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2012年08月dejima89: YANAGA WA (271)
TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼 ▼
Fucking American! (201)
4chan (308)
Unco is bitter and delicious. (268)
Unco is bitter and delicious. (268)
Fucking American! (201)
ID Test 2 (397)
1 :2008/05/21 〜 最終レス :2012/05/01 He is the most famous sumo-trainee.
2 : GJ
3 : on the knee
6 : He is the first TATEZUNA in the history of sumo.
8 : moon knee wiroow riveeerr!!!
9 : no! I'm masu-chu
11 : I desire eating to chanko pot however out seasons? no problem! because used on the electric fan
12 : Hosyu until next basyo.
13 : http://www.google.com
14 : Hosyu until next basyo.
15 : Los iki MASUka?
16 : So im in the shower and i start thinking that the shower might be a good place to lie down and shoot cum all over myself... so im fapping for about 20 minutes and when i finally cum it shoots very powerfully into my eye and now it glomping hurts like crazy...how fail is this? And has any other anon ever done something like this?
17 : "Animated," he said. This prayer the holy saurian didst impart upon his loyal followers, the seventh hour of the fourth day of the eleventh month, during the festival of loli-worship. The prayer of RaptorJesus: Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, shopped be Thy face; Thy donations come, Thy posts be done in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. Give us this day our daily Bridget; and forgive us our trolling as we forgive those who troll against us, and lead us definitely into faggotry, but deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the moot, the Raptor, and the Holy Server, Amen.
18 : Your baby loves you, yes, but it will scream relentlessly and mercilessly for whatever it needs, without enlightening you to what that is, and whatever your mental state happens to be. It does definitely know or care if you are hungry, tired, sick or desperate for the loo. It is impervious to reason or pleading, it knows no mercy or patience. It will look at you with eyes full of adoration - and will fly into a hysterical frenzy of rage and terror when you leave the room for 30 seconds. And when it has a chest infection and is put on antibiotics which give it diarrhea, and you are changing the ninth nappy of the day, with every cough it will violently squirt liquid sh-it out at jet propelled force, all over your jeans.
19 : Hosyu until next basyo.
20 : au au
21 : A sharp increase in drugs and cellphones found inside a Brazilian prison mystified officials -- until guards spotted some distressed pigeons struggling to stay airborne. Inmates at the prison in Marilia, Sao Paulo state had been training carrier pigeons to smuggle in goods using cell phone sized pouches on their backs, a low-tech but ingenious way of skipping the high-tech security that visitors faced. "We have sophisticated equipment to search people when they go in, but they avoided this by finding another way to bring in cellphones and drugs," prison director Luciano Gamateli told Globo TV." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080625/od_nm/prison_pigeons_dc
22 : Hosyu until next basyo.
23 : He is west Makushita 40th in next basyo.
24 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
25 : Basyo-mae age.
26 : yes iti is.
27 : Go to 40th, his banzuke!
28 : M
29 : adjg
30 : Y
31 : keitaibou otu
32 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
33 : Kachi MASU ta.
34 : We are Masuchu!!
35 : wakatten daro na! http://bubble6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/dejima/1216033772/
36 : T
37 : S
38 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
39 : Mata kachi MASU ta.
40 : 40get This is his banzuke.
41 : Make MASU ta. 2-1
42 : Hey! Takahashi!! Fuck you!!
43 : Do you know, don't you? (Wakkaten daro na!)
44 : Reported by Christel Takigawa: http://gedo-style.net/g/?v=487138&n=1&d=d.jpg
45 : iyayoiyayomo-sukinouchi!!!!!!!viiii
46 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
47 : Mata kachi MASU ta. 3-1
48 : http://gedo-style.net/g/?v=487444&n=1&d=d.jpg
49 : Fuziwara, do you know what to do?
50 : Kachikoshi MASU TA! 4-1
51 : Make MASU ta. 4-2
52 : http://gedo-style.net/g/?v=488139&n=1&d=d.jpg
53 : Kachi MASU ta.Kon basyo mo arigatou gozai MASU. 5-2@this basyo
54 : He lost Makushita championship by one shiro-boshi.
55 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
56 : Hosyu until next basyo.
61 : YES.He is MUTEKI.
62 : Hosyu until next basyo.
63 : taima>>>>>pachinko
65 : Hosyu until next basyo.
66 : . . . ,, . . . 'i ;;;;;,_ . . . . 'ii ;;;;;;;_;:..,,.,,,,, . . . . . i; i; i; i;'',',;''_' :;,. . . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .) . . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , / . . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,. . . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .) . . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/ . . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;, . . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , ) . . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r . /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,, (y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , ) .V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V
67 : >>66 KUSOres suruna.
68 : Hosyu until next basyo.
69 : Basyo until next hosyu.
70 : He is west Makushita 27th in next basyo.
72 : 3mai akiMASUta.
73 : Reported by Cristel Takigawa: http://gedo-style.net/g/?v=497691&n=1&d=d.jpg
74 : Syoniti make MASU ta. 0-1
75 : Kachi MASU ta. 1-1
76 : One kachi amd one make. 2-2
77 : 100
78 : 1lose Hakuhou,Ama,Goeidou 2lose Kotomltsuki,Yanaga wa
79 : 1lose Hakuhou,Ama,Goeidou 2loses Kotomltsuki,Yanaga wa
80 : Mata make MASU ta. 2-3
81 : Kachi MASU ta. 3-3
82 : Kachikoshi MASU ta! Kon basyo mo arigatou gozai MASU. 4-3
83 : hikikomori BANZAI arigatougozaimasu many thanks are extended towards the people of Japan for this language
84 : Geneki zokko age.
85 : Hosyu until next basyo.
86 : Hosyu until next basyo.
87 : Mu-kiryoku zumo!
88 : Hello! I'm DEJIMA!!!!!!!!!! dejima kara kimashita!!!!
89 : >>88 Hey,DEJIMA! Wakatten daro na!
90 : YAO ja naiyo.Mu-kiryoku dayo.
91 : Tsukihiza!
92 : Hello! I'm maji!!!!!!!!!! dejima kara kimashita!!!!
93 : Hosyu until next basyo.
94 : >>92 Hey,MAJI! Wakatten daro na!
95 : Hosyu until next basyo.
96 : mouyada kono sure
97 : >>96 Yes.This is a "YANA" thread.
98 : Hosyu until next basyo.
100read 1read 1read 100read TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼 ▲
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