to me too Much love