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2012年2月dejima15: WHERE ARE YOU FROM? (204) TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 2ch元 削除依頼
dejima has been born. (288)
Fuck China! (530)
newsoku kara kimasuta (222)
I came from "VIP". (303)


1 :09/01/07 〜 最終レス :12/01/27
Do U really from foreign countries?
(= You arent Japanese? )
Please ask you a question
Where R U from?

2 :
from SaltlakeCity U.S.A

3 :
>>2 oh,really??

4 :
Ocean City, NJ

5 :
Caracas, Venezuela

6 :

You are really foreigner?
why do you come here?

7 :
To speak with people of other cultures.
Also, to take a minute out of my day to help others with their english conversation.
I have had a lot of free time over the past two weeks.

8 :
Actually, to be honest, its because I'm a huge japanophile

9 :

10 :

11 :

12 :
Drug running, drug cartelling, something, SOMETHING to do with drugs, right?

13 :
Hrm, there isn't enough activity here.

14 :
everyone hello,
u r from different countries, rn't u?
tell me if u dont know what I say...
where do u live now?
in japan? in the USA?
or other countries?

15 :
I'm in the USA, Arizona currently

16 :
P.S. Don't come to Arizona. It's too hot. People were not meant to live here.

17 :
Texas, USA
No, I don't ride horses and wear a cowboy hat/boots all the time.
That's only the Western half of the state.

18 :
California, USA

19 :

20 :

21 :
Maryland, US.
Anyone know why a single Japanese guy came in here and wanted to know where we were from? lol.

22 :
Any better ideas for a topic? I tried asking about FPS games, but that thread didn't go so well.

23 :
Well, I told you I was Japanese and you didn't believe
me at all, you know...

24 :
i came from vip
boooooooon!! XD

25 :
im from Mars

26 :
maybe if you didn't change your answers six or seven times you would have been more credible.

27 :
I have come from Kinki.

28 :

29 :

30 :
I am from Funabashi, outskirts of Tokyo. and still live in.

31 :
I'm from moon

32 :
tabun gaikoku no hito no tameno 2chan deha naikato

33 :
Maybe, I think this board is "2ch" for foreigners.

34 :
do you like metallica?

35 :
OMG! princess kaguya!!!!!!!

36 :

Shibamata is poor downtown.

37 :

38 :
Are you Chon?

39 :
Do you know The Skanch Esak?

40 :

41 :
OMG! princess kaguya!!!!

42 :
I am also typical hikikomori.
When the relative someone visits my house, I hide in my room and stay there trembling until they return.
Moreover, when the telephone rings I shink back screaming and have one of my families answer the phone.

43 :
I feel kind of uncomfortable myself whenever people visit or when the phone rings
But thats kind of extreme...

44 :
I'm from Quebec D;

45 :
I'm from Taiwan. :D

46 :

47 :

48 :
I have some nippon friends here... so i can understand a little japanese.

49 :
hi, nice to meet you.
have you ever been to Japan?

50 :

51 :
Unfortunately not.
Maybe someday.

52 :
Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia.

53 :
Asakura city,Fukuoka

54 :

55 :
I came from bearing Fire Department.

56 :
Korin Star

57 :
Poznan, Poland

58 :
Ownership of Japan's former northern territories also remains unsettled, as the Soviet Union did not sign the treaty.
Russia rule out returning the Northern Territories.

59 :
I came from China.
Fuck you Jap!

60 :
Hello. Im from Osaka Japan.

your thinking is very shallow. you haven't seen realistic.

61 :
What a poor FAKE chinese you are...

62 :
From Shanghai China and living in Kyoto.
I am a student at Kyoto university.

63 :
what do you think about 2ch?

64 :
what do you think about Japan?

65 :
I was very shocked, at least when I visited the 2ch firstly.
However, 2ch has gotten used to me quickly.
We can find out Japanese craftsmanship even in 2ch's neta and AAs,
which I have to confess are very impressive.
Clean, calm and beautiful place. everything is well ordered.
people are very intelligent, polite and good at collaborative works.
Chinese are also very deligent as well as Japanese, but they would never like to get together at work.

66 :
You're the Japanese, aren't you?
jisaku-jien Z !

67 :
That's more the common stereotype of Japan held by those that
have never visited Japan. In this day and age, can we really
generalize the younger Japanese generation as polite, diligent
team players? I think not...

68 :
65 is a student at Kyoto university.
Kyoto is accustomed to tickle foreigners because sightseeing prefecture for foreigners.
Kyoto people are clever at pretending stereotype Japan.

69 :
in my opinion young people in japan are more polite, compared to some other country that i know
actually no, theyr'e probably just timid and scared of foreigners

70 :
i wanna go to foreign countries!
but i dont know where is good for me(japanese)
please teach me
by the way im student

71 :
kiss my ass

72 :
Thailand, Philippine and Turkey.
These countries people respect Japanese.

73 :
really? thank you!
where are you from?

74 :
I am a born and bred japanese.
And you?

75 :
me too:)

76 :
There is nothing but Japanese people as far as I could see...

77 :
Maybe some "refugees" from 4chan?
Recently AT&T cut off 4chan

78 :

79 :
mexico :D
But aumh how post in 2CH naruto FORUMS!!!!!!!!!

80 :

81 :
Who killed John-John?

82 :
4chan refugees usually move to 7chan or iichan.

83 :

84 :

85 :

A secret proxy server is taught
Nice to meet you ~
It informs them for a moment today.
A secret proxy server has been opened to the public as a member limitation privilege of "2ch" now.
There is only making to a secret WEB site, all records do not remain in the access log when misusing it,
and do not misuse it earnestly, please.
Of course, it is free.
We will inform you of IP address and the port number to use a secret proxy server with following URL.
! Please continue your favors toward assistance. !

86 :
VIP kara kimashita
I Don't like English

87 :
Dejima is good.
Cause, iPhone can write.
I will be dejimanese.

88 :
Im from Brasil

89 :
oreha Tyoosen to kankoku no half / yumeha ondo hantoo touitsu

90 :
In Japan , Kanagawa prefecture which has many place to see,
especially for foreign people.for example,GreatBudda, Enoshima-island,
and so many ONSEN(hot spring)s.I hope you will enjoy these.

91 :
Any country is relatively forgiving for the Japanese to visit.
Except, of course, China and Korea. 8)

92 :

93 :
Kisarazu, Chiba

94 :
here is heaven for our cellphone user!!

95 :

long time no see
how r u?
im high school student in Tokyo,
i study Eng very hard 'cause i wanna go and talk wiz many foreignerz.
but i cant speak and write Eng well...X(

96 :
Long time, no see.
How are you?
I'm a high school student in Tokyo.
I study English very hard 'cause I want to go and talk with many foreigners.
Although, I don't speak or write English well... X(

97 :
Japanese,live in Sapporo.

98 :
you are...?

99 :
I am an Australian living in Sydney.
I felt like correcting >>95 because his English doesn't sound good.

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