How do I uninstall Homebrew? Homebrew doesn’t write files outside its prefix. So generally you can just `rm -rf` the folder you installed it in. If you installed to /usr/local then you may prefer the script in this gist because it will only remove Homebrew and the stuff Homebrew installed leaving anything else in /usr/local alone. You will probably also want to wipe the cache: rm -r ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew うんにゃ…少なくともわかりやすい所には 書いてねぇな…見落としてるだけかも試練が…あとこれだとmakeでいれたのは消えないな
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>So generally you can just `rm -rf` the folder you installed it in. すまん読み落としてたorz書いてあるな最初のほうにorz